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Re: Message of the day
« Reply #120 on: December 02, 2010, 12:56:23 PM »
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  • They say that prayer changes things, but does it REALLY change anything?
    Oh yes! It really does!

    Does prayer change your present situation or sudden circumstances?
    No, not always, but it does change the way you look at those events.

    Does prayer change your financial future?
    No, not always, but it does change who you look to for meeting your daily

    Does prayer change shattered hearts or broken bodies?
    No, not always, but it will change your source of strength and comfort.

    Does prayer change your wants and desires?
    No, not always, but it will change your wants into what God desires!

    Does prayer change how you view the world?
    No, not always, but it will change whose eyes you see the world through.

    Does prayer change your regrets from the past?
    No, not always, but it will change your hopes for the future!

    Does prayer change the people around you?
    No, not always but it will change you .

    Does prayer change your life in ways you can't explain?
    Oh, yes, always! And it will change you from the inside out!

    So does prayer REALLY change ANYTHING?
    Yes!   ;D It REALLY does change EVERYTHING!
      ;D  ;D  ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #121 on: December 03, 2010, 09:08:42 AM »
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  • YOU ARE the only one responsible for your life.

    One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door.

    The sign said: "Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym."

    At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be. The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects.

    Everyone wondered: "Who is this person who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he’s no longer here!"

    One by one the employees got closer to the coffin and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.

    There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:

    "There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth
    : it is YOU." 

    YOU are the only person who can revolutionize your life.

    are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success.

    YOU are the only person who can help yourself

    Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your company changes.   ;D

    Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that

    YOU ARE the only one responsible for your life.   :)
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #122 on: December 15, 2010, 08:44:03 AM »
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  • One day at a time...........

    Shri Sai always emphasises the necessity to lead the life enjoying every day that we pass and live through. To realize the value of one year, ask a child who failed a grade. To realize the value of a month, ask a parent who had a premature baby. To realize the value of a week, ask the ac-countant of a business company. To realize the value of one hour, ask the friends who are waiting to meet after years. To realize the value of one minute, ask a traveler who missed the train. To realize the value of one second, ask a person who just avoided an accident. Treasure every day we live and have it filled with happiness with the blessing of Shri Sai.It is His compassionate grace that we breathe. He is everywhere, and is the cause and protector of everything. He also knows what is best for each one of us.    ;D  ;D  ;D

    Do not run through your life fast, that you forget not only where you've been, but also where your're going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. And for this journey we definitely need to depend on Shri Sai and don't forget to thank Him for everything, and every day.   ;D ;D ;D

    Our lives are comprised of millions of moments, but there is no greater moment when we find that life with all its joys and sorrows, is meant to be lived one day at a time. On this Thursday with the guidance of our Sadguru Sai let's cherish everyday of our life and lead it with immense pleasure and purpose.   ;D  ;D  ;D

    Let us pray Him every minute possible......Remember Him and meditate on Him at every opportunity we can make.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #123 on: December 16, 2010, 03:38:45 PM »
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  • Why do we read Sai Satcharitha?

    Lessons being taught on good deeds, good manners remain appreciable irrespective of the person giving the lecture or reading holy books etc. Just to make sure that serving poor or satisfying hunger are means of serving god, you need not read satcharithra. These good things are minimal acknowledgements to be made by “our selves”. But why do we read satcharithra? It is a great book that discusses everything so that one can renew himself and turn out to be a better person. We are grown enough that we can make our own decisions live independently know what is good or bad. Again another question arises. If we know all the good happenings then what is the need for us to read about some old sayings? If anyone asks me this question I would definitely go “for” the person’s views. Now I will shoot a query for these people “How many good things have you been practicing? Believe me many of them do not have a valid answer.

    So what is this satcharithra about? Everyone think for a moment. Does reading the precious writings of Hemadpant once is enough to know the essence of the book? Definitely the answer is no. But a single reading of the book will make you realize what we are missing – the purpose of our lives – Atmasakshatkara

    Continue to read the book. Once, twice, thrice or innumerable times. It does not matter. While you read, at one point all the senses, mind, heart gets focused and then you reach what you call is the swayam tripthi or atmasantripthi – where we satisfy the inner deity within ourselves. Later on you transform to a better person and strive for the reason you were born. That is when you completely understand the beloved book.


      ;D JaiSaiRam   ;D JaiSaiRam   ;D JaiSaiRam  ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #124 on: December 21, 2010, 07:35:06 AM »
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  • EMOTIONS  :'(  ;D  ;)  ARE A PART OF LIFE  :)  :-*   8) >:( :-X

    Life is like an unsolved puzzle.
    No one can define what life is because it is a very complex thing.

