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Offline dattaswami

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Human incarnation will test your faith through severe activities

The impression of Arjuna was very much distorted due to the acts of Krishna in the childhood like stealing the butter and dancing with the girls. Arjuna openly criticized Krishna mentioning these activities in the context of protecting Gaya. All this indicates that the human incarnation will test your faith through severe activities. At any cost, your faith should not be shaken. Dharmaraja was always praising Krishna as God. But when Krishna asked him to tell a lie, Dharmaraja refused and failed in the test. Justice is not greater than God. In pravrutti, since there is no God, justice should be voted against the injustice. But, in nivrutti, God should be voted even against justice. Gopikas voted for God against the justice and reached a higher position than the highest.

God is greater than justice since He is the protector of the justice. You have to follow justice because it is commandment of God. In pravrutti, since there is no reference to God, justice stands in the highest position. You should keep Rama as an example for pravrutti. You should keep Hanuman and Gopikas as examples for nivrutti. Arjuna believed Krishna as God by hearing Gita. But, just after seventeen days, Arjuna did not get down from the chariot even though Krishna ordered to do so. This means that you should maintain the faith that was created by the special knowledge.
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