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Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
« Reply #3030 on: September 22, 2021, 06:44:08 AM »
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  • Date: 22.09.21, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 668

    धनासरी महला ४ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:
    हरि हरि बूंद भए हरि सुआमी हम चात्रिक बिलल बिललाती ॥
    The Lord, Har, Har, is the rain-drop; I am the song-bird, crying, crying out for it.
    हरि हरि क्रिपा करहु प्रभ अपनी मुखि देवहु हरि निमखाती ॥१॥
    O Lord God, please bless me with Your Mercy, and pour Your Name into my mouth, even if for only an instant. ||1||
    हरि बिनु रहि न सकउ इक राती ॥
    Without the Lord, I cannot live for even a second.
    जिउ बिनु अमलै अमली मरि जाई है तिउ हरि बिनु हम मरि जाती ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Like the addict who dies without his drug, I die without the Lord. ||Pause||
    तुम हरि सरवर अति अगाह हम लहि न सकहि अंतु माती ॥
    You, Lord, are the deepest, most unfathomable ocean; I cannot find even a trace of Your limits.
    तू परै परै अपर्मपरु सुआमी मिति जानहु आपन गाती ॥२॥
    You are the most remote of the remote, limitless and transcendent; O Lord Master, You alone know Your state and extent. ||2||
    हरि के संत जना हरि जपिओ गुर रंगि चलूलै राती ॥
    The Lord's humble Saints meditate on the Lord; they are imbued with the deep crimson color of the Guru's Love.
    हरि हरि भगति बनी अति सोभा हरि जपिओ ऊतम पाती ॥३॥
    Meditating on the Lord, they attain great glory, and the most sublime honor. ||3||
    आपे ठाकुरु आपे सेवकु आपि बनावै भाती ॥
    He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself creates His environments.
    नानकु जनु तुमरी सरणाई हरि राखहु लाज भगाती ॥४॥५॥
    Servant Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary, O Lord; protect and preserve the honor of Your devotee. ||4||5||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3031 on: September 27, 2021, 10:50:27 AM »
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  • Date: 23.09.21, Day: Thursday, Ang: 605

    सोरठि महला ४ ॥
    Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
    आपे कंडा आपि तराजी प्रभि आपे तोलि तोलाइआ ॥
    God Himself is the balance scale, He Himself is the weigher, and He Himself weighs with the weights.
    आपे साहु आपे वणजारा आपे वणजु कराइआ ॥
    He Himself is the banker, He Himself is the trader, and He Himself makes the trades.
    आपे धरती साजीअनु पिआरै पिछै टंकु चड़ाइआ ॥१॥
    The Beloved Himself fashioned the world, and He Himself counter-balances it with a gram. ||1||
    मेरे मन हरि हरि धिआइ सुखु पाइआ ॥
    My mind meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, and finds peace.
    हरि हरि नामु निधानु है पिआरा गुरि पूरै मीठा लाइआ ॥ रहाउ ॥
    The Name of the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, is a treasure; the Perfect Guru has made it seem sweet to me. ||Pause||
    आपे धरती आपि जलु पिआरा आपे करे कराइआ ॥
    The Beloved Himself is the earth, and He Himself is the water; He Himself acts, and causes others to act.
    आपे हुकमि वरतदा पिआरा जलु माटी बंधि रखाइआ ॥
    The Beloved Himself issues His Commands, and keeps the water and the land bound down.
    आपे ही भउ पाइदा पिआरा बंनि बकरी सीहु हढाइआ ॥२॥
    The Beloved Himself instills the Fear of God; He binds the tiger and the goat together. ||2||
    आपे कासट आपि हरि पिआरा विचि कासट अगनि रखाइआ ॥
    The Beloved Lord Himself is the firewood, and He Himself keeps the fire within the wood.
    आपे ही आपि वरतदा पिआरा भै अगनि न सकै जलाइआ ॥
    The Beloved Lord Himself, all by Himself, permeates them, and because of the Fear of God, the fire cannot burn the wood.
    आपे मारि जीवाइदा पिआरा साह लैदे सभि लवाइआ ॥३॥
    The Beloved Himself kills and revives; all draw the breath of life, given by Him. ||3||
    आपे ताणु दीबाणु है पिआरा आपे कारै लाइआ ॥
    The Beloved Himself is power and presence; He Himself engages us in our work.
    जिउ आपि चलाए तिउ चलीऐ पिआरे जिउ हरि प्रभ मेरे भाइआ ॥
    As the Beloved makes me walk, I walk, as it pleases my Lord God.
    आपे जंती जंतु है पिआरा जन नानक वजहि वजाइआ ॥४॥४॥
    The Beloved Himself is the musician, and the musical instrument; servant Nanak vibrates His vibration. ||4||4||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3032 on: September 27, 2021, 10:55:54 AM »
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  • Date: 24.09.21, Day: Friday, Ang: 586

