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« Reply #165 on: March 25, 2006, 07:58:05 AM »
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  • 816. Sarvato-mukhah –“One Who has His face turned everywhere”-just as the light in the sun, or the light of a lamp. In the Bhagavad Geeta He is described as having eyes, heads and faces on all sides.


    817. Sulabhah –“
    One who is readily available” and, therefore, easily attainable for those who have true devotion and the heroism to put forth the right effort in unveiling Him from the miserable pits of matter. To the mind in contemplation, the Reality is self-evident; all saadhanaas are only to render the mind contemplative.

    818. Suvratah –“He Who has taken the most auspicious Forms”-to destroy the evil and to protect the good is the motive behind all His manifestations. The seeker himself is one of the Lord’s own manifestations; thus, every spiritual/ student will ultimately realise that to destroy the ego in himself and finally gain back the very state from which he apparently manifested is re-discovery of the Self.

    819. Siddhah –“One Who is Perfection”-not one who has attained perfection. Sree Narayana, the Absolute State of Perfection, can never, even when He is playing as the Incarnation, forget His real nature of Eternal, Unbroken, Unchanging Perfection.

    820. Satrujit –“One Who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies.” In the bosom of man, his enemies are none other than consciousness of his body and the con- sequent passions of the flesh-both objective and subjective. The seeker feels that these urges in him constitute a very powerful team of belligerent forces, and against their concerted onslaught he feels helpless. But when such an alert seeker turns himself towards the Truth, the Lord Who is in his own heart, all obstacles whither away. It is natural then that Sree Narayana is invoked here as the “Supreme Conqueror of all Enemies.”

    to be contd............

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #166 on: March 25, 2006, 11:06:32 PM »
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  • 26.03.2006

    821. Satrutaapanah –“The Scorcher of enemies.”  When the devotee offers himself at the altar of His Feet, He burns down all the negative tendencies polluting the devotee’s heart.

    822. Nyagrodhah –“The One who, while controlling all beings, veils Himself behind this Maayaa.” The Consciousness constantly functions within us, but due to the Vaasanaas, our attention is constantly distracted to the perception of objects outside and not to the Effulgent Being which is the core in us. At the same time Sree Narayana, the Self, is the very Life which has made possible the entire manifestation of the world. Still, by His own playful inscrutability we recognize Him not. Interpreted in another sense, the term can also mean, “He who is above all.’ The nobler, the mightier power which controls and regulates any organised set of activities, when it is conceived by human intellect, it is always expressed as something higher or above. Therefore, the significance of this term must be clear to the students.

    823. Udumbarah –“He Who is the Nourisher of all living creatures”-supplying each with its appropriate food. The term also suggests: “one who transcends even Aakaasa, the subtlest of the manifested elements.” Sree Narayana, the Source out of which all creatures have emerged, He alone must also be the Great Cause from which even the subtlest element, Aakaasa, (space) has sprung forth. The cause is subtler than the effect, therefore, the essential principle, Narayana, transcends even the concept of space.

    824. Asvatthah -In the Upanishad, (Kathopanishad) and in the Bhagavad Geeta (Chapter XV), Lord Narayana is indicated as the great “Tree of Life,” the Asvattha. Ficus Religiosa is a perennial tree, seemingly relatively immortal, as compared with the quickly-perishing mankind that comes in waves, generation after generation, to play under its shade, to make love at its base; to grow old in its breeze. Even when they are dead, their bodies are carried in moonlit procession to the burial ground, where under the tree’s dancing leaves, a play of light and shade splashes a wizardly pattern upon each lifeless face. The children of each departed one, in their turn, repeat the unending cycle of life under the shade of the same old tree whose nodding grimace mocks the procession of fleeting joys and sorrows. This tree has been chosen to represent the finite play of the Infinite and the Tree itself has been named: A-svattham meaning: “That which will not remain the same tomorrow.”..

