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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2016, 11:33:07 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    4th Section


    The Vishnu Purana says that in future there will be a king called Mahapadmanada.
    Like a second Parashurama, he will destroy all the kshatriyas. The shudras will
    then become kings. Mahapadma will have eight sons and he and his sons will
    rule the earth for a hundred years. But a brahmana named Koutilya will kill
    all of them, and the shudra kings known as the Mouryas will rule. Koutilya will
    make Chandragupta king.

    The Maura kings will rule for a hundred and thirty-seven years. Then the Shunga
    kings will rule for a hundred and twelve years. After that the Kanva kings will rule
     for forty-five years. Then the Andhra kings will rule for four hundred and fifty-six
    years. Then there will be various dynasties known as the Abhiras, Gardhabhilas,
    Shakas, Yavanas, Tukharas, Mundas, Mounas, Pouras, Kailakilas, Vahlikas, Nishadas,
    Nagas, Magadhas and Guptas.

    The kali era will be a terrible period. Subjects will flee to the mountains because
    they will not be able to bear the taxes levied by the kings. They will not have food
    to eat and clothes to wear. Dharma will be destroyed. Vishnu will be born again as
    Kalki to destroy all the evil-doers. It is after this that dharma will be established.
    Kali yuga will last for three lakh and sixty thousand years.

    This is the end of the fourth section of the Vishnu Purana.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    « Reply #31 on: August 14, 2016, 11:27:13 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Vasudeva and Devaki

    Vasudeva married Devaka’s daughter Devaki. Kamsa drove the chariot of the
    couple on the occasion of the marriage. At that time, divine words were heard
     from the sky. A voice said, “Stupid Kamsa, whom are you driving in the chariot?
    The eighth child of this woman is going to kill you.”

    When he heard this, Kamsa took up his sword and wanted to kill Devaki.
    But Vasudeva said, “Brave warrior, do not kill Devaki. Rest assured that I will
    hand over to you all the children who are born.” Kamsa agreed to this

    At that time, Prithivi (the earth) went to the gods on Mount Sumeru and
    complained. She said that the daityas who had been born on earth were creating
    havoc there. Many years ago, a daitya known as Kalanemi had been destroyed
    by Vishnu. This Kalanemi had now been born as Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena.
    He had got together with other evil and powerful kings like Arishta, Dhenuka,
    Keshi, Pralamba, Naraka, Sunda and Vanasura. All this oppression was proving
    to be too much for the earth.

    Brahman corroborated what the earth had said. He said, “Let us all go to the
    northern shores of the great ocean and pray to Vishnu there. Whenever something
    like this happens, Vishnu is born on earth to protect the cause of dharma.”

    On hearing these prayers, Vishnu appeared before Braham and the other gods.
    He heard what the gods had to say and tore off two hairs from his head. “These
    two hairs of mine will be born on earth to destroy the asuras,” he said. “And all
    these other gods will also be born on earth to fight with the asuras.” Before
    disappearing, he also added, “I shall be born as the eighth child of Devaki.”

    Kamsa heard all this from the sage Narada. He was furious and imprisoned Vasudeva
    and Devaki. One by one, six sons were born to Kevaki and Kamsa killed each of
    these sons. Vasudeva had another wife known as Rohini who lived in Gokula. The
    seventh son was magically transferred from Devaki to Rohini so that Kamsa never
    got a chance to kill it. This son grew up to be Sankarshana.

    When Vishnu entered Devaki’s body , Devaki looked so bright that no one could
    bear to glance at her. Krishna was finally born during the monsoon in the month
    of Shravana. (The accounts in different Puranas do not always agree. In some other
    accounts, it is stated that Krishna was born in the month of Bhadra.) The actual date
    was the eighth day of krishnapaksha. He was born right at the stroke of midnight.
    All the sages were happy at this birth, the winds and the rivers became peaceful.
    The gandharvas sang and the apsaras danced. The gods showered down flowers
    form the sky.

    Since there was the danger that Kamsa might kill the baby, Vasudeva, proposed to
    leave the child somewhere else. The guards slept, the prison door opened and the
    chains fell away by the grace of Vishnu. It was raining furiously that night. But a
    great snake held up its hood to protect Vasudeva and the baby. Vasudeva had to
    cross the river Yamuna which was very deep. But thanks to Vishnu, the water never
    rose above his thighs. Vasudeva corssed the river and met Nanda and other cowherds.
    Yashoda had given birth to a daughter known as Yogamaya. Vasudeva placed Krishna
    on Yashoda’s bed and removed Yogamaya. He then returned to the prison with

    The guards woke up and reported to Kamsa that Devaki had given birth to a child.
    Kamsa rushed to the prison, picked up the baby and threw it down on the stones so
    as to kill it. But Yu\ogamaya was really a goddess who had been sent by Vishnu. When
    Kamsa threw her down, the baby rose up into the air and adopted the eight-armed
    form of the goddess. “Stupid Kamsa.” She said, “the person who will kill has already
    been born. It was the who had killed you in your last birth.” So saying, Yogamaya
    disappeared intot he sky.