    सलोकु मः ३ ॥
    Shalok, Third Mehl:
    सतिगुरि मिलिऐ भुख गई भेखी भुख न जाइ ॥
    Meeting with the True Guru, hunger departs; by wearing the robes of a beggar, hunger does not depart.
    दुखि लगै घरि घरि फिरै अगै दूणी मिलै सजाइ ॥
    Afflicted with pain, he wanders from house to house, and in the world hereafter, he receives double punishment.
    अंदरि सहजु न आइओ सहजे ही लै खाइ ॥
    Peace does not come to his heart - he is not content to eat what comes his way.
    मनहठि जिस ते मंगणा लैणा दुखु मनाइ ॥
    With his stubborn mind, he begs, and grabs, and annoys those who give.
    इसु भेखै थावहु गिरहो भला जिथहु को वरसाइ ॥
    Instead of wearing these beggar's robes, it is better to be a householder, and give to others.
    सबदि रते तिना सोझी पई दूजै भरमि भुलाइ ॥
    Those who are attuned to the Word of the Shabad, acquire understanding; the others wander, deluded by doubt.
    पइऐ किरति कमावणा कहणा कछू न जाइ ॥
    They act according to their past actions; it is useless to talk to them.
    नानक जो तिसु भावहि से भले जिन की पति पावहि थाइ ॥१॥
    O Nanak, those who are pleasing unto the Lord are good; He upholds their honor. ||1||
    मः ३ ॥
    Third Mehl:
    सतिगुरि सेविऐ सदा सुखु जनम मरण दुखु जाइ ॥
    Serving the True Guru, one finds a lasting peace; the pains of birth and death are removed.
    चिंता मूलि न होवई अचिंतु वसै मनि आइ ॥
    He is not troubled by anxiety, and the carefree Lord comes to dwell in the mind.
    अंतरि तीरथु गिआनु है सतिगुरि दीआ बुझाइ ॥
    Deep within himself, is the sacred shrine of spiritual wisdom, revealed by the True Guru.
    मैलु गई मनु निरमलु होआ अम्रित सरि तीरथि नाइ ॥
    His filth is removed, and his soul becomes immaculately pure, bathing in the sacred shrine, the pool of Ambrosial Nectar.
    सजण मिले सजणा सचै सबदि सुभाइ ॥
    The friend meets with the True Friend, the Lord, through the love of the Shabad.
    घर ही परचा पाइआ जोती जोति मिलाइ ॥
    Within the home of his own being, he finds the Divine Self, and his light blends with the Light.
    पाखंडि जमकालु न छोडई लै जासी पति गवाइ ॥
    The Messenger of Death does not leave the hypocrite; he is led away in dishonor.
    नानक नामि रते से उबरे सचे सिउ लिव लाइ ॥२॥
    O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam are saved; they are in love with the True Lord. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    तितु जाइ बहहु सतसंगती जिथै हरि का हरि नामु बिलोईऐ ॥
    Go, and sit in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where the Name of the Lord is churned.
    सहजे ही हरि नामु लेहु हरि ततु न खोईऐ ॥
    In peace and poise, contemplate the Lord's Name - don't lose the essence of the Lord.
    नित जपिअहु हरि हरि दिनसु राति हरि दरगह ढोईऐ ॥
    Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, constantly, day and night, and you shall be accepted in the Court of the Lord.
    सो पाए पूरा सतगुरू जिसु धुरि मसतकि लिलाटि लिखोईऐ ॥
    He alone finds the Perfect True Guru, on whose forehead such a pre-ordained destiny is written.
    तिसु गुर कंउ सभि नमसकारु करहु जिनि हरि की हरि गाल गलोईऐ ॥४॥
    Let everyone bow in worship to the Guru, who utters the sermon of the Lord. ||4||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3033 on: September 27, 2021, 11:25:37 AM »
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  • Date: 25.09.21, Day: Saturday, Ang: 582

