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Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2011, 05:08:40 AM »
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    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #61 on: May 05, 2011, 01:04:00 AM »
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  • Thnku so much Tanu sis!:)
    When we help others in pain n help the needy, baba adds it to our account in his 'Bank of Blessings'.If we add our good karmas this way,we are actually helping Sai to use it and at the time of need - Quote from Star Sai

    Before Asking Sai That What He's Doing To Keep Us Happy,Ask Yourself That What You Are Doing To Keep Sai Happy?!

    You Are The Cutest Sai!! :D

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #62 on: May 06, 2011, 12:32:30 PM »
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    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #63 on: May 07, 2011, 03:18:39 AM »
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  • How do I become more positive?

    Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

    We talk about being positive all the time. Now how do we really become more positive?
    Here are some things, which if done regularly, will bring more positivity in your life.
    1) Surround yourself with positivity and avoid negativity as best as you can.

    Each one of us is the average of the five people that we interact with each day. Have you ever noticed that when you enter a room you can instantly feel the energy, whether positive or negative, and that your mood gets influenced by it? Each and every interaction we have with the outside world influences our mind, and thus the smart thing to do is to exercise discretion, to the extent possible, as to what situations you want to expose yourself to. Consciously Choose things that make you happy, and avoid things that bring you down. Specifically, here are some of the things that influences the mind:
    People: Seek people who energize you. These people are happy and positive themselves. They are full of joy, and perceive the world to be a wonderful place full of possibilities. To the extent possible, avoid people who drain your energy. These people are forever stuck in the negative. They are chronic complainers, who see themselves as perfect, and just that the world needs to change to suit their own likes and dislikes. This does not mean that negative people do not deserve our love - in fact they need it more than positive people. What this means is that until the time we become very positive ourselves, it is best to avoid negative influences. After reaching a certain level in your spiritual growth, you will find that you have more mental immunity towards negative energy. When that time comes, you can become a source of strength to others.

    TV:  Avoid all programs that bring your energy down. This means it is best to stop watching the news, which is mostly negative. If at all you must watch TV, watch inspirational and motivational programs. Completely avoiding TV is not a bad idea either. It will free up precious time for things that help you grow.

    Internet - Again it is best to avoid reading online news regularly. Even reading up on gossip does not help a person become positive. Gossip is simply judgement passed on someone else’s life. It is better to look at our own self and see how we can improve instead. Keep a watch for people who only post negative content. They are only showing us the quality of their own minds.

    Movies: Avoid watching movies that are tragic and violent. Instead, watch happy and Inspirational movies that uplifts your spirit.
    2) Complete your past.

    Make peace with your past. Love yourself unconditionally. Forgive yourself and others. Live life in the present moment.
    3) Be true to your preferences, needs and desires

    Be true to your heart. Stop settling for less than you want. Start acknowledging and honoring each and every preferences of yours, however small. There is no selfishness in pursuing the life that you want - in fact it is your birthright. Ask for what you want, and do not expect things to automatically come to you without asking.
    4) Love and take care of yourself.

    Regularly, take care of your mind, body, heart and spirit. Self-care is often neglected and even misunderstood as being selfish. Would you drive your car without fuel in it? Self-care is fuel for your mind, body, heart and spirit, without which you cannot give your 100% to yourself and to the people around you. Self care is giving yourself the love you need. This means eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining a balance between life and work.
    5) Keep learning and improving yourself each day

    Strive to become a little better than yesterday each day. Learn something new that you did not know yesterday. You could learn from self-help books or pages such as this. Or, you may follow teachings from spiritual organizations. If you think you need personal help, do not hesitate to hire professionals like counselors and life coaches. What you may not be able to achieve in years, you could learn from professionals in just a few weeks. Even presidents and kings have personal advisors - there is nothing wrong in reaching out and asking for help.
    6) Do things that give you joy each day

