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Author Topic: Port Wine Stain and Glaucoma  (Read 5294 times)

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Offline Anupam

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Re: Port Wine Stain and Glaucoma
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2012, 01:06:32 PM »
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  • <Dashini ji it wud be good for you if you wud not know much about it Anupam ji said that is like Dynamite …coz if it go wrong then it may be effective in opposite direction ..

    Dashini ji  Tantra Sadhna is very very  typical sadhna and this is not meant for normal householders or normall ppl ,  specially for lady I’d like to suggest you ..Dont even think about it .. >

    SAIRAM Saialwayshereji and Dashiniji

    No SHREEKUL (SHREEVIDYA) TANTRA is very typically Right Way (Dakshina Marg) Sadhana and is "meant" for house holders and normal ordinary people. By dynamite I mean in right way. Shreekul Sadhna we do every day Saialwayshereji. The panchoupchaar, shodshoupchaar Pooja, The Nav Guruvaar Vrata for BABA, Chappan Bhog for Lord Krishna, THE LAKSHMI GANESH POOJA on DEEPAWALI these all come under SHREE KUL TANTRA only. TANTRA means Proper Method and SHREEKUL means SAATVIK, PURELY. The Mantras are secret as they are given via GURU otherwise there is a keelan on those Mantras, that's why I call them secret. They are purely Puranic Mantras

    The jealous and pure corrupt have done their best to blacken the name of one of High Methods for Bhakti, Shakti and Mukti.

    Bhakti Yog comes under SHREE KUL TANTRA, its just a name

    The Vamachar or Left Marg Sadhna is called  KULACHAAR or KALIKUL methods and here the Mantras may work in reverse way because it is the uses essentially the negative energies, BUT essentially is not all negative. It is well known that certain negative influences can be nullified only by negative powers

    So no need to carry any negative mindsets of the word Tantra, despite doing it everyday of our lives we are still carrying a negative mindset (The "phir kya" Purana of Kaliyug). SHREEKUL Sadhanas are never ever harmful NEVER

    <Good Siddha /avdhoot? How do i locate a good Siddha/avdhoot?>

    Dashiniji for this you have to be maybe come to India, let me see if I can send you some references

    Vata Dosha in Ayurveda means a disbalance of digestive fires. But Dashiniji as fara as I know Port of Wine stain is not malefic in nature, big men like Gorbachev have this so why worry so much abt that.

    The application of Tulasi (Basil leaf) juice and / or Indian Cow Urine distillate is also known to cure or almost cure Port of Wine stain. Panchgavya is ALSO called Sarva Aushadhi, but that cannot be made from Products of Jersey/Houstan Cow breeds as they are actually Caks (cross of Yak and Cow). This will require a Desi Cow (There is treatment available vide this method in India--- Malaysia....... no idea.......)




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