    वडहंसु महला ३ महला तीजा
    Wadahans, Third Mehl:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    प्रभु सचड़ा हरि सालाहीऐ कारजु सभु किछु करणै जोगु ॥
    Praise God, the True Lord; He is all-powerful to do all things.
    सा धन रंड न कबहू बैसई ना कदे होवै सोगु ॥
    The soul-bride shall never be a widow, and she shall never have to endure suffering.
    ना कदे होवै सोगु अनदिनु रस भोग सा धन महलि समाणी ॥
    She shall never suffer - night and day, she enjoys pleasures; that soul-bride merges in the Mansion of her Lord's Presence.
    जिनि प्रिउ जाता करम बिधाता बोले अम्रित बाणी ॥
    She knows her Beloved, the Architect of karma, and she speaks words of ambrosial sweetness.
    गुणवंतीआ गुण सारहि अपणे कंत समालहि ना कदे लगै विजोगो ॥
    The virtuous soul-brides dwell on the Lord's virtues; they keep their Husband Lord in their remembrance, and so they never suffer separation from Him.
    सचड़ा पिरु सालाहीऐ सभु किछु करणै जोगो ॥१॥
    So praise your True Husband Lord, who is all-powerful to do all things. ||1||
    सचड़ा साहिबु सबदि पछाणीऐ आपे लए मिलाए ॥
    The True Lord and Master is realized through the Word of His Shabad; He blends all with Himself.
    सा धन प्रिअ कै रंगि रती विचहु आपु गवाए ॥
    That soul-bride is imbued with the Love of her Husband Lord, who banishes her self-conceit from within.
    विचहु आपु गवाए फिरि कालु न खाए गुरमुखि एको जाता ॥
    Eradicating her ego from within herself, death shall not consume her again; as Gurmukh, she knows the One Lord God.
    कामणि इछ पुंनी अंतरि भिंनी मिलिआ जगजीवनु दाता ॥
    The desire of the soul-bride is fulfilled; deep within herself, she is drenched in His Love. She meets the Great Giver, the Life of the World.
    सबद रंगि राती जोबनि माती पिर कै अंकि समाए ॥
    Imbued with love for the Shabad, she is like a youth intoxicated; she merges into the very being of her Husband Lord.
    सचड़ा साहिबु सबदि पछाणीऐ आपे लए मिलाए ॥२॥
    The True Lord Master is realized through the Word of His Shabad. He blends all with Himself. ||2||
    जिनी आपणा कंतु पछाणिआ हउ तिन पूछउ संता जाए ॥
    Those who have realized their Husband Lord - I go and ask those Saints about Him.
    आपु छोडि सेवा करी पिरु सचड़ा मिलै सहजि सुभाए ॥
    Renouncing ego, I serve them; thus I meet my True Husband Lord, with intuitive ease.
    पिरु सचा मिलै आए साचु कमाए साचि सबदि धन राती ॥
    The True Husband Lord comes to meet the soul-bride who practices Truth, and is imbued with the True Word of the Shabad.
    कदे न रांड सदा सोहागणि अंतरि सहज समाधी ॥
    She shall never become a widow; she shall always be a happy bride. Deep within herself, she dwells in the celestial bliss of Samaadhi.
    पिरु रहिआ भरपूरे वेखु हदूरे रंगु माणे सहजि सुभाए ॥
    Her Husband Lord is fully pervading everywhere; beholding Him ever-present, she enjoys His Love, with intuitive ease.
    जिनी आपणा कंतु पछाणिआ हउ तिन पूछउ संता जाए ॥३॥
    Those who have realized their Husband Lord - I go and ask those Saints about Him. ||3||
    पिरहु विछुंनीआ भी मिलह जे सतिगुर लागह साचे पाए ॥
    The separated ones also meet with their Husband Lord, if they fall at the Feet of the True Guru.
    सतिगुरु सदा दइआलु है अवगुण सबदि जलाए ॥
    The True Guru is forever merciful; through the Word of His Shabad, demerits are burnt away.
    अउगुण सबदि जलाए दूजा भाउ गवाए सचे ही सचि राती ॥
    Burning away her demerits through the Shabad, the soul-bride eradicates her love of duality, and remains absorbed in the True, True Lord.
    सचै सबदि सदा सुखु पाइआ हउमै गई भराती ॥
    Through the True Shabad, everlasting peace is obtained, and egotism and doubt are dispelled.
    पिरु निरमाइलु सदा सुखदाता नानक सबदि मिलाए ॥
    The Immaculate Husband Lord is forever the Giver of peace; O Nanak, through the Word of His Shabad, He is met.
    पिरहु विछुंनीआ भी मिलह जे सतिगुर लागह साचे पाए ॥४॥१॥
    The separated ones also meet with their Husband Lord, if they fall at the feet of the True Guru. ||4||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3034 on: September 27, 2021, 11:36:31 AM »
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  • Date: 26.09.21, Day: Sunday, Ang: 554

    सलोकु मः ३ ॥
    Shalok, Third Mehl:
    नानक बिनु सतिगुर भेटे जगु अंधु है अंधे करम कमाइ ॥
    O Nanak, without meeting the True Guru, the world is blind, and it does blind deeds.
    सबदै सिउ चितु न लावई जितु सुखु वसै मनि आइ ॥
    It does not focus its consciousness on the Word of the Shabad, which would bring peace to abide in the mind.
    तामसि लगा सदा फिरै अहिनिसि जलतु बिहाइ ॥
    Always afflicted with the dark passions of low energy, it wanders around, passing its days and nights burning.
    जो तिसु भावै सो थीऐ कहणा किछू न जाइ ॥१॥
    Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass; no one has any say in this. ||1||
    मः ३ ॥
    Third Mehl:
    सतिगुरू फुरमाइआ कारी एह करेहु ॥
    The True Guru has commanded us to do this:
    गुरू दुआरै होइ कै साहिबु समालेहु ॥
    Through the Guru's Gate, meditate on the Lord Master.
    साहिबु सदा हजूरि है भरमै के छउड़ कटि कै अंतरि जोति धरेहु ॥
    The Lord Master is ever-present. He tears away the veil of doubt, and installs His Light within the mind.
    हरि का नामु अम्रितु है दारू एहु लाएहु ॥
    The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar - take this healing medicine!
    सतिगुर का भाणा चिति रखहु संजमु सचा नेहु ॥
    Enshrine the Will of the True Guru in your consciousness, and make the True Lord's Love your self-discipline.
    नानक ऐथै सुखै अंदरि रखसी अगै हरि सिउ केल करेहु ॥२॥
    O Nanak, you shall be kept in peace here, and hereafter, you shall celebrate with the Lord. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    आपे भार अठारह बणसपति आपे ही फल लाए ॥
    He Himself is the vast variety of Nature, and He Himself makes it bear fruit.
    आपे माली आपि सभु सिंचै आपे ही मुहि पाए ॥
    He Himself is the Gardener, He Himself irrigates all the plants, and He Himself puts them in His mouth.
    आपे करता आपे भुगता आपे देइ दिवाए ॥
    He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer; He Himself gives, and causes others to give.
    आपे साहिबु आपे है राखा आपे रहिआ समाए ॥
    He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the Protector; He Himself is permeating and pervading everywhere.
    जनु नानक वडिआई आखै हरि करते की जिस नो तिलु न तमाए ॥१५॥
    Servant Nanak speaks of the greatness of the Lord, the Creator, who has no greed at all. ||15||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3035 on: September 27, 2021, 11:39:49 AM »
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  • Date: 27.09.21, Day: Monday, Ang: 603

