28.10.2009SORAT’H, FIFTH MEHL:
The womb of the mother is an ocean of pain, O Beloved; even there, the Lord causes His Name to be chanted. When he emerges, he finds corruption pervading everywhere, O Beloved, and he becomes increasingly attached to Maya. One whom the Lord blesses with His kind favor, O Beloved, meets the Perfect Guru. He worships the Lord in adoration with each and every breath, O Beloved; he is lovingly attached to the Lord’s Name. || 1 || You are the support of my mind and body, O Beloved; You are the support of my mind and body. There is no other Creator except for You, O Beloved; You alone are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. || Pause || After wandering in doubt for millions of incarnations, he comes into the world, O Beloved; for uncounted lifetimes, he has suffered in pain. He has forgotten his True Lord and Master, O Beloved, and so he suffers terrible punishment. Those who meet with the Perfect True Guru, O Beloved, are attached to the True Name. We are saved by following those, O Beloved, who seek the Sanctuary of the True Lord. || 2 || He thinks that his food is so sweet, O Beloved, but it makes his body ill. It turns out to be bitter, O Beloved, and it produces only sadness. The Lord leads him astray in the enjoyment of pleasures, O Beloved, and so his sense of separation does not depart. Those who meet the Guru are saved, O Beloved; this is their pre-ordained destiny. || 3 || He is filled with longing for Maya, O Beloved, and so the Lord does not ever come into his mind. Those who forget You, O Supreme Lord Master, their bodies turn to dust. They cry out and scream horribly, O Beloved, but their torment does not end. Those who meet the Guru, and reform themselves, O Beloved, their capital remains intact. || 4 || As far as possible, do not associate with the faithless cynics, O Beloved. Meeting with them, the Lord is forgotten, O Beloved, and you rise and depart with a blackened face. The self-willed manmukh finds no rest or shelter, O Beloved; in the Court of the Lord, they are punished. Those who meet with the Guru, and reform themselves, O Beloved, their affairs are resolved. || 5 || One may have thousands of clever tricks and techniques of austere self-discipline, O Beloved, but not even one of them will go with him. Those who turn their backs on the Lord of the Universe, O Beloved, their families are stained with disgrace. He does not know that thing which is, O Beloved; falsehood will not help him. Those who meet with the True Guru, O Beloved, dwell upon the True Name. || 6 || When the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, O Beloved, one is blessed with Truth, contentment, wisdom and meditation. Night and day, he sings the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises, O Beloved, totally filled with Ambrosial Nectar. He crosses over the sea of pain, O Beloved, and swims across the terrifying world-ocean. One who is pleasing to His Will, He unites with Himself, O Beloved; he is forever true. || 7 || The all-powerful Divine Lord is compassionate, O Beloved; He is the Support of His devotees. I seek His Sanctuary, O Beloved; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. He has adorned me in this world and the next, O Beloved; He has placed the Emblem of Truth upon my forehead. I shall never forget that God, O Beloved; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. || 8 || 2 ||