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Re: Guru is necessary for a man
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2005, 09:03:22 AM »
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  • Why a Guru ?

    Hindu scriptures have extensively extolled the virtues and role of the Sadgurus and Gurus. In Buddism, Jainism and Sikhism also, the role of the Gurus in evolving the devotees, in ushering in a better social order and their spiritual and miraculous powers has been accepted. In Christianity and many other religions in the world the divine role of these magnificent personalities, variedly known as Apostles, Perfect Masters, Masters, Qutubs, etc. has been accepted.

    Ever since the human civilization developed its consciousness, there always have been some who opened the treasures of knowledge in different fields of knowledge including the spiritual field. The methods of imparting such knowledge have not always been in a formalized manner. That is why the parents, who teach the infant to grow are held as the first Gurus of the child and are held in the highest esteem in Hinduism. The parents have been eulogized in the Hindu literature and scriptures.

    Thus, in the formal systems of education starting from the stage of Baby sitting in a nursery to the stage of super-specialization in any field, imparting knowledge has been made the responsibility of the teachers, Professors, etc. The Hindu society, in earlier times also had a formalized educational system under the Gurus. We had Gurukula Ashramas. However, the modern education system does not prescribe for such Gurus.

    The difference is that whereas in the earlier Hindus system of education a lot of religious sanctity was attached to these Gurus, in today's society, the religious sanctity is not there. The Gurus of the past have been depicted as highly honorable personalities of a lofty nature.

    Besides opening the different vistas of knowledge, the teacher or the Guru is supposed to be a role model for the pupils. Even today, good teachers are highly appreciated by the students and the society.

    Thus the "Guru" has been a universally accepted and respected concept of the society from whom the society drew wisdom. In a way one can say that a society will be what its teachers are. History lends evidence that the best societies of the world had the best teachers and the worst societies had the worst teachers or Gurus.

    However, except the spiritual Guru, the job of the other Gurus ends with the imparting of knowledge in certain fields.

    The role of the spiritual Gurus or Sadgurus is much more expansive and is much above the ordinary Gurus. A Sadguru or Guru is a unique phenomenon of nature. The Kulgurus, Siksha Gurus, the Mantragurus, etc. impart knowledge within their limits.

    The Sadguru, on the other hand using his spiritual powers can evolve the human souls by leading them through a path of piety, discipline and conduct. Not only this but by awakening the inner spiritual potentialities of the pupils or devotees through a method called 'Shaktipaat' they prepare the devotees to become the instruments of God to serve others. Whereas in the formal system of education, the teachers are paid for the duties they perform, in the spiritual field these highly evolved beings do not want any material returns. The only thing they seek is evolution of the souls of the devotees so that they became the agents to carry out Gods will.

    When they take care of any devotee, they give them training through a series of direct experiences. Therefore, formal education when compared with the knowledge imparted by the Gurus is very limited.

    It is basically meant for giving knowledge, skill and an attitude (an exercise in the personality building of the students). Such teachings are basically meant to carry-out a liveli-hood or to enhance their intellectual creativity in a certain field. The Sadgurus however, give direct knowledge through a chain of experiences leading to the purification of the souls.

    These Masters are themselves evolved souls having gone through a process of evolution through a series of births and deaths and therefore, are competent enough to lead the devotees in the path of God realisation.

    Some people have a wrong concept that these Gurus, who sometimes do not adorn the garb of a modern man, are unintelligent and emotional propagators of an imaginary concept of God. What they fail to understand is that an evolved species of the human race will not be governed by the rules of a society which they had left far behind in time. Further, their consciousness is highly evolved to comprehend any issue on which their consciousness is focused. Their powers of concentration and performance are the highest and their brain capacity is immense.

    Every human being not only wants to learn the biggest things of life but also the smallest ones. To get the best results from such teaching some factors are essentially required. They are; the time spent both by the teacher and the pupil together, the eagerness of both the student and the teacher to learn and teach respectively, the emotional relationship between the teacher and the pupil and most important of all, the capacity of the pupil to receive the teachings.