    825. Chaanooraandhranishoodanah - “The slayer of Chaanoora, the great wrestler. Andhra means wrestler.”

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #167 on: March 26, 2006, 05:33:38 PM »
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  • 826. Sahasra-archih –“He Who in His Effulgence has thousands of rays.” The Self, Sree Narayana, the Pure Consciousness which illumines all experiences, is considered in our scriptures as the ‘Light of all Lights,’ and, in the Geeta’s famous description of this mighty Effulgence of Reality we read: “If the Splendour of a thousand suns were to rise up together and at one and the same time blaze forth. In the sky, that would be like the Splendour of the Mighty Being.”

    827. Sapta-jihvah –“He Who expresses Himself as the ‘seven tongues’ (flame).” ‘Jihvaa’ means tongue; here it is used as the ‘tongues-of-flame.’ These seven flames of different properties are enumerated in the Mundakopanishad. It sets forth the idea that the Light of Consciousness beams out through seven points in the face of a living entity-two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and the mouth. As intelligent beings, powers of perception metaphorically flame out through each one of them, illumining the world for us. The one in our heart, Sree Narayana, Who totally manifests as the seven distinct tongues-of-flame is classified here by the scientific-poets, the Rishis, in the language of lyrical service as Sapta-jihvaah.

    828. Sapta-edhaah –“The Seven Effulgent flames.” The earlier term invoked Him as the “Seven tongues- of-flame.” Here the emphasis seems to be for the Effulgence in those flames.

    829. Sapta-vaahanah –“One Who has the vehicle of seven horses.” Lord Sun is described by the poet-seers of the Vedas as riding in a chariot drawn by seven horses, representing the seven days of the week.

    830. A-moortih –“
    One Who is formless.” ‘Form’ implies a thing that is limited by other factors. The All-Pervading cannot have a form-just as space has no particular form. All things having a form are perishable. Narayana who is Infinite and Eternal is thus ever Formless.

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    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #168 on: March 26, 2006, 10:04:40 PM »
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  • 27.03.2006

    830. A-moortih –“One Who is formless.” ‘Form’ implies a thing that is limited by other factors. The All-Pervading cannot have a form-just as space has no particular form. All things having a form are perishable. Narayana who is Infinite and Eternal is thus ever Formless.

    831. Anaghah -The Sanskrit term Aghah means sin or sorrow. Therefore the term means one who is sinless or sorrowless. Lord Paramesvara, the Self, is Immaculate-untouched and uncontaminated by the Vaasanaas. He is Eternal Bliss-beyond all traces of sorrow.

    832. Achintyah –“One Who cannot be comprehended by man’s mind and intellect.” Not only the Lord is Formless, and consequently Imperceptible, but He is also unavailable as an object for our emotional experience, or for our intellectual appreciation. He is the Pure Conscious- ness in Whose Light all our perceptions, feelings and thoughts are illuminated. In Geeta, this “Nourisher of All” is compared with the changeless white screen upon which all the perishing scenes of life are focused.

    833. Bhaya-krit -Lord is the “Giver of fear.” He is a terror to the evil-minded. In all His Incarnations, He gives fear to the evil-hearted, that they may ultimately be swayed to the path of Dharma.

    834. Bhayanaasanah –“Destroyer of all fear,” is the Supreme Lord. The Upanishads repeatedly -declare the State of Self-Knowledge to be the only state of absolute fearlessness. From a sense of otherness or plurality alone can fear spring forth. In the One Reality, where there is no other, how can there be fear? Sree Narayana alone is the only harbour from all fears.

    835. Anuh –“The Subtlest; the All-pervading.” Sree Narayana is the subtle flame-of-life in our bosom, the Essence from which all life’s activities spring forth. He is called as Anuh because He is in the centre of even the Subtlest. Bhagavan Himself says: “I am seated in the heart of all-as the core or Essence in all.”