    Instead of stressing out each day, and only taking the weekend or vacations to relax, each day do small things that give you joy. It could be a short walk in the park, playing with your kids, cooking dinner together, listening to calming music, practicing a hobby etc. Enjoy little pleasures  - maybe a bite of your favorite chocolate,  your favorite ice-cream, getting a massage, a sip of your favorite wine, while making sure you are not over indulging and creating addictions.
    7) Be in gratitude

    Wake up each day saying "I am going to make today the best day of my life". At the end of each day, give thanks to all the things in your life that is wonderful. Consider giving thanks for your talents, your health, your relationships, your career, and your material prosperity. Each one is abundant in one way or the other. The more you are in gratitude, the more the universe gives you things to be thankful for.
    8) Meditate regularly

    Meditation changes your emotional set point. It reduces your mental impressions. All your strong likes and dislikes reduce with regular meditation, thanks to which you experience more joy and peace of mind.  A mind that has been quietened frees up all your mental resources. Such a mind functions at optimal efficiency, bringing success in whatever you take up.
    9) Define success in your own terms and work a little towards it each day

    Find out what your true passion is, and set a high goal that inspires and motivates you. Your true passion is one where doing the work itself brings you immense joy, and it is not work that is done only for the need to survive. The goal you define should be a high one - do not set one that is easily achieved. The purpose of a goal is to strive towards progressing each day, and not reaching it easily. Work towards that goal each day,. Measure and celebrate your success for all milestones reached. Personal success brings a lot of fulfillment.
    10) Serve others selflessly

    While personal success is quite fulfilling, nothing can beat the joy you get when you serve all of humanity selflessly. A certain spiritual aspect within us grows only when we drop our selfishness and realize our oneness with others.  Note that if you are struggling to find personal success in your own life, it is impossible for you to be a source of strength for others.  Thus, it is better to work on your personal success before you try to serve others selflessly. At the same time, do not wait to serve others until you retire or have amassed a lot of wealth, for it will put this beautiful aspect of life forever into the future.  If you are not abundant with money, you can serve others with your talents and time. Volunteering your time and skills brings more fulfillment and spiritual growth than simply parting with your money

    « Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 03:28:12 AM by tanu_12 »
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #64 on: May 07, 2011, 03:43:16 AM »
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  • You are a Genius

     Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

    Throughout our life, we have met people who seem to have more intelligence than the rest of us. We term these people brilliant, smart or address them as genius. We assume that their intelligence is God’s gift to them. Perhaps you are one of these gifted souls yourself.  And then there are others who find it hard to concentrate and perform well academically and on assigned jobs, find it difficult to learn new things, and perhaps wish that they were more like those geniuses.
    A competitive society places a lot of importance on intelligence. Intelligent people are considered valuable everywhere, whereas people who display lower levels of intelligence constantly fear the consequences of not being able to keep up with the peers in their respective fields. When our children perform well academically in school, we proudly rejoice and share their performance with everyone around us. On the other hand, when the child is struggling academically, it causes much anxiety and worry to parents.
    Do you struggle academically and in your career? Do you  consider yourself dull and wished that your were smarter? Or do you just wish to do better at the tasks that you take up? The good news is that you are already a genius, just that you may or may not know it. Even top performers use only a small percentage of their brains, and it follows that everyone has a huge potential within them to be a genius. It is a myth that geniuses are born that way. In reality, most of these geniuses are ones who developed their inner capabilities more than others.
    If you believe that your intelligence is static and cannot be enhanced,  consider this. The performance of  students who are otherwise brilliant suffer greatly after experiencing some traumatic event in their lives. The same students are not able to learn and retain like they used to. Sometimes, the drop in academic performance is so drastic, that a top student might get failing grades in school after experiencing the trauma, until the situation is correct by therapy. The same is true with adults as well. This suggests that clearly there is something more to performance besides raw intelligence and genetics.
    What could be the reason for higher performances then?
    The following observation from geography helps to understand this better. In the Indian subcontinent, many rivers originate in the Himalayas. Most of these rivers break up into smaller distributaries, until they get either land locked or dried up by the sun. The rivers that break up into smaller streams and distributaries never reach the ocean.  On the other hand, the river Ganges, which also starts in the Himalayas, continues to flow steadfastly south east  without breaking up, and is able to pour its waters into the Bay of Bengal. The fact that the Ganges flows without dividing herself is the dominant reason for her to be able to reach the ocean.

