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Offline dattaswami

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Q & A spirituality
« on: October 19, 2010, 04:17:55 AM »
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  • Dattaswami answers various questions from devotees
    1) What is the aim of the birth of every soul?

    A) A soul is the part of creation. Veda says that the world is created for the entertainment of God only.  Therefore, every soul should realize that its existence and life are for the pleasure of God only and not for the pleasure of one’s own self or his family.
    2) Can we take all the human beings to be born with some purpose?

    A) As long as the human being thinks that the birth and the life is meant for the pleasure of one’s own self or its family, till then the life has no purpose. The reason is that as told above. The real aim of life is only to please the Lord. Therefore, the life of such human being which thinks that the ultimate aim is only to please the Lord alone has the purpose of birth.
    3) What are the duties of the human being?

    A) The only duty of human being is the service to Lord.  But, for the service, the maintenance of the body and family is essential.  Therefore, the duties related to such maintenance are also part and parcel of the main divine duty.
    4) What is the reason for human incarnation?

    A) The main purpose of the human incarnation(God coming in human form) is to clarify the doubts of the devotees in the spiritual knowledge.  Apart from this, vision, touch, conversation and co-living are the four fortunes that are the available to the devotees.  To punish evil forces and protect the devotees, His power is able to do it. Mainly the human incarnation is only to preach the spiritual knowledge. Therefore, the incarnations like fish, pig etc., are only forms of His power. Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha etc., are mainly for the preaching only.
    5) How the family should behave to please the Lord?

    A) If the entire family believes the human incarnation, it will be possible to worship the Lord in human form.  Since in your question the pleasure of the God is mentioned, we can observe the pleasure for our service only in the human form the Lord. In worship of idols or in the worship of formless God there is no proof of the pleasure of God that can be noted by us.  Therefore, in this answer I had to limit to the human incarnation only. At least you can serve the beggars and note happiness on their faces.  You will get heaven for the  service though for a temporary stay. 
    6) Does Pravrutti lead to God?

    A) The duties to be performed for the maintenance of the body and family are Pravrutti.  Therefore Pravrutti is the basis to reach God, but Pravrutti alone cannot lead you to God.  For a drama the stage is necessary.  If you prepare the stage only without the drama the spectators will throw stones.  Therefore, Pravrutti along with Nivrutti only leads to God. Nivrutti means service to Lord.
    7) How to practice to Nivrutti?

    A) Your question itself contains answer. Service to Lord in practice is the practice of Nivrutti.  Nivrutti is in the form of feelings and in the form of practice. Praising or singing the Lord with words, loving God with mind and discussing God with intelligence is the feeling-form of Nivrutti.  Sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work are practical Nivrutti.  Nivrutti is completed when both forms exist. The drinking water is like the feeling-form and the practice is like the plate of meals offered to the guest. Then only we will get the complete grace of the Lord.  Veda says the feeling-form as Asambhuti and practical- form as Sambuthi.  You should not expect any fruit for the feeling-form.  Even the hotel does not charge you for a cup of water! Only the plate of meals is charged. 
    8) If one follows justice, is there is no necessity to worship God?

    A) Justice is the stage and worship is the drama based on it.  Even without justice the worship can be done.  Kannappa is hunter.  He kills the innocent animals like rabbit.  But by worship he got salvation.  Even without stage the drama can be played on floor.  But the stage without drama is waste. The aim of practicing the justice is only to please the Lord.  Therefore, whatever pleases God that is justice.  Krishna asked Dharma Raja to tell a lie, but Dharma Raja did not tell the lie.  Dharma Raja was taken to hell because he did not tell the lie even on the advice of the Lord. Therefore, God is more important than justice.  But in the Pravrutti which is the behaviour to the other souls, justice is more important than injustice. But in Nivrutti God is more important than justice.  Since the Nivrutti is the aim of life mere justice is waste. By justice one can reach temporary heaven according Gita.  By Nivrutti the permanent abode of God is obtained.
    9) For which purpose Worship, service and praising are done?

    A) All these are done only to please the Lord.  Praising is like giving dinking water. Service is like offering meals.  Both these are called as worship.
    10) “All this is God” is Vedic statement. Does it mean that all the body of human incarnation is God or does it mean that the entire creation is God?