    Kamsa called all his evil friends together and said.”My friends, the mischievous devas
    are trying to get me killed, but because I am brave, I am not going to pay any attention
    to this. Have you not seen how Indra fled like a coward before my arrows? In this
    whole world I am not sacred of anyone other than my guru Jarasandha. These attempts
    of the devas made me laugh. Nevertheless, one has to be careful as I have been told
    that Devaki’s son will kill me. We have to kill any male child who seems to be unduly

    He was no further point in detaining Vasudeva and Deaki. He released them and said,
    “I have unnecessarily killed your children but that must have been their fate. The
    person who is to kill me must have been born somewhere else.”

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    « Reply #32 on: August 15, 2016, 12:09:48 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    The Death of Putana and Other Incidents

    Nanda and the other cowherds had come to Mathura to pay taxes to the king.
    Upon his release, Vasudeva congratulated Nanda for the birth of Nanda’s son.
    He did not tell Nanda that the son was really his. He told Nanda to quickly
    return to Gokula and take care of Nanda’s own son as well as Vasudeva’s
    other son who was with Rohini.

    The cowherds returned to Gokula. One night in Gokula, Putana came to feed
    the young Krishna. Putana was evil. The limbs of any child she fed at night
    got destroyed. But Krishna grasped Putana and began to drink her life out
    of her. With a thunderous noise Putana fell down and died.

    Another time, the baby Krishna was lying down under a cart. He felt very
    hungry and was crying and kicking his legs up in the air. As a result of his
    kicking, the cart got overturneed and all the pots and vats that were on the
    cart got broken. Everyone came running to see what had happened. They
    were very surpised to find tha such a small baby had over turned a huge
    cart. Yoshada worshipped the cart with curds, flowers and fruit.

    The sage Garga came to Gokula and named the two sons. Rohini’s son
    was named Rama and Yoshada’s son was named Krishna. Soon the babies
    learnt to crawl, and smeared with cowdung, roamed around everywhere.
    They went into the cowsheds and pulled the tails of calves.

    On one particular day Yoshada got tired of all this. She got hold of some ropes
    and tied up Krishna to a thresher. Then she went away to do her housework.
    Krishna pulled and tugged at the thresher. There were two big arjuna trees
    that grew not very far away. Krishna dragged the thresher to these trees and
    tried to pass through the space between them. But the thresher got stuck in
    the space between the two arjuna trees. And as Krishna pulled and tugged,
    the huge trees were uprooted trees on the ground. And Krishna sat there
    amongst the wreckage, smiling. The rope that Yoshada had tied around his
    stomach was still there. Because a rope is called dama, Krishna came to be
    known as Damodara.

    But the cowherds of Gokula were worried at what they thought were bad omens.
    First there was the death of Putana, next there was the overturning of the huge
    cart and finally there was the uprooting of the trees. They were not aware that
    Krishna was responsible for all this. They thought that some terrible danger was
    about to befall Gokula. So with hteir carts and their cattle, they left for Vrindavana.

    Rama and Krishna grew up there. They looked after the calves,they played in
    the fields, they wore peacock feathers on their heads and they played the flute.
    Amongst their close firends were Shakha and Vishakha.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:57:09 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    « Reply #33 on: August 15, 2016, 12:10:34 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Kaliya Humbled

    Part of the Yamuna river was known as the spot of Kaliya. Kaliya was
    huge snake that lived in the water. Because the snake lived at that
    spot, all the trees along the banks were scorched. And if any birds
    flew over the area and the spray of the water struck them, the birds
    immediately died. Krishna realized that his snake was none other than
    the snake which had been defeated by Garuda in the ocean. It had now
    fled from the ocean and had made a home in the Yamuna. The result was
    that no one could drink the water of the Yamuna at the spot.

    Krishna resolved to kill the snake. He tied his clothes firmly around his body
    and jumped into the water from a kadamba tree. As Krishna jumped into the
    river, the spray struck the trees along the bank and because the spray was
    poisoned by the poison of the snake, the trees began to burn.

    Krishna began to swim in the water. On hearing the sound, Kaliya quickly
    arrived there. His eyes were red with anger and flames issued out of his mouth.
    He was surounded on all sides by poisonous snakes and the wives of those
    snakes also accompanied them. All the snakes coiled round Krishna’s body and
    began to bite and inject venom into him.

