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Re: Satsang Stories
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2009, 04:37:06 PM »
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  • Maharaj Saves the day


    Ever wonder why bad things happen to good people?  Many times we think long and hard to understand the things that happen and realise that it just does not make sense.  We can take comfort in knowing that Shriji Maharaj is sarva karta. This means that everything happens only when and as Shriji Maharaj wills.  Let us look at one example of how we can begin to understand this term.
     All the paramhansas travelled to many places to spread the message of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. People often threw stones and showered foul language at them. To please Shriji Maharaj the paramhansas tolerated these problems with a smile.  They always wished everyone well and always guided people to become good human beings. 
    On one such occasion, when Brahmanand Swami and Muktanand Swami were travelling through Gujarat, they came across a jealous bawa, who tied them up to a pillar. The bawa told both of them, "I am going to cut off your ears and nose." While he sharpened his knife, Brahmanand Swami said, "If he cuts off our ears and nose, people will think that we have done        something wrong."
    Muktanand Swami explained, "Everything happens only by Maharaj’s wish."  With this thought, they awaited their fate.  In the meantime, a devotee by the name of Raghav Jat was passing by.  He saw the worried look on the faces of the two sadhus  and asked the bawa, "What are you doing?"  The bawa told Raghav about his plan.  Raghav Jat was a strong man, who demanded that the paramhansas be released immediately.  The bawa was terrified. Since he did not want any trouble, he freed them.
    Muktanand Swami and Brahmanand Swami remained firm in their belief that everything happens according to Maharaj's will.               

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #46 on: January 06, 2010, 11:11:44 AM »
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  • Serving Sevakram

       There was a sadhu named Sevakram. He was a Sanskrit scholar. One day he fell ill with dysentery. He had a thousand gold coins, but no one to take care of him. So, he started to weep. Nilkanth, who was travelling on the road between Venkatadri and Setubandh Rameshwar, saw Sevakram’s predicament. He comforted Sevakram, “Don’t worry, I will serve you.”
                Everyday, Nilkanth made a bed of banana leaves for Sevakram. He washed Sevakram’s spoiled clothes and prepared his meals. Nilkanth, however, would beg for food and eat what he got. Often, he didn’t get anything, so he would fast. Yet, Sevakram never offered Nilkanth any money, nor he invite Nilkanth to eat with him.
                Thus, Nilkanth nursed Sevakram back to health. Sevakram could now drink 750 grams of ghee. Yet, he made Nilkanth carry his belongings weighing 20 kg. He never took care of Nilkanth. His name was Sevakram, but he made others serve him like servants. Nilkanth realized that Sevakram was a krutaghni, who did not appreciete the services done by others for him. So, Nilkanth left him.
                This was Nilkanth Varni! He selflessly served others. He never cared for his bodily needs and lovingly served others. He showed us the ideal way of doing service by doing service himself. We are

    INSPIRATION: One should selflessly serve the needy; be grateful to God and worship him for all that he has given us.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #47 on: January 09, 2010, 04:01:11 PM »
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  • A Master of Ashtang-Yoga

    In October 1794, in the forests of Nepal, a young boy walked in seclusion. His eyes were set in the direction he was traveling, his determination carrying him forward. As he traversed his path, his eyes fell upon an old sage fixed in meditation. The young boy, captivated by the wisdom emanating from the rishi’s concentration, was inspired to stop. As he stood in silence the wise Rishi, still fixed in deep meditation, felt a presence. But this was not an ordinary sensation. It was powerful. Every fiber of the sage’s being screamed with an impulse to open his eyes. As the wise old man lifted his eyelids, his gaze met that of the young boy’s. The two looked at each other in silence. They felt a connection. It was comfortable. The silence lifted as the young boy spoke, “O Rishi, what is your name? You appear to be very well versed in the science of yoga. This is a tradition I deeply desire to learn. Please teach me.” The wise sage answered in a deep and sonorous voice, “Yes I am a master of ashtang-yoga. My name is Gopal Yogi. What is your name?” The young boy answered…   

    Perhaps you know this story?  That’s right.  The young boy was indeed Nilkanth Varni.  He stayed with Gopal Yogi for an entire year as his disciple to learn the art and science of yoga.  In that time, Nilkanth was able to become a full fledged master of ashtang-yoga, a level that many aspire to reach, even after a lifetime of strict practice. 