     When one wants to specialize in only one out of the thousands streams of knowledge, one spends a considerable number of years in different academic institutions. From this one can imagine how much of time it would take to learn and practice spiritualism and what quality of relationship is required between the Guru and the disciple.

    It is because of this reason that, in the early Hindu society, the pupil (Sishya) and the Gurus used to live together for a number of years tied in an emotional bond.

    The outer forms of societies may go on changing but the inner spiritual essence of the human beings always remain the same. The real Spiritual Masters of today are playing the same role but in different forms, adapting to the existing societal ethos. All the creations of God are changeable but the essence of divinity never changes. Therefore, the vital and divine role of these Sadgurus, the agents of knowledge and compassion will never change. Human society will always need them.

    (Gurupoornima message from Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathyji )  

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #16 on: December 28, 2005, 05:33:38 PM »
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  • T h e   N e e d   F o r   G u r u

         For a beginner in the spiritual path, a Guru is necessary.

    To light a candle, you need a burning candle.

    Even an illumined soul alone can enlighten another soul.

    Some do meditation for some years independently.

    Later on, they actually feel the necessity of a Guru.

    They come across some obstacles in the way.

    They are unable to know how to obviate these impediments or

    stumbling blocks.

    Then they begin to search for a Master.

    Only the man who has already been to Badrinath will be able to tell

    you the road.

    In the case of the spiritual path, it is still more difficult to

    find your way.

    The mind will mislead you very often.

    The Guru will be able to remove pitfalls and obstacles, and lead you

    along the right path.

     He will tell you: "This road leads you to Moksha (liberation);

    this one leads to bondage".

    Without this guidance, you might want to go to Badrinath,

    but find yourself in Delhi!

    The scriptures are like a forest.

    There are ambiguous passages.

    There are passages which are apparently contradictory.

    There are passages which have esoteric meanings, diverse

    significance, and hidden explanations.

    There are cross-references.

     You are in need of a Guru or Preceptor who will explain

    to you the right meaning, who will remove doubts and ambiguities,

    who will place before you the essence of the teachings.

     A Guru is absolutely necessary for every aspirant in the spiritual


    It is only the Guru who will find out your defects.

    The nature of egoism is such that you will not be able to find out

    your own defects.

    Just as a man cannot see his back, so also he cannot see his own


    He must live under a Guru for the eradication of his evil qualities

    and defects.

    The aspirant who is under the guidance of a Master or Guru is safe

    from being led astray. Satsanga or association with the Guru is an

    armour and fortress to guard you against all temptations and

    unfavourable forces of the material world.

    All the sages, saints, prophets, world- teachers, incarnations,

    great men, have had their own Gurus, however great they might have


    Svetaketu learnt the nature of Truth from Uddalaka, Maitreyi from

    Yajnavalkya, Bhrigu from Varuna, Narada from Sanatkumara, Nachiketas

    from Yama, Indra from Prajapati; and several others humbly went to

    wise ones, observed strict Brahmacharya, practiced rigorous

    discipline, and learnt Brahma-vidya (the science of God) from them.

    Lord Krishna sat at the feet of his Guru Sandeepani.

    Lord Rama had Guru Vasishtha who gave him Upadesha

    (spiritual advice).

    Lord Jesus sought John to be baptised by him on the banks of the

    river Jordan.

     Even Devas (celestial beings) have Brihaspati as their Guru.

    Even the greatest among the divine beings sat at the feet of Guru


    A neophyte must have a personal Guru first.

    He cannot have God as Guru to begin with.

    He must have a pure mind.

    He must have ethical perfection.

    He, must be intensely virtuous.

    He must be above body-consciousness.

    Then alone can he have God as Guru.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #17 on: December 30, 2005, 09:00:00 AM »
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  • Guru-God

    'Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha! Guru is verily the Representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. A guru has to take on all the three functions of the trinity - Creation (of good qualities), Sustenance (of higher nature) and Destruction (of negative qualities).

