There are forces of "externality," -of outer, superficial, tangible things which invade and oppress true spiritual life : and civilization moves on mercilessly away from the "freedom" and "light" of the Spirit. An increasing number of men and women move on to "annihilation" of their true "selves," - Atman being crushed more and more, in the tumult and tyranny of things. The time is coming when the spirit of Krishna will re-conquer adkarma, materialism, unrighteousness, cults of pleasure and pride. The thought will grow in the coming days that man must not be a slave of his social and economic environment. Man is creative. History has a meaning, for man's quest is for -a creative life. Men, it is true, find themselves dwelling, again and again, in the night. But as Blake said :- "God appears! And God is Light!*' And "God is Love and Infinite Mercy!"