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Offline Sai Meera

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Re: Message of the day
« Reply #90 on: December 10, 2009, 02:25:57 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram,

    Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think.
    Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait.
    Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try!

    Om Sai Ram
    मैं साईं की मीरा और साईं मेरे घनश्याम है, किसी जनम मोहे दूर न कीजो सुन मेरे घनश्याम तू

    Offline Sai Meera

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #91 on: December 10, 2009, 02:29:37 AM »
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  • speak less to the poeple you care about the most.   
    because if they dont understnad your silence they'll never understand your W O R D S!!
    मैं साईं की मीरा और साईं मेरे घनश्याम है, किसी जनम मोहे दूर न कीजो सुन मेरे घनश्याम तू

    Offline sai preet

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #92 on: December 12, 2009, 09:58:45 PM »
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  • 1. The GEM can not be polished without Friction nor Man perfected without trials!!!

    2. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.

    3. Smooth Roads never make Good Drivers

    Clear Sky never make Good Pilots

    Problem Free life never makes a Strong Person

    So,,,, Don't ask Life-- ' Y Me'

         Instead Say---- 'TRY Me'

    4. The actions of men  are the BEST Interpreters of their THOUGHTS!

    5. Theres something strange about the man who's children don't welcome him back home...!

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #93 on: December 19, 2009, 04:24:37 PM »
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  • Key to Happiness

    Is there a way to quantify faith?

    What constitutes a successful dose of patience?

    Some endure a hardship for several years, yet call themselves fortunate. Some seem to have a short stint with time and profess to have waited patiently! Wisdom, whether through Bhakthi or Jnana should impart the ability to discriminate. Discrimination between things of transient nature and that are permanent should lead to detachment. Spirituality may not be about quantifiable material gains and losses that one accomplishes with the help of Sadguru. It may also not be about extending the benefits that are only perishable.

    On the other hand, it may be about a total personal transformation that should take place every minute, while at sleep or awake. The effort has to come from within oneself and the external factors may be the means to accomplish them.

    On several occasions, Baba said out of love for His devotees - "What (whether good or bad) is ours, is with us, and what is another’s is with him." - Ch. XLV, Shri Sai Satcharitra.

    Simplest expressions of Baba have the message of greatest importance. A moment of contemplation on such comments might have the most profound effects on what we perceive as pain or pleasure.

    By the above statement, Sadguru Sainath has endorsed the thought that our actions precede our fruits, the consequences. He also several times advised that one have to endure the consequences of his past actions.

    Devotees also have seen how Sainath comes to their rescue if the faith is earnest and the patience is complete. The patience is complete if the faith is earnest. He is the helmsman and His boundless coffers are always open.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #94 on: December 19, 2009, 04:35:51 PM »
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  • Asceticism

    The third station of the Sufi maqamat is asceticism known as Zuhd, which embraces the notions of renunciation and austerity. Renunciation is the basis of spiritual progress, because every sin originates with love for the world, end every act of goodness and obedience springs from renunciation. While accepting the truth of perfection of the soul, the average man is said to be hindered by a veil of impurities known as nafs, an Arabic word, variously translated as man's base instincts or lower nature. The first four stations, namely Repentance, Abstinence, Asceticism and Poverty on the journey to God are particularly concerned with purification of Self and the progress of the seeker depends upon being able to detach from the lower or carnal self.

    Sri Saibaba is a complete renunciate and his life reads like a manual on renunciation, with his total unconcern for external world and comforts of life. As quoted in Sri Sai Satcharitra, "The people were wonder-struck to see such a young lad practicing hard penance, not minding heat or cold. By day he associated with none, by night he was afraid of nobody". According to an old devotee, Sai Baba lived first under a babul tree, and later spent four or five years under a neem tree and only after much persuasion moved to a more permanent home in an old dilapidated masjid. The masjid was missing one whole wall and there was little protection from the rain or cold. Sai Baba unconcerned, lived like this for decades until 1897 when Gopal Gund, a staunch devotee, decided to repair the masjid. At first Sai Baba flew into a rage and uprooted the structure on seeing the construction to masjid. Only when he was persuaded that whatever was planned would benefit the devotees and visitors as much as himself, would he agree.

