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Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
« Reply #3240 on: December 04, 2022, 08:41:43 PM »
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  • Date: 29.11.22, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 664

    धनासरी महला ३ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl:
    सदा धनु अंतरि नामु समाले ॥
    Gather in and cherish forever the wealth of the Lord's Name, deep within;
    जीअ जंत जिनहि प्रतिपाले ॥
    He cherishes and nurtures all beings and creatures.
    मुकति पदारथु तिन कउ पाए ॥
    They alone obtain the treasure of Liberation,
    हरि कै नामि रते लिव लाए ॥१॥
    Who are lovingly imbued with, and focused on the Lord's Name. ||1||
    गुर सेवा ते हरि नामु धनु पावै ॥
    Serving the Guru, one obtains the wealth of the Lord's Name.
    अंतरि परगासु हरि नामु धिआवै ॥ रहाउ ॥
    He is illumined and enlightened within, and he meditates on the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
    इहु हरि रंगु गूड़ा धन पिर होइ ॥
    This love for the Lord is like the love of the bride for her husband.
    सांति सीगारु रावे प्रभु सोइ ॥
    God ravishes and enjoys the soul-bride who is adorned with peace and tranquility.
    हउमै विचि प्रभु कोइ न पाए ॥
    No one finds God through egotism.
    मूलहु भुला जनमु गवाए ॥२॥
    Wandering away from the Primal Lord, the root of all, one wastes his life in vain. ||2||
    गुर ते साति सहज सुखु बाणी ॥
    Tranquility, celestial peace, pleasure and the Word of His Bani come from the Guru.
    सेवा साची नामि समाणी ॥
    True is that service, which leads one to merge in the Naam.
    सबदि मिलै प्रीतमु सदा धिआए ॥
    Blessed with the Word of the Shabad, he meditates forever on the Lord, the Beloved.
    साच नामि वडिआई पाए ॥३॥
    Through the True Name, glorious greatness is obtained. ||3||
    आपे करता जुगि जुगि सोइ ॥
    The Creator Himself abides throughout the ages.
    नदरि करे मेलावा होइ ॥
    If He casts His Glance of Grace, then we meet Him.
    गुरबाणी ते हरि मंनि वसाए ॥
    Through the Word of Gurbani, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind.
    नानक साचि रते प्रभि आपि मिलाए ॥४॥३॥
    O Nanak, God unites with Himself those who are imbued with Truth. ||4||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3241 on: December 04, 2022, 08:44:32 PM »
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  • Date: 30.11.22, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 666

    रागु धनासिरी महला ३ घरु ४
    Raag Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl, Fourth House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    हम भीखक भेखारी तेरे तू निज पति है दाता ॥
    I am just a poor beggar of Yours; You are Your Own Lord Master, You are the Great Giver.
    होहु दैआल नामु देहु मंगत जन कंउ सदा रहउ रंगि राता ॥१॥
    Be Merciful, and bless me, a humble beggar, with Your Name, so that I may forever remain imbued with Your Love. ||1||
    हंउ बलिहारै जाउ साचे तेरे नाम विटहु ॥
    I am a sacrifice to Your Name, O True Lord.
    करण कारण सभना का एको अवरु न दूजा कोई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    The One Lord is the Cause of causes; there is no other at all. ||1||Pause||
    बहुते फेर पए किरपन कउ अब किछु किरपा कीजै ॥
    I was wretched; I wandered through so many cycles of reincarnation. Now, Lord, please bless me with Your Grace.
    होहु दइआल दरसनु देहु अपुना ऐसी बखस करीजै ॥२॥
    Be merciful, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; please grant me such a gift. ||2||
    भनति नानक भरम पट खूल्हे गुर परसादी जानिआ ॥
    Prays Nanak, the shutters of doubt have been opened wide; by Guru's Grace, I have come to know the Lord.
    साची लिव लागी है भीतरि सतिगुर सिउ मनु मानिआ ॥३॥१॥९॥
    I am filled to overflowing with true love; my mind is pleased and appeased by the True Guru. ||3||1||9||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3242 on: December 04, 2022, 08:51:11 PM »
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  • Date: 01.12.22, Day: Thursday, Ang: 668

