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« Reply #75 on: February 08, 2006, 08:18:31 AM »
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  • 365. Maargah – “The Path.” In order to realise the Highest which is the Nameless and Formless, human mind will have to first hold on to a divine form, and that is Lord Vishnu. He is the Way and the Goal. In short, “He is the One whom seekers of the Highest meditate upon in order to reach the Supreme.”

    366. Hetuh – “The Cause”. One who is the cause for the whole universe. He is at once the material-cause (Upaadaana Kaarana), the instrumental-cause (Nimitta Kaarana) and He who alone is also the efficient-cause in the creation of this universe. Hence, He is called The Cause.

    367. Daamodarah – This term has come to indicate the Lord because, He is One who is known through a mind which is purified (Udara) by means of self-control (dama) and such other qualities. According to Mahabharata, “We call Him as Daamodara as He is known by means of Dama.”

    Brahmapurana re-capitulates the incident in the early childhood of the Lord when He was tied with a cord (daama) round His waste (udara). This term can also mean “One in whose bosom rests the whole universe.”

    368. Sahah – “All enduring”. The Lord is One who has patience at everything, and is One who readily forgives all the defaults of His sincere devotees.

    369. Maheedharah – “The Supporter or the Bearer of the Earth”. Since He is the very essence in the universe as its material-cause, He is the One who supports all forms in the universe. The Lord supports the world, just as gold ‘supports’ the ornaments, the cotton ‘supports’ the cloth, the ocean ‘supports’ the waves.

    370. Mahaa-bhaagah - He who has extreme beauty in all His limbs, or He who is ever fortunate, or fie who gets the greatest share (Bhaaga) in every Yajna.

    to be contd.......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #76 on: February 09, 2006, 03:53:42 AM »
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  • 09.02.2006

    371. Vegavaan –“He who is swift”; One who is the fastest in reaching the devotee the moment his loving heart remembers Him. By import it means that He is All- pervading, therefore, He is the fastest, inasmuch as “nothing can ever overtake Him.”

    In the Isavasyopanishad He is indicated as swifter than the mind- (Manasojaveeyah).

    372. Amitaasanah –“Of endless appetite.” This should not be taken literally, but it only means that the entire world of plurality projected by the mind, merges back when the mind is transcended at the time of the experience of the Self. Just as we can say that the waker swallows the dreamer, the Higher Consciousness, with an infinite appetite, as it were, swallows the Infinite Cosmos; hence figuratively, He is considered as ‘the Great Consumer’ of the whole world of plurality during involution (Pralaya).

    373 Udbhavah –“The Originator” The Lord is the material-cause from which the entire universe arises and, therefore, He is the origin for the Cosmos, or it can mean to indicate, “One who is again and again born as the endless jivas under the urge of their individual vaasanaas”.

    374 Kshobhanah –“The Agitator” If the Self were not in the equipments, the equipments will not get agitated -will not pursue their functions The Atman, the Pure Consciousness is that which thrills and agitates both the matter (Prakriti) and energy (Purusha), and causes the manifestation of the living entities (jives), who, with their actions, constitute the dynamic aspect of the world. If the Self is not there, there can be no movement or expression of life; everything would have remained completely inert and insentient. He is the Lord who thrills the world and makes it so beautifully palpitating with life. Hence, He is called as the Agitator (Kshobhanah).

    375 Devah –“One who revels is Deva. This term ‘Deevyati’ in Sanskrit also means ‘to conquer’, ‘to shine’ and ‘to praise’ Therefore, Lord Vishnu is rightly called as Derah because He sports through His play-the great Creation-Sustenance-Destruction-play, He functions in all Beings as He shines as the Universal Consciousness; and He is praised by all the devotees Svetasratara Upanishad indicates “there is only one Deva”.

    To be contd....
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #77 on: February 09, 2006, 08:46:21 AM »
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  • 376 Sree-garbhah - “Containing all glories within; One in whom are all glories (Aisvarya)” The glory of the Lord is the universe and this universe resides in Him, and therefore, all powers and glories that are manifested in the universe are also ever in Him.

