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Satsang Stories
« on: August 20, 2009, 08:11:46 AM »
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  • Above the Attachment of Family   

      Lalji Suthar of Shekhpat was a devotee of Shriji Maharaj. Maharaj once visited the house of this well-to-do devotee and expressed his wish to cross the Rann of Kutch to reach Bhuj. Lalji volunteered as His guide. In the harsh conditions of the desert, Maharaj tested Lalji. Maharaj made him give away the food he had brought to a beggar, the water he carried to a thirsty passer-by, and the money he had to a thief!

    After a long journey, the tired, thirsty and hungry Lalji arrived with Maharaj at the outskirts of the village of Adhoi. Here, Maharaj instructed, “Lalji, go into the village and beg for some food for us to eat.”

    Lalji thought for a while and replied, “Maharaj! My in-laws live in this village. Everyone here knows me. So, how can I beg here?”

    Maharaj smiled and offered, “Lalji! What if I give you a disguise so that you are not recognised?”

    Lalji understood Maharaj’s line of thought. Immediately, he agreed to renounce and became a sadhu. Maharaj initiated him.

    In his new saffron robes, he went directly to the house of his in-laws to beg alms. His wife saw him and tried her utmost to persuade him to return. However, Lalji boldly replied, “Now my spirit of vairagya will not be dampened.”

    Maharaj, too, was pleased by Lalji Suthar’s staunch vairagya and said, “You have truly renounced your kul (family) and become nishkul (above family attachment). Therefore, your name from now onwards is Nishkulanand Swami.”

    Sadguru Nishkulanand Swami was the embodiment of vairagya. No worldly attractions ever tempted him to slacken in his observance of vairagya.

    We bow with great respect to Nishkulanand Swami, the embodiment of vairagya.|
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #1 on: August 21, 2009, 06:39:34 AM »
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  • Using Babul Sticks   

      Once, Verabhai was en route to attend a festival in Gadhada. During his journey, he felt exhausted and so decided to take a night halt at someone’s farm. The next morning Verabhai woke up early. He brushed his teeth with a babul stick, took a bath and performed his puja. He then began his journey for Gadhada again.

    After traveling some distance, a thought jolted his mind. His conscience began to bite at him, ‘I am a devotee of the great Shriji Maharaj, who strongly opposes stealing. And as a devotee, I have let Him down.’ His heart began to melt at the mere thought of not abiding by Shriji Maharaj’s command.

    Immediately he retraced his footsteps to the farm where he had spent the night. On arriving, he saw the owner of the farm drawing water from the well. At once Verabhai began to offer him dandvats (prostrations). The owner was shocked to see the devotee doing dandvats before him. He yelled, “My friend, what are you doing?” Verabhai explained, “My Lord, Shriji Maharaj, has asked His devotees never to use any item without asking its owner. This morning, without your permission, I used a babul stick. Therefore, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
    « Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:13:59 AM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #2 on: August 21, 2009, 06:08:01 PM »
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  • Jivram Joshi of Jetpur   

      Jivram Joshi was a staunch follower of Shriji Maharaj in Jetpur village. He was so strict about his religious observances, like not eating garlic, that even the most pious would bow their head before him. But it was not to the liking of hostile Brahmins in the village. They once asked the village head to provide a feast for the entire Brahmin community of the village.
    Imagine, who the cook was! He belonged to the hostile party and he put garlic into every item of food prepared by him. The Brahmins went to the village head and said that every Brahmin would come to the feast but not Jivram Joshi. He was very annoyed and told Jivram Joshi that he should either attend the feast or leave the village with his entire family carrying nothing.

    Jivram Joshi was so strict about his religious observances that he preferred to leave the village rather than eat the food which contained garlic. Shriji Maharaj was very happy to know that Joshi preferred to leave the village rather than give up his principles. Maharaj was then at Junagadh. He gave all the valuable clothes presented by his devotees to Jivraj Joshi and told one of his followers in Pithvada village, who was a Patel, “Jivram Joshi of Jetpur village is a front-rank devotee of ours. He has left his village with his family carrying nothing with him. So you prepare a comfortable house for his stay in your village.” It was arranged accordingly. Shri Hari wrote a letter to Jivram Joshi. On receiving the letter, he left for Pithvada village and stayed in his new house comfortably.