    धनासरी महला ४ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:
    हरि हरि बूंद भए हरि सुआमी हम चात्रिक बिलल बिललाती ॥
    The Lord, Har, Har, is the rain-drop; I am the song-bird, crying, crying out for it.
    हरि हरि क्रिपा करहु प्रभ अपनी मुखि देवहु हरि निमखाती ॥१॥
    O Lord God, please bless me with Your Mercy, and pour Your Name into my mouth, even if for only an instant. ||1||
    हरि बिनु रहि न सकउ इक राती ॥
    Without the Lord, I cannot live for even a second.
    जिउ बिनु अमलै अमली मरि जाई है तिउ हरि बिनु हम मरि जाती ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Like the addict who dies without his drug, I die without the Lord. ||Pause||
    तुम हरि सरवर अति अगाह हम लहि न सकहि अंतु माती ॥
    You, Lord, are the deepest, most unfathomable ocean; I cannot find even a trace of Your limits.
    तू परै परै अपर्मपरु सुआमी मिति जानहु आपन गाती ॥२॥
    You are the most remote of the remote, limitless and transcendent; O Lord Master, You alone know Your state and extent. ||2||
    हरि के संत जना हरि जपिओ गुर रंगि चलूलै राती ॥
    The Lord's humble Saints meditate on the Lord; they are imbued with the deep crimson color of the Guru's Love.
    हरि हरि भगति बनी अति सोभा हरि जपिओ ऊतम पाती ॥३॥
    Meditating on the Lord, they attain great glory, and the most sublime honor. ||3||
    आपे ठाकुरु आपे सेवकु आपि बनावै भाती ॥
    He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself creates His environments.
    नानकु जनु तुमरी सरणाई हरि राखहु लाज भगाती ॥४॥५॥
    Servant Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary, O Lord; protect and preserve the honor of Your devotee. ||4||5||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3243 on: December 04, 2022, 08:56:38 PM »
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  • Date: 02.12.22, Day: Friday, Ang: 656

    रागु सोरठि बाणी भगत कबीर जी की घरु १
    Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee, First House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    संतहु मन पवनै सुखु बनिआ ॥
    O Saints, my windy mind has now become peaceful and still.
    किछु जोगु परापति गनिआ ॥ रहाउ ॥
    It seems that I have learned something of the science of Yoga. ||Pause||
    गुरि दिखलाई मोरी ॥
    The Guru has shown me the hole,
    जितु मिरग पड़त है चोरी ॥
    Through which the deer carefully enters.
    मूंदि लीए दरवाजे ॥
    I have now closed off the doors,
    बाजीअले अनहद बाजे ॥१॥
    And the unstruck celestial sound current resounds. ||1||
    कु्मभ कमलु जलि भरिआ ॥
    The pitcher of my heart-lotus is filled with water;
    जलु मेटिआ ऊभा करिआ ॥
    I have spilled out the water, and set it upright.
    कहु कबीर जन जानिआ ॥
    Says Kabeer, the Lord's humble servant, this I know.
    जउ जानिआ तउ मनु मानिआ ॥२॥१०॥
    Now that I know this, my mind is pleased and appeased. ||2||10||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3244 on: December 04, 2022, 08:59:00 PM »
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  • Date: 03.12.22, Day: Saturday, Ang: 684

    धनासरी महला ५ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:
    त्रिपति भई सचु भोजनु खाइआ ॥
    I am satisfied and satiated, eating the food of Truth.
    मनि तनि रसना नामु धिआइआ ॥१॥
    With my mind, body and tongue, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||
    जीवना हरि जीवना ॥
    Life, spiritual life, is in the Lord.
    जीवनु हरि जपि साधसंगि ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    Spiritual life consists of chanting the Lord's Name in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||
    अनिक प्रकारी बसत्र ओढाए ॥
    He is dressed in robes of all sorts,
    अनदिनु कीरतनु हरि गुन गाए ॥२॥
    If he sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Glorious Praises, day and night. ||2||
    हसती रथ असु असवारी ॥
    He rides upon elephants, chariots and horses,
    हरि का मारगु रिदै निहारी ॥३॥
    If he sees the Lord's Path within his own heart. ||3||
    मन तन अंतरि चरन धिआइआ ॥
    Meditating on the Lord's Feet, deep within his mind and body,
    हरि सुख निधान नानक दासि पाइआ ॥४॥२॥५६॥
    Slave Nanak has found the Lord, the treasure of peace. ||4||2||56||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3245 on: December 04, 2022, 09:01:32 PM »
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  • Date: 04.12.22, Day: Sunday, Ang: 735

