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Child Bible Study
« on: February 15, 2007, 04:42:24 AM »
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  •  is the academic-style study of the bible, a holy scripture of the Jews and the Christians. It can be considered to be a part of Theology. In earlier days, bible study was done at home or in religious schools and colleges under the guidance of a teacher. These days, there are modern colleges and institutions that provide bible studies for all kinds of students. Bible study is also offered as a course in some Universities in Europe. There are special missionary organizations that offer bible study courses.

    Bible study has two main objectives: 1) to teach the fundamentals of the religion and 2) to offer special qualification to the student to become a minister. Bible studies start from the basic provenance and authorship of the bible to a reflection of the teachings of the bible.

    Bible study is basically the interpretation of the bible, as it is considered to be the message of God. It is supposed to reflect about various aspects of life such as: Christianity, salvation, the church, and the meaning of life according to Christianity. The main objective is to make life more meaningful and worthy. It is supposed to teach the real meaning of God, money, shame, hope, mercy, tests, trials, suffering, faith, repentance, confession, sacrifice, faithfulness and so on. Bible study also teaches about relationships, responsibilities of Christians, church work, and the attitudes and commitment required for being a good Christian.

    Bible study for children is especially important as they learn to be spiritual right from childhood. There are many courses specially designed for children. These courses contain stories from the bible, narrated in an interesting way for easier understanding. These stories contain morals that can be imprinted on young children\'s minds for ever.

    There are also online child bible studies which are very interactive as well. They have interesting puzzles, quizzes, other games and colorful animations, which make the study more appealing. These are also available in the form of CDs, cassettes or e-books or they can be viewed online over the Internet.


    Free Bible Study provides detailed information on Bible Study, Free Bible Study, Online Bible Study, Child Bible Study and more. Free Bible Study is affiliated with How To Pray The Rosary.


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