    Bhagwan takes care of his devotees at all times.
    « Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:15:00 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 06:48:49 AM »
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  • Ideal Disciple   

      Once Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami was in Sarangpur. He called Pragji Bhakta close to him and told him, "Pragji, I am overflowing with knowledge, but I have yet to find a worthy person to give it to." Seeing the mood and love of Gunatitanand Swami, Pragji Bhakta asked, "Swami, can't you give that knowledge to me?"

    Swami replied with a smile, "It can only be given to a person who has control over all his senses and is prepared to surrender himself completely to me." Hearing this, Pragji Bhakta was determined to be worthy of Swami's blessings. He did nothing but Gunatitanand Swami's seva. Pragji Bhakta was eager to earn his Guru's raajipo (blessings).

    Once Gunatitanand Swami gave Pragji Bhakta the difficult job of preparing the lime for the mandir. Everyone was afraid of the blisters and the risk of blindness that the lime could cause. Pragji Bhakta, however, willingly accepted this seva. He poured water on the limestone powder and pounded it smoothly with his bare feet in a pit. He felt great pleasure in this seva. Others warned him, "Pragji, you will become blind because of the heat from the lime!" But he simply replied, "I want to please Swami. I have dedicated my life in the service of Swami." Although Pragji Bhakta's faith and dedication were unshakable, Gunatitanand Swami told him, "You are working with your physical power. You need to perform tapa (austerity) to decrease this power. Start your tapa by observing nirjala fast for two days straight and eating only once on the third day." Pragji Bhakta started this very difficult niyam right away. Despite these hardships, he continued his seva. Whenever he was free, he sat near Gunatitanand Swami and listened to his divine katha.

    In this way Pragji Bhakta obeyed Swami’s every command. Gunatitanand Swami was greatly pleased with the deep devotion and service of his ideal disciple. Pragji Bhakta had one aim, one desire and one mission; and that was to act according to the wishes of Gunatitanand Swami and obey all his commands. Through his constant seva and understanding, he earned Gunatitanand Swami's raajipo and spiritual knowledge.   
    « Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:15:48 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 10:17:19 AM »
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  • A Single Virtue from Everyone   

      Once Shriji Maharaj came to serve food to the sadhus. He served lovingly and filled their bowls to the brim. The sadhus hailed the name of Maharaj for being blessed with food served by His own hands. As they were about to commence their meals, two sadhus arrived. They had not eaten either.

    Maharaj was aware that there were no food items left to serve. How would He fill their bowls now?

    So Shriji Maharaj told them, “Go to all the sadhus with your eating bowls and ask for a little food from everyone.”

    The two sadhus held their bowls before every sadhu, and each one in turn gave them the best item they had. Within no time their bowls were full and the sadhus joined the group.

    On seeing this, Shriji Maharaj told a moral to the sadhus, “Listen everyone! The bowls of these two sadhus were initially empty. But when they bent low to accept what you gave, their bowls became full with the best food items. Similarly, in Satsang, if you humbly accept a single virtue from everyone then your life will become full of virtues.”

    By accepting the good qualities of others, one’s life becomes virtuous and divine. A little pledge to see and accept the virtues of others will enrich one’s heart with the joys of goodness and divinity.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 06:26:53 AM »
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  • Bhaktaraj Gordhanbhai   

      Once Gordhanbhai was on his way to a pond to wash his clothes. He always kept his mind focused on Maharaj. He was not aware of anything else. So instead of taking his clothes, he lifted his little sleeping son and started walking to the pond. On the way to the pond, he was constantly chanting, “Swaminarayan, Swaminarayan”. When he was passing through the market, the boy started crying. But Gordhanbhai was lost in his own spiritual world so he did not hear him.

    Then someone said, “Gordhan! Have you gone mad? You are holding your child on your shoulder with his head upside down. Can’t you hear him crying? Put him down on the ground.”

    Gordhanbhai realised his mistake. He put his son on the ground and said, “I thought I was carrying my clothes.” So strong and deep was Gordhanbhai’s devotion that he was not aware of anything except Shriji Maharaj.

