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Author Topic: SHRI SAI LEELA May—1974 CONTENTS  (Read 14533 times)

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« on: February 19, 2007, 05:38:19 AM »
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  • 1.      Editorial   " Guru "
    2.   Stories from Mahabharata SAVITRI     Shri D. A. Ghaisas

    3.   Saint Namdeo            Dr. S. D. Parchure

    4.   Science of Religion            Swami Chinmayananda

    5.   Kekavali by Moropant         Shri V. K. Chhatre

    6.   How I became a Sai Devotee      Shri B. K. Dube

    7.   Yogiraj Vasudevananda Saraswati   Shri S. N. Huddar

    Once the Cholera epidemic broke out in Shirdi. When the villagers complained to Shri Sai Baba in this behalf, he took the grind¬ing stone and ground wheat in it with his own hands. The flour was then spread over at the entrence of the village and the Cholera epedemic disappeared.

    ( Official Organ of Shirdi Sansthan)
    VOLUME 53               MAY 1974            No. 2
    Government—The Inner and the outer

    So long as the inner Government of the world can find something valuable in the outer Government for fulfilling some divine purpose, the outer form of Government remains infused with the power of the Almighty, the Prime and the Principle of all existence and the Government in its outer form has to realize this Divine purpose of our existence in order to be the true protector of its subjects. The Malik, the owner is He, who resides inside the individual and this whole apperent dualities. Identify Revered Sai Baba with that Swami, the Malik within, and govern your life from within the life of outward activity and inward meditation. Then you can be a source of Divine Power !

    Editor :
    Shri K. S. Pathak
    Receiver, Shirdi Sansthan of Shri Sai Baba
    Executive Editors
    Dr. S. D. Parchure, M. A. Ph. D.
    Shri Sadanand Chendwankar B. Sc. S. T, C. R. B. Pravin
    Annual Subscription   Rs. 6.00 Single Copy Rs. 0.60
    Office :
    Sai Niketan, 804-B, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Bombay.
    PIN 400 014. Tel : 443361

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