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #169 on: March 27, 2006, 05:43:47 PM »
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  • 836. Brihat -At the same time He is Greater than the Greatest in dimension, He being the All-pervading. These two may seem paradoxical but the apparent contradiction dissolves into an illumining experience for the contemplative mind. The Upanishad daringly combines these two terms to give the students a vague comprehension of the All-pervading Infinitude of the Self.

    837. Krisah –“One Who is lean; subtle; delicate.” Again, this description will be opposed by the next following one, for herein is a deliberate use of contradictions. The Rishis made an art of effectively employing terms of contradiction in order to bring the incomprehensible within the cognition of the students of contemplation.

    838. Sthoolah –“One Who is the fattest; the grossest; roughest.” These two terms are indicating opposites. Here it is to be understood that the Lord, in His state as Pure Consciousness, is the subtlest, and He is the grossest in the form of the Universe (Viraat).

    839. Gunabhrit –“One Who supports”- maintains and expresses through the three Gunas. Through rajas He creates; through Sattva He preserves and through tamas He annihilates. He, as Consciousness, expresses Him- self through these three textures of vaasanaas.

    840. Nirgunah-“Without-any-properties.” That which has property is matter-perishable, changeable, finite. The Imperishable, the Changeless, the Infinite is property-less; it is the Consciousness that illumines all properties (Gunas). With the matter equipments, in His Incarnations He manifests as having ‘form’ (Guna-bhrit), and in His Absolute Nature He is ‘form-less’-the Non-dual Self.

    to be contd................

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #170 on: March 27, 2006, 09:45:36 PM »
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  • 28.03.2006

    841. Mahaan –“The Great; the Glorious; the Mighty.” “One who is not conditioned by the five Elements- nor by Time and Space. Quite on the other hand, it is He Who is the very Existence in everything.

    842. Adhritah -None supports Him, but He supports all. Just as the cotton in cloth, gold in ornaments, mud in pots, He is the supporter of the entire universe. To the devotee who feels the Lord is far away from him, to contemplate upon Sree Narayana as his very own support will open his heart to the certainty and plenitude of faith.

    843. Svadhritah –“Self-supported.” When from the previous term we hear that the Self is he ultimate support of the Universe, the question automatically rises in a rational intellect: ‘what supports the Self?’ The Lord is “supported” by nothing else other than His own Glory. In the Upanishad, in answer to a question where the Mighty One abides, the teacher declares, “He abides in His own Glory.”

    844. Svaasyah –“One Who has an Effulgent Face.” Because He gives to the Vedas their beauty and charm, He is conceived as brilliantly beautiful, enchantingly fascinating, hauntingly charming.

    845. Praag-vamsah –“One Who has the most ancient ancestry.” The Infinite, the Cause for the universe and Time itself, is indicated as the ‘Most Ancient’. The term can also mean the accommodation reserved during a Yaaga meeting where the invitees and guests may rest. Generally built on the eastern courtyard of the house~ this accommodation is called ‘Praagvamsah.’ Since everything connected with a Yajna or Yaaga is considered as sacred, the ‘Praag-vamsah’ has been used here as a name to indicate Sree Narayana.

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #171 on: March 28, 2006, 08:46:04 AM »
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  • 846. Vamsa-vardhanah –“He who multiplies His family of descendents.” The Lord’s family is the whole Universe of things and beings. Or it can also imply just the opposite as the root Vardh means ‘the annihilator.’ Narayana is the sacred factor in us, to Whose Feet we turn in all love and undivided attention, in Whom the world of perceptions, emotions and thoughts merge as a dream merges into the mind of the waker.

    847. Bhaara-bhrit –“One Who carries the load of the Universe.” This carrying is not as a man would carry a load-something other than himself. The Self Itself has become the world so here it means only that Narayana is the very material Cause of the Universe.

    848. Kathitah –“
    One Who is glorified in the Vedas and other spiritual text books.” Narayana-essence is the theme of all scriptures in the world.