    Once Shriji Maharaj was speaking to a holy assembly in Gordhanbhai’s house. Then a devotee came and fell at Maharaj’s feet and gave Him a plate of pendãs. Shriji Maharaj looked at Gordhanbhai and said, “Serve Me.” Instead of giving the pendãs to Maharaj, the Sheth began eating the sweets himself. He finished all the pendãs very quickly. One of the devotees thought: ‘It is strange. The pendãs were given to Maharaj. Why did
    Gordhanbhai eat them?’
    Shriji Maharaj then said, “Gordhanbhai was thinking only of Me while eating. So, it is as if I have eaten the sweets. Durvãsã Rishi had eaten sixteen thousand, one hundred and eight dishes of the gopis while thinking only about God. That is why he was said to be constantly fasting. In the same way, this Sheth understands his ãtmã as being brahmarup and worships Me in all three states.

    To him both sugar and salt are the same.” That is why Shriji Maharaj has said that his true devotees were Gordhanbhai and Parvatbhai.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 01:42:24 PM »
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  • Turning Point in Life   

      Bilkha is a village near Gondal in the Saurashtra region.
    Munja Suru was a Charan and a terror in the region. He had all the vices. He would drink, eat meat, and take opium. If he got an opportunity he would not hesitate to kill someone. People tried to avoid him like poison.

    Once Gunatitanand Swami visited the village and asked Munja to come and meet him. He, no doubt, came, but he was very arrogant. Gunatitanand Swami was a pious sadhu. Munja did not have the courage to look at him in the face. But Gunatitanand Swami was like a light in to others. He tried to explain things to Munja, “Munja! Do you know the punishment for all your bad habits? Those who take opium have to spend one year in hell and those who take bhang have to spend three years and those who take meat and drink have to spend thousands of years.”

    Munja replied, “Tell these things to Banias and Brahmins and not to me. How can I manage without these things? We hang the shastras on a peg.” He said this with his usual arrogance, but he could not look Gunatitanand Swami in the face. When Swami looked at him he experienced samadhi. His whole body began to shake. He lost his consciousness and fell down at Swami’s feet. Suddenly, he was assaulted by the servants of Yam. Munja was greatly frightened and started shouting, “Save me. Please someone save me.” But the servants of Yam beat him to pulp. Munja said, “I shall never commit any sin. Please leave me alone.” The servants of Yamraj realized that he was ripe to be reformed by Swami. They left the place in a short time. Munja bowed at Swami’s feet and said, “Please save me from these sins. Swami! Protect me. I seek refuge in you.” Swami said with a smile, “Munja! Those who seek Maharaj’s refuge, will be rid of all sorrows.”

    From that moment, Munja began to wear a kanthi. He gave up all his bad habits and violence. A sinner had turned into a pious man. Swami changed his life.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #7 on: August 26, 2009, 11:00:20 AM »
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  • Himraj Sheth of Sundariyana   

      Himraj Sheth and his sons, residents of Sundariyana, near Botad, were attracted into Satsang through Gopalanand Swami. Himraj Sheth and his sons had an unshakeable faith that Shriji Maharaj was the supreme God.
    Due to their change of allegiance from the Vaishnav Sampraday to the Swaminarayan Sampraday, many people of their community caused them much trouble. However, they were determined to adhere to their new-found faith, whatever the consequences.
    After some time, Himraj Sheth passed away. So, people attempted to convince his sons, Vanasha and Pujasha, to forsake Satsang and throw away their kanthi. The community leaders decided that they would attend Himraj Sheth’s final rites only if the sons gave up Satsang.
    Despite this threat, the sons were resolute that they would never give up Satsang and their firm faith towards Maharaj. As a final measure, the community leaders excommunicated Himraj Sheth’s sons from their community.
    When Shriji Maharaj learnt of this, He immediately arrived in Sundariyana with a large entourage of sadhus and devotees to attend Himraj Sheth’s final rites. Vanasha and Pujasha were overjoyed.
    Maharaj, too, gave everyone immense spiritual bliss through His discourses, darshan and prasad.
    A devotee with true faith remains unshaken even in the face of stiffest opposition. God always protects those who have such firm faith.   
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #8 on: August 27, 2009, 08:06:12 AM »
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  • Samadhi to Shitaldas   

      Shitaldas, a Brahmin, was a spiritual aspirant who was desperate to find God. Having heard the glory of Ramanand Swami, he arrived in Faneni. However, there, he learnt that Ramanand Swami had passed away only a few days before.