    Why do you think Nilkanth put so much importance on yoga? The answer is because the ancient Hindu practice of yoga helps one to gain control over the mind and body. With this control, a practitioner of yoga – a yogi – is able to concentrate his/her vrutti on God with more clarity and connection. The Bhagvad Gita, the Vedas, the Upanishads and many other Hindu shastras proclaim the greatness and importance of yoga. In Sanskrit the term yoga has many meanings. It is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning, ‘to control’ or ‘to unite’.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #48 on: January 11, 2010, 07:52:18 PM »
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  • Liberation in Refuge

    Shriji Maharaj and the paramhansas were present in Gadhada. Once, Maharaj instructed the paramhansas, “From today onwards you shall all wear an arm’s length of jute cloth only.” Then Maharaj started giving the jute cloth to the paramhansas. Everyone present accepted the new injunction.
    Then Brahmanand Swami came. Since he was very fat, an arm’s length of jute cloth did not suffice for him.
    “Maharaj, give me more than an arm’s length,” Brahmanand Swami requested.
    “A rule is a rule. You’ll not get more,” Maharaj replied.
    “But Maharaj, how can I cover myself with only an arm’s length!” Brahmanand Swami argued.
    “Then reduce your weight. I will not give you an inch more.”
    On hearing this, Brahmanand Swami started looking in the four directions. Shriji Maharaj asked him what he was doing.
    “I am looking around to see whether there is any God besides you residing anywhere. But I cannot find anyone other than you. Without refuge in you there is no liberation,” Brahmanand Swami spoke with deep conviction and reverence for Maharaj.
    The words of Brahmanand Swami pleased Maharaj. The supreme Maharaj embraced and showered His blessings on Brahmanand Swami and gave him the extra jute cloth. Everyone was impressed by the resolute faith of Brahmanand Swami.
    A devotee’s firm refuge in God makes him a recipient of liberation and God’s abundant grace.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #49 on: February 10, 2010, 09:24:38 AM »
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  • To an instant!

    In 1887 (Samvat 1943), Bhagatji Maharaj and a group of devotees, were coming from Mahuva to Gadhada. There were heavy rains on the way and it was extremely dark. They couldn’t see the road. The devotees became fed up with rocks hurting their feet. They had covered 50 km and had about 80 km more to go. No one had the strength to go further. They didn’t know whether they could really make it.

    There was a well at edge of the village of Sukhpur. Everyone was exhausted and sat down. Everyone decided to quit and go back. One of the devotees, Dosa Maharaj, thought that the only way they could reach Gadhada would be for Bhagatji Maharaj to perform a miracle.

    And so, he went to Bhagatji Maharaj and requested, “Bhagatji, our legs have become as stiff as pillars. We don’t have the strength to take another step. You will have to perform a miracle for us to reach Gadhada. Either, bring Gadhada here or relieve us of this fatigue.”

    Bhagatji had everyone sit in a circle and hold the thumb of their neighbour. They closed their eyes and began doing bhajan.

    After some time they awoke. They were astonished to find themselves on the banks of the River Ghela in Gadhada. In an instant, they had reached Gadhada.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #50 on: April 30, 2010, 10:21:38 AM »
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  • Shaluk's Victory

