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Offline babu

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Forgive me baba
« on: October 18, 2005, 07:50:10 AM »
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  • Baba....I'm ashamed of myself. Today when i heard that a friend of mine has got a good offer in a good company. I immediately felt that people with low capabilities are getting good job. Though i didn't mean any harm to the person. I don't like to think in that way. PLease me to think and do only good to others. Baba please forgive me for that thought....I'm afterall a human being. Please baba help me to have higher thoughts. Please curb my mind from comparing my life with others. Help me to be contented with what ever i have. Before giving me anythng in life....bless me with a calm and composed mind that will feel happiness with what ever you offer me. I want a blissful mind. Please give me more intelligence and a clear mind. PLease baba forgive me.....forgive me for all my sins. Give me a mind that thinks of nothing but good things

    Om shri satchidanada satguru sainath maharaj ki jai

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 09:20:52 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Babu Bhai atleast you know each and everything of yours.....

    Mere feeling ashamed will not do any justice to you, work on those thoughts and start Transcending them......BABA SAI will definately help you transcending them to meditation, if you can.....

    Om Shri Sathidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai......BABA SAI BLESS AND HELP BABU BHAI.....

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Astrid

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 10:17:17 AM »
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  • Sai Ram

    Babu, dear brother. It is good to know our faults, because this gives us a chance to work on them. It happens to all of us to have thoughts that are not exactly the kind of thoughts we'd love to have. In such cases I use to give myself little excercises and I found out over the years they really work, they do away with guilty feelings in a playful way and change my view. One such excercise was to try and find something beautiful in every person I'd come across. There's beauty in everyone, even in those who do in no way match common "standards". In the case of your friend for instance you could look for the thing he's really good at ... if you try to make that a game you play with yourself and do it with everyone you meet whenever you think of it, you will discover changes in you that will make you much happier with yourself and with life.
    Give it a try - it's worth it.

    And last but not least: I admire and greatly appreciate your openness and your courage to post your thoughts and how you feel about them. Many people have thoughts like the one you happened to have - few are ready to admit them and even fewer are willing to change them. You are on right track, dear brother, keep it up - and - as beloved Ramsh Bhai said - BABA SAI will help you transcend whatever you want to overcome ...



    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 12:39:49 PM »
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  • Dear Babu bhai,

    What Ramesh Bhai and sister Astrid told made a lot of sense to me. I agree with what dear sister Astrid told and just would like to add that your willingness to change right from the nadir(Thought in this case)is a very positive aspect and Baba will always be there with you and will help you.
    We are in right company of good people in this family, and why fear when our father is there with us.

    I love you Baba.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline babu

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 10:04:32 AM »
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  • Thanks Ramesh ji, Astrid Ji and Praveen ji. I feel light now. Astrid Ji your philosophy looks very interesting, I will try my best to follow that. I have tried meditating many times, but I'm really not able to carry on this with satisfaction. Baba...should bless me and only then i can meditate in a successful way.

    Om shri satchidananda satguru sainath maharaj ki jai

    Offline Astrid

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 10:40:13 AM »
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  • Sai Ram

    Babu, dear, if you are looking for some help with meditation, go to "Sai Baba help me" in this forum and look for the posts under "Our mind is like Quicksilver" (you may have to go some pages back). There you will find very valuable advice by our dearest Ramesh Bhai.

    May you always feel showered with BABA'S blessings whether it be concerning your thesis, meditation, your wife's job or any other field.



    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE

    Offline babu

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 08:30:47 AM »
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  • Thanks Astrid Ji....I went through most of the messages in that post....still lot more left. Most of the topics there are eye openers. Thanks  for directing me there. Thanks Ramesh Ji for all the instructions in that post ("Our mind is like Quicksilver").

    Om shri satchidanada sainath maharaj ki jai

    Offline babu

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #7 on: November 27, 2005, 10:57:51 AM »
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  • Baba...PLease forgive all the sins that I have done till date and help me to stay away from the activites that will make me sinfull. Baba..make my thoughts pure. Let me  not think bad. know my mind and I don't have to give you all the accounts. Please get rid off the thoughts that you feel are not good.

    Om shri satchidanada satguru sainath maharaj ki jai

    Offline Astrid

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    Re: Forgive me baba
    « Reply #8 on: November 27, 2005, 11:25:38 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram

    Babu, dear brother, don't feel bad because of any bad thoughts and don't fight them - this will only make them stronger. As long as we have this human body they will be there, they happen to all of us. When next you catch yourself having thought or felt something that you don't like, go back to that thought, say to it something like: Okay, since you are there ... and then visualise yourself taking it and giving it into BABA's Dhuni. Watch it burn away, feel the relief and carry on with your day.

    Do this with every such thought every time they come to you and don't worry in the least about their frequency.

    Have S & S and see what will happen over time ....

    May you always feel BABA's blessings.



    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE


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