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om shakti siva shakti sai shakti sadguru shakti
Sai Baba Prayers and Naam Jaap / Re: Akhanda Sai Naam Japa - 1,00,000 times
« Last post by SS91 on Yesterday at 07:36:30 PM »
Sai Baba Prayers and Naam Jaap / Re: Conversation with true friend
« Last post by vidyarp on Yesterday at 07:27:28 AM »
pranam baba. I realize that hard work is my pattern for this janma. I must work hard, put in my seat and blood and only then will i reap the benefits. I am ready for it. But i am too scared to start. I dont know how to start. Its as if I have forgotten how to believe in myself. My confidence is low, my intentions are not strong. While I know exactly the intentions for my son and have been praying all along for it (I have left my intentions for him upto you and the universe), I dont know what I want to do. The fear is huge and i am staying in this job which has started to feel like an abusive marriage. so help me dear lord and give me the courage and wisdom to start afresh.
Sai Baba Videos and Audios / Re: sailokam videos mannava satyam
« Last post by sadananda maharshi on December 07, 2024, 08:39:48 AM »

Sai Baba Videos and Audios / Re: sailokam videos mannava satyam
« Last post by sadananda maharshi on December 07, 2024, 07:05:11 AM »

Sai Baba Videos and Audios / Re: sailokam videos mannava satyam
« Last post by sadananda maharshi on December 07, 2024, 07:04:28 AM »

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