    Some cowherds saw Krishna in the water, surrounded by snakes. They rushed
    back to Vrindavana and told everyone what they had seen. Nanda, Yoshada,
    Rama and the others all came running to the banks of the river. “Where is Krishna,
    where is Krishna?”, screamed Yoshada.

    They all saw Krishna in the water in the midst of the snakes. The women began
    to cry. Some of them proposed that they should also kill themselved if Krishna
    had indeed died. Hearing all this commotion, Balarama indicated to Krishna that
    it was high time that he killed the snake.

    Krishna then shook off the coils of the snake. He lowered Kaliya’s hood and
    climbed up on the top of the hood. There be began to dance. At this the hood
    began to bleed. Whenever the snake tried to raise his hood, Krishna stamped
    down with his feet. The snake became unconscious and began to vomit blood.
    The head and the neck broke and blood began to issue out of these parts as well.

    Kaliya’s wives then prayed to Krishna. They begged for mercy. They asked him
    to spare Kaliya’s life. Kaliya also started to pray to Krishna. At this, Krishna spared
    the snake. But the condition was that Kaliya and his servants and relatives would
    have to leave the waters of the Yamuna and go back to the ocean. Henceforth,
    the mark of Krishna’s feet would stay on Kaliya’s hood. And seeing this mark Garuda
    would not pester Kaliya any more.

    The waters of the Yamuna were purified.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:56:50 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #34 on: August 15, 2016, 12:10:52 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    The Killing of Dhenukasura

    One day, Balarama and Krishna were wandering around in the forest
    and came to a grove where there were a lot of tala trees. A daitya who
    looked like a donkey lived there and survived on deer meat. His name
    was Dhenuka.

    The tala trees were full of rich fruit and the other cowherds wished to
    help themselves to the fruit. The problem, however, was Dhenukasura,
    who guarded the tala trees. The cowherds, therefore, requested Balarama
    and Krishna to pluck some fruit for them. This the two brothers proceeded
    to do. But as the fruit fell on the ground, the sound attracted the angry
    Dhenuka who arrived on the scene. With its hind legs the donkey kicked
    Balarama in the chest. But Balarama caught hold of those legs and began
    to twirl the donkey round and round. At this, the donkey died and Balarama
    flung the dead body on the tala trees.

    Many other daityas in the form of donkeys also arrived. But Krishna and
    Balarama killed all of them

    The tala grove became safe and cattle began to graze there once again.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:56:33 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।
    « Reply #35 on: August 15, 2016, 12:11:26 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    The Killing of Pralamba

    After killing Dhenukasura, Krishna and Balarama reached a banyan tree.
    They played and plucked flowers. They wore garlands. Ropes for tying
    cattle were round their shoulders. Their clothes were in golden
    and black hues.

    Sometimes they rode on swings, sometimes they wrestled, sometimes
    they flung stones.

    An asura known as Pralamba adopted the form of a cowherd and joined
    the games. Pralamba thought that Krishna might be too strong to kill,
    so he decided to kill Balarama. The boys were playing at a special sort
    of race then. Two boys would race upto a point and whoever was the loser
    would have to run again with the winner on his shoulders. Krishna defeated
    Shridama at this race. And when Balarama and Pralamba raced, Balarama
    defeated Pralamba. This meant that Pralamba would have to carry Balarama
    upon his shoulders. But as soon as Balarama got up on Pralamba’s shoulders,
    Pralamba began to run away. He adopted the size of a huge mountain and
    his eyes were as large as cart-wheels.

    Balarama cried out, “Krishna, I am being kidnapped. What will I do?”

    “Why ask me,” Krishna replied. “You are strong enough. Kill the asura.”

    Balarama’s eyes became red with anger. He beat down on the asura’s head
    with his fists and the asura died. Blood flowed out of his mouth.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:56:16 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #36 on: August 15, 2016, 12:11:43 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section


    This happened one autuman.

    The cowherds decided to have a yajna to honour Indra. Indra was the ruler
    of the waters and it was he who sent the clouds. Without the clouds there
    would be no rain and without rain there would be no grain. What would the
    cattle eat in that case? This was the reason why the cowherds wanted to
    worship Indra.

    But Krishna told Nanda, “Father, we are not farmers or traders. We live
    through animal husbandry, we live in the forests. Our gods should be cattle
    and the mountains. Let us stop this worship of Indra and let us instead
    worship the mountain Govardhana.”

    Nanda and the other cowherds agreed to this and that was how giri yajna
    (mountain ceremony) started. Curds, rice pudding and meat were offered to
    the mountain. Hundreds and thousands of brahmanas and guests were fed.

    But Indra was very angry because his yajna had been stopped and he called
    the clouds to him. “Listen to what I say,” he instructed them. “Destroy the cattle
    with rain and wind. I will come on Airavata and pour down rain as well.”