       On the rich fertile banks of the river Meshwo in Mahudia, Gujarat, a poor farmer named Jivanbhai grew a specie of melons known as chibhada. His wife, Kesarbai, and son, Shaluk, also helped him.
    Once Shaluk said to his mother, Kesarbai, "Ma, I wish that Shriji Maharaj tastes one of our juicy chibhadas. Can I take one to him?" "It would be our great merit if Maharaj eats our chibhadas."
    So the next day, Shaluk plucked the most beautiful and ripe chibhadu from the river bed. He walked holding the fruit. Then he began to have thoughts about eating the chibhadu. His mouth started watering. He wondered, "Will Maharaj really accept such a cheap fruit, compared to the rich foods offered by wealthy devotees? Might as well eat it myself."
    Soon his thoughts became so strong, he sat down under a tree. He took out a knife from his bag. Just as he was about to slice the fruit, he had another thought.
    This thought seemed to come from his heart. "Shaluk, you are a weakling. How can you eat something that you wished Maharaj to have? What happened to your great devotion for Maharaj?"
    Shaluk's intense devotion for Maharaj rattled him. It hit his mind. So he said to his mind, "Now listen, this chibhadu is for Maharaj."
    Relieved that he had convinced his mind, he started walking again.
    Soon, the walking made him thirsty and hungry. His mind started spinning again, "Fool, just eat up the chibhadu. Maharaj will not be interested in such a cheap little thing. The rich devotees will offer better foods. Gobble up and return home."
    Little Shaluk was now really overcome by temptation. Just as he put his hand in the bag for the knife, he stopped dead in his track. Again he heard a voice from his heart.
    "No Shaluk! You are a true child devotee of Maharaj. Don't listen to your mind."
    "That's final now," said Shaluk firmly to himself. "I am not going to eat the chibhadu. It's for Maharaj. Swaminarayan! Swaminarayan!" As he chanted the divine mantra, he thought of Maharaj's divine murti. He started running fast and continued chanting, "Swaminarayan, Swaminarayan."
    Soon he reached the place where Maharaj was seated in an assembly. The paramhansas were singing kirtans. Shaluk was attracted by Maharaj's divine murti. The all-knowing Maharaj picked up Shaluk's thoughts. With a wave of His hand, Maharaj gestured to Shaluk to come to Him. Shaluk's heart pounded with excitement.
    Shaluk rushed to Maharaj and fell at His feet. He than stood up and placed the chibhabu on Maharaj's lap. Maharaj then said, "Shaluk, give me that knife from your bag. I wish to have this chibhadu now."
    One slice after another, Maharaj started eating the chibhadu and then finished it all. Everyone present was astonished by this and wondered about Shaluk's sentiments. Before Maharaj revealed this to the assembly He gifted a small pot of barfi to Shaluk and then embraced him!
    The whole assembly erupted in applauding this sight! Now they all eagerly and anxiously wanted to know why Maharaj was showering such grace and joy on this little boy.
    Finally, Maharaj spoke, "This balak fought with his mind to bring the chibhadu here. He battled bravely and was'wounded' a few times. But he did notaccept defeat and achieved victory.Bhagwan and His Sadhu always helpthose who fight with their minds."

    Everybody present realised that Maharaj ate the whole chibhadu not because of its taste, but only to fulfil Shaluk's intense and heartfelt devotion. They all then praised him, "Well done Shaluk! By conquering your mind, you have achieved victory over the whole world."
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #51 on: May 06, 2010, 02:49:17 PM »
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  • Ghanshyam's Birth
         Hari. Yes! Call Him Hari, not only because He is born under the sign of Cancer in the zodiac; but because He will lessen evil from society. His skin is slightly dark so you can name Him Krishna. People will combine both the names and call Him Harikrishna.” Markendey Muni beamed while staring at the baby. Markendey Muni was a noble sage and a renowned astrologer. He was at Dharmadev’s home answering his question, “What should we name our son?” Bhaktimata looked adoringly at her son, while she eagerly listened to Markendey singing the boy’s glory.
    “Everyone will lovingly call Him Ghanshyam, because He is so affectionate. And like the bright afternoon sun, He will surely brighten all our lives with happiness. Your son possesses noble virtues like austerity, purity, morality and honesty, so He will also be known as Nilkanth. He has all the signs of a great personality, who will lessen the miseries of the people and restore religious values on earth.
      He will establish a unique path of devotion, one that this world has never seen before. He is the supreme God incarnate.” As he spoke, Dharmadev and Bhaktimata remembered the night and the moment Ghanshyam was born….
    That night it looked like the divine abodes had descended to the village of Chhapaiya. The moon shone brightly and the stars sparkled their best. The wind blew a cool and gentle breeze. The rivers and lakes rippled as if smiling. The trees swayed lightly and shed flowers to decorate the earth. Even the earth radiated with warmth and fragrance. Not to be left out, the parrots, nightingales and peacocks filled the atmosphere with their melodious music.
    It was an event worthy for everyone’s heart to express joy. The Brahmin priests recited mantras and hymns from the Vedas. Small children danced in the streets and sprinkled coloured powder on everyone. Some boys played music with bansuris, pipes and drums; while others lit fireworks. Some girls decorated houses with flowers and lighted rows of divas; while others created colourful rangoli patterns on porches. Some women sang folk songs, while others sprinkled rice grains and popcorn for the birds. Men distributed sweets and praised the family of Dharmadev and Bhaktimata. It was an atmosphere filled with joy, peace and divinity.
    As the father of the radiant baby boy, Dharmadev’s heart leaped in bliss. He sat on the porch and welcomed the continuous flow of visitors. He distributed ornaments, sweets, clothes and coins to the people. He also donated cows to the Brahmins. He sent sweets, milk and fruits to be offered in all the mandirs. Inside the house, Bhaktimata was so content with Ghanshyam, that she just gazed constantly at His beautiful form! All the ladies that came admired the newborn: “He is so peaceful!” “He has an enchanting smile!” “He looks blissful!” “He is so divine!” “What divine lustre!” They were short of words to describe Him. They were just wonderstruck! Their eyes remained glued to the baby and each one of them had to be literally moved away, to make room for others to come in. The darshan of God as a baby was mesmerising for all who were present.

