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« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2016, 12:12:08 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    The demons did not listen to them and prevented them from proceeding further,
    when Maruti got indignant and threw them into the sea with his tail. Makardwaja
    was greatly incensed, and combated with Maruti but the latter flung him down
    and sat on his chest.

    Makardwaja was alarmed, when Maruti called upon him to name the espouser of
    his cause. " If my father, Maruti, were here," said Makardwaja, "he would kill you
    and save my life."

    As soon as the demon mentioned the name of Maruti, the latter wa startled,
    and, getting up from his chest, said, " My name is Maruti. I am a Bramhachari
    [A Brahman that religiously abstains from all sexual commerce with woman ;
    either for a time or through life] and how do you say that I am your father ?
    Just give me an account of how you were born to me."

    " When you burnt Lanka," replied Makardwaja, " you threw into the sea
    your sweat, which my mother, a Magari,[[An alligator] swallowed up ; and of that
    sweat I was born to you." Maruti was astonished at the account given by Makardwaja,
    and blessed him when, the Magari came to see the monkey and said to him, " When
    you came here last time, you had a large size ; but I now find that your form is very small.
    I doubt whether you are that Maruti whom I had seen." Whereupon Maruti assumed
    his former form and removed her doubt.

    He then acquainted her with what had happened to Rama, when she said,
    " Ahiravana and Mahiravana are two brothers. They are wicked and treacherous demons.
    I know that they have carried off Rama and Lakshuman to Mahikavati, and they will
    sacrifice them to their goddess tomorrow. I, therefore, advise you to go and hide
    yourself in the temple of the goddess, where you will find both the princes."
    "Have patience" replied Maruti, " I will kill all the demons and give Mahikavati
    to your son."

    " Mahikavati," continued the Magari, " is at a distance of 13 yojans, and to reach
    there you will have to cross a vast sea, which you will not be able to do. I, therefore,
    beg you to sit with your companions in my mouth, and I will convey you to that place.
    " Nala, Nila, Angad, and Jambuvant were afraid, as they thought that the Magari might
    swallow them up on their way to Mahikavati. They, therefore, refused her kind offer
    and stayed on the sea-shore, while Maruti alone jumped over the sea and immediately
    reached Mahikavati.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #46 on: April 07, 2016, 11:58:47 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    There he became as small as an atom and entered the temple of the goddess. 
    As soon as he saw the goddess, he put her into a drain and, assuming her form, 
    sat in her place. The goddess was frightened, and did not speak a word for 
    fear of life.

    The demons as usual made offerings to the goddess consisting of boiled rice, 
    milk, butter and other things which Maruti swallowed up to his heart s content 
    and loudly said to the demons, " I am very much pleased with you, because 
    you have brought today Rama and Lakshuman for my tiffin. Let me have them. 
    Do not open the doors of the temple,because you will not be able to bear 
    my power and lustre. I, therefore, command you to make an opening to 
    one of the walls of the temple and push them in through it, so that I may 
    devour them with a great relish. Do not kill them."

    Believing that the goddess was much pleased with them, Ahiravana and 
    Mahiravana removed the trance from Rama and Lakshuman and brought 
    them to the temple. As directed by the goddess, they made an opening to one 
    of the walls of the temple and pushed them in through it. Rama and Lakshuman 
    were frightened at the sight of the goddess, who opened her mouth and said 
    to them, "I shall now devour you, as I am very hungry;but before I do that,
     name the espouser of your cause."

    Whereupon the princes replied, " If Maruti were here, he would come to our 
    rescue. We are now helpless, and throw ourselves on your mercy.Maruti was
     moved with pity at the princes, and immediately discovered himself to them. 
    " I am now without weapons," said Rama, " and how can
    I kill the demons without them?" " You need not be afraid," continued Maruti, 
    " I shall get your weapons here." So saying he brought the weapons and 
    dhanushabans from Suvela. As princes were hungry, Maruti gave them to 
    eat the butter and other things which he had preserved
    for them.

    After they had appeased their hunger he sat in the place of the goddess, 
    hiding them behind his back, and loudly exclaimed, " I am now ready to 
    bless all my beloved demons one by one. Let Ahiravana come in
    first." Ahiravana was extremely glad, as the goddess wanted him first; and 
    without loss of time lie went in and stood before the deity, who trampled him 
    under his foot and instantly killed him. As the demon did not come out for 
    some time, the other demons outside the temple apprehended that there was 
    some mischief in the temple, and began to make enquiries about him, when 
    Maruti broke open the doors of thetemple and killed a great number of the 
    demons with his tail.

    Having been informed that his brother was killed by Maruti, Rama and Lakshuman, 
    Mahiravana commenced to fight with them. He let off arrows after arrows at 
    his enemies but they cut them off and let off an arrow and killed the demon with it; 
    but, to their great surprise, they found that every drop of the blood of the demon 
    produced one Mahiravana, and when Rama killed all the Mahiravanas produced 
    by all the drops of the first Mahiravana the drops of so many Mahiravanas produced 
    innumerable Mahiravanas and thus the more Kama killed the Mahiravanas, the more 
    they were produced.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #47 on: April 07, 2016, 12:01:04 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    At last Rama was confused; and did not know what to do. Maruti went and 
    asked the Magari to acquaint him with the cause of the phenomenon. 
    The Magari referred him to Chandraseni, wife of Ahiravana, and told him 
    that she would toll him all about it. Whereupon Maruti called upon Chandraseni 
    and implored her to tell him the cause of the phenomenon.

    Chandraseni said, * I shall be very glad to tell you the cause of the phenomenon, 
    but unless Rama marries me, I shall not tell you the cause. I am charmed with 
    the prince, and if you promise me that youwill make him marry me, I shall tell 
    you the cause." " Oh, yes. I can do it very easily, replied Maruti. " Then give me 
    your promise," continued Chandraseni. Maruti gave his promise to her.