    सोरठि महला ३ ॥
    Sorat'h, Third Mehl:
    बिनु सतिगुर सेवे बहुता दुखु लागा जुग चारे भरमाई ॥
    Without serving the True Guru, he suffers in terrible pain, and throughout the four ages, he wanders aimlessly.
    हम दीन तुम जुगु जुगु दाते सबदे देहि बुझाई ॥१॥
    I am poor and meek, and throughout the ages, You are the Great Giver - please, grant me the understanding of the Shabad. ||1||
    हरि जीउ क्रिपा करहु तुम पिआरे ॥
    O Dear Beloved Lord, please show mercy to me.
    सतिगुरु दाता मेलि मिलावहु हरि नामु देवहु आधारे ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Unite me in the Union of the True Guru, the Great Giver, and give me the support of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
    मनसा मारि दुबिधा सहजि समाणी पाइआ नामु अपारा ॥
    Conquering my desires and duality, I have merged in celestial peace, and I have found the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord.
    हरि रसु चाखि मनु निरमलु होआ किलबिख काटणहारा ॥२॥
    I have tasted the sublime essence of the Lord, and my soul has become immaculately pure; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||2||
    सबदि मरहु फिरि जीवहु सद ही ता फिरि मरणु न होई ॥
    Dying in the Word of the Shabad, you shall live forever, and you shall never die again.
    अम्रितु नामु सदा मनि मीठा सबदे पावै कोई ॥३॥
    The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is ever-sweet to the mind; but how few are those who obtain the Shabad. ||3||
    दातै दाति रखी हथि अपणै जिसु भावै तिसु देई ॥
    The Great Giver keeps His Gifts in His Hand; He gives them to those with whom He is pleased.
    नानक नामि रते सुखु पाइआ दरगह जापहि सेई ॥४॥११॥
    O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they find peace, and in the Court of the Lord, they are exalted. ||4||11||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3036 on: September 28, 2021, 09:04:12 AM »
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  • Date: 28.09.21, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 624

    सोरठि महला ५ ॥
    Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
    गई बहोड़ु बंदी छोड़ु निरंकारु दुखदारी ॥
    The Restorer of what was taken away, the Liberator from captivity; the Formless Lord, the Destroyer of pain.
    करमु न जाणा धरमु न जाणा लोभी माइआधारी ॥
    I do not know about karma and good deeds; I do not know about Dharma and righteous living. I am so greedy, chasing after Maya.
    नामु परिओ भगतु गोविंद का इह राखहु पैज तुमारी ॥१॥
    I go by the name of God's devotee; please, save this honor of Yours. ||1||
    हरि जीउ निमाणिआ तू माणु ॥
    O Dear Lord, You are the honor of the dishonored.
    निचीजिआ चीज करे मेरा गोविंदु तेरी कुदरति कउ कुरबाणु ॥ रहाउ ॥
    You make the unworthy ones worthy, O my Lord of the Universe; I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power. ||Pause||
    जैसा बालकु भाइ सुभाई लख अपराध कमावै ॥
    Like the child, innocently making thousands of mistakes
    करि उपदेसु झिड़के बहु भाती बहुड़ि पिता गलि लावै ॥
    His father teaches him, and scolds him so many times, but still, he hugs him close in his embrace.
    पिछले अउगुण बखसि लए प्रभु आगै मारगि पावै ॥२॥
    Please forgive my past actions, God, and place me on Your path for the future. ||2||
    हरि अंतरजामी सभ बिधि जाणै ता किसु पहि आखि सुणाईऐ ॥
    The Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows all about my state of mind; so who else should I go to and speak to?
    कहणै कथनि न भीजै गोबिंदु हरि भावै पैज रखाईऐ ॥
    The Lord, the Lord of the Universe, is not pleased by mere recitation of words; if it is pleasing to His Will, He preserves our honor.
    अवर ओट मै सगली देखी इक तेरी ओट रहाईऐ ॥३॥
    I have seen all other shelters, but Yours alone remains for me. ||3||
    होइ दइआलु किरपालु प्रभु ठाकुरु आपे सुणै बेनंती ॥
    Becoming kind and compassionate, God the Lord and Master Himself listens to my prayer.
    पूरा सतगुरु मेलि मिलावै सभ चूकै मन की चिंती ॥
    He unites me in Union with the Perfect True Guru, and all the cares and anxieties of my mind are dispelled.
    हरि हरि नामु अवखदु मुखि पाइआ जन नानक सुखि वसंती ॥४॥१२॥६२॥
    The Lord, Har, Har, has placed the medicine of the Naam into my mouth; servant Nanak abides in peace. ||4||12||62||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3037 on: September 29, 2021, 09:19:47 AM »
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  • Date: 29.09.21, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 668

    धनासरी महला ४ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:
    कलिजुग का धरमु कहहु तुम भाई किव छूटह हम छुटकाकी ॥
    Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?
    हरि हरि जपु बेड़ी हरि तुलहा हरि जपिओ तरै तराकी ॥१॥
    Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||
    हरि जी लाज रखहु हरि जन की ॥
    O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.
    हरि हरि जपनु जपावहु अपना हम मागी भगति इकाकी ॥ रहाउ ॥
    O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||
    हरि के सेवक से हरि पिआरे जिन जपिओ हरि बचनाकी ॥
    The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.
    लेखा चित्र गुपति जो लिखिआ सभ छूटी जम की बाकी ॥२॥
    The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||
    हरि के संत जपिओ मनि हरि हरि लगि संगति साध जना की ॥
    The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
    दिनीअरु सूरु त्रिसना अगनि बुझानी सिव चरिओ चंदु चंदाकी ॥३॥
    The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||
    तुम वड पुरख वड अगम अगोचर तुम आपे आपि अपाकी ॥
    You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.
    जन नानक कउ प्रभ किरपा कीजै करि दासनि दास दसाकी ॥४॥६॥
    O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3038 on: September 30, 2021, 08:59:57 AM »
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  • Date: 30.09.21, Day: Thursday, Ang: 709