    Wind and rain started. The clouds were everywhere. There was lightning. And
    thunder and heavy rain. The world became dark and there was water everywhere.
    Cows and calves began to die.

    Krishna had to do something to protect these unfortuante beings. So he uprooted
    Govardhana mounatin and held it aloft like an umbrella. The entire mountain was
    thus balanced on only one of Krishna’s hands. The cowherds and the cattle took
    refuge under the mountain and in the holes that were there. For seven nights Indra
    showered down rain. But after that he gave up and Krishna returned the mountain
    to original place.

    Having been defeated in his purpose, Indra appeared before Krishna. “You have
    saved the cattle,” he said. “You are like their Indra. Therefore, from now on,
    you will be known as Govinda.”

    Indra took down a bell from Airavata’s neck. He filled it with holy water and anointed
    Krishna. And he said, “My son Arjuna has been born on earth. Please look after
    him and take care of him.”

    Krishna assured Indra that he would do so. The two embraced and parted

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:55:59 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #37 on: August 15, 2016, 12:12:09 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Various Exploits

    By then the cowherds had realized that Krishna was no ordinary man.
    They were slightly scared, but Krishna comforted them and told them
    that he was their friend.

    One day, an asura known as Arishta arrived there. This asura had the form
    of a bull. The bull was dark as the clouds. The horns were sharp and pointed
    and his eyes were bright as the sun. He tore up the ground with his hooves.
    He was so tall that it was impossible to climb over him. This bull used to
    kill the calves and the sages.

    Everyone was frightened at Arishta’s arrival. But Krishna clapped his hands.
    On hearing the sound of the clap, Arishta charged at Krishna with horns lowered.
    Krishna grasped the horns and stopped the bull. Then he hit Arishta with his thighs.
    Finally, he tore off one of the horns and attacked Arishta with it. The daitya vomited
    blood and died.

    Narada related all of Krishna’s exploits to Kamsa and Kamsa was enraged. He decided
    that Balarama and Krishna would have to be killed before they became adults. Kamsa
    had two strong wrestlers known as Chanura and Mushtika. He plotted to have a wrestling
    match between Balarama and Krishna and these two wrestlers, and thereby kill the
    two brothers off. The occasion for this wrestling match would be a yajna that Kamsa
    would arrange. He would therefore send Akrura to Gokula to bring Balarama and
    Krishna to Mathura. In addition, he would send an asura known as Keshi to try and
    kill the two brothers in Gokula itself. A strong elephant called Kubalayapida would
    also be let loose on the brothers.

    Keshi adopted the form of a horse and went to Vrindavana. He tore up the earth
    with his hooves, she shook the clouds with his mane and he attacked the sun and
    the moon on his way to Vrindavana. The cowherds were naturally frightened.

    But Krishna was there to protect them. He inserted his hands into the horse’s
    mouth and broke off the horse’s teeth. Like white clouds, one by one the teeth
    fell down on the ground. After that, Krishna tore off the asura’s lips and the asura
    began to vomit blood. His eyes fell off. Krishna then tore Keshi into two with his
    hands. Because Krishna killed Keshi, he came to be known as Keshava.

    Meanwhile, Akrura arrived in Gokula and told Balarama and Krishna of Kamsa’s
    invitation. The two brothers accepted the invitation and resolved to go to Mathura.
    The cowherds were naturally sorry to see Krishna go. They thought that he would
    never return to Gokula again. In a chariot, Akrura, Balarama and Krishna set out
    for Mathura.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:55:39 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #38 on: August 15, 2016, 12:12:43 PM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Mathura and Kamsa

    They reached Mathura in the evening. Akrura went ahead to the palace
    in the chariot, while Balarama and Krishna entered the city on foot. On the
    street they met a washerman. They asked the washerman for some nice
    clothes. But the washerman was Kamsa’s servant. Not only did he refuse
    them the clothes, he also abused that two brothers. So Krishna hit the evil
    washerman with his palm and split his head in two. Balarama and Krishna
    then took away whatever clothes they wanted. Balarama dressed in blue
    and Krishna dressed in yellow. They then went to the house of a garland-seller.
    The garland-seller thought that these two were gods. And when Balarama and
    Krishna asked for flowers, not only did he give them many flowers, he also
    worshipped them. Krishna blessed the garland-seller.

    On the streets they also met a young woman. The woman was pretty, but had
    a hump on her back. Her name was Kubja. She carried a salver of sandalwood
    paste in her hands.

    “For whom is the paste?”, asked Krishna.

    “This is for Kamsa,” was the reply. “He has appointed me to make fragrant
    paste for him.”

    “Please give us the paste,” said Krishna. “This paste is fit for our bodies.”