    Then she said, " Ahiravana performed a severe penance on account of which 
    the god, Siva, was pleased, and blessed him, saying that every drop of the nectar 
    in the kundas [Holes in the ground] in Patal [underground world], if mixed,with 
    every drop of the blood of Mahiravana, it would produce one Mahiravana and that 
    the drops of the blood of the Mahiravanas produced by such drops would multiply 
    the Mahiravanas. So saying he presented the demon with a string of ^Bramahras 
    [Big black flies; Honey-bees] and told him that the Bramahras would supply his brother
     with the nectar at the time of a war. Now you see, these Bramahras, who are as big 
    as mountains, go to Patal and sprinkle the nectar over the blood of the Mahiravanas 
    and consequently there is no end to them. 1, therefore, tell you to go to Patal and 
    kill all the Bramahras, so that the nectar may not be sprinkled over the blood of 
    the Mahiravanas killed by Rama."

    As soon as Maruti knew the secret, he immediately went to Patal and killed the 
    Bramahras except their chief whose life was spared, because he promised, the 
    monkey that he would be useful to him on some occasion. Having killed the Bramahras, 
    Maruti returned to Rama and told him to let off arrows at the Mahiravanas. The prince 
    accordingly did it and killed all the Mahiravanas.

    Immediately after this success Maruti remembered the promise given by him to 
    Chandraseni and said to him self, " I do not know what I should do now. If I tell Rama 
    to marry Chandraseni, he will never do so, because he has sworn that he will be faithful 
    to his wife, Sita. If I fail to fulfil the promise given by me to her, she will curse me to 
    death." Maruti however made bold and told Rama all about the promise given by him 
    to Chandraseni.

    " I will not at all violate my oath." replied Rama, " If you like, I can come to the place 
    of Chandraseni and bless her." Oh Yes," continued Maruti, " you can do so." Thence 
    Maruti first came alone to Chandraseni and said to her, " Rama will come to-night. 
    Keep your *manchaka [A bed-stead] ready for him, but I tell you one thing that if 
    the manchaka is broken by the weight of Rama, he will never marry you and will 
    go directly home. I therefore, tell you to order a strong manchaka to be made."

    Chandraseni got a strong and beautiful manchaka ready for Rama and sat there 
    expecting the prince. Maruti sent the chief of the Bramahras without her knowledge 
    to hollow the bed-stead in such a manner that as soon as Rama sat on it, it would 
    be broken to pieces. The Bramahra skilfully hollowed the whole of the manchaka 
    with his sting and went away.
    In the evening Maruti, accompanied by Rama, came to Chandraseni, who received 
    him and made him sit on the manchaka; but no sooner did Rama sit on it than it 
    was broken to pieces. Whereupon Rama immediately got up and began to walk 
    towards his place, accompanied by Maruti, when Chandraseni indignantly exclaimed, 
    " Ah, monkey, Thou art a great scoundreL ! This is thy dodge. I will now curse thee 
    to death." Maruti was alarmed, when Rama went and pacified her, saying that he 
    would marry her during his another incarnation and that she would be called 
    Satyabhama. After all the demons were killed, Rama gave Mahikavati to Makardwaja 
    and returned to Suvela with Maruti and the other monkeys.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #48 on: April 08, 2016, 12:15:45 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    On the return of Rama to Suvela Ravan said to his courtiers, " There is no use 
    of my living in this world without my beloved son, ludrajit. I must now either 
    kill Rama or kill myself."So saying he commenced to let off arrows at Rama 
    which the latter cut off. But the prince was struck with one arrow, when Vibhishan 
    let off arrows at the demon-king, who boiled with rage, discharged at his brother 
    a weapon called Bramahshakti.
    Lakshuman immediately cut it off, when Ravana discharged another powerful 
    weapon at the prince but Maruti caught hold of it before it struck him.

    To the great surprise of all, the weapon became a female in the hands of Maruti 
    and said to him, " Well, Maruti, you say that you are a Brahmachari and how do 
    you touch a female? You will be sinful, if you do not let me go."

    Maruti was greatly astonished at the female in hie hands; and as soon as she 
    uttered the word, he placed her on the ground, when she immediately became 
    a weapon and, rushing upon Lakshuman, struck his head and chest ; and 
    consequently he fell down lifeless. Rama and all the monkeys were alarmed, 
    and much lamented for him. Ravana, elated with the success, returned to Lanka 
    with exultation. Rama and the monkeys were in confusion, and did not know 
    what to do. All were discouraged, and thought of leaving Suvela.

    Shortly after, Ravana again came to fight, when Rama, boiled with rage, let off arrows 
    at him and the other demons and killed many of them. The demon-king, being unable 
    to overcome him, trembled from head to foot. He became mad and the picture of 
    Rama presented itself before
    him wherever he went.

    Having been frightened, he immediately returned to Lanka and told his wife, 
    Mandodari, about it, when she said, " My love, my dearest, even now restore 
    Sita to Rama and be his friend."

    " No, no," Ravana indignantly replied, " that can never be done. I will either kill 
    myself or kill Kama." Immediately after Mandodari had returned to her palace, 
    he ordered the demons to dig an excavation in the ground. The excavation was 
    accordingly dug; and in that excavation he performed a penance to get a 
    divya ratha from the god of fire and sat there in deep meditation.

    Rama grieved for his brother, and all the monkeys were alarmed. In the meantime, 
    their physician, Susena, felt the pulse of Lakshuman and said, " Lakshuman has 
    still life in him and he will be no more, as soon as the sun rises in the morning. 
    If the plant of nectar is brought here from Dronagiri in the course of the night, 
    Lakshuman can be restored to life. Is there any warrior who can go forty millions 
    of yojans from this place and get the plant here in the course of the night ?" 
    As soon as the physician put the question, Maruti said, "I will just go and bring 
    Dronagiri here in three hours." So saying he took his leave of Rama and jumped 
    from Suvela.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #49 on: April 08, 2016, 12:18:35 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    He came to a hill called Madaranchela which was close to Dronagiri. 
    Maruti was very thirsty ; and to refresh himself he went to the abode of 
    an old Brahman and requested him for a cup of water. This Brahman, 
    who had a number of disciples with him, blessed Maruti and said, " I am 
    very glad to see you here. Kindly spend this night with us here and go in 
    the morning." "I can not wait here for a minute," replied Maruti. "I must do 
    my business as soon as possible"When the Brahman found that Maruti did not 
    comply with his wishes, he showed him a river.

