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Author Topic: Kirtan Sohila - Sikh Prayer - Line By Line Translation-VIDEO  (Read 3478 times)

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Offline rajiv uppal

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Kirtan Sohila is a collection of hymns of Guru Nanak ji, Guru Amardas ji and Guru Arjan Dev ji. These hymns underline the pains of parting of human beings from God and the bliss to be achieved when one unites with God again. To remove the fear of death. Good to recite when your life feels boring, and you are uninspired. It multiplies your aura, eliminates negativity in you and around you, and protects you. Excellent before you sleep at night to bring restful sleep, prevent nightmares and create a shield of protection. This Bani protects the soul on its journey after it leaves the body at death. Related to earth element. Panj Ishnana (washing feet, hands and face) is performed before going to sleep. After this, one is to sit upon their bed cross-legged, facing their pillow and recite the prayer. Satguru is with us at all times and protects us from the Angel of Death and demons. If one unexpectedly dies in their sleep, they will not enter lower lifeforms. Bad thoughts or dreams do not occur if Kirtan Sohila has been recited. Satguru places an iron fortress around him/her so nothing can hurt or scare the individual.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 05:36:38 AM by rajiv uppal »
..तन है तेरा मन है तेरा प्राण हैं तेरे जीवन तेरा,सब हैं तेरे सब है तेरा मैं हूं तेरा तू है मेरा..


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