    Such is the case with the intelligence of the human mind. People who are able to focus their thoughts on a particular subject with undivided attention, appear to be more intelligent than others. In reality the same potential exists in the rest of us as well.  Thus it is less about the faculty of intelligence itself, and more about the ability to bring this faculty together with continuous, undivided attention, that is really the reason for the above average performance of some people which we term as genius.

    As swami Vivekananda said:

    "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced.”
    Now the question is, why is it that some people are able to give undivided attention to what they take up, whereas some others are not able to?

    There are two reasons for this:

    = A high goal that greatly inspires and motivates the individual
    = A mind that is free from distraction
    Let us take this up this up one by one:
    1) A high goal that greatly inspires and motivates the individual

    Until and unless an individual selects a task that greatly inspires and motivates him, his full potential does not get unleashed. This is why it is extremely important to “follow your heart”. Selecting a field of work only because of the need to survive ensures that an individual forever remains only in survival mode. All of the potential of such a  person remain dormant.

    Mahatma Gandhi was a mediocre student in school. He was a shy, soft-spoken individual who had no great spark of intelligence and leadership in him. All that changed when he suffered discrimination in Africa due to the color of his skin. He took upon himself the goal to correct the injustices that he faced. Highly inspired and motivated with this goal, this once shy man of mediocre abilities underwent a tremendous transformation. He grew by leaps and bounds, fought diligently and untiringly towards the goal of freedom for the entire nation, and in the process introduced some of the most brilliant and powerful ideas known to fight injustice in a peaceful manner. His leadership was par excellence. No one remembers the shy mediocre student,  all of us know him as a highly powerful and revered political leader who we lovingly call “Bapu" - The father of the nation. All of us can bring out the great potential sleeping within us, if only we find a powerful goal that deeply inspires us, like Mahatma Gandhi did.
    2) A mind that is free from distraction

    As seen above in the example of the intellectual performance of people suffering after undergoing mental trauma, even people who are otherwise considered brilliant, perform poorly when the mind is distracted. Only when the mind is quietened does the intellect starts to perform to its full potential. An individual with a quiet mind is better able to make decisions that are in true alignment with his purpose, and thus increases his chances of success. Also a quiet mind conserves a lot of energy, as it is at peace. A quiet mind is more creative and intuitive. An agitated mind is more prone to negative emotions  such as anger, hatred, doubt, insecurity, unworthiness, etc, which wastes precious energy that would be otherwise channeled towards the task at hand.
    The other source of distraction come via our senses. It is not uncommon for a person’s intellectual performance to suffer when the mind is distracted thanks to  preoccupation with gratifying one of more of the senses - which is what happens when the mind deeply craves for anything. This is why people who experiencing a breakup of their relationship, or are addicted to alcohol or drugs perform well below their potential. Regular meditation reduces our cravings and aversions. It helps to cultivate a mind that is creative, intuitive, and free of distraction, which unleashes more of the power of your intellect to the tasks you undertake.
    Your intelligence is not a fixed entity. You have enormous potential within you to enhance it.  Each one of us carries within us the seed of genius. Most of us preserve the seed as it, whereas some of us take that seed and grow it into a mighty tree  - and that makes all the difference in the world.  You are a genius - now go show the world the real power within you.

    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #65 on: May 10, 2011, 10:32:42 PM »
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  • The beauty of spiritual growth.

    Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

    A lot of people turn to spirituality as a last resort when they are experience a lot of suffering. Some other's turn to it because of intellectual curiosity - to seek answers they could not find elsewhere.  While any reason is a good reason to get started with spirituality, in my personal experience, the greatest fruits that spirituality offers is the wonderful transformation it can bring in an individual, consequently changing the very reality of life as he knew before.
    As your mind matures with spiritual practices, you see less of good and bad, right and wrong - you understand more and judge less. Situations that were painful earlier do not give you pain anymore. You develop an ability to understand all situations and be comfortable in a lot of environments, with different types of people, whether they agree with you or not.
    Your focus shifts from “What’s in store for me?” to “How can I serve?”. Your focus shifts from “What’s broken?” to “What do I want to create instead?”. You earlier question of “How can I get more joy?” changes to “How can I express my joy?”. Your mind quietens down and your heart becomes more compassionate towards all of life. It becomes easier to forgive and forget. It becomes easier to understand/realize universal truths that the agitated mind was not revealing earlier.
    As an individual transforms himself, his life starts to become a gift to others, and he himself remains in a state of sustained joy since his happiness becomes less and less dependent on having and not having things a certain way in the external world. Such is the beauty of spiritual growth that is available to all of us.

    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #66 on: May 17, 2011, 09:05:20 AM »
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  • Why is my life not improving in spite of reading these inspirations?

    Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

    We are creatures of habit. Our minds are conditioned by past impressions. We keep following in our old ways until the cycle of ignorance is broken by constant awareness of ourselves. This is why we need constant reminders. Knowledge needs to seep into our sub-conscious mind in order for it to become useful to us. This is precisely why in the Vedic scriptures, three levels of attaining knowledge are prescribed:

    Shravanam (Listening)
    Mananam (Contemplating the knowledge)
    Nidhi Dhyasa (Practicing the knowledge)
    Shravanam (Reading/Listening):

    A lot of people read/listen to inspirational material for the temporary relief that it brings. When you are feeling low, positive thoughts make you feel better. It gives you hope. Inspirational material asserts that the way you are currently looking at things is not the only way to look at it - that there is a much more positive solution to your problem out there, which you may not be seeing in this moment. However reading inspirational writings only to feel better is limiting the value you can derive from it - it is like using an aeroplane to drive around in your neighbourhood, which you could be flying to a neighbouring state!
    Mananam (Contemplating upon the knowledge)

    Contemplating upon the knowledge means reflecting upon the knowledge to see how it is applicable in the context of our lives. Contemplating of knowledge is understanding the intricacies of the knowledge, and making the knowledge ours. Without contemplation, we are less likely to fully appreciate the real power of the piece of wisdom being discussed.
    Nidhi Dhyasa (Practicing the knowledge)

    Then, you may find that some people are able to speak beautifully about a certain piece of wisdom. They have understood it really well. They can analyse it, discuss it with others, and even challenge opposing views. However the appreciation of the knowledge is only from an intellectual perspective. They may not have made any effort to apply the knowledge in their own lives. This is akin to a doctor who advises his patients on the ill effects of smoking, but is a chain smoker himself.
    Why does a person who fully understands a piece of wisdom unable to apply it in his life?

    One possibility is that the person learnt the knowledge only to derive some intellectual pleasure from it. He had no real thirst for self-improvement. The second possibility is that his mind, thanks to various past habits, is rebelling against his own intellect and making him incapable of applying the knowledge he knows very well. For example - the person knows that reacting in anger does not help. However this knowlege comes to him only after he has already reacted in anger and then later regrets his act. This is why, in addition to just gaining knowledge, it is also necessary to quieten the mind with meditation. A quiet mind can grasp the knowledge better and is more capable of applying the knowledge when it is needed. Meditation also helps the mind to become more contemplative.
    It takes regular and continuous effort to put something new that we learn to practice - as our own mind rebels against us and wants to keep going about it's old and comfortable ways. However all the effort we put into ourselves comes with a big payoff. There comes a stage where the application of knowledge becomes natural and effortless, and brings about a positive, lasting transformation within us.
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #67 on: May 17, 2011, 01:34:07 PM »
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  • If God is all good, why do people suffer?

    Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

    When things are going great in our lives, we  may not stop and ask why is it so. However when we experience suffering, the following question is likely to comes up in our minds "If God is all good, why do people suffer?" Here are some answers from different sources, in alphabetical order (all views are treated equally)

    God created everything that is good. All the evil is the work of a powerful being called Satan or the Devil. What we call evil is just lack of goodness. For example, lack of love is hate, lack of sight is blindness etc.  God gave us a choice of good and evil. When we do not accept Him and go against His loving ways, we sin. Suffering is a consequence of sin. God did not create evil and suffering - we create it with the choices we make.
    Eastern spirituality:

    Everything we experience is our own karma. The word karma is used to mean both action that we do, and the consequences of the action. This is a spiritual law, just like we have physical law like the law of gravity. God does not interfere in it, just like gravity never discriminates. Thus all our suffering is the consequence of our own actions.
    The Law of attraction:

    Every individual attracts his life experiences through his or her vibration. You attract what you are. When you are in lower vibrations such as fear, grief, depression, insecurity, hatred, anger you are relatively disconnected with your source.  When you are in higher vibrations such as love, joy, appreciation, enthusiasm, eagerness, optimism, hopefulness, contentment etc, you are well connected to your source.  The source only knows about well-being. The better your connection to your source, the better your life will be. When we experience suffering, it is we who have severed our connection from our source.
    The Upanishads:

    What we call God is the supreme consciousness. He is the great power that enlivens us. He is like the electricity without which no electrical appliance will run. He nourishes all of his creation equally - just like the soil does not care whether weeds grow on it or fruit trees.  We can invoke His power to do both righteous and unrighteous deeds. We, the jiva, is responsible for everything that we create, using His power, and thus He cannot not responsible for our suffering.

    God is the source of all power. He is like the fuel without with no car will run. If a person driving a car gets into an accident, sure enough it is true that the car was driven by the fuel. If just before the time of the accident, the fuel tank were to become empty, indeed, there would have been no accident. However the fuel cannot be held responsible for that accident - it is the driver's fault! In the same way, we are responsible for the suffering we experience in our life - everything we experience is self-created. All our suffering is experienced when we move away from what God stands for. By turning towards Him, we can definitely add more joy in our lives - regardless of the amount of suffering we are currently experiencing.
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #68 on: May 17, 2011, 01:41:04 PM »
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  • जो लोग गलत रस्ते पर चलते है उन्हें हमेशा गलत लोग ही मिलते है जो चाहते है की उनसे अच्छे लोग टकराए तो उन्हें सही रस्ते पर चलना चाहिए.
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #69 on: May 17, 2011, 01:59:14 PM »
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  • आप ईश्वर से मिल सकते हैं

    भाग्य किस्मत और विधि का विधान कहते हुए लोगों को अक्सर सुना जाता है। अगर किसी को उसकी मनचाही मंजिल नहीं मिल पाती है तो वह अक्सर इसे दुर्भाग्य कहकर अपने मन को समझा लेता है। लेकिन ऐसी धारणा को पूरी तरह से सही नहीं ठहराया जा सकता। तो फिर क्या कारण है कि किसी को लाख चाहने पर भी उसकी मंजिल या लक्ष्य नहीं मिल पाता? इस शाश्वत और गंभीर प्रश्र का माकूल जवाब जानने के लिये आइये चलते हैं एक छोटे से प्रसंग की ओर....

    हुआ यह कि एक बार किसी पहुंचे हुए सद्गुरु के पास एक भक्त आया और आकर सीधे रोने लगा। सद्गुरु ने उसे समझाकर चुप करवाया और रोने का कारण पूछा। भक्त ने बताया कि मैं जो भी करना चाहता हूं उसमें मुझे कभी भी सफलता प्राप्त नहीं होती। यहां तक कि अब मैं इस संसार से पूरी तरह से उदास हो चुका हूं। अब तो मैं सिर्फ ईश्वर को ही पाना चाहता हूं, लेकिन लगता है भगवान को भी मेरे ऊपर दया नहीं आती। उसने सच्चे संत से पूछा कि मुझे ईश्वर मिलेगा या नहीं? और अगर मिलेगा तो आखिर कब मिलेगा?

