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« on: February 19, 2007, 09:11:41 AM »
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  • SATI GODAVAR1 MATAJI of Sakori Ashram
    By : Dr.  S. N. Tipnis, M. A., Ph. D.
    Sati Godavarimataji, the guarding spirit of the Shri Upasani Kanya kumari Ashram at Sakori which is at a distance of about 5 K.m. from Shirdi, has completed sixty years of her life and has entered the sixtyfirst year in last month. This auspicious occasion was celebrated on a grand scale at Sakori. We wish her a long life to shower favours on her devotees.
    Swami Sivananda, the renowned saint of Rishikesh, wrote in one of his works, "Shri Godavari Mataji is an asset to Bharat-varsha She has set an example for all the women of India to follow." In these glowing terms, he has aptly portrayed the personality of Mataji. Shri Godavari Mataji is one of the Women-Saints of modern India, who have added lustre to Indian soil. She has been continuing its glorious tradition.
    Shri Godavari Mataji was born in the year 1914 at Shegaon, a remote village in the province of Btrar. She belonged to a high brahmin family, known for its piety and religious culture. At the age of 9, she had the darshan of Shri Upasani Maharaj, the renowned saint of Sakori. At first sight, Shri Upasani Maharaj said to her, "This all belongs to you. You will have to see to its management." His prophetic words came true literally.

    Once Mataji came to Sakori, she preferred to lead the ascetic life. She was initiated in the Spiritual Path by Shri Upasani Maharaj in 1928. Since then, she is leading the life of dedication and devotion.
    Following in her foot-steps a number of Kanyas (Brahma-charinis) embraced spiritual life. Thus the ideas of the saint of establishing a religious Institution for women became visualised.

    After the passing away of Shri Upasani Maharaj, Shri Godavari Mataji, who is his foremost disciple, has become the head of the Institution and she is continuing the noble mission of his life.
    Kanyakumari Ashram is one of the Institutes for women who want to lead religious and monastic life. The Kanyas are busy in performing religious austerities throughout the whole day and remain absorbed in divine contemplation. Occasionally, they perform Yajnas under the guidance of Shri Mataji.

    The Institution of Yajna is another unique feature of this Ashram The Yajnas are performed by the Kanyas, who are skilled in it They chant the vedic mantras with a correct intonation of the Svara They perform nearly 7 Yajnas throughout the year.

    Shri Mataji along with the Kanyas has so far performed a number of Yajnas at almost all the important places in India. About a couple of years before, Mataji undertook a continental tour and visited a number of countries. Shri Mataji was accorded a grand reception everywhere, and thousands of people took the benefit of her sacred darshan. Particularly at Paris, Antwerp and London, programmes of vedic recitations were arranged. The chanting of the vedic hymns by the Kanyas was very enchanting and left the audience spellbound. The Archbishop of' Canturbury, who was present on one of these occasions, highly appreciated it. Perhaps, Mataji may be the first woman-saint, who visited the West, carrying the torch of ancient wisdom, and who unfurled the banner of Vedic Culture.

    Mataji is a very radiant personality. She is the living embodiment of Divinity. She is the symbol of Peace and Purity. Drawn by her magnetic personality, thousands of persons stream into Sakori to secure her blessings and benediction. They come from different corners of India. Occasionally, there are visitors from the West. Being the pilgrims of Eternity, they come to seek her guidance and grace. Indeed, Mataji serves as a beacon light to countless souls, who are groping in the dark and guides them to the domain of Everlasting Peace, Happiness, Kaivalya and Moksha.
    « Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 09:13:24 AM by Jyoti Ravi Verma »
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