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Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2010, 08:44:25 AM »
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  • Balarama is Born

    Kansa had imprisoned his sister, Devaki and Vasudeva's sixth child was also killed by the wicked king, Devaki was very upset and began praying to Vishnu for help.

    One night, Vishnu appeared in Devaki's dream and said that the divine king of snakes, Seshnaga, would be born as her seventh child. He told her that the child would not be killed by Kansa. Miraculously, a baby that was conceived in Devaki's womb was transferred to the womb of Rohini, Vasudeva's second wife. This baby was the elder brother of Krishna.

    Balarama was born in the village of Gokul in the full moon month of  Sridhara in July. This is where, his younger brother Krishna, the eight born, also joined him later.

    He was named Rama but came to be known as Balarama, which means 'strong Rama' for his superior strength.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #61 on: October 07, 2010, 08:47:16 AM »
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  • Bali and Dundubhi

    When Rama told Sugreeva about Sita's kidnapping, he promised his allegiance to Rama. Sugreeva then narrated the story of his exile. He told him how he had been ousted by his brother, Bali and forced to live in the forest. Rama said it was his duty to help his friend, but Sugreeva said nobody could  help him in his fight against Bali because by a boon that had been granted to him all Bali's enemies lost their strength before him.

    Sugreeva then gave Rama a picture of Bali's might. When Dundubhi arrived to fight Bali, he was in his palace in Kishkindha. Dundubhi thought he would crush the monkey king easily, but he was proved wrong.

    Bali accepted the challenge and, in the battlefield, lifted the enormous Dundubhi, then grabbing him by his horns, swirled him round and round till he lost consciousness. After this he swung his huge body with such strength that it fell miles away in the forests of Rishyamookha.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #62 on: October 12, 2010, 10:08:44 AM »
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  • Bali and Sugreeva

    Bali was the monkey king of Kishkindha, a son of Indra and the elder brother of Sugreeva. The kingdom had a sworn enemy called Mayavee. Tired of its attacks, Bali decided to settle the score. When Bali and Mayavee entered a cave during their fight, Sugreeva was ordered to keep a watch outside till Bali emerged .

    Time passed and sounds of the roaring fight wafted to Sugreeva's ears. After nearly a year' wait when neither Bali nor the rakshasa (demon) came out, Sugreeva thought they had both been killed. Saddened by his brother's death, he went back to Kishkindha and became its ruler  and made Tara, Bali's wife, his queen.

    However, Bali returned and seeing Sugreeva as king, Bali thought he had been betrayed. Though Sugreeva tried to explain the misunderstanding, Bali attacked and forced him and his team of monkeys to flee Kishkindha. Bali regained his kingship but became an enemy of Sugreeva forever.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #63 on: October 15, 2010, 01:28:49 PM »
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  • Balvala and Balarama

    Balvala was a ferocious demon. His hair, beard, and moustache were bright red, while his claw like teeth were yellow.

    Balvala had become a menace to the sages of Naimisaranya. He uses to soil the holy hermitage with blood and defile the sacrificial fire. Tired of this, the sages decided to seek Balarama's help. The sages told him that during the fight, Balarama  would come in contact with the demon and therefore he should tour all the holy places to free himself from the impurities of Balvala's body.

    Balarama, armed with his plow and club, appeared before Balvala who was flying away on his chariot. Balarama pulled him down with his plow and instantly struck at his head with the club. Balvala's head broke into two.

    The inhabitants of Naimisaranya rejoiced and offered their prayers to Balarama. Meanwhile, the sages prepared for Balarama's holy bath to cleanse the impurities of Balvala's body.


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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #64 on: October 15, 2010, 01:30:38 PM »
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  • Bharata Returns to Ayodhya

    Returning to Ayodhya, Bharata and Satrughana stopped at the gates of the city.

    There was no light, no music or anyone to greet them. The city looked lifeless. Fearing some misfortune had fallen, they rushed towards the palace.

    Bharata entered King Dasaratha's chamber, but found it empty. Anxious, he ran to Kaikeyi's room. Seeing her, he exclaimed in joy and enquired about his father and brother Rama's whereabouts.

    Kaikeyi avoided his questions, but seeing him grow restless, she told him that Dasaratha was dead and Rama was in exile. Now Bharata would be king.

    When Bharata came to know the entire story, he became very angry. He told Kaikeyi that Rama was the rightful king. Bharata fell at Kausalya's feet crying and asked forgiveness for his mother's deceit .

    Bharata then performed his father's last rites and made preparations to get Rama back .
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #65 on: October 29, 2010, 04:08:56 AM »
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  • Bharata Returns to Ayodhya

    Returning to Ayodhya, Bharata and Satrughana stopped at the gates of the city.

    There was no light, no music or anyone to greet them. The city looked lifeless. Fearing some misfortune had fallen, they rushed towards the palace.