    Life is something that makes you happy and proud at times and
    makes you feel so low at times that you say to yourself,
    "Why was I born?"
    But whatever it is, it is real fun.

    In Life, in every moment, something new happens; something that
    you never expected, something that you were waiting from a long while
    to happen and something you were expecting to happen.
    It is a combination of happiness, sorrow, joy, love, anger, enjoyment,
    loneliness, fear, excitement and many other emotions.

    The definition of the word life can't be completed
    without using the word emotions.

    Some people work in emotions whereas others work with emotions.
    So it's very important to understand how people are using their emotions.

    If they are letting emotions get control over them,
    then they'll be dragged by others and situations all the time.
    But, if he is controlling his emotions in a proper way,
    then no one will ever have control over him.

    The way a person uses his emotions is what we call attitude.
    Someone has correctly said, "Your attitude determines your altitude in life".
    Attitude, as I already defined, is the way an individual uses
    his emotions and directly related to the psyche of a person.

    Some people use their emotions in a positive way
    and some people do it in a negative sense.

    When people use emotions in a positive way we call it positive attitude
    and when they use it in a negative way we call it negative attitude.

    It's up to an individual to decide how he uses his emotions.
    Which way will you decide ?   ???

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #125 on: December 21, 2010, 12:20:28 PM »
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  • I Believe. . .

    I believe- That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

    I believe- That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

    I believe- That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them

    I believe- That we are responsible for what  we do, no matter how we feel.

    I believe- That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

    I believe-That regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there
    had better be something else to take its place.

    I believe- That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done,
    regardless of the consequences.

    I believe- That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time!

    I believe- That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

    I believe- That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

    I believe- That just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

    I believe- That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

    I believe- That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

    I believe- That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

    I believe- That our background and circumstances may have influenced
    who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

    I believe- That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

    I believe-
    That even when you think you have no more to give, when a 
    friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.

    I believe-
    That the people you care about most in life are the essence of life.
    Tell them today how much you love them and what they mean to you.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #126 on: January 20, 2011, 01:44:02 PM »
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  • My dear SaiBaba, I am far too often influenced by what others think of me. 

    I am always pretending to be either  good or smarter or nicer than I really am.

     Please prevent me from trying to attract attention. 

    Don’t let me gloat over praise on one hand or be discouraged by criticism on the other. 

    Nor let me waste time weaving imaginary situations in which the most heroic, charming,

    witty person present is myself.

    Show me how to be humble of heart,   ;D like you.  ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #127 on: February 26, 2011, 12:19:18 PM »
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  • There are some Beings- you cannot put them into any bracket. You cannot say that they belong to this bracket or that bracket; they are this kind or that they are that kind. They are of all kinds. They can come from anywhere and go off anywhere. You can never say what they will teach at a given time. You cannot imitate their actions. They are a certain variety of spiritual Beings, who have come completely perfect only for the purpose of setting an example, and teaching people. They are not people who had to, at least in that life, do any ‘sadhana’. Although people like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa were also born perfect, they went through a certain period of sadhana. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did twelve years of intense sadhana. Sai Baba of Shirdi spoke about different kinds of sadhana which He did in His younger days.

    This sadhana is intended to set an example to others. It is not meant for themselves. These Beings set an example to those who watch them and see how they lead their lives. It is for those who are spiritually inclined, and those who would like to achieve spiritual fulfillment.

    For instance, Baba used to say that he practiced Guru Yoga. That means, complete attention on the teacher. Baba used to mention His Guru, a man called Venkusha who lived in the Nizam’s provinces which was in that part of Andhra Pradesh which was close to Maharashtra. He was the Zamindar of that province. In His youth, Baba lived with this person, Venkusha, for quite sometime and all the sadhana that He did was to sit and look at His Guru wide-eyed and nothing else. He said that He looked and He looked and He looked. He also listened to what was taught to the others.

    Venkusha was a very great bhakta of Balaji/ Tirupati/ Venkatachalpathi. He was completely dedicated to his sadhana and he was so much into it that it was the most important thing for him. For instance, it is said that, one day he was sitting and watching, looking out of his house, when he saw a young woman going to fetch water. Suddenly, he got lustfully attracted to her in spite of having decided not to have any such thoughts. So, he went into the house, took out a skewer and put out his own eyes, saying, “Eyes that don’t listen to me. Have no right to exist!” He was a sadhaka of that caliber-very strict!