    सूही महला ४ घरु ७
    Soohee, Fourth Mehl, Seventh House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    तेरे कवन कवन गुण कहि कहि गावा तू साहिब गुणी निधाना ॥
    Which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I sing and recount, Lord? You are my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence.
    तुमरी महिमा बरनि न साकउ तूं ठाकुर ऊच भगवाना ॥१॥
    I cannot express Your Glorious Praises. You are my Lord and Master, lofty and benevolent. ||1||
    मै हरि हरि नामु धर सोई ॥
    The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is my only support.
    जिउ भावै तिउ राखु मेरे साहिब मै तुझ बिनु अवरु न कोई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    If it pleases You, please save me, O my Lord and Master; without You, I have no other at all. ||1||Pause||
    मै ताणु दीबाणु तूहै मेरे सुआमी मै तुधु आगै अरदासि ॥
    You alone are my strength, and my Court, O my Lord and Master; unto You alone I pray.
    मै होरु थाउ नाही जिसु पहि करउ बेनंती मेरा दुखु सुखु तुझ ही पासि ॥२॥
    There is no other place where I can offer my prayers; I can tell my pains and pleasures only to You. ||2||
    विचे धरती विचे पाणी विचि कासट अगनि धरीजै ॥
    Water is locked up in the earth, and fire is locked up in wood.
    बकरी सिंघु इकतै थाइ राखे मन हरि जपि भ्रमु भउ दूरि कीजै ॥३॥
    The sheep and the lions are kept in one place; O mortal, meditate on the Lord, and your doubts and fears shall be removed. ||3||
    हरि की वडिआई देखहु संतहु हरि निमाणिआ माणु देवाए ॥
    So behold the glorious greatness of the Lord, O Saints; the Lord blesses the dishonored with honor.
    जिउ धरती चरण तले ते ऊपरि आवै तिउ नानक साध जना जगतु आणि सभु पैरी पाए ॥४॥१॥१२॥
    As dust rises from underfoot, O Nanak, so does the Lord make all people fall at the feet of the Holy. ||4||1||12||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3246 on: December 04, 2022, 09:04:29 PM »
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  • Date: 05.12.22, Day: Monday, Ang: 692

    रागु धनासरी बाणी भगत कबीर जी की
    Raag Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    जो जनु भाउ भगति कछु जानै ता कउ अचरजु काहो ॥
    That humble being, who knows even a little about loving devotional worship - what surprises are there for him?
    जिउ जलु जल महि पैसि न निकसै तिउ ढुरि मिलिओ जुलाहो ॥१॥
    Like water, dripping into water, which cannot be separated out again, so is the weaver Kabeer, with softened heart, merged into the Lord. ||1||
    हरि के लोगा मै तउ मति का भोरा ॥
    O people of the Lord, I am just a simple-minded fool.
    जउ तनु कासी तजहि कबीरा रमईऐ कहा निहोरा ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    If Kabeer were to leave his body at Benares, and so liberate himself, what obligation would he have to the Lord? ||1||Pause||
    कहतु कबीरु सुनहु रे लोई भरमि न भूलहु कोई ॥
    Says Kabeer, listen, O people - do not be deluded by doubt.
    किआ कासी किआ ऊखरु मगहरु रामु रिदै जउ होई ॥२॥३॥
    What is the difference between Benares and the barren land of Maghar, if the Lord is within one's heart? ||2||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3247 on: December 05, 2022, 08:07:18 PM »
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  • Date: 06.12.22, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 601

