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Author Topic: Wil the EU fulfill the Revived Roman Empire?  (Read 515 times)

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Wil the EU fulfill the Revived Roman Empire?
« on: March 28, 2007, 07:26:09 AM »
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  • "Bible Prophecy — Eschatology"

    Most of you are familiar with the Second Coming of Christ. In Paul’s letters to the churches in Thessalonica and Corinth, he instructed them regarding the last days and what believers could expect. One day a “trumpet will sound from heaven” and the believers on earth will be called away. This event is known as the “Rapture.”

    I’m aware of the controversy that surrounds the Rapture. And I’m not going to give you my views in this writing. What I want to do with this paper is stoke you memory banks for a moment. With all the news surrounding the President addressing the European Union, I thought this would be a good time to revisit the role of a “revived western empire” which will be led by the Anti-Christ, according to Bible prophecy. Most of you remember hearing about a revived Roman Empire that the book of Revelation alludes to. In short, the Bible tells us that one day a world ruler with great power will arise to reign over a union of Western nations. Many Bible scholars teach that the revived Roman Empire is the EU. I certainly don’t know the future of the EU, but I do know that it is currently making world headlines.

    You might remember hearing about the EU in the news several months ago. The media noted that the EU was expanding and gathering in many of the old Eastern Block nations. Although the benefits for a consolidated Europe are many, nevertheless, the EU was having some unexpected difficulties. Some of the difficulties stem from Europe’s rich history of faith being ruled out in favor of a secular EU. For example, the EU had difficulty agreeing on the language of a preamble to their constitution. It seems that the hot topic of “separation of church and state” in America is not limited to America only. Early on the EU split over calls for a reference to God or Christianity in the draft constitution, casting doubts that an overall deal would be swift in drafting.

    According to one news source, foreign ministers from seven nations, including five of the EU’s new countries said that a reference to the “Christian roots of Europe” is a national priority in negotiating the constitution’s preamble. First it was Spain which backed a mention of Christian heritage, but later switched sides after their leadership changed with the election changes, resulting from the radical Islamists’ train bombing on March 11, 2004. Spain jumped ship after a change in government and backed France, which guards its long established secular traditions jealously. I have a feeling that the EU’s struggle with its preamble erasing of God is nothing more than a microcosm of its greater demise—leaving God out of the EU all together.

    Another difficulty with the EU is assimilation. Not long ago France banned Muslim female students from wearing headscarves. What was revealed during the uprising that followed was the determination of France to remain French. It seems that France, as well as other European countries are fighting the myriad of Muslim immigrants coming into their countries. Europeans don’t want to assimilate; they want to stay uniquely European. Throughout history the Germans, French, Dutch and even the Swiss had a sense of self, if not always a sense of purpose. Individual European nations do not have a history of subordination of self-interests to the general welfare, like America’s history. Past alliances were mostly formed to advance the self-interests of a state or states entering into those alliances. When those interests were served, the nation-states mostly continued as before.

    The EU is ripe for a powerful leader to advance himself by unifying the federation. A unified Europe will certainly exceed America in financial strength and market accesses. I don’t need to remind you that the revived Roman Empire alluded to in Revelation will be powerful because of its ruler and financial strengths. Here again, I’m not suggesting that the EU will host a Biblical antichrist; however I will say that we are living in the last days, and you need to be so advised. So keep your eyes on Jesus and a newspaper at hand because the EU is on the move.

    Pastor T.


    Writes daily devotions for his church congregation.
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