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Offline Manslow

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I am Brahman - Experiences with Sai Baba
« on: October 05, 2010, 07:48:06 AM »
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  • I am a western devotee of Sai Baba of Shirdi and my experiences of him and my attachment to the Indian philosophy of Advaita Vedanta are contained in my book "I am Brahman".  This book contains my spiritual journey and how I came to India in search of deeper understanding.  I travelled to Shirdi and was awed in a Sai temple when his eyes moved as he studied me.  Only later was I to learn that of the ten Sai promises one is: "If you look at me, I will look at you." 

    "I am Brahman" is an English man's journey into Indian spirituality and how I encountered Sai Baba on the way.  The book is published by O Books and is available through Amazon.  I would be humbled if any follower of Sai Baba of Shirdi were ever to read it.  Om Sai.

    Maurice Anslow

    Offline drashta

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    Re: I am Brahman - Experiences with Sai Baba
    « Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 11:46:37 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Dear Maurice,

    Welcome to this blessed forum of Sai devotees. We are privileged to have you among us. Your experience in Shirdi temple is awe-inspiring, and does indeed reassure us of Baba's promise.

    I just read the synopsis of your book at the site that you provide. I'm particularly delighted that the title of your book resonates with Shri Nisaragdatta Maharaj's book "I am That". I will try to get a copy of your book to benefit from your spiritual journey; more specifically, through your experiences with Baba Sai.

    We will consider ourselves fortunate if you could contribute to our spiritual growth through your writings on this forum. As you know, many devotees of Baba may not get access to your book for any reason. Kindly consider my humble request and try to post excerpts from your book as and when time permits you.

    Once again I thank you for your kind message today. We will look forward to read more from you.

    Love and regards.

    Jai Sai Ram

    Offline tkmadhumoorti

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    Re: I am Brahman - Experiences with Sai Baba
    « Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 05:17:12 AM »
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  • Dear Maurice,

    My Salutations to your devotion to Indian Adwaita.  Great Great Great indeed is this Adwaita.  I have had a swim in this ocean and have tasted a bit too and have now become a slave.  I would love to read your book.  Please post excerpts for the benefit of advaitins like me.  Infact I have written a small booklet "The Complete Mind" which I shall post in this website some time.

    I think we should interact on the subject of "I am Brahman" for mutual benefit.  I am a close follower of Bhagwan Ramana's teachings, Shankara's Teadhings, Sai Baba's Teachings, Osho's Teachings, Vivekananda's Teachings and every Adwait Guru's teachings. 




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