    सोरठि महला ३ ॥
    Sorat'h, Third Mehl:
    हरि जीउ तुधु नो सदा सालाही पिआरे जिचरु घट अंतरि है सासा ॥
    Dear Beloved Lord, I praise You continually, as long as there is the breath within my body.
    इकु पलु खिनु विसरहि तू सुआमी जाणउ बरस पचासा ॥
    If I were to forget You, for a moment, even for an instant, O Lord Master, it would be like fifty years for me.
    हम मूड़ मुगध सदा से भाई गुर कै सबदि प्रगासा ॥१॥
    I was always such a fool and an idiot, O Siblings of Destiny, but now, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, my mind is enlightened. ||1||
    हरि जीउ तुम आपे देहु बुझाई ॥
    Dear Lord, You Yourself bestow understanding.
    हरि जीउ तुधु विटहु वारिआ सद ही तेरे नाम विटहु बलि जाई ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Dear Lord, I am forever a sacrifice to You; I am dedicated and devoted to Your Name. ||Pause||
    हम सबदि मुए सबदि मारि जीवाले भाई सबदे ही मुकति पाई ॥
    I have died in the Word of the Shabad, and through the Shabad, I am dead while yet alive, O Siblings of Destiny; through the Shabad, I have been liberated.
    सबदे मनु तनु निरमलु होआ हरि वसिआ मनि आई ॥
    Through the Shabad, my mind and body have been purified, and the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
    सबदु गुर दाता जितु मनु राता हरि सिउ रहिआ समाई ॥२॥
    The Guru is the Giver of the Shabad; my mind is imbued with it, and I remain absorbed in the Lord. ||2||
    सबदु न जाणहि से अंने बोले से कितु आए संसारा ॥
    Those who do not know the Shabad are blind and deaf; why did they even bother to come into the world?
    हरि रसु न पाइआ बिरथा जनमु गवाइआ जमहि वारो वारा ॥
    They do not obtain the subtle essence of the Lord's elixir; they waste away their lives, and are reincarnated over and over again.
    बिसटा के कीड़े बिसटा माहि समाणे मनमुख मुगध गुबारा ॥३॥
    The blind, idiotic, self-willed manmukhs are like maggots in manure, and in manure they rot away. ||3||
    आपे करि वेखै मारगि लाए भाई तिसु बिनु अवरु न कोई ॥
    The Lord Himself creates us, watches over us, and places us on the Path, O Siblings of Destiny; there is no one other than Him.
    जो धुरि लिखिआ सु कोइ न मेटै भाई करता करे सु होई ॥
    No one can erase that which is pre-ordained, O Siblings of Destiny; whatever the Creator wills, comes to pass.
    नानक नामु वसिआ मन अंतरि भाई अवरु न दूजा कोई ॥४॥४॥
    O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the mind; O Siblings of Destiny, there is no other at all. ||4||4||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3248 on: December 07, 2022, 07:24:15 AM »
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  • Date: 07.12.22, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 696

    जैतसरी महला ४ घरु १ चउपदे
    Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    मेरै हीअरै रतनु नामु हरि बसिआ गुरि हाथु धरिओ मेरै माथा ॥
    The Jewel of the Lord's Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead.
    जनम जनम के किलबिख दुख उतरे गुरि नामु दीओ रिनु लाथा ॥१॥
    The sins and pains of countless incarnations have been cast out. The Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and my debt has been paid off. ||1||
    मेरे मन भजु राम नामु सभि अरथा ॥
    O my mind, vibrate the Lord's Name, and all your affairs shall be resolved.
    गुरि पूरै हरि नामु द्रिड़ाइआ बिनु नावै जीवनु बिरथा ॥ रहाउ ॥
    The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me; without the Name, life is useless. ||Pause||
    बिनु गुर मूड़ भए है मनमुख ते मोह माइआ नित फाथा ॥
    Without the Guru, the self-willed manmukhs are foolish and ignorant; they are forever entangled in emotional attachment to Maya.
    तिन साधू चरण न सेवे कबहू तिन सभु जनमु अकाथा ॥२॥
    They never serve the feet of the Holy; their lives are totally useless. ||2||
    जिन साधू चरण साध पग सेवे तिन सफलिओ जनमु सनाथा ॥
    Those who serve at the feet of the Holy, the feet of the Holy, their lives are made fruitful, and they belong to the Lord.
    मो कउ कीजै दासु दास दासन को हरि दइआ धारि जगंनाथा ॥३॥
    Make me the slave of the slave of the slaves of the Lord; bless me with Your Mercy, O Lord of the Universe. ||3||
    हम अंधुले गिआनहीन अगिआनी किउ चालह मारगि पंथा ॥
    I am blind, ignorant and totally without wisdom; how can I walk on the Path?
    हम अंधुले कउ गुर अंचलु दीजै जन नानक चलह मिलंथा ॥४॥१॥
    I am blind - O Guru, please let me grasp the hem of Your robe, so that servant Nanak may walk in harmony with You. ||4||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3249 on: December 20, 2022, 08:11:28 AM »
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  • Date: 08.12.22, Day: Thursday, Ang: 616