    सलोक ॥
    संत उधरण दइआलं आसरं गोपाल कीरतनह ॥
    The Merciful Lord is the Savior of the Saints; their only support is to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.
    निरमलं संत संगेण ओट नानक परमेसुरह ॥१॥
    One becomes immaculate and pure, by associating with the Saints, O Nanak, and taking the Protection of the Transcendent Lord. ||1||
    चंदन चंदु न सरद रुति मूलि न मिटई घांम ॥
    The burning of the heart is not dispelled at all, by sandalwood paste, the moon, or the cold season.
    सीतलु थीवै नानका जपंदड़ो हरि नामु ॥२॥
    It only becomes cool, O Nanak, by chanting the Name of the Lord. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    चरन कमल की ओट उधरे सगल जन ॥
    Through the Protection and Support of the Lord's lotus feet, all beings are saved.
    सुणि परतापु गोविंद निरभउ भए मन ॥
    Hearing of the Glory of the Lord of the Universe, the mind becomes fearless.
    तोटि न आवै मूलि संचिआ नामु धन ॥
    Nothing at all is lacking, when one gathers the wealth of the Naam.
    संत जना सिउ संगु पाईऐ वडै पुन ॥
    The Society of the Saints is obtained, by very good deeds.
    आठ पहर हरि धिआइ हरि जसु नित सुन ॥१७॥
    Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on the Lord, and listen continually to the Lord's Praises. ||17||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3039 on: October 01, 2021, 07:19:31 AM »
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  • Date: 01.10.21, Day: Friday, Ang: 709

    सलोक ॥
    संत उधरण दइआलं आसरं गोपाल कीरतनह ॥
    The Merciful Lord is the Savior of the Saints; their only support is to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.
    निरमलं संत संगेण ओट नानक परमेसुरह ॥१॥
    One becomes immaculate and pure, by associating with the Saints, O Nanak, and taking the Protection of the Transcendent Lord. ||1||
    चंदन चंदु न सरद रुति मूलि न मिटई घांम ॥
    The burning of the heart is not dispelled at all, by sandalwood paste, the moon, or the cold season.
    सीतलु थीवै नानका जपंदड़ो हरि नामु ॥२॥
    It only becomes cool, O Nanak, by chanting the Name of the Lord. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    चरन कमल की ओट उधरे सगल जन ॥
    Through the Protection and Support of the Lord's lotus feet, all beings are saved.
    सुणि परतापु गोविंद निरभउ भए मन ॥
    Hearing of the Glory of the Lord of the Universe, the mind becomes fearless.
    तोटि न आवै मूलि संचिआ नामु धन ॥
    Nothing at all is lacking, when one gathers the wealth of the Naam.
    संत जना सिउ संगु पाईऐ वडै पुन ॥
    The Society of the Saints is obtained, by very good deeds.
    आठ पहर हरि धिआइ हरि जसु नित सुन ॥१७॥
    Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on the Lord, and listen continually to the Lord's Praises. ||17||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3040 on: October 02, 2021, 12:30:08 PM »
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  • Date: 02.10.21, Day: Saturday, Ang: 685

