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Offline dattaswami

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The human incarnations- Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:42:33 PM »
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  • The human incarnations- Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha
    When God enters the human being, the soul becomes His slave and serves God. The main specific purpose is to clarify the doubts of devotees directly. The prophet or messenger brings the message of God and delivers it to the people without any change in it. Such messenger is the best. Some messengers change the message as per their liking. Therefore, the best is that God delivers the message directly to the people through the mouth of human incarnation.

    Fortunately, Mohammad is the human incarnation and not simply the messenger and therefore the message, Q’ran, was not at all polluted. Similar is the case with Bible. There need not be any doubt about Gita since Krishna Himself declared as God. Even Buddha was a human incarnation and kept silent about the concept of human incarnation. In His time most of the people were atheists (Purvameemamsakas), who were even denying the existence of God and were involved in performing the sacrifices (Yajnas) to go to heaven for fulfilling their excess desires.

    The atmosphere was not congenial even for introduction of concept of the existence of God. Therefore, Buddha kept silent about God and His silence was meaningful because the absolute unimaginable God cannot be explained by words. He concentrated on the eradication of desires, which will help in getting the grace of God through selfless service. This suppression of the fact in view of the prevailing atmosphere was mistaken by the followers, who thought that Buddha was an atheist. All the followers of Buddha became atheists, but they were developing some discipline over the controller of desire. A defect is allowed for some time in view of growing some merit. Even though atheism was allowed, the control of desire was achieved. A strong defect should not be contradicted in the beginning and it is better to concentrate on some other easier concept to be introduced.
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace

    Offline kevinchaapel

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    Re: The human incarnations- Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha
    « Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 12:58:43 AM »
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  • In general, a human factor is a physical or cognitive property of an individual or social behavior which is specific to humans and influences functioning of technological systems as well as human-environment equilibriums.Located at Role Modellers' offices in a picturesque English market town, this 2-day workshop is a hands-on introduction to next-generation process modelling and execution techniques that deal with human work at all organizational levels.

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: The human incarnations- Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha
    « Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 02:51:45 AM »
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  • In general, a human factor is a physical or cognitive property of an individual or social behavior which is specific to humans and influences functioning of technological systems as well as human-environment equilibriums.Located at Role Modellers' offices in a picturesque English market town, this 2-day workshop is a hands-on introduction to next-generation process modelling and execution techniques that deal with human work at all organizational levels.

    Spiritual Workshop is better than Suicide

    People think that one can become peaceful after death. No no. The soul has to face unimaginable stress in the hell and also in the future condemned births. The self attainment through the spiritual workshops is some what a better solution. To become stone is better than going to hell. But in both cases the human rebirth is ruled out. The best solution is to enjoy the picture consisting of happy and tragic scenes alternatively. Such state is the state of God and can be obtained only by the grace of God. Once he goes to hell or become stone, there is no control and there is no possibility of any further change. You have the advantage of control and possibility of change only during this human life. Even angels of the upper world always try to take human birth because in the upper world, only the fruits are enjoyed and there is no freedom to change the fate.

    You must realize the logic of the necessity of misery in this world. Without misery the world will bore you with continuous happiness like a cinema without tragic scenes and like sweet meals without any hot dish. In KrutaYuga, God created only happiness. The continuous happiness bored the souls. The very boring process itself is misery. Thus, the birth of first misery is only from continuous happiness. In KrutaYuga, the justice in the form of cow was having all the four legs, which means all good deeds are only done due to predomination of Sattvam. Afterwards, since misery was required to avoid continuous happiness, the legs of the cow were broken gradually in the subsequent Yugas. This means that subsequently Rajas and Tamas predominated gradually. If you learn to enjoy the misery in the life, it is the philosophy of life. Such philosophy can be achieved if you realize the unreality of Maya with respect to yourself and matter. By the grace and the divine knowledge of Sadguru you can achieve such divine state of God. Sadguru is God in human form who came down to guide you by preaching this concept.

    Lord Krishna was entertaining Himself by seeing the mutual killing of His kith and kin including His sons and grandsons at the end with sweet smile on His lips through out the cinema. The same smile continued when He was bleeding by the shot arrow. Jesus carried on His own cross with a peaceful face even though the spectators were weeping. Jesus asked them not to weep for Him and suggested to weep for themselves and for their children in view of the future hell. God is defined as He who takes even the most serious issue as a joke. Soul is defined as he who takes even the joke as the most serious issue. The simple reason for this difference is that God (or a realized and liberated soul) realizes the unreality of Maya (forms of matter created by God like beauty or created by self like a house and all the thoughts of the soul), whereas the soul is not realizing this unreality.

    Offline silvermessenger

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    Re: The human incarnations- Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha
    « Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 09:40:02 PM »
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    You must realize the logic of the necessity of misery in this world. Without misery the world will bore you with continuous happiness like a cinema without tragic scenes and like sweet meals without any hot dish. In KrutaYuga, God created only happiness. The continuous happiness bored the souls. The very boring process itself is misery. Thus, the birth of first misery is only from continuous happiness. In KrutaYuga, the justice in the form of cow was having all the four legs, which means all good deeds are only done due to predomination of Sattvam. Afterwards, since misery was required to avoid continuous happiness, the legs of the cow were broken gradually in the subsequent Yugas. This means that subsequently Rajas and Tamas predominated gradually. If you learn to enjoy the misery in the life, it is the philosophy of life. Such philosophy can be achieved if you realize the unreality of Maya with respect to yourself and matter. By the grace and the divine knowledge of Sadguru you can achieve such divine state of God. Sadguru is God in human form who came down to guide you by preaching this concept.

    I believe that this sort of thinking is actually detrimental to the Spiritual Path. We are here in God's wonderful Creation only to find happiness and peace, not to find misery. There is no logic in the necessity of misery in this world. This is a misconception amongst people seeking Truth, that there cannot be any spiritual life without suffering. It is also a wrong thing to think that Jesus carried the cross because God willled it thus.

    In the book "From India to the Truth" (of, one finds the following words:

    "But Jesus need not have suffered if not for the free will of man. For it was not willed by God that He should suffer. It was the result of our own free will, which Jesus Himself accepted, that He was murdered. Simply put – we murdered Him! ... God wills no suffering for anyone, not even for His own Envoy. Yet out of His Purest Love, His Son would not hesitate to accept suffering, even if it meant that only just one sinner could be saved. That is truly an infinite Love!"

    Also, another misleading belief is that this period of Kali Yuga was by Divine design.  Again from the book "From India to the Truth" of website, we read on page 193:

    "However, it is wrong to believe that the cycle of the Yugas repeats itself constantly as is propounded in certain quarters. It is expected by some schools of thought that after the next Satya Yuga has come to an end, there will again be a spiritual falling off which will bring about a Treta Yuga, followed by a Dvapara Yuga and eventually another Kali Yuga. This cycle of Yugas does not have to recur according to The Laws of Creation! It will not recur unless human beings endowed with their free will decide to go down the wrong path once again. The period of Satya Yuga can be extended for all eternity if only human beings keep to the Luminous Path and do not allow themselves to be deceived onto dark paths as hitherto. There need never be a sinking or falling away as long as we realise the value of our free will and put it to good use."

    Here the key word is that we have our free will. We can choose whether or not to bring about a Kaliyug or a Satyug/Kritayug. This lies completely in our hands. We make the choice, it will not be pushed upon us. Today I can choose to live the rest of my life as God wills, and establish peace in my household or I can decide to be a tyrant and cause grief to my fellow human beings. One way will lead upwards to Satyug, the other downwards to Kaliyug.

    I hope this made sense.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post.


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