    The word Brahman has two meanings. The greatest item in a category is Brahman.  Brahman also means God.  In Gita, Veda is called as Brahman. Since Veda is the greatest among the scriptures, it is called as Brahman. Since God is greater than any greatest item, God is also called as Brahman. The inert energy is greatest in the creation. All this creation is inert energy only.  If you take God is Brahman, the entire human body of the human incarnation is Brahman. If you say that all the creation is God, then the entertainment of God as told in Veda is impossible.

     The enjoyer and enjoyed cannot be one and the same, because the entertainment is impossible.  Only the human body is equal to the world, because the nine items are common in the human body and the world (the eight items of Apara and ninth Para).  The intelligence (Buddhi) exists only in the human body. Therefore, God pervaded in the body of the human incarnation can be said as God pervading the world.  Therefore you can see the body of Krishna as the world but the world cannot be seen as Krishna.  If the Universe is God, the soul which is a part of Universe is also Brahman.  Since there is nothing other than Brahman, who gets salvation and from which the salvation is needed?  If that is true there is no need of spiritual effort.
    11) You told that you are every thing and you are everywhere.  Then why not the soul be God?

    A) If you take My statement in the direct sense, then the spiritual effort becomes waste.  If God is the whole Universe and if there is nothing other than God, how can the creation give entertainment to God? Veda says that the creation came to entertain God. Then Veda becomes futile.  Therefore, the interpretation of God’s word must be done properly.  In grammar there is statement “All this Kalinga”.  Kalinga is the name of king. How the kingdom which is in the form of soil can be a human being called as Kalinga? According to grammar this means that the kingdom is under the control of king Kalinga. Therefore, you have to take my statement in that sense and so it means that all this is under the control of God. In some occasions, I  tell such sentences to encourage the devotees. This indicates the affection of Satguru. In the climax of devotion where one sees only God  and nothing else, this can be correlated directly.  Gopikas reached that state.  If this is true why are you eating food and not mud?  You should not use this statement to escape the spiritual effort  and feel that you are God. Such statement of the final Avadhuta- stage should not be used by every one.
    12) Who am I? Am I the soul?

    A) You are the soul. Soul is awareness. Awareness is the special work form of the energy.  Awareness is a special of form of inert energy that is generated by the Oxidation of food in the body.
    13) How can I see my-self?

    A) The essence of the awareness is the inert energy.  Awareness is proved as the form of inert energy.  If you stop food and oxygen the inert energy is not supplied and the awareness disappears. In the deep sleep the awareness remains as inert energy which is its basic form.  Therefore, in deep sleep there is no awareness. If you see the inert energy like Sun light, it is equal to seeing the soul.  To day you can see the awareness as the basic form of energy flowing as waves in sophisticated medical electronic instruments.
    14) You say that you are Datta and again say that you are not Datta.
    Why this contradiction?

    A) If some body is eligible to digest the divine knowledge, the first statement is told.  If some body does not deserve, the second statement is told. Krishna never told any body in His life that He is God.  Krishna told only to Arjuna during the preaching of Gita that He is God and Arjuna was close to the Lord for the past several births as Nara with Narayana.  Therefore Krishna did not face any danger.  Sankara also did not face any danger because He told that every human being is God.  Jesus told before a group of people that He and His father are one and the same.  Therefore, He was crucified. Egoism and jealousy existing in every human being oppose the acceptance of one human being as God.  According to Islam there is no human incarnation.  Therefore, the human beings accept either the concept of every human being as God or no human being as God.  Even a great devotee will suspect the human incarnation in some time due to egoism and jealousy. Therefore, human incarnation uses these two sentences according to the context.  Even in a devotee the second statement will pacify the egoism and jealousy hidden in the subconscious state.

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Q & A spirituality
    « Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 04:25:13 AM »
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  • 15) What is special penance?
    A) Penance means the spontaneous urge in the concentration but it should be spontaneous.  It is a state of madness.  Such state came for Gopikas only.  The other efforts need some reason.  Without aspiration for fruit the madness that is reached in the love for the God is the special penance.  In such penance the Lord becomes the servant of devotee.  This is the higher fruit than Advaita.
    16) If the doer-ship is removed can the soul become God?

