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A Miser King
« on: April 13, 2007, 02:03:43 AM »
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  • A Miser King
    Bodhisattva was born as the chief minister of the king Brahmadatta. It was his duty to advise the king on various matters, particularly on the financial and moral aspects of any transaction. The king was generally good to his people, but he was a miser. In order to save money he would not mind telling a lie or doing something unfair.

    The chief minister was very fond of the king. He knew that by telling lies and using unethical means to save money the king was inviting trouble. His short term gains were plunging him into long term losses. The chief minister, therefore, kept the king out of all financial transactions. He wanted to save the king from indulging in wrong practices.

    The king had a passion for horses. He was very fond of buying good horses. He did have a few excellent breeds in his stable but one of them known as Mahason was a bad tempered horse. He was kept in isolation because he would fight with others, injure them by stamping hoofs on their bodies or bite them with his big sharp teeth. Other horses and even horsemen were scared of him.

    One day, a businessman arrived in the kingdom with 500 horses. The king knew that the chief minister would not let him bargain with the businessman. So he decided to call another minister to strike the deal. As if this was not enough the king whispered in the minister's ears, "Don't talk to the businessman right away. You let Mahason loose among the 500 horses at night. He will injure all the horses. They will be in pain because of their wounds. They will not be able to eat or sleep. Without food and rest they will become weak and run poorly. You can then discuss the price of those horses with the businessman. Because of their poor performance he will have to quote a low price. Have you understood my plan?"

    The minister was socked to see how low the king stooped to save money. The one who should set an example through his own behaviour was cheating! The minister had no courage to correct the king. He got Mahason from the stable at midnight. The haughty horse went about injuring each horse throughout the night. He was sent back to the stable before the break of dawn. When the businessman saw the condition of his injured horses he could not believe his eyes. He had fed them in the evening. They were healthy and happy. But their condition in the morning was obviously very poor so the minister quoted a very low price.

    The businessman would incur heavy losses if he accepted the price quoted. He told the minister, "I am aware of the king's passion for horses. I have come from a far-off land. I expect a better price."

    "But you have seen for yourself how they ran! We cannot pay more." The minister made his stand clear.

    "Please give me one more day. Let me think about it," said the businessman.

    On an earlier occasion the same businessman had negotiated with the chief minister and had received a handsome amount. He thought of consulting him. When he narrated the whole incident, the chief minister felt very sorry for the king. He gave a sound advice to the businessman, "Please don't sell your horses this time. Take them back with you. Tend their wounds and feed them well. Do come back as soon as they become fit."

    The businessman agreed but he had a little doubt, "But the king might play the same trick. Mahason would attack my horses once again. Then I would be in a greater trouble because travel costs a lot to me."

    "I do sympathise with you," replied chief minister. In the same breath he asked, "Do you have a bad tempered horse like Mahason?"

    "Bring him along when you come next," advised the chief minister.

    A few months later all the horses were fit once again. Their wounds were fully healed. They looked more robust and handsome than earlier. The businessman returned to the kingdom of King Brahmadatta with his 500 horses and Suhanu. He informed the king about his arrival.

    The king, this time, did call his chief minister but he also sent for the other minister to repeat the trick.

    The king's wicked horse was let loose at night. He was expected to bite and attack the horses brought by the businessman. Instead, something strange happened. Mahason did not even look at the other horses. He went straight to Suhanu. Nobody had ever seen Mahason so gentle and affectionate! He and Suhanu looked very happy to have met each other!

    The king was utterly puzzled. He asked the minister to explain the reason behind Mahason's changed behaviour. The minister himself was so dumbfounded, he had no answer. The king then called the chief minister to solve this mystery.

    As soon as the chief minister arrived the king asked him to explain the most unusual phenomenon they had witnessed.

    "Well, the reason is quite simple. Conflict normally arises between two persons or creatures of opposite temperament and character. In the present case, Mahason and Suhanu, both are equally wild and wicked. So there is no conflict between them! They are happy to be together." The chief minister explained and gave a meaningful smile to the businessman.

    The chief minister continued, "The king should be king and generous. A miserly king harms his people and also his own reputation. An unfair king does not command respect from anyone."

    The king felt ashamed of himself. He repented and confessed, "I am sorry. I do realize my mistake." He asked the chief minister to evaluate the horses and pay the businessman the right price.

    The wise chief minister smiled and obeyed. Ultimately, justice did prevai

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    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: A Miser King
    « Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 02:40:33 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    कलिंग विजय के बाद सम्राट अशोक अभिमान से भर गया था। उसी दौरान बौद्ध भिक्षु आचार्य उपगुप्त पाटलिपुत्र पधारे। चांदनी रात में सम्राट उनसे मिलने गया। आचार्य का अभिवादन करते हुए अशोक ने कहा, 'दुनिया का सबसे शक्तिशाली शासक सम्राट अशोक आपको प्रणाम करता है।' आचार्य ने आकाश की तरफ देखते हुए कहा, 'राजन, यह आकाशगंगा देख रहे हो? क्या तुम जानते हो, इसमें छोटे-छोटे दिखने वाले तारों में से कुछ का आकार हमें दिखाई पड़ने वाले सूर्य से भी हजारों गुना बड़ा होता है।'

    अशोक ने सहमति में सिर हिलाया। तब आचार्य ने कहा, 'और तुम यह भी मानोगे कि जिस राज्य पर तुमने विजय प्राप्त की है वह इस पृथ्वी का एक बहुत छोटा सा टुकड़ा मात्र है। तो फिर अभिमान किस बात का?' कहते हैं, इसी घटना के बाद अशोक ने राज्य विजय की जगह धम्म विजय को अपनाने का संकल्प किया। 

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline saibetino1

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    Re: A Miser King
    « Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 03:04:18 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    कलिंग विजय के बाद सम्राट अशोक अभिमान से भर गया था। उसी दौरान बौद्ध भिक्षु आचार्य उपगुप्त पाटलिपुत्र पधारे। चांदनी रात में सम्राट उनसे मिलने गया। आचार्य का अभिवादन करते हुए अशोक ने कहा, 'दुनिया का सबसे शक्तिशाली शासक सम्राट अशोक आपको प्रणाम करता है।' आचार्य ने आकाश की तरफ देखते हुए कहा, 'राजन, यह आकाशगंगा देख रहे हो? क्या तुम जानते हो, इसमें छोटे-छोटे दिखने वाले तारों में से कुछ का आकार हमें दिखाई पड़ने वाले सूर्य से भी हजारों गुना बड़ा होता है।'

    अशोक ने सहमति में सिर हिलाया। तब आचार्य ने कहा, 'और तुम यह भी मानोगे कि जिस राज्य पर तुमने विजय प्राप्त की है वह इस पृथ्वी का एक बहुत छोटा सा टुकड़ा मात्र है। तो फिर अभिमान किस बात का?' कहते हैं, इसी घटना के बाद अशोक ने राज्य विजय की जगह धम्म विजय को अपनाने का संकल्प किया। 

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।


               SAIRAM BAHIJI,

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