    Maruti went there and stooped to take water, when a vivasi*[A goddess] 
    as big as a mountain came out to devour the monkey, who at once seized her 
    by her legs and instantly killed her. When she was killed, a beautiful devangana 
    [A courtesan of heaven.] came out of her belly and threw herself at the feet of 
    Maruti. She said, " I was very beautiful; and, being proud of my beauty, I laughed 
    at a sage, who got indignant and cursed me, saying that I would be a vivasi. 
    I implored him to look upon me with mercy and make the curse a little milder, 
    when he said that I would be released from the curse by your hands. I also inform 
    you that the Brahman, who lives in that abode, is a demon called Kalnemi. He has 
    been here for many days with his companions, who are also demons. Ravana has 
    sent this demon to detain you here, and when you refused to comply with his wishes, 
    he told you to go to that river in order that I might devour you." 

    No sooner did the devangana inform Maruti of this than he came back to the abode 
    of the Brahman, when the latter said to the monkey, " You ought to give me some 
    presents, as I have pointed out the river to you." " I shall be very glad to give you
     presents," replied Maruti. The demon stared at the monkey, when the latter gave 
    him blows as precious presents from him. The demon immediately assumed his 
    original form which was five yojans in length and breadth, and combated with 
    Maruti but the latter instantly killed him; and his companions fled to Lanka to 
    inform Havana of it. 

    Maruti then went to Dronagiri and implored him to accompany him to Suvela, 
    when the mountain said, " Thou art a troublesome creature. Go away. Thou, fool. 
    I will never come with thee." Maruti got enraged and. having lifted up the mountain 
    with his tail, set out for Suvela. 

    But on the road Bharat, the third brother of Rama, who was living at Nandigram with 
    the Rishi, Vashista, having looked at the bright and glittering mountain and, having 
    thought that it was something to entrap Rama and Lakshuman, let off an arrow at it, 
    which passed through the mountain and pierced an arm of Maruti. The monkey, having 
    boen wounded, immediately came down with the mountain, repeating, all the time, 
    the name of Rama. Bharat heard the repetition of the name of Rama and asked him 
    who he was, when the monkey informed him of what had happened to Lakshuman 
    and said, " What should I do now I How can I go to Suvela before the sunrise. If I do 
    not reach Suvela with tin s mountain in the course of the night, Lakshuman will be 
    no more."
    " You need not be afraid," replied Bharat. " I shall send you and the mountain to Suvela, 
    in a minute, though it is at a distance of thousands of yojans from this place. Just sit 
    on the top of my arrow, which will carry you and the mountain there in a minute " 
    Maruti was surprised at the valour and power of Bharat, and continued, " You need 
    not take so much trouble. I can do it myself." So saying he took his leave of the prince 
    and jumped from Nandigram with the mountain and came to Suvela. 

    The physician immediately came and, taking out the juice of the plant of nectar, applied
    it to Lakshuman and brought him to life. In like manner he applied the juice to all the 
    monkeys killed by Ravana and restored them to life. This having been done, Maruti took 
    the mountain and placed it where it formerly stood. Ravana however despatched one 
    hundred demons to snatch Dronagiri from the hands of Maruti but the latter, holding 
    the mountain in his one hand, killed them all with his other hand.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #50 on: April 09, 2016, 12:14:07 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Rama, Lakshuman, and the monkeys again prepared themselves to fight with.
    Ravana but the demon-king did not come out of Lanka for some time. In the 
    meantime Vibhishan came and said to Rama, Ravana is performing a penance 
    like that which was done by Indrajit and half of the divyaratha has come
    out of fire. Unless you send some monkey-warriors there and destroy the havan 
    [Sacred fire] made by him, you will not be able to overcome him." No sooner did 
    Vibhishan inform Rama of this than the latter despatched Maruti, Nala, Neela, 
    Sugriva, and other monkeys to Lanka.

    They all went and searched the place where the demon -king was performing 
    the penance ; but they could not find out the place. But, in the mean-time, Sharma, 
    wife of Vibhishan, showed the place to them. Whereupon they went to the mouth of 
    the excavation and, having removed the stone which was placed upon it, rushed
     into it.

    When they went in, Ravana was in deep meditation. The monkeys, having destroyed 
    the havan and the ratha, tried their utmost to arouse him from his meditation but 
    they failed to do so. They struck him withtheir weapons, they threw rock and 
    trees upon him, they gave blows to him but all was in vain.

    At last Sugriva caught hold of Mandodari and brought her in the excavation. She was 
    frightened, and violently cried. Her yell aroused the demon-king from meditation; 
    and as soon as he saw his wife there, and having found that the havan was destroyed 
    by the monkeys, he was greatly enraged and beat them all dawn. The monkeys 
    immediately returned to Suvela leaving Ravana and his wife in the excavation.

    The demon-king said to Mandodari " My dearest, do not grieve for what has happened 
    to you. Pain and pleasure are made for us mortal beings and we must experience them 
    according to their turns. Now I am going to fight with Rama. I will either kill myself or 
    kill Rama. If I return to you, it is all right; and if I be killed, these are the last words 
    I address to you. So saying the demon-king took the remaining demons with him 
    and commenced operations.'

    All the monkeys threw at him innumerable mountains, rocks, and trees but Ravana 
    cut them off in no time and beat them all down. Finding that Ravana could not be 
    overcome by the monkeys, Rama immediately attacked him, when the demon-king 
    let off a serpent-weapon, which produced innumerable serpents and stung the monkeys.