    377. Paramesvarah - The Supreme (Parama) Lord (Isvara). The fanatics generally interpret the word to mean as “the only Lord”, in the sense that all other concepts of God are wrong. The large-hearted, tolerant Rishis of old, could have never meant such a meaning. It could only mean “that He is the Supreme Consciousness whose expressions are all the deities”. The term Isvara indicates both might and glory. Therefore, Paramesvara means “One who is Omnipotent and All-glorious.”

    378. Karanam –“The Instrument.” That which is most useful in fulfilling any piece of work is called the tool or the instrument. For the creation of the world He is the instrumental-cause (Nimitta Kaarana).

    379. Kaaranam – “The Cause.” By the earlier term it was indicated that He is the instrumental-cause (Nimi- tta Kaarana) for the whole universe. Here now, by this term, it is indicated that He is the very material-cause (Upaadaana Kaarana) of the universe. Since the term directly means only “the cause”, it can mean not only the material cause, but also it can suggest the instrumental-cause. In the former case it would mean “He from whom the whole universe arises”, and in the latter sense, the term is interpreted by some commentators as “He who causes the universe to emerge out”.

    380. Kartaa – “The Doer”. He is the One in whose presence alone all activities are possible, and hence by a transferred epithet, though the doings all belong to the equipments, the Self is called as the “Doer”. One who can freely perform all the functions of creation, sustenance and destruction, is the “Doer”.

                                                       TO BE CONTD......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #78 on: February 09, 2006, 10:16:10 PM »
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  • 10.02.2006

    381. Vi-kartaa –“One who creates the infinite varieties that constitute the universe.” It can also mean, “One who has created out of Himself, the endless self-manifestations of incarnations.”

    382. Gahanah –“The Un-knowable”. One who cannot be comprehended by any of the known instruments of knowledge; One who is not an object of perception, but is the very subject and the perceiver in all sense-organs.

    383. Guhah –“One who dwells in the cave of the heart” meaning “One who is the very core of every living creature.” He is concealed within the equipments and hence, He is described in our Scriptures as “One who dwells in the cave of the heart”. The Smriti describes Him as “This Lord, the Great Purusha, the Witness who dwells in the cave most secretively.” Mundakopanishad describes the Self as ‘Nihitam Guhaayaam’. Again, the Lord Himself says, “I am not readily perceivable by all as I am veiled by my own Maayaa “.

    384. Vyavasaayah  -“Resolute.” Being of the nature of Pure Wisdom, there is no vacillation in Him; all irresolution is at the level of the doubting mind and the unprepared intellect. The term ‘Vyavasaayah’ also means “Yoga.” In this sense, the term is used in the Geeta, “The intellect of one who is practising Yoga is single-pointed without vacillation.” Again, in the same chapter criticising those who are running after enjoyment and power, Krishna says, “those who are revelling in sensuality and consequently disturbing the poise of their intellect, cannot have a steady mind and consistent pursuit of Yoga.”

    To work persistently until the Goal is reached is resolution. “To steadily apply ourselves in continuously withdrawing ourselves from our identifications with the not-Self, until we come to apprehend and experience the Self”, is Yoga. Hence, commentators interpret ‘Vyavasaaya’ as “Yoga.”

    385. Vyavasthaanah –“The Basis or the Substratum.” The one who is the very Substratum for the entire pluralistic world; the One who orders the laws of the cosmos and administers those laws.

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    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #79 on: February 10, 2006, 08:47:04 AM »
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  • 386. Samsthaanah – “The Ultimate Authority, State or Goal.” He who absorbs unto Himself all the multiplicities of names and forms during the time of deluge. The One Source into which all perceptions, emotions and thoughts retire and merge at the time of deep-sleep. In short, it means “the One who integrates the plurality and absorbs it all unto Himself when the projections are ended at that time of transcendence.

    387. Sthaanadah – “One who confers the right abode.” Each living organism, “according to his actions and thoughts” gathers to himself vaasanaas and according to the vaasanaas, each individual takes his birth. Thus, the One who gives (dada) the appropriate abode (sthaana) to each individual (jeeva) is called Sthaanadah. In short, the Lord is the distributor of the fruits-of-actions.

