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Consecrate and Cross On Over
« on: June 12, 2007, 07:50:53 AM »
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  • I can imagine the Israelites standing on the bank of the Jordan River, ready to cross over to Canaan, their promised land.

    They are full of faith and excitement as a result of the magnificent promise from their God, but anxious and uncertain about what lies ahead.

    Then Joshua speaks with authority and conviction, having heard from the Living God.

    He tells God’s people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you” (Joshua 4:5).

    There comes an appointed time in the life of every believer – who knows, you may be there today – when God leads you to the edge of your Jordan River. On the other side lies the future God has promised to you. It could be stability, a healthy marriage, a jump in your career, a fresh anointing or a redeemed self-esteem. God has "amazing things" planned for your life!

    Behind you is the wilderness of your past…the wandering, the grumbling, the fear, the bitterness, the disappointment, the sin. You stare across the cold, rushing river to the other side, which is obscured in the distance.

    Consecrate ourselves? My friend, the journey to the other side will most likely require something of us.

    “Lord, you mean I can’t take this anger and bitterness to the other side?”

    “Lord, I only do it every once in a while, and no one else knows about it!”

    “Jesus, it’s not gossip! It’s sharing in love!”

    “Father, I know it's a little trashy, but it’s the only television show like that I ever watch. I’m strong enough to resist temptation.”

    Let's take a step into the water and let him wash that stuff away, because none of it can cross over with us.

    Before getting overwhelmed, take another gander across the river. He’s made some incredible promises to you! Your Canaan is just on the other side of this river, and God has promised to miraculously part the water so you can cross.

    “Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God” (2 Cor. 7:1).

    You don’t trudge across this valley alone. Remember, Joshua commanded the priests to carry the ark of the covenant before the people. You have his presence to lead and guide you. You don’t move forward in your own power.

    The work he does in each of us will be accomplished not by might, not by power, but by his Spirit (Zech. 4:6).

    In his incredible book, “Loose That Man and Let Him Go!” Bishop T.D. Jakes describes the Jordan River experience as the place “you align yourself with God’s purpose. It puts to death every diversion that keeps you from the place God has designated as your dwelling place.”

    I don’t know about you, but there is no hidden sin, attitude, weight or distraction that is worth hindering where God wants to take me. Lord, please convict us of those things that keep us from becoming all we can be in you!

    His favor has surrounded us firmly and securely like a shield (Psalm 5:12), and we are moving forward. Today we throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles (Heb. 12:1).

    So step out, the waters have parted. Let’s fix our eyes firmly on Jesus and the place of wholeness, victory and abundance on the other side.

    Tomorrow he will do amazing things among us!


    John Tyler is a Houston-based writer and public relations professional who publishes an online column on Christian living. Be Transformed! Vist

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