    धनासरी महला १ घरु २ असटपदीआ
    Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Second House, Ashtapadees:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    गुरु सागरु रतनी भरपूरे ॥
    The Guru is the ocean, filled with pearls.
    अम्रितु संत चुगहि नही दूरे ॥
    The Saints gather in the Ambrosial Nectar; they do not go far away from there.
    हरि रसु चोग चुगहि प्रभ भावै ॥
    They taste the subtle essence of the Lord; they are loved by God.
    सरवर महि हंसु प्रानपति पावै ॥१॥
    Within this pool, the swans find their Lord, the Lord of their souls. ||1||
    किआ बगु बपुड़ा छपड़ी नाइ ॥
    What can the poor crane accomplish by bathing in the mud puddle?
    कीचड़ि डूबै मैलु न जाइ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    It sinks into the mire, and its filth is not washed away. ||1||Pause||
    रखि रखि चरन धरे वीचारी ॥
    After careful deliberation, the thoughtful person takes a step.
    दुबिधा छोडि भए निरंकारी ॥
    Forsaking duality, he becomes a devotee of the Formless Lord.
    मुकति पदारथु हरि रस चाखे ॥
    He obtains the treasure of liberation, and enjoys the sublime essence of the Lord.
    आवण जाण रहे गुरि राखे ॥२॥
    His comings and goings end, and the Guru protects him. ||2||
    सरवर हंसा छोडि न जाइ ॥
    The swan do not leave this pool.
    प्रेम भगति करि सहजि समाइ ॥
    In loving devotional worship, they merge in the Celestial Lord.
    सरवर महि हंसु हंस महि सागरु ॥
    The swans are in the pool, and the pool is in the swans.
    अकथ कथा गुर बचनी आदरु ॥३॥
    They speak the Unspoken Speech, and they honor and revere the Guru's Word. ||3||
    सुंन मंडल इकु जोगी बैसे ॥
    The Yogi, the Primal Lord, sits within the celestial sphere of deepest Samaadhi.
    नारि न पुरखु कहहु कोऊ कैसे ॥
    He is not male, and He is not female; how can anyone describe Him?
    त्रिभवण जोति रहे लिव लाई ॥
    The three worlds continue to center their attention on His Light.
    सुरि नर नाथ सचे सरणाई ॥४॥
    The silent sages and the Yogic masters seek the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||4||
    आनंद मूलु अनाथ अधारी ॥
    The Lord is the source of bliss, the support of the helpless.
    गुरमुखि भगति सहजि बीचारी ॥
    The Gurmukhs worship and contemplate the Celestial Lord.
    भगति वछल भै काटणहारे ॥
    God is the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear.
    हउमै मारि मिले पगु धारे ॥५॥
    Subduing ego, one meets the Lord, and places his feet on the Path. ||5||
    अनिक जतन करि कालु संताए ॥
    He makes many efforts, but still, the Messenger of Death tortures him.
    मरणु लिखाइ मंडल महि आए ॥
    Destined only to die, he comes into the world.
    जनमु पदारथु दुबिधा खोवै ॥
    He wastes this precious human life through duality.
    आपु न चीनसि भ्रमि भ्रमि रोवै ॥६॥
    He does not know his own self, and trapped by doubts, he cries out in pain. ||6||
    कहतउ पड़तउ सुणतउ एक ॥
    Speak, read and hear of the One Lord.
    धीरज धरमु धरणीधर टेक ॥
    The Support of the earth shall bless you with courage, righteousness and protection.
    जतु सतु संजमु रिदै समाए ॥
    Chastity, purity and self-restraint are infused into the heart,
    चउथे पद कउ जे मनु पतीआए ॥७॥
    When one centers his mind in the fourth state. ||7||
    साचे निरमल मैलु न लागै ॥
    They are immaculate and true, and filth does not stick to them.
    गुर कै सबदि भरम भउ भागै ॥
    Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, their doubt and fear depart.
    सूरति मूरति आदि अनूपु ॥
    The form and personality of the Primal Lord are incomparably beautiful.
    नानकु जाचै साचु सरूपु ॥८॥१॥
    Nanak begs for the Lord, the Embodiment of Truth. ||8||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3041 on: October 03, 2021, 10:56:03 AM »
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  • Date: 03.10.21, Day: Sunday, Ang: 690

    धनासरी छंत महला ४ घरु १
    Dhanaasaree, Chhant, Fourth Mehl, First House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    हरि जीउ क्रिपा करे ता नामु धिआईऐ जीउ ॥
    When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, one meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
    सतिगुरु मिलै सुभाइ सहजि गुण गाईऐ जीउ ॥
    Meeting the True Guru, through loving faith and devotion, one intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
    गुण गाइ विगसै सदा अनदिनु जा आपि साचे भावए ॥
    Singing His Glorious Praises continually, night and day, one blossoms forth, when it is pleasing to the True Lord.
    अहंकारु हउमै तजै माइआ सहजि नामि समावए ॥
    Egotism, self-conceit and Maya are forsaken, and he is intuitively absorbed into the Naam.
    आपि करता करे सोई आपि देइ त पाईऐ ॥
    The Creator Himself acts; when He gives, then we receive.
    हरि जीउ क्रिपा करे ता नामु धिआईऐ जीउ ॥१॥
    When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, we meditate on the Naam. ||1||
    अंदरि साचा नेहु पूरे सतिगुरै जीउ ॥
    Deep within, I feel true love for the Perfect True Guru.
    हउ तिसु सेवी दिनु राति मै कदे न वीसरै जीउ ॥
    I serve Him day and night; I never forget Him.
    कदे न विसारी अनदिनु सम्हारी जा नामु लई ता जीवा ॥
    I never forget Him; I remember Him night and day. When I chant the Naam, then I live.
    स्रवणी सुणी त इहु मनु त्रिपतै गुरमुखि अम्रितु पीवा ॥
    With my ears, I hear about Him, and my mind is satisfied. As Gurmukh, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.
    नदरि करे ता सतिगुरु मेले अनदिनु बिबेक बुधि बिचरै ॥
    If He bestows His Glance of Grace, then I shall meet the True Guru; my discriminating intellect would contemplate Him, night and day.
    अंदरि साचा नेहु पूरे सतिगुरै ॥२॥
    Deep within, I feel true love for the Perfect True Guru. ||2||
    सतसंगति मिलै वडभागि ता हरि रसु आवए जीउ ॥
    By great good fortune, one joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; then, one comes to savor the subtle essence of the Lord.
    अनदिनु रहै लिव लाइ त सहजि समावए जीउ ॥
    Night and day, he remains lovingly focused on the Lord; he merges in celestial peace.
    सहजि समावै ता हरि मनि भावै सदा अतीतु बैरागी ॥
    Merging in celestial peace, he becomes pleasing to the Lord's Mind; he remains forever unattached and untouched.
    हलति पलति सोभा जग अंतरि राम नामि लिव लागी ॥
    He receives honor in this world and the next, lovingly focused on the Lord's Name.
    हरख सोग दुहा ते मुकता जो प्रभु करे सु भावए ॥
    He is liberated from both pleasure and pain; he is pleased by whatever God does.
    सतसंगति मिलै वडभागि ता हरि रसु आवए जीउ ॥३॥
    By great good fortune, one joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and then, one comes to savor the subtle essence of the Lord. ||3||
    दूजै भाइ दुखु होइ मनमुख जमि जोहिआ जीउ ॥
    In the love of duality, there is pain and suffering; the Messenger of Death eyes the self-willed manmukhs.
    हाइ हाइ करे दिनु राति माइआ दुखि मोहिआ जीउ ॥
    They cry and howl, day and night, caught by the pain of Maya.
    माइआ दुखि मोहिआ हउमै रोहिआ मेरी मेरी करत विहावए ॥
    Caught by the pain of Maya, provoked by his ego, he passes his life crying out, ""Mine, mine!"".
    जो प्रभु देइ तिसु चेतै नाही अंति गइआ पछुतावए ॥
    He does not remember God, the Giver, and in the end, he departs regretting and repenting.
    बिनु नावै को साथि न चालै पुत्र कलत्र माइआ धोहिआ ॥
    Without the Name, nothing shall go along with him; not his children, spouse or the enticements of Maya.
    दूजै भाइ दुखु होइ मनमुखि जमि जोहिआ जीउ ॥४॥
    In the love of duality, there is pain and suffering; the Messenger of Death eyes the self-willed manmukhs. ||4||
    करि किरपा लेहु मिलाइ महलु हरि पाइआ जीउ ॥
    Granting His Grace, the Lord has merged me with Himself; I have found the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
    सदा रहै कर जोड़ि प्रभु मनि भाइआ जीउ ॥
    I remain standing with my palms pressed together; I have become pleasing to God's Mind.
    प्रभु मनि भावै ता हुकमि समावै हुकमु मंनि सुखु पाइआ ॥
    When one is pleasing to God's Mind, then he merges in the Hukam of the Lord's Command; surrendering to His Hukam, he finds peace.
    अनदिनु जपत रहै दिनु राती सहजे नामु धिआइआ ॥
    Night and day, he chants the Lord's Name, day and night; intuitively, naturally, he meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
    नामो नामु मिली वडिआई नानक नामु मनि भावए ॥
    Through the Naam, the glorious greatness of the Naam is obtained; the Naam is pleasing to Nanak's mind.
    करि किरपा लेहु मिलाइ महलु हरि पावए जीउ ॥५॥१॥
    Granting His Grace, the Lord has merged me with Himself; I have found the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||5||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3042 on: October 04, 2021, 07:33:42 AM »
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  • Date: 04.10.21, Day: Monday, Ang: 788