    Kubja complied and Balarama and Krishna rubbed the paste on their bodies.
    Then Krishna grasped Kubja’s chin with his index and middle fingers.. He pressed
    down her feet with his own so that they did not move. As he exerted pressure
    upwards, Kubja’s body straightened and the hump disappeared. Kubja became
    a beautiful woman.

    At the yajna that Kamsa had arranged, a bow was to be worshipped. Krishna
    and Balarama asked various guards where this bow was being kept. They arrived
    at that room and Krishna proceeded to tie a string to the bow. But the bow snapped
    and the sound of the bow snapping was heard throughout the palace. The guards
    came and attacked Krishna and Balarama, but the two brothers killed all the guards.

    By then, Kamsa had got to know that Krishna and Balarama had come to Mathura.
    So he called Chanura and Mushtika and told them to go and wrestle with the two
    brothers and kill them. He also called the servant who was in charge of his elephant
    known as Kubalayapida at the main gate to the palace. It was night. After issuing
    these instructions, Kamsa waited for morning.

    When it was morning, arrangements were made for the wrestling match. There
    were ordinary seats for ordinary citizens around the arena where the match was
    to take palace. Kings and special guests had special seats reserved for them.
    Kamsa sat on the highest seat of all. The women sat behind a partition. Amongst
    the spectators were Nanda and the cowherds, Vasudeva, Akrura and Devaki.

    Marital music started to be played. Chanura and Mushtika stood in the middle of
    the arena, exhibiting their strength. Krishna and Balarama entered the arena. At the
    main gate they had killed the elephant Kubalayuapida and they carried the bloody
    tusks in their hands.

    The schedule was that Krishna would fight with Chanura and Balarama would fight
    with Mushtika. The first wrestling match between Krishna and Chanura began. It was
    a terrible bout to behold. Both were strong fighters. But eventually, Krishna raised
    Chanura’s body aloft and whirled it around a hundred times before throwing Chandura
    down on the ground. Chanura died. Meanwhile Balarama had started to fight with Mushtika.
    He hit Mushtika’s head and chest with his fists and thighs. And he grasped Mushtika so
    hard that the breath of life went out of Mushtika’s body. Krishna also killed another
    wrestler whose name was Toshalaka.

    Kamsa was very angry. He instructed his guards to capture Krishna and Balarama and
    tie them up in iron chains. The guards were also to chain up Vasudeva and the cowherds.

    But Krishna merely laughed. He jumped up on the stage where Kamsa was sitting and
    caught hold of Kamsa’s hair. He threw Kamsa down on the ground and Kamsa, the son
    of Ugrasena, died. Krishna pulled the dead body down to the arena. Kamsa’s body was
    so heavy that a huge pit was created where the dead body was placed.

    Kamsa had a brother called Sumali and Sumali attacked Krishna and Balarama. But
    Balarama killed Sumali very easily. Krishna and Balarama then ent and met Vasudeva
    and Devaki.

    Kamsa had imprisoned his own father Ugrasena. Krishna released Ugrasena from the
    prison and made him king. Krishna also obtained a beautiful assembly hall named Sudharma
    from Indra. This he repesented to King Ugrasena.

    Since Kamsa was now dead, it was time for Krishna and Balarama to go to their guru’s
    house for studying. Their guru was a sage named Sandipani, who lived in Kashi. There Krishna
    and Balarama went to learn amongst other things, the art of fighting. It took them only
    sixty-four days to learn all this. After the shishya’s studies are completed he has to give
    a dakshina to his guru. Sandipani’s son had died and as a guru dakshina, Sandipani desired
    that his dead son might be brought back to life.

    After death, the sage Sandipani’s son had gone to the great ocean. Krishna and Balarma
    took up their weapons and went to the ocean to demand the son. The ocean told them
    that the son was actually with a daitya named Panchajana who had the form of a conch-shell.
    Krishna entered the ocean and killed it. From the skeleton of the daitya was made the
    conch-shell Panchajanya that Krishna blows. To get back the dead son, Krishna and Balarama
    also had to go to Yama’s world and defeat Yama. They did that and returned the son to
    the sage Sandipani.

    They then returned to Mathura.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:55:20 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #39 on: August 23, 2016, 11:46:23 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section


    Kamsa had married two of Jarasandh’s daughters. These daughters were
    known as Asti and Prapti. On hearing that Krishna had killed his son-in-law,
    Jarasandha raised a huge army and attacked the Yadavas. The city of Mathura
    was under seize by the king of Magadha.

    Krishna and Balarama had only a few soldiers, as compared to Jarasandha’s
    gigantic army. But still they came out to fight. From the sky a bow called
    Sharnga, two quivers that never ran out of arrows, and a mace named
    Koumodaki fell into Krishna’s hands. For Balarama the weapons were a plough
    and a club named Sounanda. Jarasandha was defeated by the two brothers
    and he fled.

