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Re: Tales From Ancient India
« Reply #45 on: August 19, 2010, 07:52:08 AM »
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  • Great Morals from Shri Sai Satcharitra: The Rich Gentleman

    There was a rich gentleman who was very prosperous in his life. He had amassed a large quantity of wealth, houses and lands and had many servants and dependents.

    When Baba’s fame reached his ears he said to a friend of his that he was not inwant of anything, and so he would go to Shirdi and ask Baba to give him Brahma Gyan, which if he got, would certainly make him more happy. His friend dissuaded him, saying, ‘ It is not easy to know Brahman and especially for a avarice like you, who is always engrossed in wealth , wife and children. Who will in your quest of Brahma- Gyan will satisfy you, who does not give away even a paisa in charity”

    Not minding His friend’s advice, the fellow came to Shirdi, and after seeing Sai Baba fell at His lotus feet and said, “ Baba , hearing that , You show the Brahma to all who come to you, I too have come all the way from a distant place. I am much fatigued by the journey and if I get the Brahma- Gyan from you, my troubles will be paid and rewarded.

    Baba then replied,’’ Oh my dear friend do not be anxious, I shall show you the Brahma. Many people come to Me and ask for wealth, health, power, honor, position, cure of diseases and other temporal matters. Rare is the person who comes to me and asks for the Brahma Gyan. There is no dearth of persons asking for worldly things but persons interested in spiritual matters are very rare.I think it is a fortunate and an auspicious moment when persons like you come and ask me for Brahma Gyan. So forthwith I show to you the Brahma with all its accompaniments and complexities.”

    Then Baba called a boy and told him to go to one Nandu Marawadi and get from him a loan of Rs.five.

    The boy left and returned immediately saying that Nandu was absent and his house was locked. Then Baba asked him to go to the Bala grocer and get from him the said loan. This time also the boy was unsuccessful. This experiment was repeated again and again with the same result.

    Sai baba as we all know the living and moving Brahma incarnate. Then someone may ask, “ Why did He want the paltry sum of five rupees and why did He try hard to get it? Really He did not want the sum at all. He must have fully known that Nandu and Bala were absent, and He seemed to have adopted this procedure as a test for the seeker of Brahma. The gentleman had a roll or bundle of currency notes in his pocket and if he was really earnest he would not have sat quiet and be an onlooker when Baba was frantically trying to get a paltry sum of Rs. five. He knew that Baba would keep His word and repay the debt and the sum wanted was insignificant. Still he could not make up his mind to advance the sum. Such a man wanted from Baba the greatest thing in the world , the Brahma Gyan!

    When the gentleman asked Baba to show Brahma gyan soon Baba replied,” Oh my dear friend did you not understand all the procedures that I went through, sitting in this place to enable you to see Brahma..” Baba told him that the first important thing to do to know the Brahma Gyan is to have the quality of Surrender. Baba further gave a long discourse to make the rich gentleman understand the qualification of a mumukshu or the seeker of Brahma Gyan.

    Moral ::

    Unless one gets detached to his mortal possessions and thoroughly surrenders, one is not qualified to receive BrahmaGyan, The Knowledge of the Supreme. One should understand importance of humility, sacrifice and infinite love and cultivate these qualities by meditation to get the vision of the supreme.

    Sai is Everything For us at all Times

    By the grace of God, we can get released from the disruptive hold of the five sense organs which disturb the mind. For this, we have to realize the truth that laziness is our major enemy. We should shun it, leave the pleasure of sleep to sleep alone and always stay alert. Which means we must be constantly conscious and ever-aware that 'this is not mine and this is not I'.

    We have to practice being a 'living witness' to the passing show of life. This is easier said than done. In fact, it is easier though it appears difficult. We should start the practice of focusing the attention on the in-going and out-going life-breath within us. As we become aware of our life-breath, so we can turn ourselves to be a 'witness' to all that happens to us. This practice would gradually drive away the feelings like 'you' and 'I'.

    And as a result, the body consciousness is lost, and 'the illusion of the mind' and its link with the 'doer' of all actions like the one who eats, listens, sees, speaks and touches would come to our grasp.

    If we practice listening to Sai's Name silently echoing in our every breath, we will slowly realize that our breath is Baba, the Master of our body-house and realize what Sai Love is.

    If we can attend to every work we do, in every moment, in constant remembrance of Sai, our Living God, we can be assured of Sai presence within us whether we are awake or asleep.