    849. Yogee –“One Who can be realised through Yoga:” “One Who is the greatest Yogee.” The term Yoga is defined in the Sastra as ‘stopping all thought flow.’ One who has no thought agitations-who has totally conquered the mind( Maayaa) and lives in His own Effulgent Self-nature is the greatest Yogee.

    850. Yogeesah –"
    The King of Yogees.” “One who realises the Self, becomes the Self,” is an Upanishadic declaration. Therefore, Self alone is the perfect Yogee and Sree Narayana, the Self, is the King of all Yogees. The sense of agency-in-action and the sense of enjoyership-in- experience is the ego (Jeeva-bhaavanaa). To end this ego-personality is to rise to the awareness of the Universal Consciousness, the Self. Sree Narayana, the Absolute Reality, alone can be free-entirely and fully-from any involvement while being ever in the midst of Samsar and its seething activities. Hence He is glorified as the best among Yogees.

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #172 on: March 28, 2006, 08:22:56 PM »
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  • 29.03.2006

    851. Sarvakaamadah –“One Who fulfils all desires of all true devotees.” Such devotees have no other desire but to reach, meet and merge in Him. In this way the term would also indicate that He destroys the chances of fulfilment of all unholy, sensuous and lusty desires in the faithless.

    852. Aasramah -Sree Narayana is the harbour, the sequestered haven for all who are tossed about in the storms of life without and within. For each one, the source of all strains is attributable entirely to his functioning as a body-mind-intellect equipment. To remain as the Self-the essential real nature of man-is to experience the end of all stresses and strains. This state of Peace and Joy, of Quiet and Bliss is Sree Narayana, the Lord of the heart.

    853. Sramanah –“One Who persecutes the worldly people”-who, driven by their hungers and passions, seek sense-gratifications. By the very nature of the ephemeral sense-objects and the ever-changing instruments of experience in us, the life of gratifications can only yield exhausting fatigue and weary disappointments. This is the ‘Law’ and Sree Narayana is the ‘Law-Giver.’ The Law and the Law-Giver are but one in theology.

    854. Kshaamah –“One Who destroys everything during the final deluge”-He who prunes our agitations and shrinks our desire-prompted world-projections.

    855. Suparnah –“The Golden Leaf.” In Bhagavad Geeta the world is pictured as the Asvattha tree and its leaves are declared to be the Vedas. The theme of the Vedas is none other than the Self, making the term extremely en- chanting with its springs of suggestions.

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #173 on: March 29, 2006, 01:29:53 PM »
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  • 856. Vaayu-vaahanah –“The mover of the winds.” From fear of Him Fire burns, Sun and Moon function, earth rotates, the Wind moves....declares the Upanishad.

    857. Dhanurdharah  -“The wielder of the Bow.” In His Incarnation as Sree Rama, He drew the great Bow as no one else ever could. Also in the Upanishad there is the famous metaphor of the Bow with which the arrow of the individuality is to be shot to strike and sink into the goal. The Rishi of the Mundakopanishad explains that the ‘Bow’ is the OM (Pranava mantra). (The significance is clear.)

    858. Dhanurvedah –“One Who declared the Science of Archery.” The One Who propounded the unfailing technique of OM -meditation for realisation of the Self.

    859. Dandah –“One who punishes the wicked.” In Geeta, Bhagavan declares Himself to be the policeman of the Universe. The term can also mean the ‘Sceptre’-the insignia of king-ship. Sree Narayana, the King of kings in the entire, limitless universe, holds the Sceptre of total royalty.

    860. Damayitaa –“The Controller.” One who punishes the wicked, destroys the sinners and thus regulates and cultivates life in the universe, making it a garden for the blossoms of spiritual beauties.

    to be contd..........

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    « Reply #174 on: March 29, 2006, 08:34:54 PM »
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  • 30.03.2006 - HAPPY GURUWAAR AND HAPPY UGADI.....