    So, Sai Baba used to say that He used to just watch His master- watch him and watch him and watch him. Then, one day, His master told Him. “ You don’t have to look anymore. Whatever I have, has been given to you.” Baba went into samadhi! And when He woke up, He felt that He was not different from Venkusha, His teacher.

    He also referred to the other practices that He had done and the trials that he had gone through when His teacher had tested Him. Many of His stories are very cryptic, it is difficult to get exactly what He is meaning to say.

    There is one story, that one day He and three of his co-disciples, were going along in the forest, when, the teacher came suddenly and said, “Now I am going to test you all. I am going to tie you up upside-down in the well.” The three co-disciples ran away saying, “What kind of discipline is this? We don’t want it!” But Sai Baba said, “O.K., if that is what you want to do to me, I am ready for it.” He surrendered. So, His legs were tied up and He was made to hang with His head down, barely touching the water. If He had put His tongue out, He would have almost touched the water, but He could not do it. He was left like that for three days. Every now and then His Master used to come and ask Him “Are you ready?” and He would say, “Yes!” His Master would ask, “Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Baba would reply, “No!” Master would ask, “Do you want to drink any water?” Baba would say, “No!” Baba used to call this ‘Sirisha Yoga.’ It is a peculiar word. There is no such term known in Yoga.

    So, having faced all these trials and tribulations, Baba was ready to put up with anything that was asked of Him. The result was that His mind had become inseparably one with the mind of His Master. So there was no further sadhana that was required of Him.

    Now this is the ‘Guru Yoga’ that many teachers have taught. The teaching of Sai Baba of Shirdi was entirely that. The most important sadhana here is to worship the Guru, look at Him, meditate upon Him, and also follow the teachings that He has given, the most important of which is to consider all other living beings as part of yourself, because, if you don’t have that, then all this worshipping is of no use. This is important.

    Many people used to come to Him and bring money, or this and that. Some used to fall at His feet too, but Baba could see through and through and know who is who. In fact, there were some who used to sit quietly in a corner, in the wadas that they had around there, doing their own japa and meditation. They did not even go to see Baba, but He would go to them, tap them on their head and say. “Ah! You are doing your work now. This is what Sai is here for. This is very important, not just singing praises and doing what we want.”

    In our life, our sadhana is very important and this is what He wants: only then is worshipping the teacher of any use. If that is not there, then there is no use. If for thirty-five or forty years, we are close to someone who we consider a great teacher, like the Sai Baba of Shirdi and we worship Him; but if our lives do not change, as His teaching is meant to do and if we remain the same, as selfish as ever before, as angry as ever before, as petty as ever before- then it all comes to naught!

    ‘Saburi’ and ‘Shraddha’ are the two words written on His samadhi. Saburi means complete patience, especially in sadhana where one has to go through so many trials and tribulations. Sometimes, people take up sadhana very enthusiastically, but the moment some trouble comes upon them, then they leave their sadhana. They run off because they think that either the problem has come because of their sadhana, or, they think, “First, let me put this right, then I will go back to my meditation.” It never happens because sorrows, troubles and tribulations are part of our lives. When we are born into this life itself – how we come out of the womb is itself a big trauma. In fact, the psychiatrists say that many of the mental diseases that people have now are because of the trauma of birth. Because we have to come out of a little place, the body is almost strangled and pushed out. From that time to the end – till we go- it is the same. So one can never expect in this world to be hundred percent free of material problems. Impossible! No one has lived like that.

    So, that should not discourage us from our spiritual sadhana. Of course, sometimes, it happens that to keep us on the path of our sadhana, God and great teachers help us to achieve certain things materially- that is there, but at some point, when there is a true ‘sadhak’, then some tests are given to find out what he considers more important – that or this. If one goes through those tests and comes out, then one moves a step forward in spiritual life. We may also pray to the teacher, or pray to God and say, “Please save me from these problems.” We may be saved- there is no denying that. But, saburi means, “this has been given to me. Let me bear with it. It has been given by Him. No matter what happens, I will stick to my sadhana. I’ll stick to my meditation.” That is called saburi- Patience .Also, have patience in the face of criticism. Even when greatly agitated, try to be patient. Things will take care of themselves. We can never say when the Grace of God comes, so we cannot be impatient but, of course we should be eager to get it. We should also wait patiently.

