Do agree with Rajiv. As in Q&A by Sai Baba on most of the websites, Baba has given special importance to Donation (But, Most of the time Food alomost 90%, Hardly about money). In busy life, Many modern devotees find difficult to spare time in finding needy and Give money to whom whosoever ask. This is there money and they are free to use anyway. But, Devotion can not be bought with power of Money. If this would be the case We never had Saint Kabir, Ravidass Ji, Namdev Ji, Haridass Ji and even Sai himself.
One more thing, Sai never let his devotee fall in worst condition finacially. In my life twice I spent major time without any job/work. First Got Loan, But after that when still unable to get work, every month Sai arrange minimum amout even without asking anyone for help. The people whom I helped in past, Returned money even I never asked. Baba don't say that he will make his devotees super-rich, but always arrange for his minimum needs. Blessing him with Shardha & Saburi.
From chapter VI of Sai Sat Charitra, It is assurance of Sai Baba:
"There will never be any dearth or scarcity, regarding food and clothes, in any devotees’ homes. It is my special characteristic, that I always look to, and provide, for the welfare of those devotees, who worship Me whole-heartedly with their minds ever fixed on Me. Lord Krishna has also said the same in the Gita. Therefore, strive not much for food and clothes. If you want anything, beg of the Lord, leave worldly honours, try to get Lord’s grace and blessings, and be honored in His Court."
मेरे भक्तों के घर अन्न तथा वस्त्रों का कभी अभाव नहीं होगा । यह मेरा वैशिष्टय है कि जो भक्त मेरी शरण आ जाते है ओर अंतःकरण से मेरे उपासक है, उलके कल्याणार्थ मैं सदैव चिंतित रहता हूँ । कृष्ण भगवान ने भी गीता में यही समझाया है । इसलिये भोजन तथा वस्त्र के लिये अधिक चिंता न करो । यदि कुछ मांगने की ही अभिलाषा है तो ईश्वर को ही भिक्षा में माँगो ।
Help whenever you can do, But to whom who deserve. Can arrange study of a child. Arrange marriage of a poor with reasonable exps.
Lets Don't mix Maya and spirituality here.
May Sai Bless all with atleast minimum arrangement for foods, clothes and shelter!
om sri sai ram!