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Inauguration of Shri Narasimhaswamiji Centenary Hall
« on: February 24, 2007, 12:28:38 AM »
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  • The Vice-President of India, Shri B. D. Jatti inaugurated His Holiness Shri Narasimhaswamiji Centenary Hall at Madras on January 7. 1975. The fallowing is the text of his speech which he delivered on that Occasion - Editor

    I am grateful to Shri Sai Padananda Radhakrishna Swamiji, President, All India Sai Samaj, Madras, for inviting me to inau¬gurate the Hall which has been constructed to commemorate the Birth Centenary of His Holiness Shri Narasimhaswamiji, whose unique life is a perfect example of how God's designs can alter the course of human life in the most unexpected manner.

    I was fascinated by the story of Shri Narasimhaswamiji's life. He was born in a fairly prosperous family which moved to Salem from Bhavani after his birth. He had a good home, a brilliant educational career, a lucrative practice at the Bar and a full satisfying and successful public life at Salem. He was an active co-operator, Chairman of the Municipality, member of literary societies, legislator and political worker. He was a fiery follower of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a member of the Indian National Congress and a member of Dr. Besant's Home Rule League. He had made substantial property through his profession and became a leading figure in the politics of the day. In this background one visualises a person amassing more and more wealth, becoming politically more and more important and rising ever higher in the social scale and ending his days in the full glory of material achievement and success. But as I have men¬tioned earlier the God's design is a mystery which no one can foresee. What happened was that through a divine alchemy, coarse metal was transmuted into pure gold. The man of the world was transformed into a saint, but it was a transformation that emerged from the anguish and pain of a terrible domestic tragedy. The wordless grief which overwhelmed Shri Narasimha-swamiji brought to him a feeling and later a realisation that he was meant to serve God and humanity and not continue the life of a man of the world however successful.
    Gradually, Shri Narasimhaswamiji renounced his activities and interests one by one. He gave up legal practice, politics and property and began a spiritual quest in the course of which he came across many men of God, notably Bhagawan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala and Upasani Baba of Sakori. He visited many places of spiritual significance including the Siddharudha Mutt of Hubli. Through the Upasani Baba's inspiration he was drawn to Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi who at the time of his Samadhi in 1918 was neither widely known nor well understood. Out of a variety of studies and sadhanas, Swamiji came to the conclusion that to pursue the quest of God through Bhakti, performing japa, Bhajan and Parayan in unquestioning faith, is a more effective spiritual approach than through research and discussion, study and speculation .in philosophy and metaphysics. And that became his way of life. He was lost in his devotion to Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi and was inspired to discover and record his glorious life for posterity. If Sai Baba, who was rather obscure in his own life time, became a living force and a "God who moves among men" in the last three decades, it was largely the result of Shri Narasimha Swamiji's endeavours. Today Sai Bhaktas are to be counted by the millions. He is the talisman against dangers, difficulties and doubts, and the hope and solace of the suffering.

    It was observed by Remain Rolland that the age-long history of the spirit of India is the history of a veritable galaxy of spi¬ritual personalities marching ever to the conquest of the Supreme Spirit. Shri Narasimhaswamiji belongs to that shining galaxy. May his grace, and the grace of Shri Sai Baba bless all.
    I  have  now   much  pleasure  in  declaring  open  the   Birth Centenary Hall of Shri Narasimhaswamiji.
    Jai Hind.

    Earlier Shri Saipadananda Radhakrishnaswamiji President, All India Sai Sama], Mylapore, Madras presented the Welcome Address to His Excellency Shri B. D. Jatti, Vice-President of India.
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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