    The true meaning of Guru is "One who dispels darkness of Ignorance". "GU" means " Darkness of Ignorance " and "RU" means "One who removes". The word Guru also means "One who is beyond Attributes and Forms". GU stands for Gunaatheetha - One who transcends the three Gunas ( Satva, Rajas and Thamas ) RU stands for Rupavarjitha - One who is formless. The One who is beyond all attributes and forms is none other than the Supreme Self who is resident within each of us.

    There are several instances where Great Avatars like Rama and Krishna, who had to submit themselves to their Gurus, Vasishtha and Sandipani respectively, for getting self- realization and that the only virtues necessary for such progress are Faith and Patience. The Guru-Shishya Parampara honours the teacher as God and promotes reverence for Vidya (knowledge). It inculcates humility in the student and respect and gratitude in him for the dispenser of knowledge. Other noble virtues like discipline, dedication, sense of duty, sacrifice and compassion also evolve with the Guru's help. He shows the Path of Enlightenment to seekers.

    In Sri Sai Satcharitra a seeker asks Baba: "Where to go?" Baba replies "High up". The seeker then asks "How to go there?" Baba answers: "Take a guide, he will take you straight to your destination, avoiding wolves, tigers and ditches etc. on the way. If there be no guide, there is the danger of your being lost in the jungles or falling into ditches." In Baba's words, No Sadhanas, nor Proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary.

    Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate." (Sri Sai Satcharitra Chap18/19) Sri Sainath also urged that bookish knowledge is worthless and added, "Let us do our prescribed duty and surrender our Body, Mind and Five Pranas (Life) to the Guru's feet. Guru is God, all pervading. To get this conviction, strong unbounded Faith is necessary." (Sai Satcharitra Chap 32) Neither the senses, nor the mind and intellect reach the Self. Modes of proof, such as Perception and Inference will not help us in the matter. It is the grace of the Guru that counts. The objects of our life such as Dharma, Artha and Kama are attainable with our effort, but the fourth object, Moksha (Liberation) can only be had with the help of the Guru.

    Having experienced that Sadguru Sainath is our Guru God; we should develop undiluted devotion with unshakable Faith in Him with utmost Patience. Let us purify our hearts to let the Divine dwell in it. Let us install God, our Sadguru in our hearts.

    (Contributed by devotee Sai Eshwari)  

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #18 on: January 02, 2006, 07:32:20 AM »
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  • Guru-God

    Narasimha Swami ji once said: "Poor Saadhakas (aspirants) struggling by themselves in their chambers and trying to steady their rambling thoughts resort to pranayama (a Yogic exercise involving control of breathing)".

    But in Baba’s school the panacea for all ills is Bhakthi and guru bhakthi.

    The Lord speaks to us through Guru and we should have intense faith in our Guru. One should be able to see Guru-God everywhere and in everyone.

    Thus one will see Guru-God as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

    This means one should convert Guru’s finite form into infinite form. The elevated souls who are called "apantaratmas" like Baba and Ramakrishna always live in God.

    They always think of the welfare of humanity.

    These great souls are present everywhere and they are all one.

    There is no difference between one saint and another.

     They have shown us different routes to reach the same goal.

    Their mere glance at us is enough.

    That will uplift us.

    Apantaratmas come into the world at the command of the Supreme Lord.

    By following any of them we can reach Supreme Goal.

    (From - Apostle of Love Sai Padananda by Sri Rangaswami Parthasaarathy)  

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #19 on: January 02, 2006, 09:17:35 AM »
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    "The Guru never dies because he lives in the disciple. That he may so live, he spends his life entering into the disciple in the form of his idealism, his ideas, his vision, his attitudes, his sense of val­ues. His aim and objective for living is to ceaselessly and continuously strive and work so that he may live forever in and through each and every one of his disciples. The bright light of a candle never ceases to shine once its flame has lighted another candle. It itself may be snuffed out, but it is already burning brightly upon another candle through another wick - the selfsame light.