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    Re: Tales From Ancient India
    « Reply #46 on: September 16, 2010, 08:51:06 AM »
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  • A story of a saint who was running an Ashram on the bank of river Ganga.He was well known for his teachings and compassion for the poor and downtrowden. As he became very old he wanted to entrust the responsibility of the Ashram to one of his desciples. So he wanted to test them.He asked some of them to get some mango fruits from a nearby tope after sneaking through without getting noticed by anybody.He specially cautioned them to fetch the mangoes in a secret manner unseen by anybody.After sometime the sishyas started coming one by one with  mangoes in each hand as heroes who exactly followed the words of their teacher.But one person came empty handed!When asked what happened to him and why he returned empty handed the student replied,"Sir!when i went to the tree i looked around to see if anybody was watching me.There was nobody but for the sky above and earth below. When i attemped to pluck the mangoes i suddeny heard the music from a murali somewhere and a peacock dancing.i had clearly seen Krishna looking at me!So i could not pluck the mangoes." On hearing the answer the saint was very happy because the student was the person whom he was searching for one who experienced the presence of God ![/b]
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India
    « Reply #47 on: September 16, 2010, 08:52:19 AM »
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  • There is another story of a so called devotee who was very unhappy to find a beggar sleeping outstretching his legs on a Shiva Lingam.As the person was not aroused as he was in deep slumber the devotee pulled his legs to south.But alas one Shiva Lingam suddenly appeared at this new direction.Again the devotee changed the legs of the beggar to north but only to find another Lingam at the new place.Likewise the devotee placed the legs of the beggar in other directions removing them from the symbol of Lord Shiva only to find it at every place!Then the devotee came to understand that Shiva is present everywhere and that He is so near to a beggar who feels his presence.One need not be well versed in sashtras and mantras to experience God but only should have faith and devotion!  ;D
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #48 on: September 28, 2010, 08:59:14 AM »
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  • Arjuna and Mayasura

    When Agni the fire god was burning Khandava forest, a demon called Mayasura, came running out of it. He went to Arjuna and begged him to save his life. Arjuna agreed and protected him from Agni. Mayasura was very happy. He said, "You have saved my life. How can I serve you? I am a great architect and build wonderful places of illusions." Arjuna said, "Then build a magnificent palace for Yudhisthira in our capital, Indraprastha ."

    Mayasura built a majestic palace. He built a grand assembly hall around a pool of water. The floor of the assembly hall was built with marble that looked just like water. It was studded with gems shaped like fish, and was at the same level as the pool at the center. The whole floor looked like a pool. The palace also had a door that looked like a wall. Yudhisthira was amazed to see the palace. The Pandavas were very pleased with Mayasura.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #49 on: September 28, 2010, 09:01:38 AM »
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  • Arjuna and Subhadra

    While in exile from Indraprastha, Arjuna stayed in Dwarka as royal guest of Krishna's sister, Subhadra. He asked Krishna's permission to marry her. Krishna said, "A brave warrior never begs for a lady's hand, he either wins it in a swayamvar, or carries the lady away forcibly." Arjuna got the hint. One day, when Subhadra had gone to a temple, he carried her away in a chariot. Subhadra's guards tried to stop him but failed. They returned and informed Balarama, Krishna's elder brother. Balarama got angry and prepared his army to fight Arjuna. But, he saw that Krishna was undisturbed even after he received the news of what Arjuna had done. Krishna told Balarama that it was a matter of pride that their sister had become the bride of the prince of Indraprastha. Balarama was now convinced; he brought back Arjuna and Subhadra and formally married them.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #50 on: September 28, 2010, 12:15:15 PM »
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  • Arjuna and the Crocodiles
    When Arjuna was in exile, he once went to an ashram, where the sages told him, There are five pools of water nearby, where we bathed. But now there is one crocodile in each. The crocodiles eat whoever goes to the pools." Arjuna had received a boon from ulupi, the daughter of the king of snakes, that no creature of water could defeat him. Arjuna fearlessly went to one of the pools and pulled the crocodile to the shore. Immediately, it turned into a beautiful woman and said, "I am Varga, a fairy in Kubera's court. One day, I along with four other fairies, Saurabha, Samichi, Lata, and Budbuda tried to disturb a sage who was meditating. He cursed us to become crocodiles. He said that when a brave warrior pulled us out of water, the curse would end. You have freed me from the curse, please save my other friends also." Arjuna agreed. The five fairies thanked him.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #51 on: September 28, 2010, 12:16:44 PM »
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  • Arjuna and Ulupi

    Arjuna had broken a promise and had to go to exile for twelve years. While he was in the forest, a beautiful woman saw him and fell in love with him. She was actually a snake, called Ulupi . She was the daughter of the king of snakes, Kauravya, and lived in the snake kingdom in patal lok (netherworld).