    संत ने कहा चलो इस बात का जवाब में तुम्हें नदी पर चल कर दूंगा। नदी पर पहुंच कर संत ने उस भक्त से कहा आओ पहले साथ में नहा लेते हैं। जैसे ही उस भक्त ने नहाने के लिये नदी में डुबकी लगाई, संत ने तुरंत ही उसकी गर्दन पकड़कर उसे पानी में ही दबा दिया। उस व्यक्ति ने पानी से बाहर निकलने की भरपूर कोशिश की लेकिन संत ने पूरी ताकत लगाकर कुछ देर के लिये उस व्यक्ति को पानी में ही डुबाए रखा और फिर छोड़ दिया।

    जैसे ही संत ने छोड़ा तुरंत वह व्यक्ति बाहर निकला और बुरी तरह से घबराया हुआ सा हांफने लगा। गुस्से से भरकर उसने संत से पूछा कि यह क्या मजाक है, मैं आया तो तुमसे भगवान का पता पूछने और तुम तो मेरी ही जान लेने के पीछे पड़ गए। संत ने मुस्कुराकर बड़े ही शांत लहजे में उत्तर दिया कि- जिस तरह से पानी में से निकलने के लिये तुम छटपटा रहे थे, ठीक उसी प्रकार व्याकुल होकर जिस दिन परमात्मा के लिये तड़पने लगोगे बस उसी समय एक पल में ही तुम्हें ईश्वर प्राप्त हो जाएगा। तुम आज तक जिस भी काम में असफल हुए उसका यही कारण था कि तुम्हारी चाह अधूरी थी, उसमें वैसी तड़प, बैचेनी और ललक नहीं थी जैसी कि होना चाहिये।
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #70 on: May 17, 2011, 02:05:49 PM »
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  • सीखें, कठिन समय में सही निर्णय लेना

    मनुष्य के जीवन में कई ऐसे अवसर आते हैं जब उसे तुरंत निर्णय लेने पड़ते हैं। कई बार ऐसा भी होता है कि वह लालच में आकर गलत निर्णय ले लेता है जो परेशानी का कारण बन जाते हैं। इसलिए जब भी विपरीत समय में कोई निर्णय लेने का अवसर आए तो उसके उसके दूरगामी परिणाम के बारे में भी अवश्य सोचें।

    किसी गांव में एक लालची व्यापारी रहता था। वह अपने गांव से दूर देश समुद्र की यात्रा करते हुए व्यापार करने जाता था। एक दिन उसके दोस्तों ने उससे पूछा कि क्या तुम्हें तैरना आता है? तो व्यापारी ने कहा- नहीं। दोस्तों ने कहा तुम समुद्र में यात्रा करते हो तो तैरना तो आना ही चाहिए। व्यापारी ने भी सोचा कि सभी ठीक कहते हैं। उसने सोचा क्यों न तैरना सीख लिया जाए लेकिन काम-का में व्यस्तता के कारण उसके पास समय नहीं रहता था।इस कारण जब वह तैरना नहीं सीख सका तो उसने अपने दोस्तों से पूछा कि अब क्या करुं? उसके दोस्तों ने उसे सुझाव दिया कि जब वह कश्ती में जाए तो अपने साथ खाली पीपे (डिब्बे) रख ले और अगर कभी तुफान में कश्ती डुबने लगे तो खाली पीपे शरीर पर बांधकर समुद्र में कूद जाए। ऐसा करने से उसकी जान बच जाएगी। व्यापारी ने ऐसा ही किया। अपनी कश्ती में खाली पीपे रख लिए। संयोग से उसी यात्रा के दौरान समुद्र में तुफान आ गया। जिन लोगों को तैरना आता था वे तो कूद गए।

    कुछ ने उससे भी कहा कि खाली पीपे बांधकर कूद जाओ पर व्यापारी सोच रहा था कि अगर में खाली पीपे बांधकर समुद्र में कूद गया तो ये जो दूसरे पीपे जिनमें धन रखा है ये भी सब डूब जाएंगे। धन के लालच में व्यापारी खाली पीपे के स्थान पर धन से भरे पीपे शरीर पर बांधकर समुद्र में कूद गया। इस तरह धन के लालच में उसने अपने प्राण गवां दिए।
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #71 on: May 17, 2011, 02:12:36 PM »
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  • दुनिया में सबसे बड़ा सुखी कौन है?