    388. Dhruvah – “The stable; the Firm.” That which remains “the Changeless in the midst of changes”, “that which is Imperishable in the midst of all perishing”. The body, the mind and the intellect and the worlds interpreted by them are all variables and changeable. The Consciousness, which illumines all of them and makes us aware of them is, indeed, the “Changeless.”

    389. Pararddhih – “One who has Supreme Manifestations (Riddhi)”. The glory (vibhooti) of the Lord is expressed in His manifestations and there manifestations are indeed divine as the Geeta thunders, “the glories of the Self are indeed divine”.

    390. Parama-spashtah – “The extremely vivid.” He who is extremely clear to those who have conquered the agitations and all disturbing thought-currents of the mind through a successful pursuit of the practice of meditation. He being the very Self, nothing in fact is so ‘clear’, meaning, so self-evident, as the Pure Consciousness is in us. No experience in the outer world or in our subjective bosom would have been possible had it not been for the Light of the Self. Even the sense of individuality in us is but an image of this Awareness, which is the very Self in every living creature. It being thus the Absolute Subjective essence. It is described as “the most Vivid.”

    to be contd......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #80 on: February 10, 2006, 10:56:09 PM »
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  • 11.02.2006

    391. Tushtah –“The ever-Contented,” meaning “the One who is happy at the minimum offering of a devotee.” “I accept even if you offer some leaf or flower, or fruit or spoon of water, happily, if it is offered in love,” confesses Lord Krishna in the Geeta.

    The Self being beyond body, mind and intellect, it cannot have any of the sense of imperfections or incompleteness and as such, the All-full Self must be at all times, complete in Himself. Naturally therefore He is All-Blissful. Consequently, His Nature must ever be Supreme contentment.

    392. Pushtah –“One who is ever-full.” The Supreme Consciousness being All-pervading, He is Infinitely Full- nothing can we take out of It, nor can we add to It. It is Ever- full and, therefore, even when the manifestations emerge out from It, It is not less for it.

    393. Subh-ekshanah –“All auspicious gaze.” One whose very gaze brings streams of auspiciousness to the devotee. The Self-being beyond vaasanaas, one who realises the Self, goes beyond all sins. A devotee walking the very path and moving towards the spiritual contents, purifies himself from all sins, since he will be living a life not identifying with his body, mind and intellect.

    394. Raamah –“That which revels in every form or that in which all Yogins in their meditation revel. In Padmapurana, it is clearly defined, “in Him, who is Eternal Bliss, Pure Consciousness, and Endless, the Yogins revel.”  Therefore, by the term ‘Raamah’, the Supreme Self is indicated. The term can also mean “One who has a compelling charm about Himself. He who is the most Handsome.”

    395. Vi-raamah –“He in whom the creatures rest; The Abode of perfect rest”, having reached which, there is no return into the realms of experiences. That state is called Viraamah. Some commentators recognise in this term a meaning as, “He (Isvara) in whom the world of plurality merges during the deluge.”

    To be concluded....
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #81 on: February 12, 2006, 12:32:13 AM »
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  • 12.02.2006

    Hope everything at Subhdhra dear's end is right.  It was her turn to post these 5 names.  Anyway I am posting instead.

    396. Virajah –“Passionless.” “One who is not associated with the agitations (Rajas) of the mind.” The mind gets agitated when it identifies with the sense-objects of the world outside. The Atman, the Self, in its Pure Nature, has no such identifications, and, therefore, He is recognised as ‘passionless.’

    397. Maargah –“The path.” There is no other way to know Him. For complete liberation, there is no way other than realising the Self, Sree Narayana.

    398. Neyah –“The Guide”, the “Conductor.” He who guides and ultimately takes the seeker to the Reality is Lord Narayana, the Saguna Brahman. Through surrender to Narayana, the devotee develops the integration within and when fully integrated, he becomes the meditator and through meditation, the Highest is achieved. Therefore, Vishnu is indicated here as the “Conductor.”

    The term can also mean “One who is fit to be conducted to the Highest.” The individual-ego .is that which tries to realise its own real nature, the self. The very individuality (Jiva) who is fit to be led towards the gateway to the Higher Consciousness is the One that has removed its false attachments and is held in animated joy, in meditation. In essence, such a jiva is nothing other than the Supreme, and, therefore, the Supreme is thus called as the Jiva.

