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Author Topic: "HOW I BECAME A SAI DEVOTEE'! (Part-I)  (Read 4687 times)

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« on: February 19, 2007, 05:31:13 AM »
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  • By—B. K. DUBE

    District Small Savings Officer,  (Government of M.P.) At & Post. Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh)
    I take this opportunity to narrate my own heart-felt experience of Sai Bliss, Sai-Help, temporal and spiritual both.

    It was some-time in the year 1957 when (then I was a lad of 29 years), I was suffering from stomach disease and its further effect, I was bodily weakened, and mentally perturbed and dishearted Losing all hope with the medical treatment, my whole inner and outer senses were linked with God "Krishna", praying for cure of disease and recovery of mental peace.    Un-knowingly, with a continued practice, I always remained in solitude praying "Lord Krishna for immediate recovery.   Every day my practice was to remember and utter His name loudly at the time of going to bed and at the time of awakening in the early morn.

    One night, without any previous reference or even knowning who is Sai Baba (of course till August 72 I could not find out Baba, His Avatar, Teachings etc.) during morning hours, I had a dream. What I saw is that-there was a Saint having his head covered with a white cloth duly tied at the neck; with a small mustache and beard on the face and a Kupani (Angarkha as we call here in Madhya Pradesh on the body in sitting position, appeared on the vision.   Suddenly I woke up and uttered, "Oh !   He is my Guru."   "Here is my Guru. It was an instantaneous vision.   The image disappeared soon and the dream was over.

    The darkness was vanishing the day dawning, the birds cheering with the first joy of the day; and I was thinking as to who this Saint was ! and where can I find him ? Since I was living more lonely, did not even tell this dream-story to my family members.

    The days, months and the years passed on wherein I was very often recalling the  SAINT, His Image, and  the   dream-history, trying to go through all possible religious books and yearly issues of "Kalyan"Patrika to find out at least something about the Saint-of-the-Dream.   The days took turn, and after completing gradua¬tion, I was married in the year 1964.

    In the year 1970, I again came to Hoshangabad on transfer, having joined a new department of Government.   Here at one shop, while I was purchasing some things, I saw a garlanded picture of the same Saint-of-Dream.   I enquired of the shop-keeper and he replied "Sai Baba of Shirdi." By further putting some more questions, he could only say-Shirdi is located in Ahmadnagar Dist : of Maharashtra State. But this could not satisfy me. I became much more anxious to know more.   But who could tell ?   I could do nothing [except to wait and pray God for early discovery and darshan of "Saint Guru."    Since then the desire to have darshan and know more about "GURU" increased more profoundly.    Mean-while search through Books and religious friend-circle continued.
    It was in August 1972, that during my tour of Piparia town (within Hoshangabad District) one of my friends invited me at his home.

    I accompanied him. Having reached his house, he asked me to have Darshan of Sai Baba first. I questioned -Which Sai Baba ? and he replied "Sai Baba of Shirdi." With a thrilling heart and wonder-struck mind I got in the Puja-Graha. And Lo ! Here Sai Baba !! I was then perceiving the same Saint of my Drea I took Darshan with the heart beating heavily, lips stunned, and eyes wide-open. After some minutes, it came to my mind that at least with the Grace of Guru Himself, I could find Him out. With great joy and heart-felt cheerfulness I prostrated before my "Shri Guru Maharaj." And with this my heart was filled with immense joy happiness, slight satisfaction and mind full of curiosity and eager| to know more. My friend-Sai-Devotee-then gave me some Vibhuti and Prasad and we came out. Then held an hour long narration about Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. The Sansthan and the way to reach; I also had a chance to go through rapidly, some of old magazine Sai Leela and Shri Sai Sat charitra. We concluded with full contentr His content was to have made known something about SAI BAI to the most needy-A Devotee-and mine was to have known about Him and that I was brought on the right path by the Grace of Satguru. We then departed.

    The next day I returned to Hoshangabad (head quarters) and I the first time told the story of "Sai Baba in Dream" to my wife and expressed my innate desire to visit Shirdi Tirtha.   Also that I ha come to know Sai Baba,   My wife at first did not take it so serious and was also not knowing what can be the emotional desires of devotee.   Again  there was a discussion about Shirdi visit and she expressed her intention also to accompany me.   I urged the need of first visiting myself and afterwards with all members of our family) I was very earnestly bowing and praying BABA whole-heartedly, tt permit me to visit Shirdi and have Darshan there.   The love for Baba, the devotion, the zeal and force of desire cannot be expressed in words.   It can be felt only.
    It was with the grace of Sai that I started for journey on Tuesday from Hoshangabad in October 1972 and next day very comfortablr.