    As part of his ascetic lifestyle, Sai Baba originally slept on the earthen floor of the masjid on a rough peace of sacking. At a later date, Sai Baba slept on a wooden plank which was given to him. The plank described as “four arm length and one wide span” which Sai Baba suspended like a swing from rafters only using old rags. It was far too narrow for a normal person to sleep on as he would have fallen off, and furthermore it was too high to climb up.

    Explaining this difficult feat, he said, “It is not easy to sleep up on the plank. He, who has many good qualities in him, only can do so. He who can sleep, “with his eyes wide open can effect that”. Traditionally the Sufi is known for his night-long prayer vigils, his upright position for sleep, and his frequent fasts, which are all ascetic methods for taming, subduing and training the nafs. The nafs are perceived by the Sufi mystics to be real in some sense, a carnal body with form substance, and capable of being seen apart from the body.

     An incident in the life of Kasinath Upasani, a devotee of Sai Baba, becomes instantly more understandable when viewed in the light of the Sufi teaching on the nafs. The story goes that Sai Baba had an obligation from a pervious life, known as rinanubandha, to transform the worldly-minded Kasinath Upasani into a saint known in Hindu terminology as a samartha sadguru, as Kashinath had once saved his life.

    In order to do this it was essential to annihilate Kasinath’s nafs or carnal being. He initiated this by inducing a series of visions, o ne of which invoked the visualization of the nafs as a dark body or his shaytan. Narasimhaswami records the story of Kasinath’s vision thus:

    Baba asked him to come near saying, “I am going to give you upadesh.” When Kasinath was trying to approach the Guru, a dark and dirty person behind Kasinath exactly like him, that is, his replica pulled him up and said, “Don’t listen to the Guru, but listen to me.” Twice this interruption took place. The Sai got up, seized the dark person behind Kasinath, took him and placed him on a pile o f faggots and burnt him. All that time Kasinath was saying, “Baba it is me whom you are burning” After completing burning him out, Baba turned to Kasinath and said, “Yes, that was you no doubt. But you were in that sin form, namely papa rupa. I have destroyed him. You are now free from sin. By our united efforts there are many things to be achieved in the future. How can that be done if sin remains?”.

    The notion of Sufi nafs or lower self and Hindu papa rupa or sin body are very similar constructs. Sai Baba could enter the vision of his devotee and operate on the subtle body in order to purify him. A little understood action of Sai Baba, daily when he was alone, he would take out some coins from his pouch and would repeat the name of a devotee, saying this is Nana’s, this is Kaka’s etc., as he rubbed the surface of each coin.

    Through this method he was concentrating on the devotee and “entering the door of his heart” to uplift and guide. Sai Baba warned against such lower qualities as lust, anger, greed, jealous, pride and hatred, as a hindrance to spiritual life.

    (Source: Shirdi Sai Baba in the Light of Sufism - Marianne Warren )
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #95 on: December 25, 2009, 03:59:28 PM »
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  • Feature of the week: Das Ganu's first step on Spiritual Path

    Baba had indicated that Das Ganu should quit his job and dedicate himself to Lord's service. However, Das Ganu was in denial of this command. He refused to quit his job as a Police Constable on more than one occasion.

    Once, when Das Ganu was the second in command at the station, the station officer left him in-charge. And Das Ganu in a lordly way wanted to enjoy his time, and went home leaving a constable in charge of the station. Just at that time, a village munsif had sent up a thoti with a fine collected from some persons against whom a warrant had been sent for collection. That money, Rs. 32/- was left by the thoti with the constable there in charge, without any person to witness. The constable told the thoti that the Station Officer was on leave, and asked him to leave and that the receipt would be sent to the village in due course. So, the poor thoti went away, and the constable swallowed up the money.

    Ganpatrao (Das Ganu) knew nothing of it. However, the authorities finding that Rs. 32/- had not been collected, concluded that it was Ganpatrao's mischief. Ganpatrao was asked for an explanation. He said he know nothing. But there was no escape the fact that money had been sent that day, and was paid at the station as the thoti testified. Then Ganpatrao, finding that there was not only no chance of his getting the Sub Inspector's job but a good chance of getting into the jail, solemnly swore to Baba that this time he would positively quit service. He went further and mentioned his willingness to resign to the enquiry officer who, thereupon, made him pay up Rs. 32/- and then discharged him. Thus Baba succeeded in making Ganpatrao quit his service, a service, which would prevent Ganpatrao from becoming the high spiritual personage that he was subsequently to develop into.