    सोरठि महला ५ ॥
    Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
    माइआ मोह मगनु अंधिआरै देवनहारु न जानै ॥
    Infatuated with the darkness of emotional attachment to Maya, he does not know the Lord, the Great Giver.
    जीउ पिंडु साजि जिनि रचिआ बलु अपुनो करि मानै ॥१॥
    The Lord created his body and fashioned his soul, but he claims that his power is his own. ||1||
    मन मूड़े देखि रहिओ प्रभ सुआमी ॥
    O foolish mind, God, your Lord and Master is watching over you.
    जो किछु करहि सोई सोई जाणै रहै न कछूऐ छानी ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Whatever you do, He knows; nothing can remain concealed from Him. ||Pause||
    जिहवा सुआद लोभ मदि मातो उपजे अनिक बिकारा ॥
    You are intoxicated with the tastes of the tongue, with greed and pride; countless sins spring from these.
    बहुतु जोनि भरमत दुखु पाइआ हउमै बंधन के भारा ॥२॥
    You wandered in pain through countless incarnations, weighed down by the chains of egotism. ||2||
    देइ किवाड़ अनिक पड़दे महि पर दारा संगि फाकै ॥
    Behind closed doors, hidden by many screens, the man takes his pleasure with another man's wife.
    चित्र गुपतु जब लेखा मागहि तब कउणु पड़दा तेरा ढाकै ॥३॥
    When Chitr and Gupt, the celestial accountants of the conscious and subconscious, call for your account, who will screen you then? ||3||
    दीन दइआल पूरन दुख भंजन तुम बिनु ओट न काई ॥
    O Perfect Lord, Merciful to the meek, Destroyer of pain, without You, I have no shelter at all.
    काढि लेहु संसार सागर महि नानक प्रभ सरणाई ॥४॥१५॥२६॥
    Please, lift me up out of the world-ocean; O God, I have come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||15||26||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3250 on: December 20, 2022, 08:15:16 AM »
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  • Date: 09.12.22, Day: Friday, Ang: 686