    There is a story of a man who looked like a mad man. He was going around a tree, singing the praises of God, when Narad, who always travels all over the world, saw this man going around the tree. The man saw Narad and said, “Oh! You are coming from Narayana. Please tell me, when will I achieve the darshan of Narayana?” Narad said, “It will take about a hundred births for you to get a darshan of Narayana!” Immediately, the man clapped his hands and said, “Wonderful! I am going to get the darshan of Narayana in about a hundred births, which is not possible for one to get after thousand births!” He went mad with ecstasy crying, ”Only hundred births!” That is saburi- patience! That comes only with humility. But there are some people who practice sadhana for one year, or one month, and say, “Ah! I have done intense sadhana, now I must see God!” But we have to work for it. Sri Ramakrishna Himself did twelve years of intense sadhana. So, that is saburi.

    Shraddha means absolute one pointed attention. It has been translated as ‘Faith’ also. It actually means absolute, one pointed attention; complete attention on your goal. That is shraddha.

    If both shraddha and saburi are there, then definitely, there is no problem in sadhana. What happens often is that, when there is shraddha there is not enough saburi and sometimes saburi may be there, but no shraddha. Both are necessary. Absolute, one –pointed total attention is required in our path, along with infinite patience.

    While we practice our sadhana, if we sometimes get some powers, or see lights or hear sounds- do not think that God is going to come! There are many people who have many powers, but have not yet had the darshan of the Lord. It is not the same; it could also be separate- there may be someone who shows no capacity for the so-called ‘Siddhis’, but might have achieved the darshan of the Lord. What about Chaitanya Mahaprabhu-did He exhibit any siddhis? No- there was only His God and Himself! We are not denying siddhis. Siddhis are some powers that a person acquires. But when there is a great saint like Sai Baba, some happenings may take place spontaneously. He never said, “I will do this for you, I will do that for you.”

    Whenever people went to Him with any problem he only said, “Allah Malik Hai!” or, “Fakir bhala karega!” By ‘Fakir’ here, He did not mean Himself, He was referring to the Lord. But in His presence, certain things happened by themselves, spontaneously. He never demonstrated anything to show that He was somebody great, or to attract people- Never! It just happened.

    So, sometimes there may be a mad man, looking absolutely crazy, sitting in one corner, in the bus stand or in the street somewhere, who may not show any powers, but he could very easily be a advanced, spiritual person. What I am trying to say is that one need not have any extra, fancy trimmings. Many of the Avadhootas – like Gajanan Maharaj of Maharashtra, were all great saints.

    So, shraddha and saburi – both are necessary.

    Sai Baba always gave vibhuti from the dhuni. So we’ll all go afterwards and take some vibhuti from the dhuni.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #128 on: February 26, 2011, 05:07:59 PM »
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  • A Mother is a wonderful person in life,in fact the most energetic.You can see her like Shakespeare comparing the world to seven stages in which we play different roles.
    The mother takes up various roles to suit the various needs of her child. The first three years she is a light sleeper and an early riser and has the patience to rock and cuddle a crying child.
    Then she jogs along with her toddler,to match the boundless energy of her toddler. She is an athelete &caretaker at that stage.
    She becomes the best Montessori teacher for her child in its formative years.
    Then she realises that it is not enough to be only a Montessori teacher, so she becomes a musician, artist, story teller and a reading expert to equip herself to answer and describe all the unending stream of questions asked by the child and answers all calmly, patiently and correctly.
    She accompanies her child to playschool, to the kindergarten,primary classes, the hobby classes and extra classes.
    She rehearses all the above,and who else do you think can be a better person to be given the best teachers award in life?
    At teenage the role of a mother turns to a protector ,a psychologist and a mentor.
      ;D  ;D  ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #129 on: March 08, 2011, 01:39:43 PM »
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  • Inevitable Maya

    The world is an illusion is what the spiritual masters have been emphasizing time and again. People pursuing the path of spirituality too have realized and accepted the fact that the world is enveloped by Maya, which is the root cause of all unhappiness in the world. Still most of us are trapped and the tentacles of Maya spread far and wide that we find it difficult to extricate ourselves from its ugly clutches. When our Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj himself said that the Maya continues to tease Him, then what about the normal beings like us. But the moot point is that, is there any way we come out of it and live in peace? Revered Guruji Shri Satpathyji has said that,


    It is clear from these verses that all the relations with people break off, and the name, fame, money and the worldly acquisitions are left behind. So this being the truth, He said that from the moment one takes birth, one should look for Guru and seek His companionship. Though we know this truth, we continue to be entangled in the web of this mundane world. As a result, we end up having umpteen desires, unfulfilled wishes and for their fulfillment, we constantly pray to God. This is a continuous process and there is no end to it as some thing or other keeps cropping up and we keep looking at the Lord for His intervention, to help us tide over various situations. Since none of us knows really the actual required things, we go by our intellect and invoke the blessings of Lord to have things happening in desired direction. By this act, we are actually limiting the grace of the God to some specific things only. When we realize that it is the play of Maya that forces us to seek for specific things in life, then we would blindly leave everything at the feet of the Master and just look at Him to guide us the way He thinks appropriate.

