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« on: February 24, 2007, 12:58:59 AM »
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  • The devotees could never approach Baba unless he meant to receive them If their turn did not come, Baba did riot remember them. ('SRI SAI SATCHARITA')

    Saint Purandaradas is a household name in South India. He is the grand father of Karnatac Music, while Saint Thyaga-raju is considered the father of that form of music.

    The original name of Purandaradas was Srjnivas Nayakar. !-'He-was a multi-millionaire carrying on business in gold and dia¬monds. He was a confirmed miser. He spent his life in business and never for a second, thought of God. By the accumulation of merit of many previous births, his turn for acceptance by the Lord came. Panduranga (Vithal) of Pandharapur came to him, one day, as a Brahmin and requested him for charity for perfor¬ming the marriage of his daughter. Srinivas asked him to come the next day. When the Brahmin turned up the next day, Srinivas asked him to come on the morrow. Thus the Brahmin was made to come daily to Srinivas for six months. The Brahmin at last approached the wife of Srinivas and told her of his plight. The generous- wife presented the Brahmin with her diamond nose-ring worth some thousands of rupees. The Brahmin took the nose¬ring to Srmivas and offered it for sale. Srinivas immediately recognised it as his wife's and striking the bargain asked the Brahmin to-come the next day for the-money. He kept the nose¬ring in- his iron safe and locked it up and went home and asked his wife for the-nose-ring. The wife, who knew the temperament of her husband, went inside a room and wanted to end her life by taking diamond poison. Accordingly she prepared the poison and was on the point of swallowing'it, when Loj something fell into the cup making sound. When she put her hand into the cup, she found her own nose-ring. Tears of gratitude flowed from her eyes profusely and she heartily thanked the Lord for the timely succour. She took the nose-ring and gave it to her husband. The husband was frightened. He immediately ran to his shop, opened the iron safe and found the nose-ring missing. He was all the more dumb founded. He went home and asked his wife to tell the truth. The wife narrated everything in detail. The mental eye of Srinivas was opened. He now realised that the Lord himself came in the form of the Brahmin to redeem him. He recollected how he spent this precious human life in fleeting pleasures of the flesh and money. He was now a changed man by the grace of the Lord. He gave away his enormous wealth in charity to the poor and became a begger. He, with his wife, wandered from place to place singing the glory of Lord Vithal living on a begger's food. He brought the Lord numerous homes and created spiritual atmosphere wherever he went. He occupies a prominent place in the galaxy of the devotees of Lord Panduranga (Vithal.)

    Balasaheb Bhate spent his life even as a student in a wild manner. He was a confirmed "Charvaka" (atheist) having the motto "Eat, drink and make merry for, tomorrow we may die" which happens to be the essence of Charvaka Philosophy. He became, in course of time, the Mamlatdar of Kopergoan and earned the reputation of an honest and efficient officer. He was loved by the English Collectors and Commissioners of the day. Several friends of his, became devotees of Sainath. On their way to Shirdi, they used to stay with Bhate for the night or for a day. Bhate used to scoff at them for their devotion to Sai. The fri¬ends used to remonstrate. "If you only go to Sai, you will come to know what he is. Without seeing Him, without knowing Him, why should you criticise Sai and laugh at us". Bhate never took their remonstrances seriously and indulged in reveling i>ai and His devotees whenever an opportunity afforded. Things were going on like this for some-time, turing the course of his official tour of his Taluq, Bhate once happened to camp at Shirdi. Out of curiosity, with no serious purpose, he went to Dwaraka Mayi and sat before Sai. Sai, all of a sudden, covered his head with cloth. Bhate was at once transformed. All his vasanas and .samskaras (uatencies) were completely eradicated. He became a devotee of Baba and spent his life at the feet of Baba. As one affected by religious melancholia, he was prematurely retired and granted a pension by the then ruling Britishers. It is this Bhate that argued with Hemadpant of pre-destination as against free will. Bhate performed the obsequies of Baba along with Upasani Baba, after his Mahasamadhi. Every friend and acquaintance of Bhate was surprised at the transformation of this virtual Char-vaka into a great and staunch devotee of Baba. This transfor¬mation took place while Baba was in his mortal soil Baba similarly effected transformation in the case of a con¬firmed atheist some thirty six years after his Mahasamadhi.

    Gopichand is a famous man of letters in Telugu. His father was too well known as an athiest and he continued to walk in the foot prints 'of his father. In 1954, he was working as Direc¬tor of Publicity in the Government of Andhra at Kurnool His wife was admitted to the Govt. Hospital for confinement and it was found to be a case of hard labour. Three days passed and there was no relief, Gopichand spent restless days and sleepless nights. On the third day, he chanced to pass by the side of the Sai Baba Maodir constructed on the bank of Thungabhadra. In his deep anguish and distressed state, he addressed Sai, "people .say you are God, you possess vast powers and that you come to the rescue of the distressed If this is true, then come to my aid now and see that my wife has a safe and painless delivery. Then I will believe in your Omnipotence". So thinking he wended his way to the hospital.

    By the time he reached the hospital he found that his wife had an easy and safe delivery. She gave birth to a male child. A little later, when he met his wife in the confinement room, she told him that an old man with a beard and angarkha and a satka came and sat on her bed and said "My dear child, don't worry, I have come to give you relief. You will have a painless delivery here and now". "So saying he applied Udi on my forehead & made me dri&k water mixed with Udi. No sooner did I drink the water than I delivered this child. I have no pains now. I am now safe and alright." Gopichand asked the time when the old man came to her. She told him of the time. Gopichand was then convinced that Sai appeared before his wife immediately after he threw the challenge mentally and was con¬vinced of the Omnipotence of Lord Sai. He mentally bowed and thanked Sai for the timely succour given to his wife. The greatful father named that child as Sai Baba. All those who knew him felt the shock of this tremendous transformation. Gopichand passed away a few years back, his son, Sai Baba is now a grown up young man.

    The spiritual history of India is replete with such conversions and transformation. No body knows when the grace of the Lord descends on man and effects the transformation. Without His grace, no spiritual progress can be achieved. It is because of overflowing grace of Sainath that we have become His devotees. Let us, therefore, strive hard to merit his grace and progress further on the spiritual path till the goal of self-realisation is reached.

    Let me conclude with what Hemadpant says in his "Sai Satcharita". "Baba's speech established its efficacy or greatness while he was living in the flesh, but wonder of wonders, it did the same even after his passing. Baba said, "Believe me, though I pass away, my bones in my tomb will give you hope and con¬fidence. Not only myself but my tomb would be speaking, mov¬ing and communicating with those who would surrender them¬selves wholeheartedly to me. Do not be anxious that I would be absent from you. You will hear my bones speaking and discussing your welfare. But remember me always, believe in me heart and soul and then you will be most benefitted".

    P. V. Satyanarayan Sastry    B. A.
    Retired Tahsildar, GUNTUR 1 (A. P.)
    सबका मालिक एक - Sabka Malik Ek

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