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Offline SS91

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Re: Message of the day
« Reply #210 on: March 03, 2013, 05:59:31 PM »
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  • Illumination
    In this world there is only one thing worth having, and that is illumination. In order to have illumination, we must have sincerity and humility.

    Illumination is not something very far away. It is very close; it is just inside us. At every moment we can consciously grow into illumination through our inner progress. The highest illumination is God-realization. This illumination must take place not only in the soul, but also in the heart, mind, vital and body. God-realization is a conscious, complete and perfect union with God. When we enter into the Source of our own existence and the world's existence, we are approaching the reality. This reality is our constant Delight, and Delight is the Breath of God.

    Illumination is the conscious awareness of the soul. Illumination is humanity's first realization of Baba's omnipotent power, boundless compassion, infinite Light and perfect Perfection. It is our illumination that makes us feel what Baba really is. Before illumination, Baba is theoretical; after illumination, Baba becomes practical.

    When one is really illumined, one will not see others as imperfect or hopeless human beings. The moment one is illumined, he will feel his real oneness with others and he will see the so-called imperfections of others as an experience Baba is having in and through them.

    Illumination is something which we had, but which we now have forgotten; it is not something totally new. One who really cares for illumination has to feel that he is growing from Light to more Light to abundant Light.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #211 on: April 04, 2013, 11:13:41 AM »
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  • The Power of Helplessness!

    We usually hear people call themselves humble Sai devotees and that they have surrendered themselves to Saibaba. But in real life, one can understand how difficult it is to express the kind of humility that Baba himself showed by example and the struggle that happens in the name of one's surrender to Baba. It is a constant tussle between one's wants and the needs, wanting to have a cake and eat it too! Unless one realizes his own helplessness and the greatness of Baba, it is not possible to even remotely understand what humility or surrender is.

    How many can honestly claim that they have reached their goals in life, whether it is their career or other objectives all by themselves without anyone's help? Even if one claims so, how assured are they that they can hold the fort as long as they want? A crash at stock exchange can turn a prince into pauper! Or the news of a terminal illness can be enough to throw one into despair.

    When a miracle happens or a wish fulfilled upon prayers to Baba, one should realize the unconditional nature of Baba's help, who exhorts that he will be with us until the end. Even when things do not go the way one wishes, careful observation would reveal that what had happened is ultimately good. One will know that he is not in control of the things, and a strong wish even for apparently a good cause, can still be a wish unfulfilled.

    Humility comes naturally when one truly understands his limitations and helplessness, and surrender is experienced as the entrustment of one's life in the hand of Saibaba. And the power of helplessness is realized when one's surrender is understood as loving dependence on Sri Sai's protection, his perennial power and capacity

    Courtesy: Saivichaar
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #212 on: April 07, 2013, 05:43:05 PM »
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  • Shri Krishna's Gita Updesha to Arjuna on the Battle Field of Kurushetra
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline matha

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #213 on: April 07, 2013, 11:29:20 PM »
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  • the people can accept that (air,water,fire,earth,sky)all are individual but they doesn't accept
    the god are not only one they are many.once upon a time the king asked question to solicitor
    1.where is the god?
    2.what is he doing?
    3.where will he live? what is he going to do[color=orange :)
    Like that he asked four questions to the solicitor.then he order to prove him.Solicitor ready to speak
    your highness if u give me permission to act as a king for minutes.I will show a what are the things
    are god doing. without thinking he gave permission to act as king at a time he order to servent to
    arrest the x king and put him at jail all of them as been shocked.Then x king asked solister what are
    you doing. he said that  iam a king iwant to put rules to the people and save from the enemies.the
    solisiter said these are the work the god doing and saving the people form enemies the king understood
    and getoff from the negative thoughts. so we understand that the god was everywhere and in all humanbeings



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