    399. Nayah –“One who leads.” When such a true devotee slowly and steadily gains his detachments from the outer world he moves himself more and more into the Higher and Subtler states of Consciousness. The one who leads such a seeker is again the grace of the same Self-Atmabala.

    400. A-nayah -If the ego is led by the Lord (as Naya) to the Highest, then when once the Supreme State is reached, It has none to lead or guide It. The Lord guides all, but there is none to guide Him. This is because He is All- pervading and, therefore, He needs no guide to lead Him to Himself, as He is everywhere at all times.

    To be Contd....
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #82 on: February 12, 2006, 08:13:14 PM »
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  • Ramesh ji thanks for your concern.

    Had been to Atlanta and had good darshan of our  Shirdi Baba Sai.

    401. Veerah –“The Valiant.” One who, by His prowess; creates the fear in the minds of the Rakshasas.

    402. Saktimataam-sreshthah –“The best among those who have power.” All powers that are available, have been classified under three types: the power-of -Knowledge (Jnaana-Sakti), the power-of-Desire (Icchaa-Sakti) and the power-of-Action (Kriyaa-Sakti). All these powers are expression of the Self in the intellect, in the sub-conscious mind and in the physical body, respectively. Naturally the Self is the best among all other kinds of powers inasmuch as, all powers are expressions of this Great Self.

    403. Dharmah -This term is used in Hinduism in thousands of different shades that, to the early student, the meaning of this term is lost in confusion. Dharma of a thing is that because of which the thing is, without which the thing is not.” This term, Dharma, has, therefore, been translated as “the Law of Being” -the Dharma of the Sun is light; the Dharma of the Fire is heat, the Dharma of Sugar is sweetness. What then is the Dharma of the individual? The essential Dharma of the individual can only be the self, because, without which is the individual cannot exist, and the individual’s expressions, physical mental and intellectual, are all expressions of the self through the equipment in Him. Thus “Dharma” means the only self in all individuals.

    This is essential Dharma in anything is that which supports the things and, therefore, the self which is essence everywhere, is considered as the very one which supports everything.

    404. Dharma-vid-uttamah –“One who is the highest among men of realisation.” All those who know the Reality are knower among all knowers of the self.  

    405. Vaikunthah –“One who prevents men from going astray into wrong paths (Vikunthah).” In Mahabharatha it is mentioned, “I united the Earth with Water, Space with Air with Fire, hence, the name ‘Vaikunthah’ has come to Me.

    to be contd.....


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #83 on: February 13, 2006, 12:30:11 AM »
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  • 13.02.2006

    406. Purushah –“One who dwells in all bodies (Puris).” In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3-4-1) it is said, “because He as the first (Poorva) of all of them consumed (Aushad) by fire all sins, therefore, He is called Purushah.” In short, He is the One Self which thrills all living creatures everywhere at all times.

    407. Paanah –“One who is the form of ‘Praana’ exits in the body, propels all sense organs to act in their appointed fields, it is the Lord Vishnu that activates the body as the 5 praanas, is found in the Vishnupurana. As Praana, He causes movements.

    408. Praanadah –this can mean “One who gives ‘Praana’ or as one who takes away ‘Praana’, because, the root ‘da’ has both the meanings, ‘to give’ and to break.’ Therefore, Vishnu is the supreme who gives Praana to all creatures in the beginning of the creation, and He alone is again the one who destroys all the Praanaas (movements) at the time of the dissolution.

    409. Pranavah –“That which is praised or adorned by even the gods.” There is a declaration of Sanatkumara, “because it is being worshipped and adorned by the gods, the self is called as Pranavah. This great reality is indicated in Vedas by the symbol Om and, therefore ‘Omkaara’ is called as Pranava.  Thus the supreme self, ‘Omkaara’ is Vishnu.

    410. Prithuh –“The expanded.” He whose expanse is expressed as the world of infinite forms. In short, “He who All-pervasive.” Looking at the world, through Puranas, it suggests, “the one who is born as the king Prithuh, the son of the king vena –for bringing prosperity to the country, is Lord Narayana.”