    Next day, when Arjuna went to take a bath in the river, Ulupi took form of snake and caught hold of his leg and dragged him patal lok. There, She took him to her palace and asked Arjuna to marry her. Arjuna agreed. They got married and had a son names Iravan. Then Arjuna wanted to go back to earth and Ulupi took him there. She also gave him a boon that no creature of water could defeat him.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #52 on: September 29, 2010, 02:27:04 PM »
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  • Arjuna In Heaven

    When Arjuna got the pashupatastra from Shiva, other gods also blessed him with more divine weapon. Varuna, the wind god gave him dandastra; Kubera gave him the antardhyanastra; and Indra also asked Arjuna to visit heaven and learn how to use the weapons. Indra's divine chariot, drawn by hundred horses, took him to heaven. There, a number of fairies demi-gods welcomed him. The gandharvas, heavenly musicians, played melodious music for him. Arjuna stayed in Indra's palace and learnt how to use the weapons, after which he wanted to go back to earth. But Indra asked him to stay for more time and learn to play the divine music of the gandharvas. Down on earth, the rest of the Pandavas were worried about the well being of Arjuna. Soon Arjuna returned to them and showed all the weapons that he received.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #53 on: September 29, 2010, 02:28:10 PM »
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  • Arjuna's Search

    When the Pandavas were in exile, Sage Vyasa told them, "After your exile, you will have a war with the Kauravas. Arjuna should pray to Shiva for divine weapons." Arjuna went to Mount Kailash and started worshipping Shiva. Pleased, Shiva disguised himself as a hunter and came to test Arjuna. Just then, a demon, Mooka, attacked Arjuna in the form of a wild boar. Arjuna shot an arrow and killed it. But he saw another arrow in the body of the boar. He said  "Who dare shoot my pray?" Shiva in the hunter's form, said, "I shot the  arrow. This is my prey." A long fight followed between the two and Arjuna became tired. He said, "I will fight  after my prayers." Arjuna made a Shivalingha and put a garland around it. But to his dismay, he found the garland around the hunter 's neck. He understood that the hunter  was Shiva. Shiva came to his real form and gave him the pashupatastra.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #54 on: September 30, 2010, 08:30:23 AM »
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  • Around The Universe

    Lord Shiva and Parvati had four children - Ganesha, Laxmi, Saraswati, and Kartik. Each of them had their own vahana or 'vehicle.' Ganesha, the god of wealth and wisdom, had a mouse; Laxmmi, the goddess of wealth, had a white owl; Saraswati, the goddess of education, had a swan and Kartik, the god of war, had a peacock.

    One day, Shiva and Parvati were sitting together and Ganesha and Kartik were playing nearby. Shiva decided to test their strength. He declared that of the two, the sibling who first completed circling the universe thrice would be seen as being the mightier one.

    Promptly, Kartik sat on his peacock and sped off on his journey around the universe. He traveled over the seas, the mountains, the earth, the moon, and the galaxies. He rushed from one place to another in his effort to beat Ganesha. He knew that with a mouse for a vahana and a large potbelly, Ganesha would never be able to compete with him.

    Meanwhile, Ganesha sat peacefully at his parents' feet. He quietly got up and walked around his parents thrice. When Kartik came back, he was astonished to see Ganesha happily sitting in Shiva's lap. He could  not understand how Ganesha happily sitting  in Shiva's lap. He could  not understand how Ganesha could have returned before he did. Being hot headed, he accused Ganesha of being unfair. Ganesha said that his parents were his universe and by circling them, he had proved himself.