    We the devotees of Shri Sainath, try to follow his teachings as described in Shri Sai Satcharitra. In spite of the fact that we read and analyze Satcharitra and try hard to internalize the essence of Sai's teachings, still we become victims of Maya. In the very first chapter in Shri Sai Satcharitra it is clearly said that, " the firm conviction of Baba is that the knowledge or Self- realization is not possible, unless there is prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins, three gunas and the Ahamkara, which is so subtle and difficult to get rid of". But most of us knowingly or unknowingly fail to take cognizance of this strong conviction of Shri Sai and as a result experience the difficulties while traversing the spiritual path.

    When the realization dawns on us that it is difficult to get away from the effects of Maya which is nothing but the divine esoteric play of the Lord, our only option is to pray to the Lord fervently to save us from Maya and its effects. Here I am reminded once again the beautiful verses of Guruji Shri Satpathiji,


    Oh, Sai, I am not able to understand anything, please make me understand your divine play and shower mercy on this ignorant servant and keep me at your lotus feet. The irony here is that a great realized soul like Satpathyji, composed these verses, then what about we the ignorant lot. Perhaps to overcome that inevitable maya, we need to utter these verses thinking of our Sadguru

    Shri Sainath Maharaj always. Guru alone is our true companion and He is the one who walks with us in this world and the world beyond. So let us offer our humble salutations to Him and pray for His continuous presence. "Aum Shri Sai, Peace be to all"
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #130 on: March 11, 2011, 08:51:49 PM »
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    Dear subhasrini ji,

    Anxiously waiting for your next message. :) :) :) :)

    Sai Ram

    Warm Regards,

    Servant of Baba

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #131 on: March 13, 2011, 03:32:41 PM »
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  • Gurur   Brahma, Gurur  Vishnu, Gurur  Devoh Maheshwara 
    Guru Sakshat  Parabrahmah Tasmai  Shree  Guru  Veh  Namah ! 

    Devotees are often heard to be saying that Shri Sainath Maharaj or Baba is either angry with them or is not taking care of them as before for reasons which they fail to understand. Such an attitude indicates a highly personalized approach. It is a unique feature of the Sai faith that the devotees get highly emotionally attached to Him even though he has no more physical presence. Psychologically they depend a lot on Shri Shirdi Sai for solace, guidance and more importantly for getting a solution to their day to day mundane problems. For most of the devotees He is a part of their lives. They worship Him, they read about Him, they meditate on Him, they do Naamjaap, they talk about Him a lot without getting tired and the hold Lungers and even donate alms to beggars in his name. Some of the ardent devotees even before taking any food or drink offer it to Baba mentally. Like children they collect all sorts of photographs, trinkets and other articles related to Baba. Such activities are a pointer to the fact that they are ever in search of Baba in their mind and soul and wish to establish an intense relationship with Him.

    It has been observed that a devotee when he first enters into the fold of Shri Sai Baba’s divine and magnanimous personality gets attracted to him in a very short time which ordinary human reasoning can not explain. When Baba was there in Shirdi many of the devotees used to go into a spiritual trance or sort of emotional hype at the very look at Baba. Such examples find a depiction in Shri Sai Satcharitra and many other books like Khaparde’s diary etc. Such was the attraction of the master that when a non believer like Balasaheb Bhate met Baba for the first time he just decided to stay back and settle down in Shirdi forever and later resigned from the government service only to serve Baba for the rest of his life.

    Most of the devotees hold Baba’s relation with them as their most prized possession. Baba before departing from his physical embodiment had assured his devotees that he would continue to protect them from his invisible abode. He had even said that whenever His devotees would call him earnestly he would make his presence felt in some way or the other and also render help to remove their difficulties. Incidents happening in the lives of most of the devotees after Baba had taken Samadhi show that Baba continues to keep his promise.