    धनासरी महला ५ घरु ६ असटपदी
    Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House, Ashtapadee:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    जो जो जूनी आइओ तिह तिह उरझाइओ माणस जनमु संजोगि पाइआ ॥
    Whoever is born into the world, is entangled in it; human birth is obtained only by good destiny.
    ताकी है ओट साध राखहु दे करि हाथ करि किरपा मेलहु हरि राइआ ॥१॥
    I look to Your support, O Holy Saint; give me Your hand, and protect me. By Your Grace, let me meet the Lord, my King. ||1||
    अनिक जनम भ्रमि थिति नही पाई ॥
    I wandered through countless incarnations, but I did not find stability anywhere.
    करउ सेवा गुर लागउ चरन गोविंद जी का मारगु देहु जी बताई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    I serve the Guru, and I fall at His feet, praying, ""O Dear Lord of the Universe, please, show me the way.""||1||Pause||
    अनिक उपाव करउ माइआ कउ बचिति धरउ मेरी मेरी करत सद ही विहावै ॥
    I have tried so many things to acquire the wealth of Maya, and to cherish it in my mind; I have passed my life constantly crying out, ""Mine, mine!""
    कोई ऐसो रे भेटै संतु मेरी लाहै सगल चिंत ठाकुर सिउ मेरा रंगु लावै ॥२॥
    Is there any such Saint, who would meet with me, take away my anxiety, and lead me to enshrine love for my Lord and Master. ||2||
    पड़े रे सगल बेद नह चूकै मन भेद इकु खिनु न धीरहि मेरे घर के पंचा ॥
    I have read all the Vedas, and yet the sense of separation in my mind still has not been removed; the five thieves of my house are not quieted, even for an instant.
    कोई ऐसो रे भगतु जु माइआ ते रहतु इकु अम्रित नामु मेरै रिदै सिंचा ॥३॥
    Is there any devotee, who is unattached to Maya, who may irrigate my mind with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the One Lord? ||3||
    जेते रे तीरथ नाए अह्मबुधि मैलु लाए घर को ठाकुरु इकु तिलु न मानै ॥
    In spite of the many places of pilgrimage for people to bathe in, their minds are still stained by their stubborn ego; the Lord Master is not pleased by this at all.
    कदि पावउ साधसंगु हरि हरि सदा आनंदु गिआन अंजनि मेरा मनु इसनानै ॥४॥
    When will I find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy? There, I shall be always in the ecstasy of the Lord, Har, Har, and my mind shall take its cleansing bath in the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom. ||4||
    सगल अस्रम कीने मनूआ नह पतीने बिबेकहीन देही धोए ॥
    I have followed the four stages of life, but my mind is not satisfied; I wash my body, but it is totally lacking in understanding.
    कोई पाईऐ रे पुरखु बिधाता पारब्रहम कै रंगि राता मेरे मन की दुरमति मलु खोए ॥५॥
    If only I could meet some devotee of the Supreme Lord God, imbued with the Lord's Love, who could eradicate the filthy evil-mindedness from my mind. ||5||
    करम धरम जुगता निमख न हेतु करता गरबि गरबि पड़ै कही न लेखै ॥
    One who is attached to religious rituals, does not love the Lord, even for an instant; he is filled with pride, and he is of no account.
    जिसु भेटीऐ सफल मूरति करै सदा कीरति गुर परसादि कोऊ नेत्रहु पेखै ॥६॥
    One who meets with the rewarding personality of the Guru, continually sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. By Guru's Grace, such a rare one beholds the Lord with his eyes. ||6||
    मनहठि जो कमावै तिलु न लेखै पावै बगुल जिउ धिआनु लावै माइआ रे धारी ॥
    One who acts through stubbornness is of no account at all; like a crane, he pretends to meditate, but he is still stuck in Maya.
    कोई ऐसो रे सुखह दाई प्रभ की कथा सुनाई तिसु भेटे गति होइ हमारी ॥७॥
    Is there any such Giver of peace, who can recite to me the sermon of God? Meeting him, I would be emancipated. ||7||
    सुप्रसंन गोपाल राइ काटै रे बंधन माइ गुर कै सबदि मेरा मनु राता ॥
    When the Lord, my King, is totally pleased with me, He will break the bonds of Maya for me; my mind is imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
    सदा सदा आनंदु भेटिओ निरभै गोबिंदु सुख नानक लाधे हरि चरन पराता ॥८॥
    I am in ecstasy, forever and ever, meeting the Fearless Lord, the Lord of the Universe. Falling at the Lord's Feet, Nanak has found peace. ||8||
    सफल सफल भई सफल जात्रा ॥
    My Yatra, my life pilgrimage, has become fruitful, fruitful, fruitful.
    आवण जाण रहे मिले साधा ॥१॥ रहाउ दूजा ॥१॥३॥
    My comings and goings have ended, since I met the Holy Saint. ||1||Second Pause||1||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3251 on: December 20, 2022, 08:19:26 AM »
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  • Date: 10.12.22, Day: Saturday, Ang: 568