    Disappointed, he was preparing to return when Shriji Maharaj called him. Instantly, by the grace of Maharaj, Shitaldas entered into samadhi. He saw that all the avatars and Ramanand Swami were paying homage to Shriji Maharaj. During the samadhi, Shitaldas had a wish to perform pujan of Shriji Maharaj and the countless akshar muktas.

    Maharaj realised his thoughts and said, “To create countless forms of yourself take the name of each avatar in turn and wish that if they are the supreme God that you multiply into countless forms so that you may offer pujan to all simultaneously.” Shitaldas did as Shriji Maharaj suggested, but nothing happened.

    Then Shriji Maharaj said, “Wish that if Ramanand Swami is the supreme God then you multiply into countless forms.” Again, nothing happened.

    Finally, Maharaj said, “Wish that if Shriji Maharaj is the supreme God then you multiply into countless forms.” He did as advised, and instantly, he multiplied into innumerable forms and offered pujan to the akshar muktas.

    Maharaj convinced many that He was the supreme God by blessing them with samadhi. Shitaldas, too, was convinced that Shriji Maharaj is the supreme God. So, he accepted the bhagvati diksha from Maharaj and was named Vyapkanand Swami.
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #9 on: August 28, 2009, 07:11:04 PM »
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  • Four Devotees of Memka   

      Mulji Sheth, a disciple of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, resided in the village of Memka. Once he requested Shriji Maharaj to come and bless his village.
    Shriji Maharaj was pleased by Mulji Sheth’s love and affection and consented to his wish and asked him to make preparations for His visit.
    Mulji Sheth happily returned to Memka and made the necessary preparations for Maharaj’s reception. Shriji Maharaj arrived with a large following of sadhus and devotees.
    The other satsangi residents of the village were Hansraj Suthar, Shamo Aagolo and Shamo Kansagaro. They all served Maharaj and the entire group for three days.
    On the day of departure, Shriji Maharaj called the four devotees and instructed, “Within twenty days leave this village and settle elsewhere.” The four devotees were surprised at Maharaj’s words. But since it was His command, they left Memka with their belongings.
    On the twenty-first day, the Gaekwad’s army, led by Babaji, looted the entire village. The four devotees who had obeyed the command of Maharaj were safe and sound.
    God protects those who obey His commands.   

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 01:43:01 PM »
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  • Dosabhai of Bandhiya   

      Dosabhai, who lived in Bandhiya, was a very staunch devotee of Shriji Maharaj. Many Jain Vanias also lived in the village. Once, a group of them had to go to another town to attend a marriage ceremony. On the way they arrived at Gadhada. So, they went to the darbar of Dada Khachar to have the darshan of Shriji Maharaj.
    Maharaj welcomed them all and enquired about Dosabhai. One of the Vanias replied, “Maharaj, we are upto our neck in our business and worldly duties. But your Dosabhai is totally submerged. He’s always busy selling gor from his cart. In fact, he finds time to brush his teeth only after mid-morning.”
    Maharaj laughed and replied, “What if we make Dosabhai into a sadhu?” The Vanias chatted among themselves and said, “If Dosabhai becomes a sadhu, we will become satsangis.” Then they left, promising to return on their way home.
    Meanwhile, Maharaj sent a letter to Dosabhai instructing him to renounce all his responsibilities and come to Gadhada immediately. When he arrived, Maharaj initiated him into the sadhu-fold.
    A few days later, the Vanias returned. They couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw Dosabhai in the garb of a sadhu. Convinced, they said, “Maharaj, indeed Dosabhai is a true devotee of Yours. He truly possesses vairagya. Only then is such renunciation possible.”
    The devotees of Shriji Maharaj were aloof from worldly attachments. They possessed vairagya and offered
    « Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 10:00:39 AM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #11 on: August 31, 2009, 09:59:17 AM »
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  • Divine Nilkanth   