    Ponder this well! You are the being through whom the Guru lives. This is an honour. This is a privilege. This is a great good fortune. It is also a responsibility ; it is a duty ; it is a truth to be known and kept in mind always : "I must be what the Guru has taught me to be. I must be what the Guru was".

    You must make the vibrant spirituality of the Guru live within you, the sublime idealism of the Guru live within you, the spiritual teachings of the Guru live within you. His loftiness and character and conduct should live within you. His divine nature and the divine way he lived his life should be relived in you. Looking at you, the world should understand the divinity of your Guru".

    If you revere some being, you would also wish to carry out his instructions and orders, to walk the way that he wants you to walk, the way that he has shown by his teachings as well as by his living. To live fully in accordance with, and not contrary to, his will, would be the genuine manner of showing reverence in a practical way.

    The devotee who has devotion and reverence for God does this. He tries his level best to live his life in accordance with the will of God. He does not go contrary to the will of God. Reverence and devotion and contrariness to His will cannot coexist. They cannot both exist at the same time in the same person. If there is reverence there is obedience. If there is reverence, there is the attempt to carry out His will in thought, word and deed. If we say that we revere and do not do this, then it means that there is something wrong. There is an essential inner contradiction.

    Similarly with the Guru. Our life should be a Guru - oriented life. Our life should be a life of harmony with his will and teachings. That would be, therefore, the way we express our reverence for the Guru. And that we should do daily. We should live a Guru - oriented life in close accordance with his teachings to us, not only daily but hourly from morning till night.

    We must be aware that this orientation in our life is one of the essential ingredients of discipleship. Then indeed all blessings will be ours. Then indeed, day by day, we will proceed and progress towards the goal. The Guru's teachings will find fulfilment in the disciple's living, and all blessedness will follow.

    To this end we must sincerely, earnestly and diligently strive without ceasing. Our supreme good and highest welfare lies in this. May the divine grace of the supreme and the benedictions of the Guru enable us to do so and live so.

    (Courtesy "THE VISION" July 2003)

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #20 on: January 03, 2006, 03:33:09 PM »
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  • Guru Is God
     The Need For Guru
           The insatiable spirit of inquiry, investigation and discovery to make life totally happy and worth living has led man to unravel many secrets of creation and to make his life more and more comfortable.   But, eclipsing all these achievements is the constant fear of old age, disease and death from which no mortal can escape; and all men are mortal! Evidently, man's quest remains incomplete as long as he cannot extricate himself from the clutches of mortality and attain eternal peace and bliss. How can he do it?
            God alone, who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, possesses these prerogatives of immortality and eternal peace and bliss. If, therefore, man wishes to acquire these qualities, he should attain Godhead.
            How can a mortal gain immortality? How can an ignorant man
    acquire knowledge?  It is only possible through the guidance of a teacher, who has already acquired that knowledge. Similarly, the mortal man should seek the guidance of one who has already acquired Godhead; that is; a Guru.

           Sri Hanumath Kali Vara Prasada Babu explains the difference between a Mahatma and a common man thus: Two copper wires one conducting electric current and the other without electricity, looks alike. But the difference can be easily felt on contact. Similar is the difference between a Satyaguru and an ordinary person. Guru should therefore be identified with the universal self and not with the mortal body. One who identifies his Guru with his mortal body can never hope to attain spiritual progress even after taking many births.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #21 on: January 03, 2006, 03:34:19 PM »
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  • Who is Guru?

            Obviously Guru is one who has attained Godhead. He is immortal, and is the very embodiment of peace and bliss. Not only that; he is capable of elevating man to Godhead. Maharshi VedaVyasa, Sri Sankara Bhagavatpadacharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhwa Charya, GuruNanak, Mahavir Jain, Gouthama Buddha, Ramakrishna   Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Jesus Christ, Mohammed and all such Gurus of different times and cults are those who attained Godhead and who took upon themselves the sacred task of elevating man to Godhead.

            Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi says "God and Guru are not different in reality. First a person thinks that there is a superior among all, knowing all powerful God to control his own and the world’s destiny and worships Him or does Bhakti. When he reaches a certain stage and becomes fit for enlightenment, the same God whom he was worshipping comes as Guru and from outside pushes his mind inside. While being inside as self, He draws him there from within. Such a Guru is needed generally though not for very very advanced souls. God, Guru and self are the same".

            Talking about the role of Sadguru, Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa once said "We should not consider our Guru to be a mere man. Before the disciple sees God, he sees the Guru who afterwards shows God, having himself been mysteriously transformed into the form of God. Then the disciple perceives that the Guru and God are one and the same. Whatever boon the disciple seeks, the deified Guru grants. The Guru even takes him to the highest bliss of ‘Nirvana’. Many people, after being tossed about for long, like the rudderless barge, in the shoreless ocean of ignorance, found in Sri Hanumath Kali Vara Prasad Babu such a Sadguru. A true master that he was, he took them all into his fold, showered unbounded love upon them and guided them step by step into the path of realization.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #22 on: January 03, 2006, 03:37:23 PM »
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    Guru (Master)  

               Guru is the God incarnate (Trinity)  

                  One who considers Guru as a mere mortal will never attain salvation.  

                  It is a sin either to listen or to say an insulting word about Guru.  

                  The Master or Guru is one who lets you know the truth.  

                  A sacred land is one where “Mahatmas” (holy-men) live  

                  The disciple who completely surrenders and entrusts all his cares to Guru is fortunate.

                  The sense of surrender is noble.

                  Guru is likened to a steamer, which not only crosses the ocean but helps others to cross the ocean of life.  


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #23 on: January 04, 2006, 01:48:24 PM »
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    On the question of the necessity of a Guru there is amongst many people a good deal of speculation.

    Some of them assert with vehemence that a Guru is not at all necessary for the spiritual progress of an aspirant and that his own personal effort is sufficient; others, with equal emphasis declare, that no spiritual progress in an individual, however hard he may strive for himself, can be possible except through the grace and guidance of a Guru.

    Before we discuss this important subject, it is essential in the first place to understand the true significance of the term "Guru"

    Guru is understood to be the awakener of the dormant spirit of the aspirant to the consciousness of the immortal Self or God.

    Guru is the guide and the leader.

    Guru is the Truth personified.

    Guru imparts the knowledge of the highest Truth, leading the thought of the aspirant to the comprehension of the deathless life.

    Guru is he whose life has mingled with God's life, who is intoxicated with the bliss of the external and whose heart is overflowing with compassion and love for all creatures and beings in the world.

    The touch, society or even a sight of such a great and illumined personality would at once bring a sense of indescribable relief to the struggling soul, and set him on the path of immortality, peace and bliss.

     What does the Guru say to the soul in tribulation? He exhorts:
    "Go within yourself and behold therein the splendour and glory of the eternal Truth.

    Therein resides your ultimate home of perfect release, happiness and peace. Therein find the life that never fades, that never changes, but ever blesses and sanctifies.

    Be in tune with that Reality, if you sincerely crave for the highest consummation of life". It is thus the Guru awakens you, and thereafter you are always awake.

    This is the real conception of a Guru.

    Now to return to our question, let us consider whether it is possible for a person to evolve physically, mentally or spiritually without the help of a teacher.

    It is admitted on all hands that development on the physical and mental planes requires the aid of a proficient guide or master. This is the law of nature holding true in all cases of mental and physical revival and progress of mankind.

    To flout or deny this universal law in matters spiritual is to deliberately ignore the lessons which his or her own experiences have held out.

    From the time the child is born until it departs this life, having passed through its various stages of growth to old age, it does inevitably become both the teacher and the taught.

    He who argues against the need of a teacher invariably assumes the role of a teacher himself. This is a paradox which he alone would be able to explain if he could.