    Baba used to call him 'Ganu'. When Ganpatrao came and said, 'I have now left my service; I and my wife have to stand in the streets, as we have no property or income.' Baba said, ' Ganu, I shall provide for you and your family'. (Compare Sri Krishna's promise "Yoga Kshemam Vahamai sham" BG (9) (22). Baba then asked him to go on with his Brahminical duties, puranic studies, and kirtans at which he was excellent. Ganpatrao was never in want of food or clothing, and has even become a landlord that yielded him sufficient support. In 1919 his wife died issueless, leaving him without any encumbrances.

    Das Ganu had a fine metallic voice and he was a very able performer of kirtans. He would hold an audience of 2000 people spell bound in rapt attention listening to him for six or eight hours, and as he never asked for even one pie and made no collections, his kirtans were popular, and in all his kirtans, he would place Baba's picture next to him and even though his katha was about Tukaram or Namdev or Jnanadev, yet he would always refer to Sai Baba as the living Saint or Sat purusha i.e., as the present Great Saint, whom it would be a great blessing for people to have darsan of, as the very darsan would purify and benefit the visitor.

    As soon as his kirtans ended, people started in numbers to go to Shirdi and see Sai Baba. These numbers included high officials of good and great positions, as also the poor. Thus he has been the means of sending some tens of thousands of people to Baba. Baba developed his nature and purified it by making him spend his time whenever he went to Shirdi in reading Vishnu Sahasranama. Das Ganu Maharaj's purification and development are marked in various ways and Baba's favor to him on the spiritual side is so vast and varied that it is impossible to sketch them out in detail. 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #96 on: December 26, 2009, 09:55:48 AM »
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  • Baba's message through Javhar Ali's episode

    Sai Baba met one fakir Javhar Ali about five years after his wrestling match with Mohiddin Tamboli. This fakir was learned and a scholar of Koran and had a sweet tongue. He started living in Rahata along with his disciples and bewitched the religious and devout people of Rahata. He came in some conflict with villagers when he started to build an Idgah [a wall before which Muslims pray on Idgah day] near a Hindu temple. As a result, Javhar Ali had to leave Rahata and he went to Shirdi. He started living with Baba. Here also, people were captured by his sweet talks. He gradually started calling Baba as his disciple. Baba did not object and consented to be his disciple. Then both Guru and Shishya decided to return to Rahata and live there. Javhar Ali did not know the worth of Baba but Baba knew the shortcomings of his so-called 'guru'. Nevertheless, he served Javhar Ali as his Guru with respect and sincerity.

    The loving devotees of Baba did not want him to stay away from Shirdi. So, they went to Rahata to request him to return to Shirdi. They faced the wrath of the ill-tempered 'Guru' of Baba for trying to take Baba back to Shirdi. However, after some discussions, both Guru and Shishya returned to Shirdi. A few days later, a person by the name of Devidas tested the Guru. Devidas was a dispassion incarnate and a jnani. He lived in Maruti temple in Shirdi and many villagers of Shirdi regarded him as their Guru. They brought Javhar Ali in Devidas' presence and in the discussion that followed, Javhar Ali was defeated and he fled from Shirdi. Several years later, when he returned to Shirdi, he prostrated before Baba. His delusion that he was Guru and Baba his shishya was cleared. Seeing his repentance, Baba treated him with respect. This is the basic story.

    There are a few interesting aspects in this story. The question arises as to why Baba accepted the discipleship of an unknown fakir. Was it because of his Muslim background In 'Life of Sai Baba', Narasimhaswamiji tells us that when Javhar Ali came to Shirdi, he saw that Baba [who looked Muslim in his appearance] had a Hindu following, worshipping him at the Masjid. He called upon Baba and asked him whether he knew the Koran and the Sharia't. Baba said he had learned neither. Thus, the fakir ordered him to accompany him to Rahata, evidently for some religious training. Baba went along with this command in spite of his knowledge of Javhar Ali's shortcomings. He observed his duties to his Guru respectfully and carefully.

    Sai Baba's acceptance of Javhar Ali as his Guru, particularly when Baba had already established himself in the hearts of his Hindu devotees, emphasizes his equanimity and humility. Baba's decision to stay with the fakir must have made the Muslim minority of Shirdi happy, as they perhaps needed some assurance that Baba was of Muslim background. On the other hand, Hindu people of Shirdi going to Rahata to bring Baba back to Shirdi shows Baba's popularity amongst Hindus.