    Bharata entered King Dasaratha's chamber, but found it empty. Anxious, he ran to Kaikeyi's room. Seeing her, he exclaimed in joy and enquired about his father and brother Rama's whereabouts.

    Kaikeyi avoided his questions, but seeing him grow restless, she told him that Dasaratha was dead and Rama was in exile. Now Bharata would be king.

    When Bharata came to know the entire story, he became very angry. He told Kaikeyi that Rama was the rightful king. Bharata fell at Kausalya's feet crying and asked forgiveness for his mother's deceit .

    Bharata then performed his father's last rites and made preparations to get Rama back .
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    Bharata the Ideal Brother
    « Reply #66 on: November 01, 2010, 02:20:46 PM »
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  • Bharata the Ideal Brother

    Bharata left for Dandaka forest with an entire army of elephants, horses cavalry and priests to find Rama. When he saw Rama, he ran to him and begged forgiveness for his mother's behaviour and informed Rama about Dasaratha's death. The news greatly saddened Rama, Laxmana, and Sita. Then, Bharata pleaded, "I have come on behalf of the people of Ayodhya. Please accept the throne which lies empty without you." Rama answered, "I am only fulfilling our parents' wish." Bharata realised that Rama would not return to Ayodhya and said that he would place Rama's sandals. Bharata went back to Ayodhya and placed Rama's sandals on the throne.
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    « Reply #67 on: November 01, 2010, 02:22:44 PM »
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  • Bharathari
    Bharathari was the youngest son of king Gandharva Sen had two wives. Bharathari was born from the first wife and the second wife gave birth to Vikramaditya .

    After the death of his father, Bharathari became the king since he was the eldest son. Later, he put his stepbrother Vikramaditya on the throne and lost interest in the welfare of the kingdom. He devoted his time to music, books, and the arts. He was also a great poet and a scholar of Sanskrit. When Vikramaditya saw Bharathari losing interest in the welfare of the people and the country, he urged him not to neglect his duties. Bharathari was furious and banished his stepbrother from the kingdom .

    One day Bharathari found out that his wife was in love with the stable keeper. He became disillusioned and form that day onwards the king gave up all the pleasures of life. He began leading a holy life and chanting the name of Shiva. He realised that he had been selfish in thinking only about himself, and not about others.

    In due course, he became free of worldly desires and attained Shiva tatta or complete self -knowledge. He followed the truth established in  the Vedas.

    Bharathari is regarded as one of the most respected sages ancient India. He has always been praised by many sages and ascetics of India in different languages for his discipline and purity.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #68 on: November 22, 2010, 10:48:34 AM »
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  • Bhima Meets Hanuman

    One day, while the Pandavas were in exile, the wind brought a beautiful lotus and dropped it near Draupadi. She was delighted with its sweet fragrance and divine beauty. She asked Bhima to bring her more lotuses.

    Bhima went in search of lotuses. As he was walking through the forest, he saw an old monkey sleeping in his path. He made sound to scare it away. But it did not move. Bhima ordered the monkey to give him way. The monkey said, "I am too old and week to move. Push my tail aside to make way for yourself." Bhima tried very hard to move its tail but failed. He understood that the monkey was some great being. The monkey come to his real form. He was Hanuman. Hanuman blessed Bhima and promised to help him in the war against Kauravas.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #69 on: November 22, 2010, 10:50:46 AM »
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  • Bhima and Bakasura

    The Pandavas had decided to go into hiding for some time because the Kauravas ware trying to kill them. During this time, they lived in a town called Ekchakra, with a Brahmin family.

    One day, Kunti found her hosts crying and asked them the reason. The Brahmin said, "There lives a demon outside Ekchakra who once threatened to kill all the people of the town. To protect ourselves we made an agreement with him. Every week one person would take a cartload of food to him. The demon eats the food as well as the person. All take turns to send one member every week. This week it is the turn of our family. I have to send someone to the demon." Kunti said, "I have five sons; I will send Bhima to the demon. He is strong and will deal with him." Bhima took the food to the demon but started eating it himself. Seeing this, the ferocious demon attacked but the strong Bhima killed with his bare hands.

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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #70 on: November 24, 2010, 11:13:48 AM »
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  • Bhima and Hidimba

    After the palace incident, the Pandavas went to a forest. After walking for a long time, they came to the part of the forest where a demon named Hidimb and his sister Hidimba lived.

    Kunti and four of the Pandavas were tired and fell asleep; Bhima was awake and kept a watch. Hidimb sensed the smell of human beings and asked Hidimba to go after them. As soon as Hidimba saw the handsome Bhima, she fell in love with him. She took the form of a beautiful woman and went to him. She said "I am Hidimba, my brother is a demon, he will eat all of you." Bhima smiled and replied, "Don't worry, I am strong enough to defeat your brother."

