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Offline SS91

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Re: Message of the day
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2007, 07:51:02 AM »
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  • Baba the Parent

    Knowing the parental instincts of Baba and understanding His ability to carry the load of millions is the first

    step to comprehending His enormous power. As a consequence of viewing the incomprehensible nature of

    this Lord, one begins to see the reason why He does what He does best; i.e., to aid those in real need

    and to support spiritual progress by first meeting the mortal needs of all people - His devotees or not. He

    is flexible to assist the advancement of devotees so long as the latter are willing to stay course during a

    long and bumpy ride because the path to material fulfillment and then to self-realization is a mixed bag of

    fragrant roses and piercing thorns. It is the responsibility of a devotee to demonstrate trust and patience

    along the way, for the person has not seen the larger map with paths leading to Him. Developing a

    discipline to work hard with dedication and devotion will help realize the greatness that Baba truly is;

    especially in light of the Lord himself declining any glory and, to that simplicity we flock to Him.

    Bow to Sri Sai.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #16 on: November 20, 2007, 08:53:49 AM »
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  • What is singleminded devotion?

    Single-minded devotion means that one has determined or resolved themselves to believe in SaiBaba

    dedicatedly. One should completely surrender at the Baba's feet for seeking self-realization, not long for

    any favor from him, but only pray to him with pure heart and faith. Baba had said" To him who surrenders

    unto Me totally I shall ever be indebted."

    The importance of single-minded devotion for progress on the spiritual path can hardly be overemphasized.

    Lord Ram explained this to Vivishan in Sunderkand of Ram Charitmanas. This has been alluded to at great length

    in Gita and Bhagwat. In the ultimate analysis it is achieved only when one sees God (or Sadguru) in all beings

    and all beings in Him. In Chapter VI (Sloka 30) of Gita, Lord Krishna assures His devotee that He never distances

    Himself from one who sees Him in all beings and all beings in Him. It implies gradual euthanasia of the concept of

    duality from one's mind.

    In Sai Satcharita, this has been enlightened at several places. Hemadpant mentioned if only we see Sai Baba all

    the world assumes or becomes the form of Sai Baba. Baba himself mentioned to Bholkar in Chapter XV " Always

    worship Me who is seated in your heart as well as in the heart of all beings. Blessed and fortunate is he who

    knows Me thus." Baba graciously told Mrs. Tarkhand in Chapter IX of Saisatcharita that one who sees Me in all

    the creatures is My beloved. He asked her to abandon the sense of duality. Baba who is God Incarnate Himself

    assumed various forms to bring home this truth. Some devotee saw in Him a vision of Ram. Some had a glimpse

    of Vithal, Pandurang. Some disciples of other Gurus when they saw in Him their own Gurus. They all were

    spellbound and remained for sometime in a state of mind akin to mystical contemplation. Baba's only purpose

    was to foster and instill in them faith and unwavering trust in their own Guru or deities and to teach them never

    to deviate from their single-minded devotion. Examples can be multiplied. Sai Satcharita has remained and will

    remain a living document of faith, trust and single-minded devotion. 

    Bow to Sri Sai.
    « Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 09:08:53 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #17 on: November 23, 2007, 04:10:35 PM »
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  • Message for the day

    Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God,
    First fill your own house with the Fragrance of love...

    Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God,
    First remove the darkness of sin from your heart...

    Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer,
    First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen...

    Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees,
    First bend down to lift someone who is down-trodden. ..

    Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins,
    First forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you.

    ...By Tagore
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #18 on: December 09, 2007, 06:45:00 PM »
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  • Moral Lapses

    Moral lapses are a consequence of incomplete spiritual perception of the nature of worldly things and of the spirit. Increased insight into the worthlessness of matters grossly worldly is a product of gradual evolution of consciousness through practice. In the path of devotion to Baba this development is entirely a matter concerning the devotee in question. We have nothing to bother about it.

     Sai Baba himself had furnished the true picture of the matter. When one of his devotees wondered how many of those who flock to Baba would realize life's goal, he gave an apt parallel. When the mango tree blossoms, how many buds will ripen into a fruit and how many fall off the tree. A verse in the Gita too says that of thousands of individuals, only a few turn towards God; of these, only very few will realize God. "Many are called but very few are chosen", says the Christ and illustrates it with the parable of a farmer. The devotee's zeal in the pursuit of his goal is of prime concern to him and it is a matter concerning his enlightenment.

     Why should we bother about it?