    Sai Baba treated Javhar Ali with respect when Javhar Ali repented and asked for Baba's forgiveness. As in many cases, here also Baba showed through his own conduct how one should get rid of egoism, how not to harbor any grudges and how to do the duties of a disciple in order to receive knowledge.
    (Contributed by Azalea Rose, USA) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #97 on: December 31, 2009, 07:21:04 PM »
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  • New Year Message


    Birth and death are the two terminal points of human life. To be born is to die. In the cosmic period of time, human existence is like a bubble of moments. All embodied souls, be it human beings or any other species, will have to go through this short journey of a lifetime. Such embodied souls are known as 'Jivas' or life forms. There are millions of such life forms, both visible and invisible on this earth. Many of these forms are known to human civilization due to research and others are yet to be known. Their body forms, capabilities, intelligence level and periodicity of existence between birth and death are different and too numerous to be codified. However, the main principle of these manifested life forms is that once they are born, they must die after carrying out certain activities in accordance with their inborn capacities.

    Once they die, that is, when the life force holding the body elements together departs from the body or stops functioning in the form of a pulsating heart beat, the body elements separate from each other. The earth goes to earth, water goes to water and air goes to air. Hindu philosophy holds that 'Panch Bhutas' (Five elements) of nature merge with their primordial elements, once the life force departs from a living organism.

    Then comes the next question as to what happens to the 'Jiva' without the body? What happens to the life force that holds the body together? Do the 'Jiva' and the life force (Prana) have any existence and significance after separating from the body? Some spiritual thinkers define the life force (Prana) as the manifested dynamics of the soul (Atman). According to some religions and philosophies the 'Jiva' after death is re-born again and again. According to others, there is no re-birth or re-incarnation of human souls. This series of re-births continues till the 'Jiva' reaches the stage of 'Moksha' as Hinduism believes or 'Nirvana' as Buddhism states. Therefore every Hindu, from his very childhood, is taught to commit good deeds and avoid evil deeds. Like Newton's law of motion of matter, which states that every action will have an equal and opposite reaction, Hindus believe that every good or evil act committed by a human being shall have an equal and opposite reaction. The only difference is that, in the case of human beings committing such acts - good or evil, the reaction may not manifest in a single lifetime. It can stretch over to the next life or lives. Therefore, it advises each human being, to be prepared to enjoy or suffer the results of his good or evil deeds respectively in future lives to come. This is known as the famous 'Karma' theory, as propounded so meticulously in 'Geeta' and other Hindu scriptures.

    One often hears of Hindu teachers and pupils speaking in terms of 'Moksha' as a panacea to the unending series of painful births and deaths. Such people give donations to temples, feed the poor, perform numerous 'Poojas', visit places of religious significance (called 'Tirtha's) with the wish of achieving 'Moksha' or less than that to go to heaven (Swarg), a place of unhindered and absolute enjoyment and receive benefits for their so-called good deeds during life time. Many such activities are programmed like a modern corporate system - investment and profit, in this world and in the nether world doing noble jobs like feeding the poor and rendering services to the needy people is considered good. The problem is that, such an approach contradicts the other root principle of Hinduism which holds that such acts should not be performed with a desire, as desire creates a series of births necessary to fulfill these desires. Shri Geeta advises desireless (Nishkama) activities against desired (Sakama) activities.

    'Shri Sai Satcharitra' and other literature on Shri Shirdi Sai Baba indicate that Shri Sai believed in re-birth of human beings. He in fact revealed to some of His devotees about their past lives and about His relationship with them during such past lives. He always advised His devotees to follow the righteous path of sacrifice, tolerance and faith in God, with patience. He has never spoken anything about 'Heaven'. His devotees were asked to cleanse their minds of evil or negative thoughts and fill it with pure and divine qualities and serve others without the wish to get returns.

    In the backdrop of what has been stated hereinbefore, it is for each devotee to examine whether his approach towards such religious activities is in accordance with the dictates of the Master. If confused, they should sincerely submit to Baba and pray for an answer.

    I believe that answers are there if the questions are genuine. May Shri Sai bless us all.