    Thus Shri Sainath Maharaj continues to render love, assurance, protection and faith to all his devotees. At times being busy tackling their earthly problems, the devotees are not in a position to remember Baba as much as they used to do earlier. In such a situation, they feel an emotional vacuum in them. Lets just understand this sense of void in the devotee when the feeling towards the Sadguru reduces in its intensity through the example of the sun and the sunlight. The light rays continuously emanate from the sun and the sunlight falls on earth. When the sky is clouded the Sun’s rays cannot be seen. Similarly, Baba’s love and protection towards devotees flows continuously but some of the devotees do not experience it when their life is engulfed by worldly clouds.

    Sai Nath maharaj often used to tell devotees at Shirdi in no uncertain terms that whosoever prays to him intensely and intimately would certainly receive His grace, help and experience. Once the teacher - pupil emotional rapport is established, the pupil is bound to go through a series of alternative emotional experiences. Sometimes he will feel flooded with loving emotions towards his master and sometimes he will feel a sense of emotional void. This bipolar emotional situation is not due to the change in the mood of the master as perceived by devotees because a perfect master is a perfect soul. The reason for such a feeling in the devotee lies in the devotee himself. Hence, whenever such a situation comes the devotee should not get bogged down under his own emotional pressures and feel frustrated. Instead he should pray Baba to stabilize his emotions towards Him. Every devotee should try to understand that a perfect master has a thousand things to do for benefit of innumerable number of devotees at the same time. Therefore to expect that the emotional impulses of each devotee would be immediately reciprocated by the master is not the correct approach. Such an unstable mental state of the devotee indicates a lack of faith in the master. If the devotee is convinced that the Sadguru is always busy in helping a large number of His devotees, at the same time, he (the devotee) should take care to see that he does not disturb the master for frivolous issues. The master is best left to carry on His magnificent and universal work. This understanding on the part of the devotee will make the master comfortable.

    ;D  Bow To Shri Sai- Peace Be To All   ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline arti sehgal

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #132 on: March 14, 2011, 01:28:12 AM »
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  • jai sairam
    very nice post . u curtain out our daily  routines . i lke this post very very much . baba bless u always.
    jai sairam
    sabke dil me baste hi ushe sai sai kehte hai
    jai sainath

    Offline vishwanath69

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #133 on: March 19, 2011, 08:07:05 PM »
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    Respected and most beloved Subhasrini mam'

    I do not know why but your post seems to be Baba's answer to me directly.
    I am passing through significant mental instability.
    I thank you Subhasrini ji, please do pray for me. I am crestfallen and do not know what I am doing.
    Baba bless you for providing this misfit with such advise and direction.

    Servant of Baba

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Message of the day
    « Reply #134 on: March 20, 2011, 10:50:03 AM »
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    Respected and most beloved Subhasrini mam'

    I do not know why but your post seems to be Baba's answer to me directly.
    I am passing through significant mental instability.
    I thank you Subhasrini ji, please do pray for me. I am crestfallen and do not know what I am doing.
    Baba bless you for providing this misfit with such advise and direction.

    Servant of Baba

    Why Fear? Is Baba not near? 

    We should not worry. We should have implicit faith in Baba, in our Inner Pilot and our spiritual Master. We have to feel that not only does Baba know what is best for us, but He will do what is best for us. We worry because we do not know what is going to happen to us tomorrow, or even the next minute. We feel that if we do not do something for ourselves, then who is going to do it? But if we can feel that there is someone who thinks of us infinitely more than we think of ourselves, and if we can consciously offer our responsibility to Him, saying, "You be responsible. Eternal Father, Eternal Mother, You be responsible for what I do and say and grow into," then our past, our present and our future become His problem. As long as we try to be responsible for our own life, we will be miserable. We will not be able to properly utilize even two minutes out of every twenty-four hours we have. When we can feel that we are Baba's conscious instruments and He is the Doer, then we will not worry about our destiny; we will not be afraid of our destiny, for we will know and feel that it is in the all-loving Hands of Baba, who will do everything in us, through us and for us.

    Let us consciously offer our very existence - what we have and what we are - to Baba. What we have is aspiration to grow into the very image of Baba, into infinite peace, Light and bliss. And what we are right now is just ignorance, the ignorance-sea. If we can offer our aspiration-cry and our ignorance-sea to Baba, then our problem is solved. We should not and we need not ever worry about destiny. On the strength of our surrender, we become inseparably one with Sai's cosmic Will.


    I offer my sincere prayers to our Baba to keep you steady and at peace always.  :)


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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