    After a few days Jarasandha attacked once more and was defeated yet again.
    This continued. There were eighteen occasions on which Jarasandha attacked
    and was defeated by the Yadavas.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:55:01 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #40 on: August 23, 2016, 11:47:07 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section


    There was a brahmana named Gargya who had been insulted and ridiculed
    by the Yadavas. This brahmana went to the shores of the southern ocean and
    began to perform tapasya. His desire was a son who would be the scourge of
    the Yadavas. As part of the tapasya, he ate only iron dust for food. The tapasya
    went on for twelve years and at the end of it, Mahadeva was pleased. The
     brahmana obtained the desired boon.

    The son who was born was black of hue. The king of the Yavanas had no son
    and the brahmana’s son was adopted by the Yavana king. Eventually, this son
    became the king of the Yavanas and came to be known as Kalayavana.

    Kalayavana wanted to know the names of all the powerful on the earth from
    Narada. He was told the names of the Yadava kings. So he decided to attack
    the Yadavas. He collected thousands and thousands of chariots, horses, elephants
    and infantry. Then he came to Mathura to wage war.

    Krishna was worried. He realized that the Yadavas would become weakened from
    their war with Kalayavana. And if Jarasandha’s attack came after that, the Yadavas
    might even lose at the hands of Jarasandha. On the other hand, if the Yadavas
    became weak from a war with Jarasandha, they might lose the war with Kalayavana.
    There was danger from both sides. It was, therefore, necessary to build a strong
    fort from where the Yadavas could wage a long drawn out war, even in the absence
    of Krishna. On the shores of the ocean Krishna, therefore, built the city of Dvaraka.
    There were many gardens and lakes in Dvaraka. But more importantly, it was
    surrounded by walls and moats on all sides and there were several forts inside the
    city. All the citizens of Mathura were brought to Dvaraka.

    Krishna then appeared before Kalayavana. At the sight of Krishna, Kalayavana began
     to follow him, desirous of a fight. Krishna had a plan. He went inside the cave where
    a powerful king known as Muchukunda was sleeping. Kalayavana followed Krishna
    inside the cave. It was dark inside so that Kayavana could not make out that the
    person who was sleeping was Muchukunda and not Krishna. So, thinking that it was
    Krishna, Kalayavana kicked the body. When the king woke up, the anger in him came
    out as fire through his eyes and this fire burnt up Kalayavana into ashes.

    Many years ago, King Muchukunda had taken part in a fight between the devas and
    the asuras. After killing many asuras Muchukunda was tired. He craved a boon from
    the gods that he might sleep for a long period of time. The devas granted the boon
    and also said that whoever woke up Muchukunda would be burnt into ashes by the
    flames that would come out of the king’s body.

    Having burnt up Kalayavana King Muchukunda came out of the cave and found that
    people were now much shorter than they used to be . He realized that the kali era
    must have arrived and went off to do tapasya on Mount Gandhamadana.

    Kalayavana’s soldiers were defeated by Krishna.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !

    « Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 11:54:41 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #41 on: August 23, 2016, 11:47:58 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Balarama and The River Yamuna

    Now that there was peace, Balarama went on a trip to Gokula. There he met
    all his old friends and throughly enjoyed himself.

    One day he found that there was wine issuing out of a kadamba tree. Balarama
    drank a lot of the wine and became drunk. Since he was drunk he had lost control
    of his senses. He, therefore, told the river Yamuna, “River Yamuna, I feel like having
    a bath. Change your course and come here so that I may fulfil my desire.”

    Yamuna ignored this instruction. At this, Balarama was enraged and took up his
    plough. With his plough he grasped the river and pulled her towards himself,
    “You won’t come , will you?”, he said. “Let me see how you can flow where
    you wish.”

    The course of the river was changed.

    Yamuna appeared before Balarama and begged for forgiveness.

    This was granted.

    When Balarama’s bath was over, Lakshmi appeared before him and gave a garland
    of lotuses which never fade. She also gave him two pieces of blue clothing.

    Balarama returned to Dvaraka after having spent two months in Gokula. He married
    King Raivata’s daughter Revati and had two sons named Nishatha and Ulmuka.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #42 on: August 23, 2016, 11:48:51 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    Rukmini and Rukmi

    There was a king named Bhishmaka who ruled in the kingdom of Kundina.
    The king had a son named Rukmi and a daughter named Rukmimi. Krishna
    and Rukmini wished to marry each other. But Rukmi did not like Krishna,
    so he refused to get his sister married off to Krishna.

    Bhishmaka was also an ally of Jarasandha’s. So he agreed with Rukmi and
    decided to marry his daughter to Shishupala. All these allies of Jarasandha’s
    went to Kundina to witness the marriage and Krishna and the Yadavas also
    went there. But one day before the marriage was due to take place, Krishna
    abducted Rukmini.