    It was also the same for the many devas, such as, Indra, Brahma and Shiv, who had come to witness the most historical moment in human history – The birth of Bhagwan Parabrahma Purushottam Narayan Himself on this earth for the very first time! The auspicious date was V.S. 1837 Chaitra sud 9 (3 April, 1781) and the time was 10.10 p.m. Bhagwan Swaminarayan had incarnated.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #52 on: December 05, 2011, 09:35:52 AM »
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  • Dhruv   

      Dhruv was the son of King Uttanpad. The king had two wives: Suruchi and Suniti. Suruchi had a son named Uttam and Suniti had two sons. Dhruv was Suniti's eldest son. Suruchi was the king's favourite queen. Whilst the king loved her and her son Uttam, he ignored Suniti and her son. Once Uttam sat in his father's lap. Dhruv too tried to sit beside his stepbrother. At this Suruchi shouted to him, " You cannot sit there. If you want to sit in the king's lap you shall have to prove your worthiness and undergo serious penance."
    Dhruv could not bear the insult and he resolved to go to the forest and please Bhagwan Vishnu by praying to Him. On the way he met Naradji, who tried to stop him. "You are just a small child. The forest is full of dangerous animals. How will you bear the winter's cold and the summer heat. Go back home," he said. Dhruv replied, "O learned sage! Even at the cost of my life and all the rigours of the forest, I will prove myself worthy to sit in the lap of the king, my father, by undergoing great Penance and pleasing God." Penance means to fast, to meditate and to live a very simple life. Naradji was pleased with Dhruv's dedication and fearlessness and he showed him the place and the method to practice penance. Then Dhruv reached a place in the forest called Madhuvan. He stood on one leg and started praying to God. Dhruv was so absorbed in his penance that the difficulties of forest life did not affect him at all. He had only one goal - to please and to meet God. He prayed for more than five months, standing on one leg. One day Bhagwan Vishnu was pleased with his devotion and He appered before Dhruv. "I am pleased with your devotion, my child. Tell me, what do you wish?" Bhagwan Vishnu asked Dhruv.

    "O God, I wish your blessings and love from my parents," Dhruv replied.

    "All your wishes shall be fulfilled my child." Saying this he vanished.

    Dhruv had achieved his goal. He had pleased God and had met him. Now he returned to the kingdom. The king welcomed Dhruv with full honor and respect. Suruchi, too, hugged Dhruv and he became everybody's favorite.

    Later, Dhruv was made the king and he served people with love and dedication.

    Dhruv is remembered by all for his strong determination. God graced him with an eternal status in the heavens. Even today we know him as the Dhruv star, the northern (pole) star.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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