      “But mother, why are you making me go?"
    "Because that is the way. If you keep on working you won't realise anything. See Bhagwandas, the purpose of life is to achieve God." Today she had kept his bundle of clothes and food ready for him.
    "But where will I find God?"
    "Go and search in mandirs and holy places near mountains and rivers. There will be God somewhere there."
    "But mother, how will I know that I have found God if I meet Him?" Bhagwandas asked.
    "It's easy. There are signs …"
    "Remember that God has divine signs on His feet. There are seven on His left foot and nine on His right." And then his mother described all sixteen marks. "When you see someone with those marks then know Him to be God."
    "Are there any other signs mother?"
    "Yes. God's body is divine. Rays of light pass through His body. He does not cast a shadow."
    "If I find such a person..."
    "Just bring Him home!" Mother was eager. "Pray to Him, beg Him, please Him - do anything to bring Him to our home!"
    So Bhagwandas left home. With every step his heart throbbed happiness – that he would soon meet God. He came to a river in the evening. He crossed it by boat and continued. He was thinking to himself when he heard a voice ...
    "Bhagwandas, come here!" He was surprised. Nobody knew him here! Curious, he noticed a youth sitting under a tree. He was a brahmachari wearing a loincloth. His smile was radiant.
    "Bhagwandas, can you please help me?" the celibate asked. Bhagwandas wondered, 'How does he know my name?'
    "I have a thorn in my foot. It will be kind of you to remove it. It will reduce my pain." The ascetic spoke softly.
    Bhagwandas sat down to help. "Okay. Let's see your foot. What's your name?"
    "Neelkanth" the ascetic replied. "See, walking through the jungle, a thorn pierced my right foot."
    Bhagwandas gently took Neelkanth’s right foot and started checking for a thorn. But there was none. He instead saw some marks on it! Amazed, he looked up at "Neelkanth"! Bhagwandas saw the nine marks that his mother had described!
    "I do not see a thorn…"
    "Maybe it's in my left foot."
    Bhagwandas started looking at the left foot. He found the seven marks! Excited he looked up at "Neelkanth" and Bhagwandas saw the sunlight coming through the body of Neelkanth. He had no shadow!
    "Neelkanth"! You are God almighty!" Bhagwandas bowed at Neelkanth’s feet. "Please, come with me! My family awaits you! Please come and bless us all!"
    And Neelkanth went with Bhagwandas. He stayed with his family for a few days and fulfilled their devotional wishes and blessed them with moksh.
    « Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 10:01:33 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #12 on: September 01, 2009, 07:02:19 AM »
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  • Dada Khachar Passes the Test 
      Once Shriji Maharaj was seated under a neem tree, and devotees from various places had gathered around Shriji Maharaj to listen to His divine talks. Before sitting down Dada Khachar requested Maharaj, “My Lord! May you always be pleased upon me.” Maharaj did not say a word and continued His talks. Dada Khachar sat in the assembly and became engrossed in the divine image of the Lord.

    In the presence of Maharaj time flew by, and before anyone realized it, it was 12 o’clock. All of a sudden Maharaj called Dada Khachar. You have been saying for sometime, “My lord! May you be always being pleased upon me.” In order to please me, you should leave Gadhada with your family and hand over your entire estate to me at once.”

    Dada Khachar desired to please Shriji Maharaj. So he immediately signed over his estate. Then he called his wife Jasuba to the courtyard. As she entered the courtyard, Dada Khachar explained Maharaj’s wish. She also had the same desire to please Maharaj in her heart. Right away she agreed with her husband.

    Before leaving, Jasuba thought to herself that Bawa Khachar, their two-year-old son, was hungry. At once she went to the kitchen to get some food for their child. As she was preparing to take a snack for their journey Shriji Maharaj walked in. Maharaj said, “Who have you asked to take this food? Do you not realize that this is my estate now? Without my permission you cannot take anything. So leave Gadhada right now.”

    It was the middle of summer. The scorching sun was boiling down on everyone. The assembly looked stunned to see Dada Khachar, the king of Gadhada, ready to leave everything; he did not even take a single grain of food, to please Shriji Maharaj. As soon as Dada Khachar reached the outskirts of the village, Maharaj started to cry out, “Why didn’t anyone stop me; how could you let me insult such a staunch devotee! Call Dada back immediately.” The devotees ran and brought Dada Khachar back. As soon as Dada entered the courtyard Maharaj stood up and ran towards him. Maharaj embraced him tightly and showered His praise upon him.   