    वडहंसु महला ३ ॥
    Wadahans, Third Mehl:
    गुरमुखि सभु वापारु भला जे सहजे कीजै राम ॥
    All dealings of the Gurmukh are good, if they are accomplished with poise and grace.
    अनदिनु नामु वखाणीऐ लाहा हरि रसु पीजै राम ॥
    Night and day, he repeats the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and he earns his profits, drinking in the subtle essence of the Lord.
    लाहा हरि रसु लीजै हरि रावीजै अनदिनु नामु वखाणै ॥
    He earns the profit of the subtle essence of the Lord, meditating on the Lord, and repeating the Naam, night and day.
    गुण संग्रहि अवगण विकणहि आपै आपु पछाणै ॥
    He gathers in merits, and eliminates demerits, and realizes his own self.
    गुरमति पाई वडी वडिआई सचै सबदि रसु पीजै ॥
    Under Guru's Instruction, he is blessed with glorious greatness; he drinks in the essence of the True Word of the Shabad.
    नानक हरि की भगति निराली गुरमुखि विरलै कीजै ॥१॥
    O Nanak, devotional worship of the Lord is wonderful, but only a few Gurmukhs perform it. ||1||
    गुरमुखि खेती हरि अंतरि बीजीऐ हरि लीजै सरीरि जमाए राम ॥
    As Gurmukh, plant the crop of the Lord within the field of your body, and let it grow.
    आपणे घर अंदरि रसु भुंचु तू लाहा लै परथाए राम ॥
    Within the home of your own being, enjoy the Lord's subtle essence, and earn profits in the world hereafter.
    लाहा परथाए हरि मंनि वसाए धनु खेती वापारा ॥
    This profit is earned by enshrining the Lord within your mind; blessed is this farming and trade.
    हरि नामु धिआए मंनि वसाए बूझै गुर बीचारा ॥
    Meditating on the Lord's Name, and enshrining Him within your mind, you shall come to understand the Guru's Teachings.
    मनमुख खेती वणजु करि थाके त्रिसना भुख न जाए ॥
    The self-willed manmukhs have grown weary of this farming and trade; their hunger and thirst will not go away.
    नानक नामु बीजि मन अंदरि सचै सबदि सुभाए ॥२॥
    O Nanak, plant the seed of the Name within your mind, and adorn yourself with the True Word of the Shabad. ||2||
    हरि वापारि से जन लागे जिना मसतकि मणी वडभागो राम ॥
    Those humble beings engage in the Lord's Trade, who have the jewel of such pre-ordained destiny upon their foreheads.
    गुरमती मनु निज घरि वसिआ सचै सबदि बैरागो राम ॥
    Under Guru's Instruction, the soul dwells in the home of the self; through the True Word of the Shabad, she becomes unattached.
    मुखि मसतकि भागो सचि बैरागो साचि रते वीचारी ॥
    By the destiny written upon their foreheads, they become truly unattached, and by reflective meditation, they are imbued with Truth.
    नाम बिना सभु जगु बउराना सबदे हउमै मारी ॥
    Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is insane; through the Shabad, the ego is conquered.
    साचै सबदि लागि मति उपजै गुरमुखि नामु सोहागो ॥
    Attached to the True Word of the Shabad, wisdom comes forth. The Gurmukh obtains the Naam, the Name of the Husband Lord.
    नानक सबदि मिलै भउ भंजनु हरि रावै मसतकि भागो ॥३॥
    O Nanak, through the Shabad, one meets the Lord, the Destroyer of fear, and by the destiny written on her forehead, she enjoys Him. ||3||
    खेती वणजु सभु हुकमु है हुकमे मंनि वडिआई राम ॥
    All farming and trading is by Hukam of His Will; surrendering to the Lord's Will, glorious greatness is obtained.
    गुरमती हुकमु बूझीऐ हुकमे मेलि मिलाई राम ॥
    Under Guru's Instruction, one comes to understand the Lord's Will, and by His Will, he is united in His Union.
    हुकमि मिलाई सहजि समाई गुर का सबदु अपारा ॥
    By His Will, one merges and easily blends with Him. The Shabads of the Guru are incomparable.
    सची वडिआई गुर ते पाई सचु सवारणहारा ॥
    Through the Guru, true greatness is obtained, and one is embellished with Truth.
    भउ भंजनु पाइआ आपु गवाइआ गुरमुखि मेलि मिलाई ॥
    He finds the Destroyer of fear, and eradicates his self-conceit; as Gurmukh, he is united in His Union.
    कहु नानक नामु निरंजनु अगमु अगोचरु हुकमे रहिआ समाई ॥४॥२॥
    Says Nanak, the Name of the immaculate, inaccessible, unfathomable Commander is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||4||2||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3252 on: December 20, 2022, 08:22:00 AM »
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  • Date: 11.12.22, Day: Sunday, Ang: 732

