Dear Sai i confess my guilt which always chased me, i promised you to be good but due to my self interest i did some wrong, Baba i did tit for tat with those who came to cheat me or intended only, it is neither my justification nor saying to forgive me but baba please punish me phisically don't break my relation of love she is the only inspiration to take me on way of honesty please baba reham karna.
Baba i never hurt anyone intentionally as i remember, if i really did please get me remember, i do remember becaus of anger i did some wrong but as soon as i realised i beg pardon to them baba you know well i had been rational enough in my life, though under influence of imotion, lust, anger,hate,greed,selfisness,selfcenteredness what ever i have done please forgive me..give me this last chance to be true with you, as you know well i tries my best to keep my words...please baba burn my all guilt and refresh my good deeds. let me be good for good my life, i am in your shelter, my continious running eyes are not fake i am really sorry for all my guilt...give me one last chance to be good, she is my life let me be alive baba please favor me as you have done always.