    To be contd....

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #84 on: February 13, 2006, 08:55:22 AM »
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  • 411. Hiranyagarbhah – it is the term used in the Vedanta for the “creator”. He is the expression of the creative urge of the lord Narayana. “The Golden-egg” means here that from which all the objective world had emerged out, indicating the creator.”  The term thereby suggest that the entire creative power of the creator is but the expression of the Self, Narayana.

    412. Satru-ghnah – “the destroyer off he enemies.” The lord is the one who annihilates all the enemies of the gods, meaning, He is the one who destroys all the negative tendencies in all serious seekers totally devoted to Him.

    413. Vyaaptah – “The Pervader.” The effects can never remain without the Cause; the Cause is concurrent and inherent in it, effects. And thus, the world that has risen from the Infinite, should be pervaded by the Infinite. He who thus pervades everything is Narayana.

    414. Vaayuh – “One who in the form of the atmospheric air, sustains all life everywhere.” He is not the air, but He is the life-giving rower in the air.

    415. Adhokshajah - Mahabharata says, “at no time My vitality flows downwards, and hence, I am called, Adhokshajah'. The term can also mean, “One who is not available for the powers of the sense organs to perceive.” Or, it can also mean, “He who remains under both the atmosphere and the earth as the Supporter of the entire universe.”

    to be contd......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #85 on: February 13, 2006, 10:06:51 PM »
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  • 14.02.2006

    416. Rituh –“Seasons”-Here it means. the Lord of Time, who governs the seasons.

    417. Sudarsanah -“One who is easy to be perceived if the seeker has sufficient devotion,” or “He whose meeting is auspicious inasmuch as it removes the seeker's worldly worries.”

    418. Kaalah –“One who measures the merits and defects in each individual, and who doles out the appropriate results.” Bhagavat Geeta says, “I am the Time of counting.” Kaalah is also the name of Lord Death, and in this sense, it can mean “the Lord, who is Death or Annihilation- personified to all His enemies.”

    419 Parameshthee –“One who is centred in His own infinite glory.” Or, it can also mean “One who is readily available for experience in the Supreme cave of the heart.”

    420 Parigrahah –“The Receiver” He who receives from His devotees even insignificant things as a leaf or a flower, with all satisfaction” Some commentators stretch the suggestion of the word and find a meaning in this term as “One who has been accepted as the Sole Refuge by all devotees.”

    To be contd....
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #86 on: February 14, 2006, 08:12:44 AM »
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  • 421. Ugrah – “The Terrible.” The One who gives fear to those who are diabolically evil”, or, as the Upanishad declares, “For fear of Him the fire burns; for fear of Him shines the sun; For fear of Him Indra, Vaayu and Death proceed with their respective functions,”-therefore He is the Terrible

    422. Samvatsarah – “The Year,” which is the abode of all living creatures. Time is spread in which creatures exist and gather their experiences.

    423 Dakshah –“The Smart” One who undertakes the creation, sustenance and destruction of the Whole Cosmos with ease and efficiency, diligence and promptitude,

    424. Visraamah – “The resting place;” “the Quiet.” That State wherein people who suffer in Samsar, can discover a perfect rest and quietude is the consciousness Supreme, Sree Narayana.

    425. Visva-dakshinah – “The most skilful and efficient.” All efficiency and skill that we find in the universe among the dynamic living creatures are all His expressions alone, and, therefore, He is the source of all skill and efficiency. Again, He is the One who is the very Creator and Preserver of the whole universe and He must be the most efficient Manager and Administrator among the living creatures.

    TO BE CONTD.......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    « Reply #87 on: February 14, 2006, 10:10:11 PM »
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  • 15.02.2006

    426. Vistaarah -The extension. The Lord is named thus because in the time of Pralaya, in Him the entire universe of names and forms comes to reside with ample accommodation for all of them. The term Vistaarah can also mean “manifestation;” since the Lord manifests in Himself all the universe.