    Thereupon several kings like Poundraka, Dantavakra, Viduratha, Shishupala,
    Jarasandha and Shalva attacked the Yadavas so as to kill Krishna. But they
    were defeated by Balarama and the other Yadavas.

    Rukmi resolved, “I will not return to Kundina without killing Krishna.” He followed
    Krishna with many soldiers, horses, elephants,and chariots. But Krishna easily
    defeated Rukmi.

    When Krishna was about to kill Rukmi, Rukmini said, “I have only one brother.
    Please spare his life.”

    Krishna spared Rukmi’s life. But Rukmi had resolved that he would not return
    to Kundina without killing Krishna. So he had to build a new city known as
    Bhojakata where he began to live.

    Krishna married Rukmini according to the rakshasa form of marriage. They had
    a son called Pradyumna who was kidnapped by Shambarasura as soon as he
    was born. But later, Pradyumna was to kill Shambarasura.

    “Tell me this story,” asked Maitreya of Parashara.

    Shambarasua knew that Pradyumna was destined to kill him. So six days after
    Pradyumna’s birth, he kidnapped the newly born baby and threw it into the ocean.
    The ocean was full of sharks and crocodiles. The baby might have died, but a fish
    swallowed it up and the baby was saved. Later on, some fishermen caught the
    fish and brought it to Shambarasura’s kitchen.

    Shambarasura had a housekeeper named Mayavati. When the fish was cut,
    Mayavati found the baby inside. She was very surprised. “Who is this boy and how
    did he come to be here?’, she wondered. She went to Narada to find out who the
    boy was and Narada told her the entire story. He also told her to ensure that the
    boy was brought up properly.

    This Mayavati proceeded to do. She was well versed in the techniques of maya or
    illusions and these she taught to Pradyumna. When Pradyumna grew up, she told
    him the entire story of his birth and kidnapping. Hearing this, Pradyumna challenged
    Shambarasura to a duel. Shambarasura used a lot of maya, but thanks to Mayavati,
    Pradyumna had also learnt the use of maya. So he did manage to kill Shambarasura.

    After this, Pradyumna and Mayavati returned to Krishna and Rukmini. Everyone was
    happy and Pradyumna married Mayavati.

    Apart from Pradyumna, Krishna and Rukmini had eight other sons and a daughter.
    And apart from Rukmini, Krishna had seven other major wives. Their names were Kalindi,
    Mitravinda, Satya, Jambavati or Rohini, Sushila, Satyabhama, and Lakshmana. The total
    number of Krishna’s wives was sixteen thousand.

    Pradyumna married King Rukmi’s daughter and had a son named Aniruddha. Aniruddha
    married Rukmi’s grand-daughter. On the occasion of this marriage, Krishna, Balarama
    and the other Yadavas arrived at Rukmi’s capital Bhojakata.

    After the marriage was over, some kings told Rukmi, “Balarama is addicted to playing
    dice, although he cannot play it at all well. Why not arrange match of dice in which
    we can defeat Balarama?”

    Rukmi agreed to this proposition and a match was arranged in which Rukmi played with
    Balarama. In the first round, Rukmi won four thousand gold pieces off Balarama. This
    happened a second time and a third time as well. At this, the king of Kalinga and Rukmi
    began to laugh at Balarama.

    Balarama got angry and placed four crores of gold pieces as a bet. Rukmi threw the dice,
    but this time Balarama won.

    “I have won,” said Balarama.

    “No, you haven’t”, replied Rukmi. “You did place the bet, but I did not accept it.
    So you have not really won.”

    Words were then heard from heaven which said that it was Balarama who was in the
    right. Although Rukmi had not verbally accepted the bet, his throwing of the dice meant
    that the bet was acceptable to him.

    This roused Balarama’s anger and he picked up a dice and killed Rukmi with it. He also
    caught hold of the king of Kalinga and broke off the king’s teeth. It was with these teeth
    that the king of Kalinga had laughed at Balarama. Many were the other kings whom
    Balarama killed on this occasion.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #43 on: August 23, 2016, 11:49:45 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    The Killing of Narakasura

    Once Indra came to Davaraka on the elephant Airavata. He met Krishna
    and complained about the behaviour of a daitya named Narakasura.

    This Narakasura was the son of Prithivi and the king of Pragjyotishapura.
    He was oppressing all living beings. He was kidnapping the daughters of
    devas, asuras and kings and imprisoning them in his house. Naraka had
    also stolen Varuna’s umbrella from which the rains came, and the peak of
    Mount Mandara. In addition he had robbed Indra’s mother Aditi of her
    earrings and was now threatening to steal Airavata.