    A true devotee of Baba never does. For, Baba himself had demonstrated what our attitude to such should be. When Jawahar Ali pretended to be the guru of Sai Baba, the latter kept quiet. He never bothered to expatiate the formers unworthiness to other devotees. He was very explicit in asking us to shed the sense of difference and to see the one in all if we wish to attain the ultimate object of life.

    To be obsessed with lapses of other devotees is to totally divert our attention from what Baba taught both by his practice and percept and then we do not deserve to be called his devotees. Instead of meditating on the divine in all, we thereby do the reverse of it and the fruits of doing so could be contrary to what we hope to get by following Baba.

    May Baba inspire in us the wisdom to take what is positive from all others, and if we notice any failings, may these help us to be careful against falling into similar error ourselves.

    (Source: Sai Baba the Master by A.E.Bharadwaja, page 362) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #19 on: December 11, 2007, 03:56:56 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    We need to find BABA SAI, and HE cannot be found in noise and restlessness. BABA is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.?

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #20 on: December 23, 2007, 11:53:09 AM »
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  • We can always do a little more than we think we can.

    We must continually apply this truth, or else we cease to be alive and grow.

    Accept limitations, and they confirm themselves.

    Challenge them, and they disappear.

    Greatness is not in popularity, wealth, or long life, as most people believe.

    Real greatness is in simplicity and supportive words.

    It is in firm encouragement and gentle patience.

    It is in finding God in the midst of the turmoil of the marketplace,

    and remembering His goodness during hardship.

    Greatness is not always found in those whom the world calls its heroes,

    but in the unheard of saints who unselfishly serve their families,

    lend a kind ear to a friend in despair, and lovingly see the Best in those who have

    become too accustomed to seeing themselves as mediocre.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #21 on: January 02, 2008, 04:00:08 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    Think of yourself as a radio set; if  Shirdi Sai Station is speaking to you at frequencies that you are not tuned into, you may think, BABA, why have you forsaken me?  Recent experiments in higher consciousness show that people begin to have holy experiences and visions while vibrating at above 200,000 cycles per second. The non-meditator vibrates at about 350 cycles per second. To raise your vibrational frequency and tune into The BABA Force, you can begin with: Daily prayer, silent meditation, choosing love over fear at every junction of life and intentionally replacing negative thoughts with uplifting ones.

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #22 on: January 02, 2008, 03:03:06 PM »
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  • ॐ सांई राम।।।

    Atma – Jnana

    Atman or Brahma is one. But the hearts it occupies are different. It is one and the same. Atman that runs through all the hearts. As per pain and pleasure, these are not the functions of Atman, but only of the hearts. To make the heart, a heart, is the function of the Atman.


    Sri Sai Baba advocated Atma – Tatwa as ‘Sat-Chit- Ananda’ involved in the body-mind complex. The involved Atman is called ‘Jiva’. The pure heart, the Divine spirit in the body, the real self is ever, as it immutable. The individual soul is internal. The creation of soul is only secondary. Birth and death are only to the body and not to the soul. What originates is its connection with its gross and subtle bodies which are unreal. The soul is pure intelligence which is never lost under any circumstances. The soul is really Brahman and its identity with Brahman is known in meditation only. Soul springs from Brahman like sparks from the fire. In the stage of bondage, it is atomic, but this is not its true nature.”


    Baba always says: “Human birth is wasted if Atma is not realized. Freedom from Samsara cannot be obtained without self realization.


    The form of one’s Atman be distinctly visualized by one, in the same manner as one’s image is seen in the mirror. One should enquire into the Self by the Self. One should enter into Self. Self is hidden. Self is the goal for the Self. Therefore, attain Self-mastery by the Self, like a trader who protects his horse.


    The supreme subject is subtle, that which existed in the past, present, and future, that forms the basis of this world of names and forms. That which is the Paramatma constitutes the Atma for this body. Being deathless, it is the Truth. That becomes the resting place for the individual soul during the state of Susupti and death.


    Atma is the subtler than the subtlest. That God-hood is known as Atman. The Supreme one is our real nature. We are neither the doer nor the enjoyer nor the giver. We are the Pure Consciousness embodied in the form of Supreme-Self.

    जय सांई राम।।।
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #23 on: February 02, 2008, 02:35:41 PM »
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  • Sai Krishna !