    I reached Shirdi. It was my first experience and I was observing minutely nearness of Shirdi with great curiosity. Having reached.

    I there I was allotted a room to stay with a partner. I took both and went in for Darshan with coconut prasad and garlands. The statue of Sai Baba was before me.   Again with thrilling heart filled with joy and greatest gratitude I prostrated before Baba and presented Prasad Coconut.

    Feelings were whirling in my mind that it was only with the grace of Baba that this fortunate day could be seen after a lapse of about 15 years of Baba's first vision.

    Because none could visit Shirdi if it is not allowed by Baba Himself.

    In the evening I went on to have Darshan of Baba's Lila-places-Chawadi, Dwarka Mai, Lendi Bag etc. to my fullest satisfaction. This lay and the next day I joined the Mid-day and evening Arti in which room partner was a guide for me. He visited Shirdi several times. Since it was revealed by the room-partner; I stayed on for Thursday and got the un-matchable opportunity to join the "Palki-procession" from Samadhi Mandir to Chawadi in which I was also given the chance to lift up Baba's Palki and to carry it to some steps. The whole procession and its performance fully bathed in utmost Devotion and surrender towards "SAI BABA" (as I felt it) attracted me to such an extent that I forgot myself for some time. During my past life nothing could be so alive a juncture than this Shirdi-Visit (nearness of Sai Baba).
    While again prostrating before Him I prayed and requested Baba relieve me of mental worries.   I also prayed to bestow me with a male child (son).   If this could be fulfilled I shall bring him (son) to place him at His feet.    This day I took prasad and Lunch in Common Bhojan-Graha. Next day  was last darshan of Sai Baba (of this Shirdi visit). I prayed Him to grant me permission for return journey and took Udi and Tirth. The given "Boon Flower" was also tak< Jiome. Meanwhile I purchased "Shri Sai Satcharitra" (Hindi version and other available literature written by Shri Dassganu Maharaj and Shri Narsingha Swamiji. Photographs of Baba were also brought home. From the day I returned home, we have started worshipped Sai Baba with full faith in Him as "God Almighty." Since then every morning and evening Puja is performed by either of us. I studied the books brought from Shirdi. Shri Sai charitra is a holy book for us and is regarded and read out/ over with the same spirit and devotion as Shri Ramcharitmanas in our family, (in this part of northen India.)

    Within two months my wife became pregnant. She then urged to visit Shirdi and have Darshan of Sai Baba.    Meanwhile my father in-law, through us knew about "Baba and His Grace" and he desired to accompany us, if we might go to Shirdi.     It is with His Grace that we started for second visit-myself, wife, two daughters, father in-law and mother-in-law in the month of April 1973.

    This trip was also full of joy satisfaction and bliss as was previous one for me. My both daughters were impressed much and some times (now) the elder one performs Puja in our home with joy. Father-in-Law has also brought a photograph of Sai Babj "Sai Satcharitra" and they have also started worshipping Him.
    This time I became a subscriber of “Sai Leela” monthly magazine. We also had darshan of Bhagwan Khandoba and Samadhi Graha ofBhagat Mhalsapathi during this trip.

    This all m ade my whole family “Sai Devotee”. We have often been talking discussing Sai Leelas and the teachings hidden behind. The day of Baba’s boon was nearing and we were waiting anxiously.
    At last the day dawned and my wife gave birth to a male child (son) on 12th September 1973.   He did not come alone, but brought promotion.   I got the order of promotion before his birth and with easy terms to join at the present place of posting.   The whole family and the relatives were filled with immense joy and satisfaction which was all showered by Shri Samarth Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj.

    My heart immensely contented, filled with over-whelming feeling of experience of Sai-Grace, was re-calling: the beginning of devotion in the past, and further developments, the mightiness of Baba to confer temporal wants, giving opportunity to emerge with full devotion, to those whom He deems fit. For us Sri Sai Baba is still mercifully active in His form of omni-potent Omniscient, and Omnipresent. We are happy and pray Him confer us spiritual uplift when we deserve it.

    May ! all get, what they deserve, from Sri Sai Ram : (Shri Samarth Sadguru Sai Natharpanmastu)
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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