    It is an incontestable fact that a great mother, a great professor or expert or a great saint is responsible for the enlightenment of the heart, head and soul of a human being.

    If we, with a clear vision, study the lives of all the great men and women of the world, past or present, we cannot fail to observe that a dominant power for good at the back of them had influenced and moulded their career.

    Sometimes, this power may have acted in such a subtle and mysterious manner that the recipients of it could hardly have recognised it. These cases of non - recognition are happily very few. It is these that contend that a Guru or a spiritual teacher is a superfluity.

    Based on this averment, many ignorant people, who have neither the initiative nor the humility for the spiritual adventure, parrot-like repeat the words of the above masters. They forget that by so doing they are also blindly and unconsciously accepting those great Ones as their teachers. But those who are distinctly alive to the transforming influence of a great Soul on them, which brought about a permanent change in their angle of vision from the ephemeral to the eternal valurs of life, boldly declare that without the healing and elevating touch of a spiritual teacher there is no hope for the de­luded soul.

    It is light of the above presentation of the problem, everyone who would take thought may judge for himself or herself whether a Guru is an absolute necessity or not for the progress of the soul towards God.

    (courtesy "The Vision July 2004)

    By Swami Ramdas

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #24 on: January 04, 2006, 02:55:07 PM »
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  • How Sai Baba Met His Guru, and Their Life Together

    Example of the profundity of Sai Baba and the symbolism of his

    speech [cf. 31]

    "Once I was arguing with three friends how to attain Self-realization.
          One said the Bhagavad Gita says "Raise yourself."
          The second said, "Keep the mind free from thought."
          The third said we would have to discern constantly between the Eternal and the transitory.
          The fourth said, "Let us surrender to a Guru in faith."
          As they roamed through the forest they met a labourer who warned them that they should get lost in the trackless thickets, and invited them to stay and share his food. But they rejected his offer and advice and walked on, only to lose their way in the vast, dense forest.
          The labourer met them a second time and invited them to share his food, but the same think happened. But as the four continued on their way, one of them felt hungry and went back and accepted a piece of bread from the labourer and drank some water.
          Then the Guru appeared. I bowed down to him reverently. He took me to a well, tied my legs with a rope, and suspended me head downwards from a tree that was growing beside it. My head was about a metre above the water, so that I could not touch it. My Guru returned four or five hours later and asked me how I was getting on. I answered that I had passed my time in great bliss. He was delighted with me and embraced me, passing his hand over my head and body. He made me his disciple.
          I loved to gaze on him. I had no eyes except for him. I did not want to go back." [14-16]


    "The whole story is symbolical." - Arthur Osborne. [16]
    The forest is the mind.
    The four friends are four modes of approach.
    The labourer is the Guru
    The food offered is the Guru's grace.
    The appearing Guru is a real Guru.
    The sadhana (Way) stands for absorption of the Guru inside.

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #25 on: January 04, 2006, 03:01:34 PM »
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  • Sai Baba - the guru of gurus


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #26 on: January 06, 2006, 08:39:04 AM »
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  • The Sadguru or Perfect Master or Qutab or Adept as he is called

    differently, is the pivotal point in the administration of the

    perceptible and the imperceptible universe around us.

    In fact the word ‘Qutab’, itself means pivot.

    Many visible and invisible activities stretching to aeons of time

    are conducted by these sadgurus or masters working in unison with

    each other for the evolution of the living and non-living aspects of


    It is difficult to believe that the human civilization on this earth

    of our’s progressed exactly on the darwinian presumptions of


    Modern historical research does not have the mechanism to delve into

    the vital role of these sadgurus in changing the history of human

    societies in all its aspects.

    Some historians have briefly touched upon this subject, but none has

    really undertaken any serious research with this hypothesis or

    postulation that behind every temporal ruler there is a spiritual

    ruler or that all major changes in this world are programmed and got

    executed by the Sadgurus, directly through the rulers and indirectly

    through certain unknown methods and spiritual workers.