    सूही महला ४ घरु २
    Soohee, Fourth Mehl, Second House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    गुरमति नगरी खोजि खोजाई ॥
    Following the Guru's Teachings, I searched and searched the body-village;
    हरि हरि नामु पदारथु पाई ॥१॥
    I found the wealth of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||
    मेरै मनि हरि हरि सांति वसाई ॥
    The Lord, Har, Har, has enshrined peace within my mind.
    तिसना अगनि बुझी खिन अंतरि गुरि मिलिऐ सभ भुख गवाई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    The fire of desire was extinguished in an instant, when I met the Guru; all my hunger has been satisfied. ||1||Pause||
    हरि गुण गावा जीवा मेरी माई ॥
    Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I live, O my mother.
    सतिगुरि दइआलि गुण नामु द्रिड़ाई ॥२॥
    The Merciful True Guru implanted the Glorious Praises of the Naam within me. ||2||
    हउ हरि प्रभु पिआरा ढूढि ढूढाई ॥
    I search for and seek out my Beloved Lord God, Har, Har.
    सतसंगति मिलि हरि रसु पाई ॥३॥
    Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I have obtained the subtle essence of the Lord. ||3||
    धुरि मसतकि लेख लिखे हरि पाई ॥
    By the pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon my forehead, I have found the Lord.
    गुरु नानकु तुठा मेलै हरि भाई ॥४॥१॥५॥
    Guru Nanak, pleased and satisfied, has united me with the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny. ||4||1||5||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3253 on: December 20, 2022, 08:27:00 AM »
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  • Date: 12.12.22, Day: Monday, Ang: 706

    सलोक ॥
    मन इछा दान करणं सरबत्र आसा पूरनह ॥
    He grants our hearts' desires, and fulfills all our hopes.
    खंडणं कलि कलेसह प्रभ सिमरि नानक नह दूरणह ॥१॥
    He destroys pain and suffering; remember God in meditation, O Nanak - He is not far away. ||1||
    हभि रंग माणहि जिसु संगि तै सिउ लाईऐ नेहु ॥
    Love Him, with whom you enjoy all pleasures.
    सो सहु बिंद न विसरउ नानक जिनि सुंदरु रचिआ देहु ॥२॥
    Do not forget that Lord, even for an instant; O Nanak, He fashioned this beautiful body. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    जीउ प्रान तनु धनु दीआ दीने रस भोग ॥
    He gave you your soul, breath of life, body and wealth; He gave you pleasures to enjoy.
    ग्रिह मंदर रथ असु दीए रचि भले संजोग ॥
    He gave you households, mansions, chariots and horses; He ordained your good destiny.
    सुत बनिता साजन सेवक दीए प्रभ देवन जोग ॥
    He gave you your children, spouse, friends and servants; God is the all-powerful Great Giver.
    हरि सिमरत तनु मनु हरिआ लहि जाहि विजोग ॥
    Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the body and mind are rejuvenated, and sorrow departs.
    साधसंगि हरि गुण रमहु बिनसे सभि रोग ॥३॥
    In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chant the Praises of the Lord, and all your sickness shall vanish. ||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #3254 on: December 20, 2022, 08:30:07 AM »
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  • Date: 13.12.22, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 692

    रागु धनासरी बाणी भगत कबीर जी की
    Raag Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    जो जनु भाउ भगति कछु जानै ता कउ अचरजु काहो ॥
    That humble being, who knows even a little about loving devotional worship - what surprises are there for him?
    जिउ जलु जल महि पैसि न निकसै तिउ ढुरि मिलिओ जुलाहो ॥१॥
    Like water, dripping into water, which cannot be separated out again, so is the weaver Kabeer, with softened heart, merged into the Lord. ||1||
    हरि के लोगा मै तउ मति का भोरा ॥
    O people of the Lord, I am just a simple-minded fool.
    जउ तनु कासी तजहि कबीरा रमईऐ कहा निहोरा ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    If Kabeer were to leave his body at Benares, and so liberate himself, what obligation would he have to the Lord? ||1||Pause||
    कहतु कबीरु सुनहु रे लोई भरमि न भूलहु कोई ॥
    Says Kabeer, listen, O people - do not be deluded by doubt.
    किआ कासी किआ ऊखरु मगहरु रामु रिदै जउ होई ॥२॥३॥
    What is the difference between Benares and the barren land of Maghar, if the Lord is within one's heart? ||2||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!


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