सिरीरागु महला ५ ॥
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
जा कउ मुसकलु अति बणै ढोई कोइ न देइ ॥
When you are confronted with terrible hardships, and no one offers you any support,
लागू होए दुसमना साक भि भजि खले ॥
When your friends turn into enemies, and even your relatives have deserted you,
सभो भजै आसरा चुकै सभु असराउ ॥
And when all support has given way, and all hope has been lost
चिति आवै ओसु पारब्रहमु लगै न तती वाउ ॥१॥
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, even the hot wind shall not touch you. ||1||
साहिबु निताणिआ का ताणु ॥
Our Lord and Master is the Power of the powerless.
आइ न जाई थिरु सदा गुर सबदी सचु जाणु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
He does not come or go; He is Eternal and Permanent. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is known as True. ||1||Pause||
जे को होवै दुबला नंग भुख की पीर ॥
If you are weakened by the pains of hunger and poverty,
दमड़ा पलै ना पवै ना को देवै धीर ॥
With no money in your pockets, and no one will give you any comfort,
सुआरथु सुआउ न को करे ना किछु होवै काजु ॥
And no one will satisfy your hopes and desires, and none of your works is accomplished
चिति आवै ओसु पारब्रहमु ता निहचलु होवै राजु ॥२॥
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall obtain the eternal kingdom. ||2||
जा कउ चिंता बहुतु बहुतु देही विआपै रोगु ॥
When you are plagued by great and excessive anxiety, and diseases of the body;
ग्रिसति कुट्मबि पलेटिआ कदे हरखु कदे सोगु ॥
When you are wrapped up in the attachments of household and family, sometimes feeling joy, and then other times sorrow;
गउणु करे चहु कुंट का घड़ी न बैसणु सोइ ॥
When you are wandering around in all four directions, and you cannot sit or sleep even for a moment
चिति आवै ओसु पारब्रहमु तनु मनु सीतलु होइ ॥३॥
-if you come to remember the Supreme Lord God, then your body and mind shall be cooled and soothed. ||3||
कामि करोधि मोहि वसि कीआ किरपन लोभि पिआरु ॥
When you are under the power of sexual desire, anger and worldly attachment, or a greedy miser in love with your wealth;
चारे किलविख उनि अघ कीए होआ असुर संघारु ॥
If you have committed the four great sins and other mistakes; even if you are a murderous fiend
पोथी गीत कवित किछु कदे न करनि धरिआ ॥
Who has never taken the time to listen to sacred books, hymns and poetry
चिति आवै ओसु पारब्रहमु ता निमख सिमरत तरिआ ॥४॥
-if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, and contemplate Him, even for a moment, you shall be saved. ||4||
सासत सिम्रिति बेद चारि मुखागर बिचरे ॥
People may recite by heart the Shaastras, the Simritees and the four Vedas;
तपे तपीसर जोगीआ तीरथि गवनु करे ॥
They may be ascetics, great, self-disciplined Yogis; they may visit sacred shrines of pilgrimage
खटु करमा ते दुगुणे पूजा करता नाइ ॥
And perform the six ceremonial rituals, over and over again, performing worship services and ritual bathings.
रंगु न लगी पारब्रहम ता सरपर नरके जाइ ॥५॥
Even so, if they have not embraced love for the Supreme Lord God, then they shall surely go to hell. ||5||
राज मिलक सिकदारीआ रस भोगण बिसथार ॥
You may possess empires, vast estates, authority over others, and the enjoyment of myriads of pleasures;
बाग सुहावे सोहणे चलै हुकमु अफार ॥
You may have delightful and beautiful gardens, and issue unquestioned commands;
रंग तमासे बहु बिधी चाइ लगि रहिआ ॥
You may have enjoyments and entertainments of all sorts and kinds, and continue to enjoy exciting pleasures
चिति न आइओ पारब्रहमु ता सरप की जूनि गइआ ॥६॥
-and yet, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall be reincarnated as a snake. ||6||
बहुतु धनाढि अचारवंतु सोभा निरमल रीति ॥
You may possess vast riches, maintain virtuous conduct, have a spotless reputation and observe religious customs;
मात पिता सुत भाईआ साजन संगि परीति ॥
You may have the loving affections of mother, father, children, siblings and friends;
लसकर तरकसबंद बंद जीउ जीउ सगली कीत ॥
You may have armies well-equipped with weapons, and all may salute you with respect;
चिति न आइओ पारब्रहमु ता खड़ि रसातलि दीत ॥७॥
But still, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, then you shall be taken and consigned to the most hideous hell! ||7||
काइआ रोगु न छिद्रु किछु ना किछु काड़ा सोगु ॥
You may have a body free of disease and deformity, and have no worries or grief at all;
मिरतु न आवी चिति तिसु अहिनिसि भोगै भोगु ॥
You may be unmindful of death, and night and day revel in pleasures;
सभ किछु कीतोनु आपणा जीइ न संक धरिआ ॥
You may take everything as your own, and have no fear in your mind at all;
चिति न आइओ पारब्रहमु जमकंकर वसि परिआ ॥८॥
But still, if you do not come to remember the Supreme Lord God, you shall fall under the power of the Messenger of Death. ||8||
किरपा करे जिसु पारब्रहमु होवै साधू संगु ॥
The Supreme Lord showers His Mercy, and we find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
जिउ जिउ ओहु वधाईऐ तिउ तिउ हरि सिउ रंगु ॥
The more time we spend there, the more we come to love the Lord.
दुहा सिरिआ का खसमु आपि अवरु न दूजा थाउ ॥
The Lord is the Master of both worlds; there is no other place of rest.
सतिगुर तुठै पाइआ नानक सचा नाउ ॥९॥१॥२६॥
When the True Guru is pleased and satisfied, O Nanak, the True Name is obtained. ||9||1||26||