    Rama let off a Garuda- weapon, which produced garudas and killed all the serpents.

    Rama let off a rain-weapon, which produced the rain and flowed the demons, when 
    Ravana let off a wind- weapon, which produced the wind and dispersed the rain.

    Rama let off a mountain-weapon, which produced mountains and stopped the wind.
    Ravana let off a diamond- weapon, which produced diamonds and broke all the mountains.

    Ravana let off innumerable arrows at Rama at one and the same time but the latter 
    cut them off with one arrow.

    Ravana then let off a very powerful arrow,which struck Rama and passed through his 
    left foot, when all the monkeys got enraged and began to throw arrows, rocks, and trees 
    at Ravana but the latter bravely broke them with his weapons.

    Ravana fought from his chariot and Rama from the ground. Finding that the prince was 
    in a bad position, Indra, the chief of the gods in heaven, sent his chariot for him, which 
    he mounted and began to fight
    with his enemy.

    They both were very powerful and fought with each other for seven days and seven 
    nights without cessation. Rama then let off four arrows and killed the horses of Ravana.

    The demon-king then immediately put other horses to his chariot, when Rama let off 
    an arrow of the size of the half moon, which Ravana cut off with the like arrow.

    Whereupon Rama let off a sharp weapon, which struck the chest of the demon-king 
    and cut off his ten heads but, to the surprise of all, the heads again fixed themselves 
    to him. Rama again cut them off but they again fixed themselves to Ravana.

    Rama having failed to separate the heads from Ravana, all the monkeys were alarmed, 
    when the chari oteer, Matuli, said to Rama, " Ravana has got a phial full of nectar in his 
    breast. Just let off an arrow at his breast and break the phial, so that the heads will not 
    fix themselves to the demon-king over and over again."

    Hearing this from Matuli, Rama discharged a powerful weapon called Agasti Data and 
    broke the phial in his breast; and immediately after, he cut off his ten heads and killed 
    him on the spot.

    Vibhishan lamented for his brother the demon-king, when Rama consoled and pacified him. 
    Mandodari and his other wives came and violently cried for their husband. Vibhishan 
    consoled them and sent them to their palaces. The funeral ceremony of Ravana was then 
    performed by his brother; and soon after, Rama installed him in the throne of Lanka. All the 
    demons acknowledged him as their king and paid homage to him. All the gods and kings 
    imprisoned by Ravana, were released from the prison there. Rama visited them all and 
    heartily embraced them.


    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #51 on: April 09, 2016, 12:33:54 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Rama then asked Maruti and Vibhishan to bring Sita from the Asoka forest. 
    Whereupon they immediately went to the forest and informed her of what 
    had happened to Ravana and said to her, " We are desired by Rama to bring 
    you to Suvela. Please, therefore, prepare yourself to accompany us." Sita 
    having prepared herself to accompany them, Vibhishan seated her in a *sibika 
    [A planquin] and brought her to Suvela.

    She went to embrace Rama affectionately, when the latter said to her, " Do not 
    come near me. I have set you at liberty in order that the people may not call me 
    cruel. You have been for so many years in Lanka, and I do not know what you have
    done during that time. I can not now admit you into my house; you can go wherever 
    you like. I have no objection to it whatsoever."

    Hearing these words from Rama Sita was over-whelmed with grief, and replied, 
    " I am unfortunate. For nothing you have taken trouble for me. For nothing you have 
    given trouble to all the monkeys. If you do not like to admit me into your house, 
    take your sword and cut off my head. I have led a pious and moral life, and I shall 
    presently satisfy you about it." Having addressed these words to Rama, she requested 
    all the monkeys to arrange a pile of wood and set fire to it, All the monkeys accordingly 
    arranged a pile and set fire to it. 

    Sita went near it and loudly exclaimed in the presence of all the monkeys and demons, 
    " All know that I was carried off and detained by Ravana. I say that I led a pious and 
    moral life during the time I was in the kingdom of the demon. There is the fire ready 
    to receive me. I shall now throw myself into it; and if what I say is false, I shall be 
    burnt in it. And if what I say is true, I shall come out of the fire unhurt. So saying 
    Sita threw herself into the fire and disappeared for about three hours. 

    Rama, Lakshuman, and all the monkeys grieved for her and stood near the pile 
    bewildered. But, in the meantime, the god of fire brought her out of it, well decorated 
    with ornaments, and gave her in charge of Rama, who heartily embraced her. 

    Shortly after, Kama set out for Ayodya in a beautiful viman.[A chariot of the gods 
    serving as a throne or 3,3 a conveyance through the skies, self-directed and self-moving.] 
    Sugriva, Vibhishan, all the monkeys, and demons were seated in it. On the road Rama 
    visited the Rishis and his other friends, who had supported him in the forest, and directly 
    came to Nandigram, where he alighted from the viman and saw his brother, Bharat, 
    who heartily embraced him with tears of joy. Rama then sent the viman back and 
    stayed in the forest of Nandigram, with Sugriva, Yibhishan, all the monkeys and 
    In the meantime, Shatrughna and Sumant came to the forest with all their army 
    and saw Rama, Lakshuman, and Sita. Kausalya, Suruitra, and Kayakayi also came 
    there and affectionately embraced their sons. Kayakayi remembered her past conduct 
    towards Rama and repented of what she had done to ruin him. They all then seated 
    themselves in chariots and came to Ayodya with the acclamation of joy. 

    On the return of Rama from Suvela all the kings on earth including his father-in-law, 
    Janaka, saw him. All the people of Ayodya were exceedingly glad to see Rama, 
    Lakshuman, and Sita. Kama entertained all the kings, Rishis, demons, and monkeys 
    for some days. Sita affectionately embraced her sister and her all relations. 