    When Hidimba did not return for a long time, Hidimb went looking for her and saw her talking to Bhima. "I sent you to kill the human and you are talking to him. I will kill him myself." Saying so, he attacked Bhima. A fierce fight followed and ended with Bhima killing Hidimb. The thunderous roars of the two fighters woke the four Pandavas and Kunti. Hidimba told them that she was a demoness and wished to marry Bhima.  With Kunti's permission the marriage took place. After some time Hidimba gave birth to a son who was named Ghatotkacha.

    After a few years, Kunti and the Pandavas decided to leave of Hidimba and Ghatotkacha, who had grown up to be a strong boy. He promised the Pandavas that he would come to them, whenever they needed him.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #71 on: November 24, 2010, 11:15:06 AM »
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  • Bhima and Jarasandha

    Krishana once approached Yudhisthira and said, "King Jarasandha is a very cruel king. He has received many boons from Shiva. He has defeated many kings and imprisoned them. He wants to imprison more kings so that when the number reaches one hundred and one he can sacrifice  them to Rudra (a form of Shiva). We need to kill Jarasandha because sooner or later he will attack us. But he can only be killed by tearing his body into two parts." Yudhisthira asked Krishna, "Why can he be killed only in that way?" Krishna replied, "There is a story behind his birth. His father King Brihadratha  had two queens, but was childless. He requested a sage to bless him with a child. The sage gave him a mango for one of his wives. But by mistake Brihadratha's wives ate one half of the mango each and gave birth to two half-babies. These half-babies were joined to form one baby who was named Jarasandha I will take Arjuna and Bhima with me to kill him." Krishna, Arjuna, and Bhima went to Jarasandha's palace and Bhima challenged Jarasandha to a wrestling fight. They fought for thirteen days. On the fourteenth day, Krishna encouraged Bhima to tear Jarasandha's body apart. He demonstrated it by tearing a leaf in front of him. Bhima tore Jarasandha into two parts but both the parts moved towards each other and joined again. Jarasandha got up again to fight. This time Krishna asked him to throw the two parts of his body in opposite directions. Bhima again tore Jarasandha's body and this time threw the two parts in opposite directions so that they could not meet.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #72 on: November 24, 2010, 11:16:47 AM »
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  • Bhima and Kichaka

    Draupadi was living in Viratnagar as the queen's maid. Kichaka was the queen's brother and the general of the Viratnagar army. King Virata was weak, so all the powers were in the hands of Kichaka. One day, Kichaka saw Draupadi and fell in love with her. Considering her one of the quen's maids, he offered to marry her. Draupadi warned him not to trouble her. Kichaka got angry at the boldness of a maid and dragged her to the king's court. He kicked and insulted her. Crying bitterly, Draupadi came to Bhima, who was working as the royal cook and asked him to kill Kichaka. Bhima was very angry and killed Kichaka. The news of the death of Kichaka, who was a great warrior, spread like fire, and eventually Duryodhana came to know about it and realised that the Pandavas were in Viratnagar.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #73 on: November 24, 2010, 11:18:20 AM »
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  • Bhima and Kimira
    Losing the game of dice to Duryodhana, the Pandavas were sent into exile for twelve years.

    They were going through a forest where Kimira, a terrible demon, carrying a burning torch in his hand, stopped them. He roared and asked, "Who are you? This is my territory and you can't stay here." Yudhisthira introduced himself and his brothers. Enraged Kimira replied, "Bhima had killed my brother Bakasura and my friend Hidimb. He has disgraced us by marrying Hidimba, the demoness. Therefore, I will kill him and take revenge." Saying this he attacked Bhima who fought Kimira back. He uprooted a tree and hit Kimira with it. It was not long before Bhima strangled the demon to death.
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    Re: Tales From Ancient India and Mythological Stories
    « Reply #74 on: November 24, 2010, 11:19:49 AM »
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  • Bhima and the Python

    One day while the Pandavas were in exile, Bhima went in search of food for all of them. Looking around in the forest, he saw a cave and entered it.

    A massive python was sitting near the entrance of the cave. When it saw Bhima, it attacked him and coiled itself round his body. Bhima was helpless and struggled hard to free himself from the python's grip but his attempts to save himself seemed ineffective. Finally, he got tired and gave up. Then he asked the python, "Who are you and why have you entangled me like this for no reason? I have not caused you any harm." The python replied, "I am your ancestor. In my previous birth I had insulted a sage and was cursed to become a python. Now, I will eat you if you don't answer my questions correctly."

    Meanwhile, back at their hit, the rest the Pandavas began to worry since Bhima had not returned and it was getting dark. Since Bhima was very strong and powerful, they had never imagined that any harm could come to him.

    Anxious, they went out to search for him. On the way, they saw many dead animals and their anxiety grew. Finally, when they reached the mouth of the cave, they saw Bhima struggling to free himself from the python's grip.

    Yudhisthira, who was known to be very wise answered all the questions of the python correctly and freed Bhima from his clutches. Not only this, the Python was also freed from his curse and he thanked the Pandavas and ascended to heaven. The pandavas returned home safely.
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