During my very first visit to Shirdi (in 1964) how I had the good fortune of having Baba's Darshan in live form has been described in my article in Sai Leela (Special 'Experiences' issue-October 72). In this article it is my pleasure to share with co-devotees, how Sai showered His affection on me when I visited Shirdi for the second time.
Round about Diwali 1972 our son became ill and his temperature rose to more than 104° F. It was then that we prayed to Baba to come to our rescue and we also took a vow that we will make a pilgrimage to Shirdi within a year. By Baba's grace our son was soon restored to good health. Due to some reason or the other we could not make a trip to Shirdi. As Diwali 73 was approaching we decided to go there as otherwise the stipulated period of one year would be over. Though we were somewhat afraid of undertaking the long journey with our new born 3 month old baby, we put faith in Baba and reserved the tickets t«n days in advance. But the baby started suffering from diarrohea and to our great concern she would not respond to the best medication. After waiting for 5 days, as there was no improvement in her condition, I had to cancel the reservations reluctantly and with a heavy heart. Miraculously however, purgings stopped within a couple of days. I once again booked the tickets for the same date and due to Sai's grace we not only had a very comfortable journey to and from Shirdi but also spent the happiest three nights at Shirdi. How much peace of mind we gained there, is not easy to describe
We reached Shirdi on Tuesday. On Wednesday night before retired, I prayed to Baba that He should enable me to wake up at 4 A. M. (Thursday) so that I may finish bath etc , and get ready to go to Samadhi Mandir before 5 A. M. in order to participate in Kakad Arati and Abhishek to Baba's Samadhi. I had most peaceful sleep and I was in deep slumber when all of a sudden I felt somebody's hand pushing my back and made me sit up on the bed. I was amazed and got up from the bed and put on the light. My wife and children were in deep sleep. Then lo! The temple bell struck four!! I checked up my watch and it was exactly 4 A. M. to the minute!!! Who ebe other than Baba could have waked me up? This experience of mine proved conclusively that, if we sincerely pray and surrender to Him, Baba will personally come down to render any kind of help to devotees. If the readers recall my earlier article, this is the author's second experience to the effect that Baba gives His Darshan in physical form to His devotees even now, 55 years after Maha-Samadhi.
As a further shower of His affection on us, Baba enabled us to secure the very first ticket for Abhishek, that is, we were the first to perform Abhishek and Archanana to Baba's Samadhi on Diwali day. On that night we had the good fortune to partici¬pate in Palki Seva (i. e., carrying Baba's Padukas and Satka in a palanquin from Samadhi Mandir to Chavdi and back). It was a wonderful sight to see some young men dancing with ecstacy in Dwaraka Mayi.
I consider myself to be very fortunate that Baba has been showering His most loving grace on me continually.
C. K. Ramanatha Chetty
Hyderabad 500027.