    दुनिया में हर कोई सुखी होना चाहता है। मगर समस्या यह है कि इंसान जिसे सुख समझता है, असल में वह सुख होता ही नहीं। इतना ही नहीं इंसान सुखी होने के जिन रास्तों को अख्तियार करता है, वो उसे सुख की तरफ नहीं बल्कि आखिर में दु:ख के दलदल में ही धकेल देते हैं। इस बात की गहराई को आसानी से समझने के लिये आइये चलते हैं, एक सुन्दर कथा की ओर...........

    एक संत की सभा में एक आदमी ने पूछा महाराज आपकी सभा मे सबसे सुखी कौन है। महात्मा ने पीछे बैठे एक आदमी की ओर इशारा किया तब वह आदमी बोला कि इसका प्रमाण क्या है कि सही सबसे सुखी है। संत ने सभा में बैठे राजा से पूछा कि राजन आपको क्या चाहिए राजा बोला मेरे पास तो सबकुछ है बस राज्य को चलाने वाला एक पुत्र चाहिए। फिर एक धनपति से पूछा तुम्हें क्या चाहिए तब धनपति बोला मैं इस नगर का सबसे ज्यादा धनी व्यक्ति बनना चाहता हूं। इस प्रकार सभी ने अपनी अपनी इच्छाऐं महात्मा जी को बता दी ।

    आखिर में महात्मा जी ने उस व्यक्ति से पूछा कि तुम्हें क्या चाहिए? तब वह व्यक्ति बोला कि मुझे तो कुछ नहीं चाहिए। अगर आप मुझे कुछ देना ही चाहते हैं तो  कृपा करके बस मुझे इतना आर्शीवाद दीजिए कि मेरे जीवन में कोई चाह नहीं हो तब पूरी सभा में मौन छा गया और महात्मा जी बोले कि है महानुभावों इस दुनिया में सबसे सुखी वही है जिसने अपनी चाहतों को खत्म कर दिया है।
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline arti sehgal

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #72 on: May 18, 2011, 01:51:47 AM »
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  • jai sairam
    very true .sai bless you always
    jai sairam
    sabke dil me baste hi ushe sai sai kehte hai
    jai sainath

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #73 on: May 18, 2011, 02:10:03 AM »
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  • रेत और पत्थर

    दो मित्र साथ-साथ एक रेगिस्तान में चले जा रहे थे । रास्ते में दोनों में कुछ तू-तू ,मैं -मैं हो गई। बहसबाजी में बात इतनी बढ़ गई की उनमे से एक मित्र ने दूसरे के गाल पर जोर से झापड़ मार दिया। जिस मित्र को झापड़ पड़ा उसे दुःख तो बहुत हुआ किंतु उसने कुछ नहीं कहा । वह झुका और उसने रेत पर लिख दिया ,"आज मेरे सबसे निकटतम मित्र ने मुझे झापड़ मारा। "

    दोनों मित्र आगे चलते रहे और उन्हें एक पानी का तालाब (OASIS)दिखा और उन दोनों ने पानी में उतर कर नहाने का निर्णय कर लिया । जिस मित्र को झापड़ पड़ा था ,वह दलदल में फँस गया और डूबने लगा । किंतु उसके मित्र ने उसे बचा लिया । जब वेह मित्र बच गया तो बाहर आकर उसने एक पत्थर पर लिखा,"आज मेरे निकटतम मित्र ने मेरी जान बचाई।"

    जिस मित्र ने उसे झापड़ मारा था और फिर उसकी जान बचाई थी ,से न रहा गया और उसने पूछा,"जब मैंने तुम्हे मारा था तो तुमने रेत में लिखा और जब मैंने तुम्हारी जान बचाई तो तुमने पत्थर पर लिखा,ऐसा क्यों?"