    C.B.Satpahty, New Delhi, India  

    CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: The Power of Nama Japa
    Sai Vichaar for Thursday Dec 31, 2009‏
    « Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 07:23:11 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #98 on: December 31, 2009, 07:24:18 PM »
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  • The Power of Nama Japa


    "If you always say "SAI", "SAI", I shall take you over the Seven Seas" - Sai Baba

    While answering the question of Narada, Lord Narayana says, "Mad Bhakta Yatra Gayante Tatra Tisthami Narada". Neither I am available in vaikuntha nor triloka sanchari like you, I am always present in the place where my devotees sing my name wholeheartedly".

    The significance of recitation of Nama Japa is very high in this Kaliyuga. In Vishnu Sahasranama it is said that "Sankirtya Narayana Shabda Matram, Vimukta Dukha Suknino Bhavantu". It means that if you take the name of Lord Narayana simply once, you will be out of the clutches of the Worldly Problems. In one of the instances in Sai Satcharita, Sainath suggests to his devotees to recite Vishnu Sahasranama to ward off all the difficulties. "Mananat Trayate iti Mantraha". Any word, which is uttered with the firm belief, becomes the Powerful Mantra. The sacred name of 'Sainath' came out from the heart of an ardent devotee, Mahalsapaty, like this only. The strong tools of Sai's Dharma Prachara are Shradha and Saburi.

    The nama mahima is well described in one of the instances of Kabir Maharaj, who is the greatest and ardent devotee of Lord Sri Rama. Kabir's son Kamal was roaming on the banks of the Holy Ganges in Varanasi and saw a trader was taking number of dips in the holy water to ward off his disease. When he saw this action of the trader, he could not stop and asked the reason for his action. The trader explained him about the reason. Suddenly, Kamal laughed and advised the trader to recite the Taraka Nama of Lord Sri Rama. Despite the fact that the trader uttered the name of Rama number of times he could not get relief. In a fit of anger, Kamal whipped the trader on his back strongly and the trader screamed in pain while taking the name of Rama. Finally, he was cured.

    Kamal narrated the whole story to his father when he reached back home. Kabir was furious and advised Kamal to consult Saint Tulsidas. Accordingly, he met Tulsidas and explained him about the whole story he witnessed on the banks of the holy Ganges. Tulsidas Maharaj laughed and then invited all the villagers immediately to assemble at his ashram. He took a glass of water and put some tulsi leaves in it and after uttering the name of Sri Ram; he sprinkled the holy water on all the villagers gathered in that area. Everybody felt excited and got a great relief. Those who were afflicted with diseases got cured after this ablution.

    Kamal came back and narrated the whole story to his father. Kabir was still not satisfied and advised his son to meet Soordas. Kamal was a bit disappointed but he decided to meet Soordas as per his father's advice. He went and met Soordasji and explained the whole story about the Trader and the subsequent experiences. Soordasji patiently heard everything and advised Kamal to bring back the dead body, which was floating nearby, in the holy waters of Ganga. Kamal was astonished as to how Soordasji, the born blind, came to know about the dead body floating in the Ganges. However, Kamal obliged with the instructions of Soordasji and brought the body immediately. Soordasji sprinkled water on the dead body and uttered "RA", before even uttering the word "MA" the dead body became alive.

    The incidents and miracles happened in several Sai devotees all across the globe are the strong witness to the fact that the undeterred devotion towards Sainath and recitation of His name with great faith has undoubtedly freed them from all the difficulties, which they were facing in life. Moving clouds cannot cast a permanent shadow on the bright Sun. Difficulties do come and go but your faith in the Lord Sainath should be undeterred. Utter the name all the time and He will take care of all your problems.

    (Contribued by: Sai devotee Prakash) 
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #99 on: January 06, 2010, 07:10:53 AM »
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  • Look back and thank Sai
    Look forward and trust Sai
    Look around and serve Sai
    Look within and find Sai

    I asked Sai, 'How do I get the best out of life?'
    Sai said, 'Face your past without regrets.
    Handle your present with confidence.
    And prepare for the future without fear!''

    Without Sai, our week is:
    Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday.
    So, allow Him to be with us every day!

    'Life is short, so Forgive quickly. Believe firmly. Love truly.
    Laugh uncontrollably. Never regret anything that makes you unhappy. And have a wonderful journey!'

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #100 on: January 06, 2010, 07:17:18 AM »
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    Take few minutes and run down these few lines, it really inspires.

    the tongue works faster than the mind.

    but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future.


    who leave the choice with Him.


    especially when they do not deserve it.

    is what he has invested in eternity.


    but not everyone sees it.

    the same things they teach.