    सलोक मः १ ॥
    Shalok, First Mehl:
    वाहु खसम तू वाहु जिनि रचि रचना हम कीए ॥
    Waaho! Waaho! You are wonderful and great, O Lord and Master; You created the creation, and made us.
    सागर लहरि समुंद सर वेलि वरस वराहु ॥
    You made the waters, waves, oceans, pools, plants, clouds and mountains.
    आपि खड़ोवहि आपि करि आपीणै आपाहु ॥
    You Yourself stand in the midst of what You Yourself created.
    गुरमुखि सेवा थाइ पवै उनमनि ततु कमाहु ॥
    The selfless service of the Gurmukhs is approved; in celestial peace, they live the essence of reality.
    मसकति लहहु मजूरीआ मंगि मंगि खसम दराहु ॥
    They receive the wages of their labor, begging at the Door of their Lord and Master.
    नानक पुर दर वेपरवाह तउ दरि ऊणा नाहि को सचा वेपरवाहु ॥१॥
    O Nanak, the Court of the Lord is overflowing and carefree; O my True Carefree Lord, no one returns empty-handed from Your Court. ||1||
    महला १ ॥
    First Mehl:
    उजल मोती सोहणे रतना नालि जुड़ंनि ॥
    The teeth are like brilliant, beautiful pearls, and the eyes are like sparkling jewels.
    तिन जरु वैरी नानका जि बुढे थीइ मरंनि ॥२॥
    Old age is their enemy, O Nanak; when they grow old, they waste away. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    हरि सालाही सदा सदा तनु मनु सउपि सरीरु ॥
    Praise the Lord, forever and ever; dedicate your body and mind to Him.
    गुर सबदी सचु पाइआ सचा गहिर ग्मभीरु ॥
    Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have found the True, Profound and Unfathomable Lord.
    मनि तनि हिरदै रवि रहिआ हरि हीरा हीरु ॥
    The Lord, the jewel of jewels, is permeating my mind, body and heart.
    जनम मरण का दुखु गइआ फिरि पवै न फीरु ॥
    The pains of birth and death are gone, and I shall never again be consigned to the cycle of reincarnation.
    नानक नामु सलाहि तू हरि गुणी गहीरु ॥१०॥
    O Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the ocean of excellence. ||10||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3043 on: October 05, 2021, 01:32:40 AM »
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  • Date: 05.10.21, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 557