    Soon after, Rama was installed by the Rishi, Vashista, in the throne of Ayodya, 
    when all the kings paid tribute to him.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
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    « Reply #52 on: April 10, 2016, 01:28:37 PM »
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    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Immediately after the ceremony of installation was over, Rama gave presents 
    to Sugriva, Vibhishan and all other kings. But Maruti did not accept any of the 
    presents, as the other monkeys did. The monkeys asked Maruti why he refused 
    the presents from Rama. Why do I want the presents from Rama ? replied Maruti. 
    " Rama is always in my heart.* Whereupon the monkeys continued, ** If what 
    you say is true, show us Rama in your heart.* As soon as the monkeys uttered 
    these words, Maruti ripped his heart and showed Rama to them from within. 
    The monkeys were greatly surprised, and threw themselves at the feet of Maruti.

    When Rama was on the throne, Kayakayi peeped at him through a window and 
    said, " My son is unfortunate. Look at Rama, how he is happy. I tried my utmost 
    to get the throne for him but he did not listen to me. And at last he has become 
    a slave of his brother, Rama." Vashista overheard what she had said and replied, 
    " I told you many things but you would never mind me. It was owing to your own 
    folly and jealousy that Rama was sent to the forest, and it was you who killed 
    your husband, Dasharatha. I now still advise you to be a good woman and trust, 
    you will love Rama and Lakshuman as your sons, 
    Bharat and Shairughna." 

    Soon after, Rama, Sugriva, Vibhishan, and all other kings returned to their respective 
    armies. Only Maruti always remained with Rama. Rama reigned in Ayodya for eleven 
    thousand years and all his subjects were happy under his reign and led a very pious life. 

    Sita was in the farmily way for the first time, and when she passed six months, 
    Rama took her to his pleasant garden, where they spent some time in pleasure. While 
    they were there, Rama said to Sita, " My sweet heart, you have now passed six months 
    of your pregnancy. Just let me know what you like to enjoy. I am ready to gratify any 
    of your desires." " My love, what I want to enjoy is this," replied Sita, " that you and 
    I should go to a forest where Rishis live, and eat kandamuls there, and sleep on the 
    bed of Trana [grass][ on the ground." When Sita expressed her desire, he said to himself, 
    "Lo, she suffered so much in the forest and yet she likes to go to a forest." So saying 
    to himself he returned home with her.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #53 on: April 10, 2016, 01:31:06 PM »
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    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    A few days before Rama went to the garden he had ordered his officers to go round 
    the city at night and hear whether his subjects spoke ill of him. The officers, who had 
    gone round the city, came to Rama and said to him, " We went to every door successively 
    for some days and found that all your subjects spoke well of you except one washerman 
    called, Rajaka, who scandalized you. One day this Rajaka beat his wife, and consequently 
    she ran to her parents house without his knowledge.

     Her father intervened and came to the house of his son-in-law with his daughter and 
    requested him to admit her into his house, when Rajaka said, I will never admit her 
    into my house. I am not that Rama, who shamelessly admitted Sita into his house, 
    though she lived under the roof of Ravana for many years. I am a pure washerman. 
    I am the man who clean and remove the dirt and spots on the dresses and clothes of 
    the people and do you mean to say that I will admit your unclean daughter again into 
    my house ? You can take her back. I do not wish to see her face. This is the only 
    man who has scandalized you." 

    As soon as Rama heard these words from the officers, he became exceedingly sorry 
    and, having called Lakshuman, said to him, " You see, my brother, that Rajaka has 
    scandalized me, though Sita is faithful and as pious as any thing. That wicked washerman 
    has scandalized me, because I have admitted her into my house. I cannot bear this at all. 
    I, therefore, bade you take Sita to the yonder forest and, leaving her there alone, return 
    to me as soon as possible." 

    " You need not take to your heart what Rajaka has said about yon," replied Lakshuman. 
    " There are many wicked persons who are in the habit of scandalizing others. As a wise 
    and prudent man you should not mind it. Let the people say whatever they like. Why do you 
    mind that stupid man ? I shall cut off his tongue." " What you say is right," continued Rama, u but if you cut off the tongue of that man the 
    people will say that we are guilty. It is, therefore far better, if we get rid of Sita, so that 
    nobody may speak ill of us." Lakshuman hesitated to comply with his wishes, when Rama 
    exclaimed, " If you do not obey me, I shall kill myself on this spot." 

    Finding that Rama was serious, Lakshuman immediately got up and entered the room of 
    Sita, who kindly received him and made him sit with her. Lakshuman said to her, " Rama has 
    told me to take you to the yonder forest as soon as possible.

    So, kindly prepare yourself and accompany me there." " Has Rama told you to take me to 
    the forest ?" replied she. " Ah! I am very fortunate. Some days ago he asked me what 
    I wanted to enjoy, and I told him that I liked to pass four or five days in a forest, eat 
    kandamuls there and sleep on the bed of trana. I think, for the same purpose he is going 
    to send me with you. Let us start. I am quite ready." Listening to what Sita had said 
    Lakshuman felt much and shed tears for her.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #54 on: April 11, 2016, 11:44:57 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Soon after, Lakshuman seated her in a chariot near the river, Janavi, 
    and began to drive it, when she observed bad omens and asked him 
    what those omens indicated. Lakshuman, overwhelmed with grief, 
    could not utter a syllable and quietly drove the chariot. When she 
    found him quiet and in grief, she said to him, " Why are you so sorry ?
     Why don't you speak with me ?"

    Lakshuman still kept quiet and, crossing the river in a boat, landed 
    her in the forest, where there was no human being and it was 
    inhabited by lions, serpents, tigers, and other animals. She asked 
    Lakshuman, " Where are the abodes of Rishis ?" Lakshuman did not 
    reply ; but, making a bed of grass, he seated her on it. 

    He then fell at her feet and said with tears in his eyes, " Mother, 
    Rama has left you alone in this forest. I have brought you here, 
    as I could not disobey him." No sooner did Lakshuman speak these 
    words than she fainted. While she was insensible, Lakshuman prayed 
    to the goddess of the forest and every creature in it to protect her 
    and started for Ayodya.