    861. Damah -That which is ultimately gained by the worldly punishments-the final experience of Beatitude in the Self.

    862. Aparaajitah –“The Invincible; One who cannot be defeated.” The Self ultimately asserts within every bosom from wherein the spiritual values finally emerge victorious. The Self alone remains when all else has been destroyed.

    863. Sarvasahah –“One Who carries the entire Universe.” The One Who meets heroically all the enemical impulses of unspiritual lusts. He carries the entire Universe as its very material Cause: as mud in pots.

    864. Aniyantaa –“One Who has none above Him to control Him.” He is the One Who has appointed all other controllers of the phenomenal forces as the Sun, the Moon, Air and Waters.

    865. Aniyamah –“One Who is not under the laws of anyone else.” He is the Law and the only Law- Giver. It is His hand that governs the inscrutable and un- relenting laws of nature.

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #175 on: March 30, 2006, 05:53:39 AM »
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  • 866. Ayamah –“One Who knows no death.” He is the Eternal: how can He know death? - the principle of death cannot act in Him. Within Time alone there is change or death. The Pure Consciousness is That which illumines the sense of time and so is beyond Time-beyond death.

    867. Sattvavaan –“One Who is full of exploits and courage.” Supremely adventurous, daring and heroic is Narayana-as witnessed in all His actions during all His Incarnations.

    868. Saattvikah –“One Who is full of Saattvic qualities.” Quietude, tranquillity, peace-these are some of the saattvic qualities. Sattva is the creative-pause of the mind before it launches out into a burst of creative thoughts and action. Full of inspiration and meditative-poise is the Total-Mind, Sree Narayana.

    869. Satyah –“Truth.” That which remains the same in the past, present and future is Truth. Self knows no change. It is ever in Its own Nature in all the three periods Time.

    870. Satya-dharma-paraayanah - Who is the very abode of Truth and Righteousness.” Satyam (Truth) is ‘truthfulness in thought, speech and action. Dharma (Righteousness) is the injunctions regarding what is and what is not the duty to be fulfilled.

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    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #176 on: March 31, 2006, 12:48:22 AM »
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  • 31.03.2006

    871. Abhipraayah –“One Who is faced by all seekers marching to the Infinite.” Or it can mean, “One who merges the entire world of plurality into Himself.”

    872. Priyaarhah –“One Who deserves all our love.” Priya also expands its meaning into: “things we are supremely fond of,” therefore, the term, as it stands, may be read: “One Who deserves to be worshipped by His devotees with all that they are supremely fond of.” As an expression of our devotion we do offer to the Lord that which we love the most in life.

    873. Arhah -Narayana is the One Who de to be worshipped by all devotees. He, being our very own self is the treasure-source of all our devotion. Thus He does from us all our surrender, love and reverence.

    874. Priya-krit –“One who is ever-obliging in fulfilling our wishes” -One Who is anxiously eager for the well-being of all devotees. But the term can also yield just opposite meaning –“One who- destroys the wishes or disturbs the well-being of the wicked and the faithless.”

    875. Preeti-vardhanah -The sense of drunken joy that arises in one’s bosom when one loves deeply and truly is called Preeti. “One who increases Preeti in the devotee’s heart” is Sree Narayana. The more He is contemplated upon, the more His glories are appreciated, thereby the more.

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #177 on: March 31, 2006, 08:58:17 AM »
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  • 876. Vihaayasa-gatih -The term Vihaayasa means pertaining to, depending on, the space-aerial. Gatih means one who moves. Therefore, in its totality, this name describes: “One who travels in space-having the nature of the Sun, Soorya-Narayana.”

    877. Jyotih –“Effulgent with His own inherent Light.” The Lord as Consciousness is the ‘Light of all lights.’ “By Its Light all are brilliant: by Its Light all are illumined.” Sree Narayana is the Self-effulgent Atman, the Self.

