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Dadi Janki on interfaith harmony
« on: August 30, 2024, 05:58:32 AM »
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  • A message by Dadi Janki of the Brahmakumaris on interfaith harmony , delivered for World Interfaith and Harmony Week 2015.

    When we come together seeing the specialties and the goodness of each other, there can be unity and strength. Unity means to be able to see virtues, absorb virtues, and donate virtues. Where there is unity, there are no problems. There is great happiness, joy, and love in unity.

    It is everyone's desire that heaven should come on earth. Heaven isn't up above; we have to create it here on earth. Through our character and behavior, we can create heaven here. ~ Dadi Janki
    Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

    In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

    Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi


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