    When he went some paces off, Sita came to herself and, standing 
    on her legs, loudly exclaimed, * ! Lakshuman, kindly return and take 
    me back. Why do you leave me here without any faults on my part ? 
    Kill me and tell Rama of it. Where shall I go in this dreary forest." 
    So saying she violently cried so much so that even trees and stones 
    shed tears for her. Lakshuman returned to Ayodya and told Rama 
    all about Sita.

    Sita wandered in the forest barefooted. She had no shelter there. 
    She often fainted. She said to herself, " It is now useless to live in 
    this world. I should have killed myself but I can not do so. If I kill 
    myself, I shall be guilty of suicide and murder, because the infant 
    child in my womb will also be killed with me." So saying to herself 
    she abandoned the idea of killing herself. 

    In the meantime, the Rishi, Valmika, having heard the yells of Sita, 
    came up to her and said, " Who are you ? What has brought you here ?" 
    " I am a daughter of Janak and wife of Rama," replied Sita. "Lakshuman 
    left me alone in this dreary forest without any faults on my part. I am 
    quite a stranger here. So I implore you to be my father". " My name is 
    Valmika," replied Valmika." Rama knows me well. Your father, Janak, 
    is my friend ; and therefore, I look upon you as my daughter. Two sons 
    will be born to you. They will be more powerful than their father, and will 
    revenge themselves upon those who have left you alone in this forest 
    without any faults on your part." 

    Valmika then led Sita to his abode, when all the Rishis gathered around 
    him and asked him, " Who is this woman ?" " This is Sita," replied Valmika,
    " Why have you brought her here ? Surely you will get into difficulties on 
    account of her," continued the Rishis. One of the Rishis said, "If she is Sita, 
    tell her to bring that river here." Sita prayed to the river, and it flowed 
    where she was standing. The Rishis were alarmed, and prayed to her for 
    protection. She again prayed to the river and sent her back.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #55 on: April 11, 2016, 11:48:33 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Valmika brought Sita to his abode and took every care of her. 
    After the expiration of nine months, she was delivered of twin 
    sons at midday as bright as the sun, when the wives of the 
    Rishis came and helped her in her confinement. The first born 
    son was the younger and the second born was the eldest. The 
    disciples of Valmika went and informed the Rishi of the birth of 
    the two sons. Whereupon Valmika immediately came to his 
    abode and performed the necessary ceremony. 

    He sprinkled water over the younger son with a cusha [Grass] 
    and named him Kusha after it. The eldest son having been placed 
    on lavas,[A rush-like grass.} the Rishi, in like manner, sprinkled 
    the water over him and called him Lahu. 

    When the two sons became eight years old, the Rishi performed 
    their Vrataband [The ceremony of invesiting a boy with a thread] 
    and entertained the Rishis for four days. A kamdhenu or a cow 
    supplied them with whatever they wanted. The Rishi taught them 
    the Vedas, mantras, Ramayan, the Purans and dhanurvidya. They
     thoroughly mastered all sciences and arts and always played with 
    the sons of the Rishis. When they became ten years old, they went 
    on hunting excursions and brought home the animals killed by them. 

    One day Kusha killed a sage on the top of a mountain, who was a 
    brother of Valmika. He was meditating there in the form of a deer. 
    They dragged the corpse of the sage towards the abode of Valmika, 
    when the latter asked them on the road what they were doing. " We 
    have brought a deer for you" replied they, " and shall make a seat of 
    its skins for you. Valamika, having looked at the corpse, found that 
    it was his brother and said to himself " Now both the boys have become 
    very brave. They have even killed a Brahman." So saying to himself 
    Valmika performed the funeral ceremony of his brother and informed 
    Sita of the valour of her sons, when she said, " What do I know ? It is 
    you who have taught them dhanurvidya, mantras, arts, and all sciences. 
    I implore you, Papa, to free them from the sin. 

    " Unless they bring one thousand Brahma Kamals"[Lotuses] replied 
    Valmika, " and worship the god, Siva, with all their heart and soul, they 
    will not be freed from the sin." u Papa, will you kindly tell us where those 
    kamals can be had ?" enquired the boys. " We will immediately bring 
    them here." " There is a lake called Brahmasarovar near Ayodya," 
    continued Valmika, " but a number of warriors are posted by Rama 
    to watch it. Those kamals are used by Rama for the worship of Siva." 
    " Pooh!" said the boys, " We shall immediately bring those kamals. 
    Let there be hundreds of brave warriors to watch the lake, we shall punish
     them and even capture Rama." So saying they hastened to the lake. 

    Kusha went and plucked all the kamals, when the warriors came upon him; 
    but Lahu killed many of them. Those who had escaped, went and informed 
    Rama of what the boys had done. Rama was greatly surprised, and praised 
    the valour of the 
    boys. Lahu and Kusha brought the kamals and worshipped Siva as directed 
    by Valmika, and thus they were freed from the sin they had committed 
    in killing the Brahman.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #56 on: April 12, 2016, 10:22:36 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    One day, while both the boys were shampooing the feet of their mother,
    Kusha asked her, " In what country we were born ? What is the name of
    the country and what is our race and who is our father ? "Rama, Lakshuman,
    Bharat and Shatrnghna" replied Sita, " are sons of Dasaratha, who was the
    king of Ayodya and belonged to the solar race. Rama, the eldest son of the
    king, is your father. I am left in this forest alone, bacause a washerman
    scandalized your father on my account. So saying she shed tears, when both
    the boys got much enraged at Rama and consoled their mother.

    Owing to the injustice done by Rama to Sita there was a terrible famine in
    Ayodya for twelve years. The people and animals suffered much. The rain
    fell in torrents. Rama was alarmed and asked the Rishi, Vashista, what the
    cause of the famine was, when the latter replied, " You havo unjustly left Sita
     in the forest, although she is a paragon of virtue ; and this is the cause of the
    famine. In order to put it down you must celebrate an Ashwamedha sacrifice.
    [monarch would let a horse loose with a patrika or letter on its fore-head
    stating that any monarch whose dominion the animal entered, should either
    catch it and fight with its master or submit to him and give him tribute.
    Wherever this animal entered, it was accompanied by the monarch with
    large armies.