    878. Su-ruchih -The suffix ‘Su’ indicates Auspiciousness (sobhana): the term ‘Ruchi’ is Glory or Desire. The Glory of Lord Narayana is this world: it is His ‘desire’ (sankalpa) that manifests as the universe.

    The Supreme Brahman, the Infinite Reality, functioning through the ‘Total- Vaasanaas,’ meaning the ‘Total-Causal- Body’ (Maayaa), is Lord, the Eesvara. So we are given the irrefutable scientific truth in the Sruti-declaration that the universe is the ‘will’ or ‘desire’ of Lord Narayana.

    879. Huta-bhuk –“One Who receives and enjoys all that is offered into the sacred fire during the Vedic Rituals- Yajnas and Yaagas.” The faithful may offer oblations invoking his own special Deity, but it is the One Lord, Narayana Who receives them all, manifesting as the particular Deity invoked.

    880. Vibhuh –“All-pervading.” Lord Narayana, the Self, is unconditioned by time or space for He is the Eternal, the Omnipresent. In His Absolute Nature, He is All-pervading as He is unlimited by any conditionings.

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    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    « Reply #178 on: March 31, 2006, 11:00:17 PM »
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  • 01.04.2006

    881. Ravih –“One Who absorbs the vapour (Rasa) from everything.” As the Soorya-Narayana, Sree dries up everything in the universe.

    882. Virochanah –“One Who shines in different forms.” Whatever form the devotee chooses for contemplation upon Him, the Lord manifests in that very Form for the sake and joy of the devotee. Additionally it may be interpreted as “One Who Himself manifests as the Sun and the Moon and all other resplendent spheres in the Consmos.”

    883. Sooryah -The term etymologically means the One Source from which all things have been born or out of which they have been delivered. The Lord as the First Cause is the Womb of the Universe. On the surface of the world it is the Sun that nurtures and nourishes all living creatures. It must be noted that many of the Lord’s names indicate or are associated with the sun –as he is like the sun in the solar System: the Centre around which the entire system revolves and by Whose benign rays, as the ‘Orb-of-all Energies’, He thrilling to life the infinitude of creatures.

    884. Savitaa –the one who brings forth, from Himself, the me Self functioning through the sun is called savitaa.

    885. Ravi-lochanah –“One Whose Eyes are the Sun.” In the Upanishad and the Geeta, the Viraat Form of the Lord (the Cosmic-Form) is described as having for His eyes the Sun and the Moon.

    To be contd..

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #179 on: April 01, 2006, 09:19:21 AM »
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  • 886. Anantah –“Endless.” One who is not conditioned by time and place is Self. In His All-pervading nature He is immortal, and thus Immutable.

    887. Huta-bhuk –“One who accepts the things devotedly poured as oblation into the sacred Fire.” These oblations which may be in the name or any devataa, are all received by Narayana in the form of that devataa because He is the One Infinite Self Who plays in and through all forms, worldly and heavenly.

    888. Bhoktaa –
    The One Who enjoys the world of objects-emotions-thoughts, through the equipments of body- mind-intellect is none other than the Self expressing through these ‘instruments-of-experiences’ as the individuality-constituted of the perceiver-feeler-thinker-ego.

    The term Bhoktaa also means “One Who Protects” (the Universe)-as He is the very material Cause for the entire world of names and forms.

    889. Sukha-dah  -“One Who gives the experience of Eternal Bliss to the devotees at their final spiritual destination-Moksha. As the term stands in the verse, some would read it-’ A-sukha-da’ in which case the nominative would mean: “One Who removes all the discomforts and pains of the devotees.”

    890. Naikajah -Na-’not’; Eka-’once’; Ja ,-born.’ One who is born not only once, but many times, in many Forms, to serve the devotees in His different Incarnations. In fact, all births are all His manifestations alone as he is the Spark-of-Existence in the Universe of inert matter. Through all equipments He alone is the One Consciousness that dances Its Infinite Glories.

    to be contd.............

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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