    वडहंसु महला १ घरु २ ॥
    Wadahans, First Mehl, Second House:
    मोरी रुण झुण लाइआ भैणे सावणु आइआ ॥
    The peacocks are singing so sweetly, O sister; the rainy season of Saawan has come.
    तेरे मुंध कटारे जेवडा तिनि लोभी लोभ लुभाइआ ॥
    Your beauteous eyes are like a string of charms, fascinating and enticing the soul-bride.
    तेरे दरसन विटहु खंनीऐ वंञा तेरे नाम विटहु कुरबाणो ॥
    I would cut myself into pieces for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I am a sacrifice to Your Name.
    जा तू ता मै माणु कीआ है तुधु बिनु केहा मेरा माणो ॥
    I take pride in You; without You, what could I be proud of?
    चूड़ा भंनु पलंघ सिउ मुंधे सणु बाही सणु बाहा ॥
    So smash your bracelets along with your bed, O soul-bride, and break your arms, along with the arms of your couch.
    एते वेस करेदीए मुंधे सहु रातो अवराहा ॥
    In spite of all the decorations which you have made, O soul-bride, your Husband Lord is enjoying someone else.
    ना मनीआरु न चूड़ीआ ना से वंगुड़ीआहा ॥
    You don't have the bracelets of gold, nor the good crystal jewelry; you haven't dealt with the true jeweller.
    जो सह कंठि न लगीआ जलनु सि बाहड़ीआहा ॥
    Those arms, which do not embrace the neck of the Husband Lord, burn in anguish.
    सभि सहीआ सहु रावणि गईआ हउ दाधी कै दरि जावा ॥
    All my companions have gone to enjoy their Husband Lord; which door should I, the wretched one, go to?
    अमाली हउ खरी सुचजी तै सह एकि न भावा ॥
    O friend, I may look very attractive, but I am not pleasing to my Husband Lord at all.
    माठि गुंदाई पटीआ भरीऐ माग संधूरे ॥
    I have woven my hair into lovely braids, and saturated their partings with vermillion;
    अगै गई न मंनीआ मरउ विसूरि विसूरे ॥
    But when I go before Him, I am not accepted, and I die, suffering in anguish.
    मै रोवंदी सभु जगु रुना रुंनड़े वणहु पंखेरू ॥
    I weep; the whole world weeps; even the birds of the forest weep with me.
    इकु न रुना मेरे तन का बिरहा जिनि हउ पिरहु विछोड़ी ॥
    The only thing which doesn't weep is my body's sense of separateness, which has separated me from my Lord.
    सुपनै आइआ भी गइआ मै जलु भरिआ रोइ ॥
    In a dream, He came, and went away again; I cried so many tears.
    आइ न सका तुझ कनि पिआरे भेजि न सका कोइ ॥
    I can't come to You, O my Beloved, and I can't send anyone to You.
    आउ सभागी नीदड़ीए मतु सहु देखा सोइ ॥
    Come to me, O blessed sleep - perhaps I will see my Husband Lord again.
    तै साहिब की बात जि आखै कहु नानक किआ दीजै ॥
    One who brings me a message from my Lord and Master - says Nanak, what shall I give to Him?
    सीसु वढे करि बैसणु दीजै विणु सिर सेव करीजै ॥
    Cutting off my head, I give it to Him to sit upon; without my head, I shall still serve Him.
    किउ न मरीजै जीअड़ा न दीजै जा सहु भइआ विडाणा ॥१॥३॥
    Why haven't I died? Why hasn't my life just ended? My Husband Lord has become a stranger to me. ||1||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3044 on: October 06, 2021, 09:08:07 AM »
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  • Date: 06.10.21, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 752

    सूही महला १ ॥
    Soohee, First Mehl:
    जिउ आरणि लोहा पाइ भंनि घड़ाईऐ ॥
    As iron is melted in the forge and re-shaped,
    तिउ साकतु जोनी पाइ भवै भवाईऐ ॥१॥
    So is the godless materialist reincarnated, and forced to wander aimlessly. ||1||
    बिनु बूझे सभु दुखु दुखु कमावणा ॥
    Without understanding, everything is suffering, earning only more suffering.
    हउमै आवै जाइ भरमि भुलावणा ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    In his ego, he comes and goes, wandering in confusion, deluded by doubt. ||1||Pause||
    तूं गुरमुखि रखणहारु हरि नामु धिआईऐ ॥
    You save those who are Gurmukh, O Lord, through meditation on Your Naam.
    मेलहि तुझहि रजाइ सबदु कमाईऐ ॥२॥
    You blend with Yourself, by Your Will, those who practice the Word of the Shabad. ||2||
    तूं करि करि वेखहि आपि देहि सु पाईऐ ॥
    You created the Creation, and You Yourself gaze upon it; whatever You give, is received.
    तू देखहि थापि उथापि दरि बीनाईऐ ॥३॥
    You watch, establish and disestablish; You keep all in Your vision at Your Door. ||3||
    देही होवगि खाकु पवणु उडाईऐ ॥
    The body shall turn to dust, and the soul shall fly away.
    इहु किथै घरु अउताकु महलु न पाईऐ ॥४॥
    So where are their homes and resting places now? They do not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, either. ||4||
    दिहु दीवी अंध घोरु घबु मुहाईऐ ॥
    In the pitch darkness of broad daylight, their wealth is being plundered.
    गरबि मुसै घरु चोरु किसु रूआईऐ ॥५॥
    Pride is looting their homes like a thief; where can they file their complaint? ||5||
    गुरमुखि चोरु न लागि हरि नामि जगाईऐ ॥
    The thief does not break into the home of the Gurmukh; he is awake in the Name of the Lord.
    सबदि निवारी आगि जोति दीपाईऐ ॥६॥
    The Word of the Shabad puts out the fire of desire; God's Light illuminates and enlightens. ||6||
    लालु रतनु हरि नामु गुरि सुरति बुझाईऐ ॥
    The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a jewel, a ruby; the Guru has taught me the Word of the Shabad.
    सदा रहै निहकामु जे गुरमति पाईऐ ॥७॥
    One who follows the Guru's Teachings remains forever free of desire. ||7||
    राति दिहै हरि नाउ मंनि वसाईऐ ॥
    Night and day, enshrine the Lord's Name within your mind.
    नानक मेलि मिलाइ जे तुधु भाईऐ ॥८॥२॥४॥
    Please unite Nanak in Union, O Lord, if it is pleasing to Your Will. ||8||2||4||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!


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