    इस पर दूसरे मित्र ने उत्तर दिया," जब कोई हमारा दिल दुखाये ,तो हमें उस अनुभव के बारे में रेत में लिखना चाहिए जिससे की' क्षमा' रुपी वायु शीघ्र ही उसे मिटा दे। किंतु जब कोई हमारे साथ कुछ अच्छा करे तो हमे उस अनुभव को पत्थर पर लिख देना चाहिए जिससे कि कोई भी वायु उस अनुभव को कभी भी मिटा न सके."
    « Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 05:43:04 AM by piyagolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: "Life lessons - An Inspirational Story"- One Must Read
    « Reply #74 on: May 18, 2011, 05:42:31 AM »
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  • हिम्मत मत हारो

    एक दिन एक किसान का गधा कुएँ में गिर गया ।वह गधा घंटों ज़ोर -ज़ोर से रोता रहा और किसान सुनता रहा और विचार करता रहा कि उसे क्या करना चाहिऐ और क्या नहीं। अंततः उसने निर्णय लिया कि चूंकि गधा काफी बूढा हो चूका था,अतः उसे बचाने से कोई लाभ होने वाला नहीं था;और इसलिए उसे कुएँ में ही दफना देना चाहिऐ।

    किसान ने अपने सभी पड़ोसियों को मदद के लिए बुलाया। सभी ने एक-एक फावड़ा पकड़ा और कुएँ में मिट्टी डालनी शुरू कर दी। जैसे ही गधे कि समझ में आया कि यह क्या हो रहा है ,वह और ज़ोर-ज़ोर से चीख़ चीख़ कर रोने लगा । और फिर ,अचानक वह आश्चर्यजनक रुप से शांत हो गया।

    सब लोग चुपचाप कुएँ में मिट्टी डालते रहे। तभी किसान ने कुएँ में झाँका तो वह आश्चर्य से सन्न रह गया। अपनी पीठ पर पड़ने वाले हर फावड़े की मिट्टी के साथ वह गधा एक आश्चर्यजनक हरकत कर रहा था। वह हिल-हिल कर उस मिट्टी को नीचे गिरा देता था और फिर एक कदम बढ़ाकर उस पर चढ़ जाता था।

    जैसे-जैसे किसान तथा उसके पड़ोसी उस पर फावड़ों से मिट्टी गिराते वैसे -वैसे वह हिल-हिल कर उस मिट्टी को गिरा देता और एस सीढी ऊपर चढ़ आता । जल्दी ही सबको आश्चर्यचकित करते हुए वह गधा कुएँ के किनारे पर पहुंच गया और फिर कूदकर बाहर भाग गया।

    ध्यान रखो ,तुम्हारे जीवन में भी तुम पर बहुत तरह कि मिट्टी फेंकी जायेगी ,बहुत तरह कि गंदगी तुम पर गिरेगी। जैसे कि ,तुम्हे आगे बढ़ने से रोकने के लिए कोई बेकार में ही तुम्हारी आलोचना करेगा ,कोई तुम्हारी सफलता से ईर्ष्या के कारण तुम्हे बेकार में ही भला बुरा कहेगा । कोई तुमसे आगे निकलने के लिए ऐसे रास्ते अपनाता हुआ दिखेगा जो तुम्हारे आदर्शों के विरुद्ध होंगे। ऐसे में तुम्हे हतोत्साहित होकर कुएँ में ही नहीं पड़े
    रहना है बल्कि साहस के साथ हिल-हिल कर हर तरह कि गंदगी को गिरा देना है और उससे सीख लेकर,उसे सीढ़ी बनाकर,बिना अपने आदर्शों का त्याग किये अपने कदमों को आगे बढ़ाते जाना है।

    अतः याद रखो !जीवन में सदा आगे बढ़ने के लिए

    १)नकारात्मक विचारों को उनके विपरीत सकारात्मक विचारों से विस्थापित करते रहो।

    २)आलोचनाओं से विचलित न हो बल्कि उन्हें उपयोग में लाकर अपनी उन्नति का मार्ग प्रशस्त करो।
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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