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Author Topic: HANUMAN - THE WIND-GOD  (Read 3310 times)

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« on: February 24, 2007, 12:44:48 AM »
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  • [In Ramayana a major role has been  played by the Wind-god  Veer  Hanuman  in  finding out Sita,  the consort   of  Shri  Ramchandra.   Matchless  were the services rendered by him and his monkey host.    But for him, Rama's efforts would have proved fruitless. Let us   have a glimpse at   this powerful   God   Lord Maruti, on the day of his birth viz   Hanuman   Jayanti   which falls this year on 25-4-75.    Shri Sai Baba   was very   much fond of   Ram-Leela, which is celebrated   throughout the   length and breadth of India. "Wherever there is Ram,   there is Hanuman too."    So runs the saying on the lips of everyone - Editor.]

    When Sita was carried away by Ravana, the ten-headed one, Rama and Lakshman wandered through a rigion in South India which was then known as Kishkindha.

    There was a great kingdom of Monkeys in the epic days and they dwelt on the summits of Mahendra, Himawat, Vindhya and Kailash; also on Mandara, the peaks of Pandu and the five hills. They lived on mountains wearing the hue of the infant Sun, and were ever bright. Dreadful monkeys, resembling colly-sium-like clouds and having the strength of mighty elephants, lived in the mansions high on the mountains. Some of them re¬sided on the golden hills of Anjana, Mahashila and Meru shining like the evening sky.
    The pleasant city of Kishkindha, situated in the centre of caves was the capital of the monkey kings. These caves, huge and picturesque, adorned with jewels and flowery gardens were their abodes and wished-for-fruits were produced there at all times. It was filled with palatial buildings. It was beautiful with good looking monkey-children of the celestials and Gandharwas-wearing heavenly garlands and clothes and assuming shapes at will.

    Studded Diamonds

    The capital city of Kishkindha was always fragrant with the sweet smell of sandlewood, aguru and lotuses and its highways were equally fragrant with the smell of honey; and the tops of the neighbouring mounts looked like studded diamonds in the ring of the city. There were rivers of clear water which added their * natural notes to the daily routine of the inhabitants. And there lived the great and most honourable monkey lords like Angada, Mainda, Divada, Subahu, Hanuman, Veerbahu, Kumuda, Suihena, Tara, Jambaban, Neela, Suneta and Supatala well known for their prowess. These monkey lords looked like sable clouds adorned with excellent garlands, filled with rice and jewels along with their fair damsels of the region.

    Among them Sugriva was the most powerful lord or so to say the Emperor of the Kingdom. The turrets and spires of his palace, covered with dense and wild forests and cool and snowy shades, resembled the peaks of Kailash. There were great apart¬ments furnished with many a gold and silver bedsteads with embroidered coverlets and comfortable seats. No sooner had one entered the splendid rooms than one heard the musical sounds on stringed instruments. King Sugriva used to sit on his majestic throne surrounded by many a fair damsel, proud of their youth and beauty, who often delighted him with the tinkling and jingling noise of their girdles and nupuras (an ornament of their feet and toes.)
    One day Sugriva summoned Hanuman -- the Chief Minister of the Kingdom -- and told him that two ascetics with bows and arrows and daggers were traversing his dominions. He thought that the men might have been despatched by Vali with whom he was not on good terms and he therefore ordered Hanuman, "O Maruti, go and ask them why they have entered my forest."

    Lord   Hanuman   lost   no   time   in   approaching   Rama and Lakshman, who welcomed and greeted him with soft words.   They found Sugriva's minister affectionate and skilled in speech,   well-      I versed in Rig Veda, YOJ'UT Veda, and thoroughly acquainted with     i Sam Veda; and a learned grammarian,   who did not use a single inelegant word.

    "Whose heart is not moved by these words?" Rama said to Lakshman, "indeed the missions of the king, whose emissaries are so accomplished, will be fulfilled only by virtue of their words."
    "We shall quit this forest at once if you so desire, O best of monkeys, as commanded by your king." Replied Lakshman with the consent of his elder brother.

    Hearing these words the son of Pavana, delighted and revol¬ving within himself the means of Sugriva's regaining his lost honour, proposed to bring about a friendly union between them and thought his lord would be able to obtain the monarchy with the help of Rama.