    TRUST GOD for what you need.

    you have no today to be thankful for.

    but the Lord looks within.

    will usually affect tomorrow.

    the music of the soul.

    when you feel like stripping your gears.

    through conflicts together.

    but they do break hearts.

    one usually must go through it.

    that we should be giving thanks for.

    divided without being diminished.

    but does not depend upon others.

    you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back.

    with what you have, and where you are.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #101 on: January 07, 2010, 02:41:48 PM »
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  • THE THREE THINGS   :) :)  :)

    The three things to cultivate: non-injury, truth, purity

    The three things to possess: faith, tolerance, amiability.

    The three things to be: honest, just, virtuous.

    The three things to have: patience, compassion, fellowship.

    The three things to acquire: sincerity, regularity, perseverance.

    The three things to inculcate: generosity, gentleness, universality.

    The three things to eradicate: pride, vanity, egoism.

    The three things to conquer: lust, anger, greed.

    The three things to renounce: selfishness, desires, hypocrisy.

    The three things to control: mind, senses, breath.

    The three things to avoid: backbiting, criticism, crookedness.

    The three things to repudiate: attachment, infatuation, materialism.

    The three things to enquire: Who am I? What is Truth? What is Maya?

    The three things to introspect: the nature within, weaknesses, susceptibilities.

    The three things to promote: Dharma, peace, welfare.

    The three things to foster: brotherhood, understanding, amity.

    The three things to curb: self-justification, self-pity, self-praise.

    The three things to do: shravan, manan, nididhyasan (hearing of Holy Scriptures, reflection, profound meditation).

    The three things to follow: teachings of Guru, injunctions of scriptures, dictates of the conscience.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #102 on: January 09, 2010, 06:56:09 PM »
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  • Sincerity - Austerity - Integrity

    Truth, justice and ethics have only one rigid standard. They cannot be altered to suit one's convenience A man of integrity will not circumvent the moral law. He will never compromise on principles.

    A promise   once  made,   whether oral or writtep shall neyer,, be broken.    It should  be kept up at any cost-(very/hard,.indeed-to   follow   nowadays).    Even   though    registered   documents .are there, we   try to   suppress   facts,   fan   krodha,  and enjoy  at the other man's downfall and suffering. We take revenge by running to   courts. But, ultimately, truth comes out triumphantly. Yudhisthira, the Pandava King, staked his all - kingdom, brothers and consort  to keep up his  promise.    King Bali gave up his life to fulfil his sankalpa to "Vamana".

    God rewards those who abide by law. The all pervading infinite and unseen Supreme Power is the dispenser of our destiny. All activities in the world have been planned by that infinite power. A prudent man will submit himself to God's schemes in which He rewards those who abide by moral law and punishes those committing sins. Since prosperity or adversity depends on one's deeds, let us always endeavour to do good to others and help them.

    Life is like a bubble, which vanishes at the very moment it is formed A flower blossoming at dawn fades away by dusk. So also wealth and other worldly possessions are not permanent. Like the frogs which croak with all their mite when the pond is full and leave it when once it becomes dry, our kith and kin, who flock around us when we are affluent, would deride us the moment they find that we have become poor.

    Worldly pleasures are shortlived and are bound to vanish when conditions which created them deteriorate. The supreme power may strip them in a trice making us immobile if we forget Him.

    One of the greatest grammarians of recent past, Shri Narayana Bhattathri of Kerala, who could recite extempore Sanskrit verses, sometimes indulged in offending the religious sentiments of others. Suddenly he was afflicted with paralysis. Being reminded by his Guru of the supreme power, Bhattathri took refuge in Lord Krishna of Guruvayoor. He repented and opened his heart before the Lord and that was the birth of "NARAYANEEYAM" the Magnum Opus of Bhattathri for the prosperity of posterity.

    Pattinathar, a millionaire, who amassed wealth by maritime business, discarding all his fortune, in a split second turned a hermit, when he realised that even a small broken needle would not accompany him when he leaves his mortal coil.

