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The Spiritual importance of Guru Poornima
« on: February 19, 2007, 07:50:02 AM »
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  • By :— Svvami Kesavaiahji

    [The Poornima in the Month of Ashadha is Known as Guru Poor¬nima. This year the Guru Poornima falls on the 4th of July 1974. As this is an important day for the devotees ofShri Sai Baba, the following article written by Swami Kesavaiahji expounding the spiritual import¬ance of Guru Poornima is being published in this issue-Editor]

    After taking innumerable births as reptiles, birds and animals, one gets, at last, human birth, which is very hard to obtain. Even Devas, after their Punya (Merit) is exhasted, are born as human beings to work out their salvation The unique feature of human birth is that it enables one to rise to great spiritual heights and finally merge in "Para Brahman" - the highest state, not attained even by Devas. That is the reason why even Devas envy human birth. After getting human birth, one should not waste his time in the pursuit of ephemeral things of this world and in the enjoyment of fleeting desires, which are all transient and lead to misery. Realising how precious human life is and knowing that Death is certain and may snatch us at any moment, one should be ever alert to achieve the object of our life viz. God-realization. The most effective and speedy way to gain our object is to approach a Sad-Guru, who has himself attained 'God Vision'. Such a 'Sad Guru' is Sri Baba. He is a pre¬cious jewel among saints and a Saviour of the first order.
    When Srr"Sai Baba was in the flesh, He himself started celebr¬ation of 'Guru Poornima' at Shiridi. 'Vyasa Poornima', which falls in the month of Ashadha, is considered a very important sacred day from time immemorial. It is dedicated to the worship of Vyasa Maharishi, the author of the Vedas, Mahabharata (the fifth Veda) and the Bhagavata. During the Guru Pooja day at Shiridi, devotees used to worship the holy feet of Sri Sai Baba and present shawls, fruits, flowers, sandal and coins to Him. The benefits that accrue to the devotees performing 'Padapuja' to a Guru on this auspicious day are serveral and invaluable.
    Every one has heard about Sage Narada. He is a very great Bhakta, intensely devoted to Sriman Narayana and always singing His sacred names. In his previous birth, he was the son of a poor widow, who was serving saints. Through their holy association, the young boy got God-vision and in his next birth, he became a great and ardent devotee of Narayana and a saviour of mankind. This single episode is sufficient to prove the greatness of Guru-Bhakthi-Para-Bhakthi is supreme devotion to God (Guru). The devotee should have absolute faith in the infinite mercy of the Guru and un¬shakable confidence in His grace. The guile-less love of the Gopies of Brindavan towards Lord Sri Krishna is the highest form of Bhakthi.
    On this most sacred and auspicious day, I would appeal to every devotee to put sole trust in the Guru-Sri Sai Baba and pray for His Mercy and protection remembering His solemn pledge contained in the following memorable words :-

    "Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions and you will, undoubtedly attain "Paramartha". (the spiritual goal of life) Look at me wholeheartedly and I in turn, look at you similarly. As soon as a devotee calls unto Me with love I will appear and will never let him fall. I will give my head to save him. No sadhanas nor proficiency in the six Shastras are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Blessed is he that knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara, Brahma (Thrimurthi) incarnate".

    May Sri Sai Baba shower His choicest blessings on all His devotees.
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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