    Shiva was very pleased with Ganesha's wisdom. He declared that before starting any work, people would first pray  to Ganesha. This is why it is considered auspicious to worship Ganesha before undertaking any task.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #55 on: September 30, 2010, 08:32:24 AM »
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  • Ashvattama's Plan

    When Dronacharya's son, Ashvattama, came to know that Duryodhana was dying, he was furious and vowed that he would kill the Pandavas. Ashvattama devised an evil plan. He took two warriors and went to the camp of the Pandavas' army at night. First, he went to Draupadi's brother, Dhristadhyumna and strangled him while he was sleeping. Then, one by one, he killed all the five sons of Draupadi and finally, Shikhandi, Draupadi's elder brother. Then he set fire to the camp and quickly left. Next morning, the Pandavas were shocked to see what had happened the night before. Draupadi was devastated. Meanwhile, Ashvattama rushed to Duryodhana to inform him of his success. Duryodhana was pleased and breathed his last.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #56 on: October 05, 2010, 07:32:21 AM »
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  • Astavakra
    Kahoda studied the holy verses. His unborn son learnt many verses in his mother's womb. Once when Kahoda was teaching his class, the baby spoke, 'Father, you are saying the verse wrong." Kahoda cursed him that he would be born deformed. Once King Janak wanted to perform a yajana, but Sage Bandhi stopped it. He declared that someone had to defeat him in the debate of holy verses. Whoever was defeated would be drowned  in the river.

    Kahoda tried but was defeated. Kahoda's son was born with eight bends in his body and was named 'Ashtavakra'. He defeated Bandhi in the debate. Bandhi then revealed that he was Varuna, the god of water's son. Varuna was performing a yajna in heaven for which he needed sages. By drowning the sages Bandhi had sent them to heaven. As the yajana was complete all the sages came out of the river. Bandhi asked Astavakra to take a dip in the river and when he came out his body had straightened.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #57 on: October 05, 2010, 07:40:10 AM »
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  • Astika Saves Takshaka
    To average his father's death at the hands of Takshaka, the king of serpents, Janmejaya held a snake sacrifice. Mantras were chanted to destroy the snakes but Takshaka did not appear. The head priests thought that Takshaka had sought protection from Indra. They chanted a special mantra to compel Takshaka had sought protection  from Indra. They chanted a special mantra to compel Takshaka to appear and fall in the sacrificial fire along with Indra. Soon, both Takshaka and Indra appeared and fell into the fire together. When Indra saw that Takshaka was bound to die, he deserted him.

    Meanwhile, Jararkaru, Takshaka's younger sister, ordered her son, Astika, to save Takshaka. Astika approached Janmejaya and requested him for a boon. He said that the snake sacrifice had led to the death of millions of snakes and if Janmejaya spared the remaining few, including Takshaka, he will be glorified. Sage Vyasa advised Janmejaya to grant Astika's request and end the snake sacrifice. He agreed and thus, Takshaka was saved.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #58 on: October 06, 2010, 01:55:05 PM »
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  • Balarama And Dhenukasura

    Krishna's brother, Balarama, was also very powerful.

    One day, his friends came crying for help. They told him that they wanted to enter the beautiful forest of Talavana, which was captured by the ass demon Dhenukasura and his friends.

    Balarama assured his friends that they would be able to enter Talavana and eat its ripe fruits. He entered the forest and in a great show of strength began felling the trees with his arms. Hearing the noise, Dhenukasura emerged and came charging at Balrama.

    He kicked him violently with his hind legs, but Balarama did not move. After some time, he caught the ass by its hind legs, swung it around and threw it on the treetop killing Dhenukasura. To take revenge, Dhenukasura's friends gathered. Balarama and Krishna tossed them too and the forest was safe again.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #59 on: October 06, 2010, 01:56:10 PM »
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  • Balarama And Pralambasura

    One day, while engaged in a playful past-time, Krishna and Balarama saw the demon, Pralambasura, enter the fields in the hope of kingdom Krishna wondered how to kill the demon. Instead of attacking him, he welcomed Pralambasura  into their game.

    Krishna decided to form two teams, one led by him, the other by Balarama. He would then invite a member from each team to fight a duel. Afterwards the winners would be rewarded with a ride on the loser's back. Pralambasura took Krishna's side, but Krishna decided to purposefully lose the game. Meanwhile, Pralambasura, thinking  Balarama to be weak, decided to carry him on his shoulders. He carried him far into the jungles and there changed into an enormous giant who nearly touched the skies. Balarama, seeing Pralambasura's changing form, also grew in size. Like a mountain, he rose up on the demon's back and struck his neck. Pralambasura died on the spot.
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