    Krishna decided to do something about Naraksura. He thought of Garuda
    and immediately, Garuda appeared before him. Krishna and Satyabhama
    got onto Garuda and flew towards Pragjyotishapura. There was an asura
    named Muru who had installed many sharp stakes around Naraka’s city.
    But Krishna sliced off these stakes with his sudarshana chakra. And when
    Muru attacked him, Krishna killed Muru and his seven thousand sons with
    the chakra. He also killed two others. Hayagriva and Panchajana, and arrived
    at Pragyotishapura.

    A terrible war raged between the armies of Narakasura and Krishna. Krishna
    killed thousands and thousands of asuras and sliced Narakasura in two with
    his chakra.

    Inside Narakasura’s palace Krishna found sixteen thousand and one hundred
    women whom Narakasura had imprisoned. There were also several horses and
    six thousand elephants with four tusks each. All of these Krishna sent to Dvaraka.
    Krishan put the other things that Naraka had stolen on Garuda and proceeded
    towards heaven to return them to their rightful owners.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #44 on: August 23, 2016, 11:50:39 AM »
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    Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Shaantaakaaram Bhujagashayanam
    Padmanaabham Suresham Vishwaadhaaram
    Gaganasadrasham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmikaantam Kamalanayanam
    Yogibhirdhyaanagamyam Vande Vishnum
    Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    5th Section

    The Taking of Parijata

    Krishna arrived at the gates of heaven and blew upon his conch shell.
    The gods came out to worship Krishna. Krishna first went to Aditi’s house
    and returned her earrings. Aditi blessed Satyabhama and gave her the
    boon that Satyabhama would never grow old or ugly, she would be in a
    state of perpetual youth.

    Aditi also told Indra to worship Krishna. But Indra’s wife Shachi thought
    that Satyabhama was a mere human, so she did not give Satyabhama
    any parijata flowers, although she wore them herself.

    Krishna and Satyabhama went for a stroll in the gardens and there they
    saw the parijata tree. The leaves of the tree were of copper colour and the
    bark was of gold. Satyabhama said, “Why don’t you take this tree to Dvaraka?”
    And she persisted, “If you really love me, please take this tree to our house.
    I will wear the flowers on my hair.”

    Krishna laughed. He uprooted the tree and placed it on Garuda’s back. The guards
    said, “Please don’t take this tree. It belongs to Shachi, the wife of Indra.” They also
    pointed out that the taking of the tree would arouse the wrath of the gods.

    At this, Satyabhama grew angry. “Who is Indra and who is Shachi?”, she said.
    “This tree came out of the churning of the ocean, so it belongs to everyone. Why
    should Indra alone enjoy it? My husband is taking away this tree, go and tell Shachi
    this. Let me see if her husband can prevent it from happening. Go and tell Shachi
    that a mere human is taking the tree away.”

    The guards went and told Shachi what was happening. Incited by Shachi, Indra
    attacked Krishna with all the soldiers that the gods could muster. Indra had his
    vajra for a weapon, the other devas had clubs, swords, maces and spears. On seeing
    Indra on Airavata, Krishna blew on his conch shell and let loose thosuands and
    thousands arrows. The gods flung many weapons at him, but Krishna repelled all
    these weapons. Garuda also helped in the fight. With a mace Krishna destroyed Yama’s
    weapon. With his chakra he destroyed Kubera’s palanquin. With a glance he robbed
    the sun of all energy. Agni was defeated with Krishna’s arrows. The vasus, the rudras,
    the maruts and the gandharvas had to flee.

    Indra and Krishna fought with each other while Garuda fought with Airavata. Indra
    finally took up his vajra and Krishna took up his chakra. Everyone in the worlds was
    frightened because the worlds might be annihilated. But when Indra hurled his vajra,
    Krishna simply caught the weapon in his hand. He did not fling the chakra. Indra
    started to run away.

    Satyabhama taunted him. “Indra, king of the gods, why are you running away?”,
    she said. “Aren’t you Shachi’s husband? Fleeing does not become you! Don’t run away.
    Here , take the parijata tree. Let the minds of the gods be at rest.”

    Indra then apologised for all that had happened. He also said that there was no shame
    in losing to Krishna. For Krishna was, after all, nothing but Vishnu.

    Krishna smiled and returned the parijata tree, as well as Indra’s vajra. But Indra refused
    to take the tree back. He requested Krishna to take the tree to Dvaraka. Once Krishna
    died, the tree would return on its own to heaven. This Krishna agreed to do and the
    tree got the pride of place in Krishna’s garden in Dvaraka. All the Yadavas came to see it.

    Narakasura’s elephants, horses and other wealth had also been brought to Dvaraka.
    The sixteen thousand and one hundred women that Narakasura had imprisoned had
    come to Dvaraka. Krishna married all of them.

    May BABA BLESS us and our family abundantly !


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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