    "When Dharma was showing signs of decline, Avatar manifests to protect the earth. When the forces of wickedness had grown to greater proportions Poornavathar Krishna manifested to uphold Dharma. But compared to Dwapara yuga, present kaliyuga is more complicated & wickedness emerging many places in many forms as terrorism. We can pray to the Almighty to manifest Himself as Sri Krishna in everyone's heart to transform internally to promote Dharma & Peace everywhere. The word 'Krish' denotes the attraction. What type of attraction?

    Attraction that is beyond senses. Beyond the material pleasure. Lord Krishna was always embodiment of happiness and miracles. Sri Krishna was immersed in Bliss. Whether it was a battlefield or palace, He remained the same. He selected the battlefield to give upadesh to Arjuna. 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna gave his support to Pandavas with who were truth, righteousness, and justice. Lord Krishna performed his duty as a Raja.

    Lord Krishna is called by many names. Yasodanandana, Devakinandana, Chittachora etc.. Lord Krishna in his boyhood days played leelas to steal the Navaneetham (butter). It shows the inner meaning. He is the thief of our Chitta (Heart). When He will come to steal? When our heart will melt like butter with devotion. When our heart becomes pure and clean through intense sadhana and japa, Lord will come and steal our heart.

    Shri Saibaba became Sai Krishna, the Muralidhar that Booty wanted to install. Shirdi Sai Baba always told His devotees, "This masjid is Dwaraka mayi. Whoever stepped into this will be relieved from all kinds of miseries". In Sai Satcharitra chapter IV, a footnote says that Shirdi comes in the limits of Pandharpur, which was the southern most center of Dwaraka, and therefore, Shirdi is Dwaraka itself (vide Sai leela, Vol.14, nos.1-2-3). Shri Sai Krishna declared. " Who is this ME?". (Sri Sai Satcharita chapter XLIII&XLIV) "You need not go far or anywhere in search of Me. Barring your name and form, there exists in you, as well as in all beings, a sense of being or Consciousness of Existence. That is Myself. Knowing this, you see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings. If you practice this, you will realize all pervasiveness, and attain oneness with Me". Like Lord Krishna, once again Shri Sai Krishna gave this "SAI GITA" to all of us.

    We will pray to Sai Krishna to manifest His Divine Love in everyone's heart and spread Peace and Harmony everywhere.Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Sai Krishna Hare, Hare..Hare Rama, Hare Rama Sai Rama Hare Hare--OM SRI SAI RAM

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #24 on: February 23, 2008, 07:17:43 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    No one can depress you.

    No one can make you anxious.
    No one can hurt your feelings.
    No one can make you feel inferior
    No one can make you feel anything other than what you allow inside.
    With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself......or treat what has happened as a gift.
    Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing.

    You get to choose.

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई
    ॐ सांई राम।।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #25 on: February 24, 2008, 03:56:13 PM »
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  • The Perfect One

    Sai Baba of Shirdi was proficient in several Yogic practices and His accomplishments are still not

    completely deciphered. The missing years before the Lord showed up in Shirdi is yet to be accounted

    for. In fact, His simplicity was deceptively dissuading to even great saadhakas that approached Shirdi.

    The stories of Megha and Somdev are two such examples. However, myth shattered, these great men

    did not waste a minute and had good fortunes of having enlisted in His Kingdom. Rarely did Baba led

    His followers into His physical self, be it the Dhauthi that dismayed some of the accidental onlookers or

    the proficiency in Sri Mad BhagavadGita Nana had seen for himself. Abdul did mention that Baba used

    to recite Kalma and other versed in Urdu. He also depicts incidents where Baba chatted with Moslem

    scholars, although such events were rare in Shirdi and probably have not been always recorded. No

    Mantras chanted and no benediction pronounced. He did not prescribe any Asanas, neither he

    approved fasting. Initiation may have a different connotation in spiritual world. But Baba's magic then

    and now has drawn several to His mystic self. Whether one would call this initiation or divine call, it is

    a fortune, a blessing to be revered. He is Rama the king, He is Krishna the thief (the Great one that

    stole butter), He is Mohammed, the Prophet, and the Messaih Jesus. Let us on this holy day reaffirm

    our faith to the Simple One, and the Perfect One and contemplate on His self. 


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #26 on: February 24, 2008, 04:30:51 PM »
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  • Flower without fragrance!

    Geet jaisa main hoon akela..
    Tumhare sur bina..
    Sai.. tumhare sur bina

    Kaagaz ke phool jaisaa hoon main...
    Tumhare sugandh bina..
    Sai.... tumhare sugandh bina

    (Like a lyric without tune, a flower without fragrance, this is what I am Sai.. without You!)