    Consequently in a combat between Vali and Sugriva, Vali was slain by a mighty shaft of Rama. Sugriva was installed as the king. As a reward for the service rendered to the kingdom of monkeys, particularly to Sugriva, he ordered his monkey host to help Rama to find out Sita, who was carried away by the fierce looking Rakshasa.

    Thereupon powerful monkeys were sent in all direceions by Sugriva to find out Sita. Jambavan, the foremost of monkeys, in order to encourage Hanuman, who was rather crest-fallen, addressed him in vigorous tones :-

    "O powerful Wind-god, neither on earth, nor in the sky, nor in the ethereal -regions, nor yet in water, see I any obstacles in thy course. Thy motion, vehemence, energy and fleetness are like those of thy sire and there exists no creature on earth that is like unto thee. Thou art alike in energy and strength, equal to Sugriva, monarch of monkeys, arid to Rama and Lakshman. Thou art well versed in religious lore and political economy, wit and courage and policy and conduct in consonance with season and place. Therefore, dost thou bethink thyself how Sita may be recovered.

    Monkey Spouse

    "O son of Maruta, the foremost of Apsaras (nymphs) Puji-kathala, more famed under the name of Anjana, is the spouse of the monkey Kesarin. Famous in the three worlds, and incompa¬rable on earth by virtue of her beauty, by an imprecation, my son, she was born in the monkey-race, capable of wearing shapes at her will.

    "Once upon a time, that daughter of the high souled mon¬keys, Kunjara, endowed with youth and beauty, decked in a de¬lightful garland and clad in silk, assuming a human form, was ringing on the summit of a mountain, resembling a mass of clouds in the rainy season. And it came to pass that as that one of the expensive eyes was standing on the summit of the mount, the Wind gently stole away her elegant yellow cloth with crim¬son skirts. And he had a sight of her fair and fine face.

    "And as soon as the Wind saw that illustrious one of aus¬picious hip and slender waist, and whose every limb was lovely, he was again overcome by desire. And all his frame possessed by Manmatha (Cupid) and deprived of self, the Wind embraced that blameless one by means of his long arms. Thereat, influen¬ced by fear, that one of the excellent vows said — 'Who is that desireth to lay violent hands upon my chastity?' Hearing Anjana's words, the Wind answered — 'I do not wrong thee, I have mentally entered into thy womb. Let not fear enter thy heart. Thou shalt bear a son, intelligent and endowed with prowess and gifted with great strength and possessing exceeding energy, and having vast vigour, he shall equal me in bounding and leaping.

    "Thus addressed, O mighty monkey, thy mother, gave birth to thee in a cave, in the mighty forest. Though a child, desirous of eating, seeing the Sun risen, and taking him to be a fruit, sprang up and leaped into the sky. And O mighty monkey, going there thousand yojanas, thou struck by his energy, did not feel poverty of spirit.

    "And seeing thee rushing through the heavens, O mighty Hanuman, Indra in his wrath hurled his thunderbolt at thee. Thereat breaking thy left jaw, thou fell on the mountain top. (Hanu-means jaw, Hanuman means-he with the fractured jaw).

    Standstill Life

    "From these circumstances, thy name hath been known as Hanuman. Witnessing thee beaten back, that bearer of perfumes himself, the wind, that breaketh everything before him, in wrath did not blow through the three worlds. Life came to a standstill. Thereat all the gods -- lords of the universe — influenced by fear in consequence of the triune world waxing agitated, began to pacify the wrathful wind.
    "And on the wind being mollified, Brahmans conferred on him a boon, saying, — 'O child, O thou of true prowess! Thy son shall be incapable of being slain in battle by means of wea¬pons.' And seeing Hanuman sustain no serious injuries conse. quent on the impact of thunderbolt, he of a thousand eyes (Indra) pleased in his soul also conferred on Hanuman an exce¬llent boon, 'O Lord, thy death shall take place according to thy will.'

    "O mighty and glorious Hanuman; thou, endowed with the dreadful vigour, art the son of Kesari by his wife, and resembling the Wind in energy, thou hast sprung from his loins. Thou art the son of the Wind, my child, equal to him in the power of leaping. So nothing is impossible for thee and I trust within no time thou shalt find out Sita. I beseech thee to hasten at once."
    Such was the   wonderful   tale narrated by Jambavan about the   birth of   Hanuman,   the   mighty lord   of the monkeys -- an j incarnate God of strength.

    Prof.;- Vaman H.  Pandit
    13, Khatipura, Indore City (M. P.)
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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