    A) The God and soul are completely different.  God is the creator and the soul is a part of creation.  The Doer-ship has wide scope of range.  Starting from the creatorship of universe, up to doing sins in the case of a demon, the word doer-ship can be used.  The creatorship is confined only to God.  If the doer-ship means the creatorship of the world, then such doer-ship is necessary for the soul to become God.   In every action if the soul feels that it is not the doer and completely surrenders to God, the soul will become  liberated and close servant of God.  This is the maximum state of divinity that can be achieved by the soul. 
    17) It is said that God takes the form as per your desire.  Does it not mean that He is formless?
    A) God is neither formless nor has form.  In the creation both formless objects like air and form-full objects like earth exist.  Because of this reason God is neither formless nor form-full since both are imaginable.  Veda says that God is unimaginable.  But God comes in human form, which is useful to the humanity in all directions.  The main aim of the human form is preaching Divine Knowledge.  That is why God has taken a human form which is very much useful to the humanity in various angles.  You have to worship such form taken by God.  He is not your servant to come in the form you desire. In Gita the Lord said that He will approach the devotee in the same path as the devotee approaches.  This does not mean that He will take the form as you like. You can take any form you like which can be a representative of God (Pratika) but God does not exist in it. 
    18) The three faced and six-handed form(Datta) is Parabrahman.  Then what about the other divine forms?

    A) Datta means God given to the humanity in the human form.  The six hands show the six modifications in His external body and three faces show the three qualities exhibited by Him.  Therefore, only Datta is the attainable form of God for humanity.  All the other forms are the energetic bodies of the upper worlds.  They do not belong to the world of humanity.  It is the natural tendency of the human beings to neglect the available human form and to give value to the unavailable energetic forms. 
    19) Does every soul reach God? 

    A) For humanity God is confined to the human form only.  Even the recognition itself is very difficult.  Even after recognition it is more difficult to stand on it because He exhibits the Maya of three qualities.  One in millions and that too in one birth after millions of births can identify and please the God with full sacrifice and service.  Like this Gita says (Kaschit mam….).
    20) Does the awareness in every body is the form of God?

    A) When God is unimaginable we cannot say that He is form-full or formless.  The awareness in every living body is only a part of His creation.  This awareness is the greatest in the creation, because it has a unique property of Knowledge. Since any greatest item can be called as Brahman, the awareness (Soul) can be called as Brahman.  Awareness is imaginable and hence cannot be God.
    21) Should the soul not desire for the appreciation from God?

    A) If such desire is without egoism it is not wrong.  Satyabhama was having such desire with egoism.  Krishna removed it. 
    22) After how much time and by which means the soul reaches God?

    A) The possibility to reach God is only in one human birth.  If you miss it you may get other human births but without that chance.  The five-fold service by words, by mind, by intelligence, by sacrifice of work and by sacrifice of fruit of work can be the only path to get the grace of the God. 
    23) What is the reason for these atrocities in the world?

    A) The only reason is not having the contact with God through Satsanga that imparts the divine knowledge in the human being.
    24) If God created this world like a cinema, is it only the way for us to watch the cinema?

    A) God has given freedom and intelligence (discriminating power) to the human beings.  Therefore, each soul is creating its own cinema.  The stage, dress etc., are given by the God but not the story and dialogues.    Therefore, God is the creator of the Universe but He is not the creator of the life of the soul.  When God comes in human incarnation, He comes down along with His servants who are  the liberated souls.  Then only He is the writer of the story and dialogues for that divine play. 
    25) Why God is tolerating the dictatorship of some people?
    A) In the creation every incident is the result of the three dimensional network of action, time, fruit etc.,   You do not know the incidents of the previous birth.  The person who tortured somebody is now born as the sufferer.  You see this birth only and pity that soul.  In the creation of God no injustice will take place and nobody will escape.  Hence, the omniscient God keeps silent.  The soul with limited knowledge talks all sorts of things. 
    26) Why the present rulers are not following the rule when they punish the innocent people?

    A) Again you are committing the mistake to think that the punished person is innocent.  The innocence cannot be judged by either you or present ruler.  Not only in the previous birth even in this birth he committed several sins which are not only known to you or even to himself.  Therefore, the real judgment is given by God. The judge may give a wrong judgment.  He gave like that because his enquiry is guided by God.  You are criticizing the judge. The judgment given by him by mistake is correct because it is given by God.  Anybody in this world who harms you is just instrumental. Without the enquiry and decision of God nothing will happen in this world. The God is punishing not with revenge but to transform the soul. This entire system of Universe is created and run by God only. 


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