    Knowledge without experiencing is no knowledge at all.

    This is in essence purports the advaitic philosophy of realizing the nature of Sai.

    While the statement not necessarily derogates the pursuit of knowledge whether it is from

    scriptures or Sadguru, it does points out to the limitations of the knowledge.

    Examples are abounding in the scriptures pointing to how great people even with all the

    knowledge could not accomplish the purpose of their pursuit.

    Knowledge is the entity gained by the outward pursuit of mind whereas the experience is

    the inward investigation. It is of utmost importance for a seeker to know the distinction

    between the two. Knowledge as a function of logic is easily explained while experience

    remains with the self, only to be experienced! Does the inability to explain the experience

    mean that it does not exist? Absolutely not. One of the most eloquent and illuminating

    commentaries on the experience of the self can be found in "Tripura Rahasya", when the

    woman ascetic spoke to Ashtavakra in King Janaka's court:

    "Hearing it a thousand times over will be useless unless one verifies the teachings by

    means of investigation into the Self with a concentrated mind. Just as a prince labors

    under a misapprehension that the string of pearls still clinging to his neck has been stolen

    away by another and is not persuaded to the contrary by mere words but only believes

    when he finds it around his neck by his own effort so also, O youth, however clever a man

    may be, he will never know his own self by the mere teaching of others unless he realizes

    it for himself. Otherwise he can never realize the Self if his mind is turned outward.

    A lamp illumines all around but does not illumine itself or another light.

    It shines of itself without other sources of light.

    Things shine in sunlight without the necessity for any other kind of illumination.

    Because lights do not require to be illumined, do we say that they are not known or that

    they do not exist? Therefore, as it is thus with lights and things made aware by the

    conscious self, what doubt can you have regarding abstract consciousness, namely the


    Lights and things being insentient cannot be self-aware. Still, their existence or

    manifestation is under no doubt. That means they are self-luminous.

    Can you not similarly investigate with an inward mind in order to find out if the all-

    comprehending Self is conscious or not conscious? That Consciousness is absolute and

    transcends the three states (wakefulness, dream and slumber) and comprises all the

    universe making it manifest. Nothing can be apprehended without its light.

    Will anything be apparent to you, if there be no consciousness?

    Even to say that nothing is apparent to you (as in sleep) requires the light of

    consciousness. Is not your awareness of your unawareness (in sleep) due to


    If you infer its eternal light, then closely investigate whether the light is of itself or not.

    Everybody falls in this investigation however learned and proficient he may be, because his

    mind is not bent inward but restlessly moves outward.

    As long as thoughts crop up, so long has the turning inward of the mind not been

    accomplished. As long as the mind is not inward, so long the Self cannot be realized.

    Turning inward means absence of desire. How can the mind be fixed within if desires are

    not given up?

    Therefore, become dispassionate and inhere as the Self. Such inherence is spontaneous

    (no effort is needed to inhere as the Self). It is realized after thoughts are eliminated and

    investigation ceases. Recapitulate your state after you break off from it, and then will know

    all and the significance of its being knowable and unknowable at the same time.

    Thus realizing the unknowable, one abides in immortality for ever and ever.

    (Inspired by "Tripura Rahasya" by Swami Sri Ramanananda Saraswathi) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #27 on: March 21, 2008, 04:51:38 AM »
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  • Adversity & Prosperity

    Adversity makes us dynamic.

    Adversity forces our eyes wide apart.

     Adversity teaches us the meaning of patience.

    Adversity endows us with faith in ourselves.

    Adversity leads us inward to correct and perfect our march to life.

     Prosperity leads us onward to illumine and immortalize our human birth.

    In prosperity, our inner strength remains static.

    In adversity, our inner strength becomes dynamic.

     None can deny the fact that every step of progress which the world

    has made has come from both the smiles of prosperity and the tears of adversity.

    One merit of adversity none can deny: it helps us to be stronger within.

    The stronger we are within, the brighter we are without.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #28 on: April 12, 2008, 11:45:09 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you plant honesty, you will reap trust

    If you plant goodness, you will reap friends

    If you plant humility, you will reap greatness

    If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment

    If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective

    If you plant hard work, you will reap success

    If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation

    If you plant faith, you will reap a harvest So, be careful what you plant now;

     it will determine what you will reap later.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #29 on: April 12, 2008, 11:49:37 AM »
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  • People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME . . .
    . . . When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.

    When someone is into your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason, you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.

    Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.

    When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season!

    LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (any way); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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