    Monarchs read the patrika and fought with the invading monarch, if they were
    powerful to do so ; and if not, they gave him tribute. After all the monarchg
    were subdued, the horse was either killed or let go alive, and hence it is called
    ashwamedha or horse-sacrifice With a view to be an emperor or to free
    himself from sin]

    Whereupon Rama erected a mandap [a shade or hall] on the bank of the river,
    Sharayu one yojan in length, and invited all kings to that ceremony including
    Vibhishan, Sugriva, Nala, Niila, Maruti, Sharab, Govaksha, and all other monkeys.
    Rama, having performed the necessary ceremony, brought the best horse
    called shamakarna from his stable and made it stand in the mandap.

    Yashista tied up to- its forehead a golden Patrika [a letter written in a brass
    plate] and wrote on it the following words: " Rama, the king of Ayodya, son of
    Dasharatha, has let the shamakarna loose. It is guarded by six billions of warriors
    under the command of Shatrughna,, and any king, who is powerful and mighty, is
    required to capture the horse and fight with its owner, but if he is unable to do so,
    he must submit to Rama and pay tribute to him."

    Rama worshipped the shamakarna and appointed Shatrughna as commander-in-chief
    of the six billions of the warriors who followed the horse. Rama performed the
    necessary yagna [Sacrifice] for many days in the mandap strongly guarded by
    Sugriva, Vibhishan, and Maruti. Lakshuman, Bharat, and Sumant supplied him
    with all the necessary things for the purpose.

    Shatrughna conquered fifty six kings of very large countries, who submitted to him
    and, having paid tribute to Rama, followed the prince. The shamakarna of Rama
    began to gallop on the road on which the abode of Valmika stood. The Rishi, Valmika,
    had gone to Patal[Under-world] to be present at the yagna performed by Varun.
    Before he left for Patal, he had told the boys to watch his abode in his absence.

    Both the small boys were playing together with other playmates near the abode
    at the time the shamakarna galloped, when Lava showed the animal to his playmates
    and, having pulled off the patrika from the head of the horse, read the contents of it.
    He laughed at what he had read, and said, " Is Rama only a mighty king on earth ?

    Pooh! I shall capture this horse, and let me see who will fight with me and recover the
    horse." So saying he tied up the animal to a plantain-tree. All the children of the Rishis
    were alarmed and said, " No doubt this horse belongs to a king. How dare you capture
    the animal ? If the king come here and ask us who has detained the horse, I will surely
    give your name.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #57 on: April 12, 2016, 10:24:47 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    In the meantime, some of the warriors came there and, looking at the children
    of the Rishis, said, " Who are you ? Who has tied up the horse to the plaatain-tree ?"
    "We do not know anything about it," replied the children. " There stands the boy
    who has tied up the horse to the tree and he will tell you why he has done so."
    In the meantime, Shatraghna and all other warriors reached there.

    Looking at the tenderness of Lahu they coaxed him and went to untie the horse,
    when the former loudly exclaimed, " I did capture the horse. I stand here to fight
    with you. Who is your Rama ? Go and tell him that I am ready to fight with him.
    You say that I am a child but I will kill you. all and put down your pride."

    The warriors said to them selves, " It is unbecoming on our part to fight with these
    tender boys. All the kings will laugh at us,, if we fight with them. It is far better to
    untie the horse and walk quietly." So saying all the warriors went to untie the animal,
    when Lahu let off arrows and cut off the hands of those who went to untie the horse.
    All the six billions of warriors at once rushed upon the boy, who let off arrows and
    defeated them with heavy loss.

    Then Shatrughna drove his chariot but there was no room to move it, as there were
    heaps of the corpses of the warriors killed by Lahu. He however pushed aside the
    corpses and went where the boy was standing. Finding him just like Rama, he asked
    him, " Whose child you are ? You have killed all my warriors. I shall now severely
    punish you."

    " Very well, I shall see how you will save your life now, replied Lahu. Shatrughna got
    enraged and let off an arrow at the boy, who cut it off in no time. He then let off many
    arrows which Lahu cut off and struck the for mer with his arrows. At last he threw at
    Lahu the deadly arrow given by Kama to him for use in difficulty, when Lahu said,
    " I do not know how to cut off this, arrow. Kusha has a knowledge of it. If he had not
    gone to the forest for kandamuls, he would have cut it off. Lahu however let off a
    fiery arrow and cut off a part of the deadly arrow but the remaining half of it struck
    the boy ; and consequently he fell insensible on the ground.

    Shatrughna was moved, and having gone near the boy, looked at him attentively.
    He resembled Rama, Shatrughna applied water to his eyes and brought to his senses ;
     and in order to show him to Kama he put him into his chariot and proceeded further
    with the shamakarna.

    The children ran and informed Sitaof the fate of her son, Lahu, when she fainted and,
    coining to herself, violently cried. She exclaimed with grief, " I am helpless and very
    unfortunate. Which heartless man has seized my child ? ! My son, thou art tender. Thou
    must have been wounded. Thy eyes must have been broken by the arrows of the enemy.
    My children are too young. They live upon kandamuls and how will they be strong enough
    to fight with warriors ? Those who raise a weapon against a child, are not Kshatriyas.
    How is it that nobody felt pity at the child ? Who has carried off the little wealth I had ?
    Who has carried off the stick of a blind and lame woman ? If my father, Valmika, were here,
    he would go to his rescue, but unfortunately he has gone to patal. Kusha has also gone
    to the forest, what shall I do now ? Who will get my son back."