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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #13 on: September 02, 2009, 06:18:58 AM »
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  • God Came to Bhakta’s Rescue   

    Rajput Galuji, a farmer of Dadusar, near Mahemdavad, had returned from his field and was about to take his meal. His mother had lit a lamp and his plate was ready. Then a devotee named Dharmasinh of the village Vartal arrived with a letter from Shriji Maharaj. The letter read, “As soon as you receive this letter, load all of your belongings into a bullock-cart and come alone to Vartal, leaving your mother at home.” Following Maharaj’s command, Galuji collected all his belongings, loaded them into a bullock-cart and reached Vartãl that same night to meet Shriji Maharaj.

    That night, to take revenge on Galuji, some garasiyas surrounded Galuji’s house and entered it through the roof. They saw a lamp burning in the house and Galuji’s mother on a cot, with a rosary in her hand uttering “Swaminarayan,” “Swaminarayan.” She was surprised to see men jumping inside from the roof. She said, “Who is that?”

    The garasiyas were surprised. They came near the old woman and said, “Mother! Your God is indeed very great. And your son, Galuji, is also a great devotee of that God. We had decided to rob your house and kill your son. But God came to his rescue.” The old woman was listening to all this without even the slightest fear. She had firm faith in Bhagwan Swaminarayan. She replied, “Look here, my sons, Maharaj called him to Vartal to protect him. So, give up your life of robbing and killing. Maharaj will protect you too.”

    The garasiyas accepted the old woman’s advice. They said to her, “Mother, you are right. From today Galuji’s God is our God too, and now we have no hatred towards Galuji. Please tell Maharaj to bless us too.” After saying these words, they fell at the feet of the old woman.

    The very day Maharaj was to visit Dadusar, Galuji’s mother died. Everyone in the family was worried: “What should we do now?” Galuji told them, “If we become busy in performing the last rites, I am sure Maharaj will not stay here. So, let us cover the body and put it in the attic while Maharaj is here with us.”

    They did so and forgot about the old woman’s death. Early in the morning, Maharaj arrived in Dadusar with a group of saints. Galuji had put on plain clothes. He received Maharaj with the beating of drums. He bowed to Maharaj and took Him and the saints to the mansion of a rich man in the village. There, food had been prepared by a brahmin. Galuji served Maharaj and the saints.

    Then Shriji Maharaj said, ‘We are in a hurry because we want to reach Vartal. Next time, we will stay here longer.” Galuji and other devotees stayed with Maharaj and the saints for one mile and gave them a grand farewell.

    Before leaving, Shriji Maharaj stopped Galuji and said, “Galuji return home and finish your work.” After saying these words Maharaj started walking ahead. But then Muktanand Swami asked, “Maharaj, what work does Galuji have to finish?”

    Shriji Maharaj replied, “Even you will be surprised to hear this. Galuji’s old mother is dead and has gone to Akshardham. He had kept the body in the attic so that he could serve us. Only a brave devotee like Galuji can do this. No one else can do this.”

    When the saints and devotees heard this, they said, “Yes Maharaj, you are right. Galuji is really a brave and great devotee.”

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Satsang Stories
    « Reply #14 on: September 06, 2009, 01:28:47 PM »
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  • Yogiji Maharaj’s Devotion

    Once, Yogiji Maharaj and Nirgundas Swami were travelling by bullock-cart from Sarangpur to Gadhada. In the scorching afternoon sun, they made their way through barren land. It was about 4 p.m. and time to offer water to the murti of Harikrishna Maharaj that Yogiji Maharaj served with great affection. But no river, lake or well came nearby from which he could obtain water. Yogiji Maharaj’s face revealed concern and pain at not being able to offer water to his beloved Harikrishna Maharaj.

    After some time, they eventually came to a small river. Yogiji Maharaj’s face lit up. He told the driver to stop. First, he bathed Thakorji and then offered some filtered water. Yogiji Maharaj then began performing prostrations to Harikrishna Maharaj, asking forgiveness for the delay in offering the water.

    Nirgundas Swami was touched by Yogiji Maharaj’s heartfelt devotion.

    Yogiji Maharaj’s life was an ideal of exemplary devotion to God. He passed his entire life in the service and devotion of God. Indeed, devotion to God was his life.   


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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