    427. Sthaavarah-sthaanuh –“The firm and the motionless.” The Firm (achanchala) indicates that He has no movements, because He is All-pervading. Sthaanuh (motionless) means that He is fixed like “the pillars that denote the frontiers of a country” (Sthaanuh) .The terms here used are as one- word because the Lord is both these at one and the same time. He is not only All-pervading, and, therefore, no movements in Him (Sthaavarah), but he is also without any locomotion (Sthaanuh). Both these terms indicate the All-pervasiveness of Lord Vishnu.

    428. Pramaanam -The proof. He is the underlying principle of all intellectual arguments and for all scientific methodology, since He is the very Consciousness behind all discussions. Lord Narayana is the very authority behind all Dharmas and hence He becomes the essential Reality behind all (pramaana).

    429. Beejamavyayam –“The Immutable Seed.” Since the whole world has sprung from Him, He is the indestructible and changeless cause of the world. It can also mean “that without which the world can never be.” Hence He is the undecaying root of all things.

    430. Arthah -One who is worshipped by all; invoked by everyone. Lord Narayana is desired by all as He is the Paramaatman who is of the nature of bliss. Even the sensuous man running after the sense-objects is seeking the Lord in as much as he is searching for bliss which is the nature of the Self.

    To be Contd....
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    « Reply #88 on: February 15, 2006, 07:55:27 AM »
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  • 431. Anarthah - One to whom there is nothing that is yet to be fulfilled. This means one who has no desires, as He has fulfilled all His desires. So long as vaasanaas exist desires manifest. Where vaasanaas have ended there cannot be any desires and that state is the State of Self-realization.

    432. Mahaakosah - One who has got around him great sheaths. The Self in us functions through the five- sheaths such as the food-sheath, etc. Sri Narayana is one who, as the Lord of the universe (Jagadeesvarah), is conditioned by the macrocosmic sheaths of the universe, and therefore, the great Isvara is here indicated as Mahaakosah.

    433. Mahaabhogah - One who is of the nature of enjoyment (bhogah), He being of the nature of bliss. Also He is the one from whom the greatest bliss (bhogah) can be gained by the seekers. In short, the term indicates Him as one who gives the greatest happiness to all those who are devoted to Him.

    434. Mahaadhanah - One who is supremely rich with the wealth of bliss which he can give to His devotees. Vishnu is one from whom His devotees gain great wealth.

    435. Anirvinnah - One who has no nirveda. This term nirveda means “the sense of disinterestedness that comes to the bosom of one who could not fulfil his passionate desires in life.” The Lord is one who is griefless as He has no desires to fulfil. In His fullness and perfection, He has no more any desires to fulfil, and therefore, Sri Hari has no occasion to suffer from the sense of nirveda.

    to be contd.......

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #89 on: February 15, 2006, 09:58:54 PM »
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  • 16.02.2006

    436 Sthavishthah –One who is supremely gross. The entire cosmos being His form. He Himself is the universe, and as such in His total manifestation, He is supremely gross, Geeta says (Chapter XI-20) that the Lord spreads Himself covering the whole world and the atmosphere The Upanishad (Mundaka 1-4) also says how “the sky form' His head, the sun and the moon are His eyes.”

    437. A-bhooh -One who has no birth, or the one, baying realised whom, the seeker will no more have births Some people dissolve the line Sthavishthah + Bhooh. In that case instead of A-bhooh they give the Lord the name, ‘Bhooh’, meaning ‘earth.’ Just as the earth is the stage upon which the entire drama of life is being played, Sri Narayana is the substratum upon which the entire world of experiences is playing about.

    438. Dharma-yoopah -Yoopah is the name given to the post to which the sacrificial animal is tied in a yaaga The Lord is the very Post to which all Dharmas (righteousness) ace tied to This means He is the very essence behind all righteousness.

    439. Mahaa-makhah -The Great Sacrificer. Because the sacrifices dedicated to Him confer total liberation -(Nirvaana). Also in the Geeta we were told, “offer is Brahman, what is offered is Brahman, the fire is Brahman, the offerer is Brahman and the goal reached is also Brahman.”

    440. Nakshatranemih -The Nave of the stars. One who is the nave around which all the star and the planets including the sun, moon and other planets always move around. For this brilliant glowing wheel of Light, Sri Narayana is the very Axle.

    To be contd...
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी


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