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Questions and Answers
« on: February 24, 2007, 12:42:27 AM »
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  • Those who are good readers are good thinkers also; but sometimes it so happens that while they are ruminating over some religious or philosophical matters that they have read, certain questions pose before their mind, to which they are not able to find a satisfactory reply. Such questions therefore haunt them like a ghost. At the time of the first gathering of the writers and poets contributing their articles :to Shri Sai Leela, held at Shirdi on the 18th and 19th January 1975, it was therefore suggested by one devotee, Shri Nandwani, that we may start one section of "Questions and Answers" for getting satisfactory replies to the questions of the type referred to above. Shu Nandwani's suggestion is accepted and the section is being started from this month.

    The first question, which is asked by Shri Nandwani himself, is being placed before our readers. Those who feel that they have a satisfactory reply to the question, may please send it to the editor, which will be published in this section if found to be satisfactory. Our readers may also forward to us similar questions.
    The question is, "Why Sai Baba lost in the wrestling bout with Mohiuddin Tamboli and at later age threw down Rohilla, a fanatic, with just a touch on the wrist?"

    Picture on the Cover Page

    Once when Vasudevananda Saraswati was at Rajamahendri, he happened to meet Shri Pundaleekrao, a pleader from Nanded. After ascertaining from him that he was going to Shirdi, Shri Vasudevananda gave him a cocoanut with a request to give it to Shri Sai Baba after going to Shirdi. On their way, the party broke the fruit inadvertently. When Shri Pundleekrao reached Shirdi and bowed before Baba, he asked him, "Where ^is the cocoanut given to me by my brother?" Such brotherly feeling existed between Baba and his contemporary saints.
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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