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God and Untouchability
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:55:35 AM »
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  • The high priest of a Hindu Temple refused admission to an "untouchable." saying:-"You are impure. Come again! Do penance for two years, and I shall let you know if you are fit to sit in the temple."
    Sad at heart, the "untouchable" went back home. After three years, the priest saw the "untouchable", passing by the Tem¬ple "Where have you been?" asked the priest. "Two years and more have passed since you saw me last!"

    The "untouchable" said :- "Sir! you were kind to ask me to do the penance: and the Lord was gracious. He blessed me with His vision And He said to me:- 'Enter not the Temple where they sit in pride of birth and caste : I Myself have not been in the Temple for many, many years ! They who have humility in their hearts, - they behold Me: for the light of Lord doth shine in their silence and their worship !' "
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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