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #58 on: April 13, 2016, 06:53:55 AM »
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    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    In the meantime, Kusha returned from the forest and asked his mother
    where his brother was, when she, with tears in her eyes, informed him
    of what had happened to Lahu. As soon as he was informed of the fate
    of his brother, he took up his bow and arrow and ran after Shatrughna
    and the other warriors. Kusha called out and said, " Who are you, thieves.
    Where are you going to take the stolen thing ?" So saying he let off arrows
    at the army of Shatrughna,

    The latter [Shatrugna] turned round and loudly said, " Child, I shall immediately
    seize and carry you off with us. So saying Shatrughna let off ten arrows
    at Kusha, which the latter cut off and broke the chariot and killed the four
    horses of the former with nine arrows ; and with three arrows his helmet
    and chap * were broken. Shatrughna fell on the ground and combated with
    Kusha, when the latter let off two arrows and cut off his two hands ; and
    at the same time his head was cut off with another arrow.

    On the fall of Shatrughna his brother, ]S T agendranath, let off twenty arrows
    at the boy but the latter broke off the arrows with one arrow and cut off the
    head of Nagendranath with an arrow of the size of the half moon. Having done
    this, he continued the letting off arrows at the warriors, who could not overcome
    Kusha. The boy killed many billions of warriors and all the kings who had submitted
    to Rama. Kusha then went and searched his brother, whom he found in the chariot
    of Shatrughna. He was insensible. Kusha brought him to senses and embraced
    him affectionately.

    Lahu said, " Let us now go home with the shamakarna." " I am sure, many other
    warriors will come here to fight with us," replied Kusha. " It is not safe to return
    home. Let us kill all who will come here to take the horse, and then return home."

    A few wounded warriors went and informed Rama that Shatrughna and six billions
    of the warriors were killed by two small boys of a Rishi. Rama was alarmed at the
    news and immediately despatched Lakshuman with a large army to the seat of
    the war. He, looking at the beautiful boys of the age of twelve years, was greatly
    surprised at their bravery. The warriors said, " Capture, capture the boys.
    Where will they go now ?"

    The boys prayed to the sun, who was pleased with them and presented them
    with a successful weapon, which Lahu took up and attacked the warriors of
    Lakshuman and killed a large number of them, when Lakshuman said to Kalajit,
    " As long as the two boys stand, together, nobody can overcome them. Let us,
    therefore, separate them both and seize them." So saying Lakshuman separated
    the boys with the assistance of all his warriors but Lahn let off one arrow, which
    produced kotis of arrows and killed the warriors.

    Finding Lakshuman in a bad position a demon called Rudhi, a great friend of Rama,
    jumping into the air, came down where Lahu was standing, and snatched the weapon
    from his hands and flew like a bird, when Lahu also flew with him and, seizing the
    demon by his hair and turning him like a wheel, flung him down and instantly killed

    Lakshuman, got enraged and let off at the two boys five arrows as powerful as lightning,
    which Lahu cut off in a minute. Lahu said to Lakshuman, " You formerly killed Indrajit.
    Let me see your valour now. You fasted for fourteen years. No doubt you must have
    now rest and I shall just give it to you."


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #59 on: April 13, 2016, 06:56:37 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    " What is the name of your father ? asked Lakshuman. " Why do you want to
    know it ?" replied Lahu. " Come on, let us now fight." So saying he let of one
    arrow and threw Lakshuman with his chariot into the sky, which turned in
    the air and came down on the ground. Lakshuman mounted another chariot
    and continued letting off arrows at Lahu, which the latter cut off one after
    another in the twinkle of an eye.

    Lakshuman then let off an arrow, which produced kotis of gadas, when Lahu
    made use of the mantra given hy Valmika, which produced koits of f chakras
    and out off the gadas. Lakshuman then let off a mountain-weapon, which
    produced mountains but Lahu broke them with the diamonds produced
    by a diamond-weapon.

    Thus Lakshuman tried his utmost to kill Lahu with his arrows but he could not
    overcome the boy, when the latter said to him, " Why have you stopped now ?
    If your arrows are finished, go back and call your Rama."

    Lakshuman did not reply to what Lahu had said, and indignantly let off arrows
    at Lahu, when the latter let off a melody-weapon, which produced melodious
    sounds and charmed Lakshuman, who was an incarnation of the serpent,
    Shesha. Lakshuman,. having been charmed with the melodious sounds,
    ceased to fight And began to nod his head with mirth.

    Kalajit surrounded Kusha with his troops but the latter killed them all and joined
    his brother. Rama was about to send Bharat with more troops to re-enforce
    the army of Lakshuman with instructions to Lakshuman that they should put
    upon the boys a fascination-weapon and, seizing the two boys, bring them
    to him alive, so that their mother might not cry for them. But in the mean time,
    a few wounded warriors went and informed Rama that Lakshuman had fallen
    in the field of war with Kalajit and all the warriors commanded by him. Rama,
    hearing this, grieved much for Lakshuman and immediately despatch
    ed Maruti and Bharat with more warriors.

    When Bharat saw the boys just like Rama, he said to Maruti, " There is no
    doubt that the boys are sons of Rama." "I should think so", replied Maruti.
    Lahu and Kusha saw them whisper to each other and said, " No doubt they
    will engage us in conversation and take the shamakarna from us."

    Kusha told Lahu to watch the horse and he himself came up to Bharat and
    asked him, " You are, I suppose, elder than Lakshuman. Are you not ? You seem
    to be a brave soldier." " Just tell me what is your name, who your parents are,
    and tell me with whom you fought before ?" said Bharat.

    " My name is Kusha," replied the child.

    " Depart from this place," continued Bharat, " and tell your mother that I have
    spared your life." " I think, Rama has sent you here to capture us," said Kusha.
    " I now tell you; either fight with me or depart from this place as soon as you can.
    1 do not pursue you. Just go and get your Rama here."

    Bharat got enraged and let off various arrows and weapons at Kusha, which the
    latter cut off very easily. At last he let off a diamond-weapon at Maruti, and
    made him insensible.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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