    Therefore, historical research on the visible and invisible roles of

    the spiritual masters or other spiritual personalities working under

    the command of the Sadgurus in bringing about fundamental changes on

    the earth is a need of the day.

    In rare cases like the effect of Sadguru Ramdas on the Maratha rule

    of Shivaji in India, one gets a glimpse of the overt influence of a

    Sadguru on the political, social and moral life of a society.

    Similarly the effect and influence of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti of

    Ajmer and of Nizammuddin Auliya of Delhi on the rulers of that time

    can be historically established.

    Even if a scholar has access to all the available historical data on

    the subject, yet a total comprehension of the role of these Sadgurus

    will be eluding him unless he has learnt about the secrets of

    spiritual science under the guidance of a Sadguru.

     Article by Guruji Shri.C.B.Satpathy

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #27 on: January 08, 2006, 05:26:37 PM »
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  • Guru's Two-Fold Mission

    Sai Baba is Guru and Sadguru.

    He is not one that just preached but He is the one that practiced.

    It is said that Sainath was awake when the whole world slept.

    He commanded respect from all the forces of nature since He is one

    that controls them.

    It was a practice then and is now to question the veracity of

    manifestations of God.

    Smt. Mani Sahukar writes in Sai Baba: The Saint of Shirdi,

    "The human soul, even though initiated in the spiritual path,

    cannot love an abstract power: and it is for this reason that the

    scriptures advise us to venerate those who lead us to God and to

    love their physical presence as the Divine itself manifesting in

    human form".

    She continues, "The Guru’s mission is two-fold. First and the more

    important is to help the aspirant to achieve a total surrender to

    himself as God’s true representative. Knowing fully well that the

    human mind cannot be awakened without an altar of dedication, the

    Guru projects himself as an ideal.

    For, to constantly contemplate on some Divine embodiment establishes

    a divine channel of reflection, which automatically leads to


    The second purpose of Guru is rather paradoxical in that

    he helps the seeker to transcend the state of complete dependence

    which the Guru himself has taken pains to foster!

    The final spurt of realization is exclusively the devotee’s job,

    and the Guru withdraws his tangible hold on the one who is now ready

    to go beyond all that is personal and individual to a universal

    realization of Truth".

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #28 on: January 09, 2006, 10:06:11 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!


    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Guru is necessary for a man
    « Reply #29 on: January 11, 2006, 02:59:48 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Buddha used to say that once it happened: Five idiots were travelling. They came to a big river. They purchased a small boat. They crossed the river. Then they thought: This boat is wonderful. It has helped us to come across the river, otherwise it would not have been possible for us to cross it. So we should be grateful to it.

    So they carried the boat on their heads into the marketplace.

    People enquired: What is the matter? Why are you carrying this boat? They said: We are very grateful. This boat helped us to cross the river otherwise we would still have been on the other shore. Now we can never leave it!

    Buddha said: Always remember that the Master is a boat. Cross the river, but don't carry the boat on the head otherwise one who was going to free you will become your bondage.

    That's how when a boat is carried, the boat of Christ is carried, you become a Christian, not a Christ. If you drop the boat you become a Christ; if you carry the boat you become a Christian.

    If you drop the boat of Buddha you become a Buddha yourself; if you carry the boat you become a Buddhist. Which is foolishness.

    So don't be one of those five idiots. -

    Love Guru only to drop him one day. And love him so deeply that you can drop without any grudge without any clinging without any complaint.

    It looks difficult because you can understand love only in terms of attachment. You don't know that love is deep unattachment. You can understand love only as possessiveness. You don't know that love is the greatest freedom, non-possessiveness.
    If you allow him to create the situation and you don't create resistance, first you will start clinging to him -- that's how the journey starts, one has to enter the boat. But when the other shore is reached he should be the first to tell you to leave the boat completely and forget about it. The purpose is fulfilled. You move ahead.

    The last step has to be taken in the divine, in God, and the Master has to be dropped.

    The Master is naught but a door.

    OM SAI RAM!!!

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी


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