    So God is our only true relative, who runs to our rescue whenever we beckon Him and He alone is our companion when we are in distress and despair. Just as a turbulent river is contained by its bunds, our activities should be controlled rigidly by just and upright deeds with unalloyed dedication, devotion and discipline. By adhering to the traditions evolved from time immemorial by our ancestors, who were deeply seeped in devotion to God, we can achieve permanent prosperity. A spiritual aspirant, performing good acts, should never seek fame, as it will cloud his mind and make him jealous, or kindle his ego. Every act should be performed as an offering to the supreme God with a feeling that whatever we possess is His gift.

    Our scriptures stress the trait of developing detachment from mundane affairs and dedicate ourselves to the deeds of nobility and goodness.

    Let every Sai devotee inject himself with the triple – antigen of sincerity - austerity - integrity.

    Let us cleanse our mind from all evil thoughts and keep it still without any ripple to see Sai's reflection in it.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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      • Sai Baba
    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #103 on: January 14, 2010, 02:20:40 PM »
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     What If?

    What if, GOD couldn't take the time to bless us today because
    we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday?

    What if, GOD decided to stop leading us tomorrow because
    we didn't follow Him today?

    What if, we never saw another flower bloom because
    we grumbled when GOD sent the rain.

    What if, GOD didn't walk with us today because
    we failed to recognize it as His day?

    What if, GOD took away the Bible tomorrow because
    we would not read it today?

    What if, GOD took away His message because
    we failed to listen to the messenger?

    What if, GOD didn't send His only begotten Son because
    He wanted us to be prepared to pay the price for sin.

    What if, the door of the church was closed because
    we did not open the door of our heart?

    What if, GOD stopped loving and caring for us because
    we failed to love and care for others?

    What if, GOD would not hear us today because
    we would not listen to Him yesterday?

    What if, GOD answered our prayers
    the way we answer His call to service?

    What if, GOD met our needs
    the way we give Him our lives???
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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      • Sai Baba
    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #104 on: January 28, 2010, 10:47:21 AM »
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  • Did Baba preach "Just feel good" gospel?

    What is the method of teaching that Baba followed? Did He install any institution or a particular way of thought for His followers to propagate? For that matter, has there been any record of Sadguru Sainath appointing anyone to continue what we conceive as the mission He had set?

    Inscrutable are His ways! This is a famous phrase from Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji's English version of Shri Sai Satcharitha. It turns out to be true. During His lifetime and after, Baba showed a peculiar way of teaching and guiding His followers. He had asked some to be more disciplined, perform rituals, and undertake reading of sacred texts, while some were asked to keep quiet or just wait. Some were commended for their piety while some denounced for their orthodoxy!

    Baba seemed to have answers to the innermost of the questions His followers had. He seemed to have a certain way of giving "individualized instruction" depending on one's earnestness. However, He seems to be very particular in emphasizing certain virtues in His followers. The two pice (two cents) He demanded were faith and patience. Invaluable! By calling Himself as a servant, Baba has stressed the importance of humility, because humility is a virtue that reaps rich harvest in one's pursuits. By insisting on the surrender of the self and accepting the will of the supreme over the individual, Baba stressed the existence of a unifying higher order. His views on the purpose of religions were simple, "There is only one God and the purpose of every religion is the same". In a unique way, Sai Baba of Shirdi also had asked His followers to investigate the "self". He also expounded on the obstacles for such a pursuit, native as well as acquired. Is it possible to categorize this unique way of spiritual leadership?

    For some, Baba's life and teachings might look like a paradox, but in reality, His ways are as simple and natural as it could be! He did not give any set of rules to follow for His disciples. On the other hand, He was present in the minds of earnest devotees who sought His guidance on matters, big and small. For such people, in His words, He guarded them from front, back, and sides. To those who would differ with His advice, Baba said simply, "God will do good". Faith and patience are two traits common to everyone and by invoking these qualities common to every human being, Sai Baba of Shirdi has indeed simplified the pursuit.

    Eleven assurances of Sainath are well known to His devotees. Baba said that none who would approach Him would turn back disappointed. Did He mean that every prayer would be answered? Yes! Every prayer will receive an answer. Sometimes, the answer is "Yes", sometimes, "No", and some other times, "Just wait". Baba's coffers are open to those who believe in waiting and wanting His grace and love. His gift to those is not "just feel good" temporary material appeasement, but bliss that is perpetual, a state of permanent contentment. Bow to Sri Sai Peace be to all!

    (Contributed by Ravin Gnanasambandam, Ithaca, NY, USA) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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