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Re: Parables
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2007, 08:33:44 PM »
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  • Parable Of The Bearded Man And Gruel

    Once a man with long beard and moustache was offered a glass of gruel (paste-like porridge) that will stick to the beard and moustache and spoil both. He liked the gruel so much that he could not afford to lose it. He also liked his beard and moustache which he tended so carefully and lovingly everyday. In his efforts to drink the gruel without spilling it on his moustache or beard, he took great care and exercised much caution in holding the glass at a distance, and the net result was that the entire gruel fell on the ground and nothing went into his mouth.

    The bearded man is like a half-baked aspirant. His tending the beard and moustache is akin to the half-baked aspirant's devoting his time to keeping his physical cloak neat and beautiful.

    The gruel is the wisdom-nectar that the spiritual teacher offers unto him.

    In his efforts to keep the body free from pain, affliction, austerities, etc., the half-baked aspirant tries to keep himself aloof from the practice of Sadhana. He thinks that without doing practical Sadhana, he can derive permanent happiness in life.

    Nor can he forgo heeding the instructions of the spiritual teacher, because they promise him the highest good. And the instructions that he receives from the Guru never do him any good, for he wastes them due to his folly. So, too, his stay with the Guru proves to be of no use to him. He has to learn much from experience, and then change his attitude. He has to abandon his love for the body and for bodily comforts, try to be benefited by his proximity to the Guru, by the instructions that he receives from the Guru.

    Immortal Life is for the Spirit and not for the flesh. You can enjoy the former, only when you transcend the latter.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #46 on: June 16, 2007, 08:49:37 PM »
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  • Parable of the Vine Yard

    In one village a feud was going on for long between two groups of people for one reason or another. One resident of that village who had two acres of land was growing grapes and selling them for his livelihood. He did not belong to either of these fighting groups. But both the groups opposing each other came to this individual and they started pressurising him to join their respective party. So, under compulsion he joined the party which contained a larger number of evil-minded people. Few months later, this honest fellow was arrested by the police along with all the other members. As a result there was no one to look after his grape garden. The vines having no water for weeks shrivelled and began to wither away. There was no fruit and, therefore, there was no income and enough food for his wife and children at home.

    In the jail, this man used to get one post card every week from his wife. The rules and regulations of the jail were such that letters received by the prisoners would not be censured while letters posted by the prisoners would be censured. Once, his wife wrote to him: "You seem to be well looked after in the prison but have you thought of our miserable condition? Since you left home our grape garden is dried up and there is no one to till the land and prepare the land for the next crop. Nor have I any money to set the land right. Even now, the children and I are half starved. So, if you suggest some method by which I can get the dried up land soil tilled, only then I and the children will have something to eat in the near future at least. Please let me know."

    As soon as he read the letter, he felt very sad. But he could hit upon a plan. He wrote to his wife thus: "Do not worry, I have not ever told you about a treasure trove, a vessel containing a lot of gold coins which I had put down below in the rut in our garden. You simply have to dig it up and make use of the coins". This letter had to be censured and the jail superintendent read it. He did not post the letter. He got together all the prisoners and told them to dig up the whole grape garden with a view to find the treasure trove. In a short time the entire garden was dug up. But they did not find any treasure trove.

    On the third day there was a heavy rain and that year (grapes) yield was very good. The wife was very happy. She sold the grapes and got plenty of money.

    At the end of six months, the husband was released from prison. As soon as he came home she eagerly questioned: "How did you manage to send so many men to plough the land?" The wife had not received her husband's letter, so she did not know about his plan. The husband replied: "Yes, by the grace of God I could think of a plan and make them believe about the treasure trove. Let us thank God."

    What is the inner meaning of this story? This individual, this cultivator had 2 acres of land. Man has two inches of heart. In our heart there are two groups; the bad qualities and the good qualities. These two groups are clashing with each other. In between the Jiva, the householder and owner of the heart, the first was not seduced by the two parties. But later he was pulled towards one group. Jiva has a wife - she is Nivrithi and her children Pravirthi. Because the Jiva joined one group he had to be in jail. That is bondage. However, he realises that the field of heart had to be cleansed (ploughed) to find the wisdom - gold. To get that wisdom all the prisoners (those in bondage) have to dig the field of heart. After the process of digging and cleansing one reaps the harvest of bliss. So what is it that is essential? Purification of the field of heart by means of prescribed sadhanas.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #47 on: June 17, 2007, 07:34:38 AM »
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  • The Seven Parables in the Lotus Sutra
    By Rev. Shokai Kanai


    A long time ago, a rich man lived in a village. His wealth was immeasurable. He had many paddy fields, houses, and servants. His manor house was large, but it had only one gate. In that house lived several hundred people. The buildings were in decay, the fences and walls were corrupted, the bases of the pillars were rotten, and the beams and ridge poles were tilted and slanted.

    All of a sudden, fires broke out and spread all over. In this house lived many children of the rich man. He was very frightened at the great fires and thought, "I am able to get out of the burning house safely, but my children are still inside. They are engrossed in playing. They do not know that the fires are coming toward them. They are not frightened or afraid. They do not know what fire is."

    "This house has only one gate. Worse still, the gate is narrow and small. My children are too young to know this. They are attached to the place where they are playing. They may get burned. I had better tell them of the danger. They must come out quickly so as not to be burned to death."

    "Come out quickly!" He warned them with these good words out of his compassion towards them, but they were too engrossed in playing to hear the words of their father. They did not wish to come out. They ran about happily. They only glanced at their father occasionally. If they and I do not get out at once, we shall be burned. I must save them from this danger with an expedient.

    He said to them, "The toys you wish to have are outside the gate. There are sheep-carts, deer-carts and bullock-carts. You can play with them. Come out of this burning house quickly!"

    The children rushed quickly out of the burning house, pushing one another, and striving to be first. The rich man, who saw them having come out safely, was relieved and danced with joy. They said to their father, "Father! Give us the toys! Give us the sheep-carts, deer-carts, and bullock-carts you promised us!"

    Then the rich man gave each of them a WHITE LARGE OX-CART of the same size. The cart was tall, wide and deep, adorned with many treasures, and had bells hanging on the four sides. This great man gave one of these carts to each of his children because his wealth was so immeasurable that his various store houses were full of treasures.

    The children rode in the large carts, and had the greatest joy that they had ever had because they had never expected to get them.


    The rich man is the Buddha. The burning house is the world where we live. The fire is our sufferings. The children playing with the toys without realizing the danger of the fire symbolizes the attitude of those who seek momentary pleasures in their daily lives. The sheep cart represents the realm of shomon or listeners in Buddha's teachings, the deer-cart indicates the realm of engaku or self-realization, the bullock-cart portrays the realm of Bodhisattva, and finally the white large ox-cart characterizes the single vehicle of Buddhahood. The Lotus Sutra is the single vehicle of Buddhahood that leads all living beings to enlightenment. It does not discriminate between shomon, engaku, and Bodhisattva.

    It is Buddha's compassion and wisdom that shows shomon, engaku, and Bodhisattva as expedients, but he is the one who leads them to the One Vehicle, Buddhahood. Only the Lotus Sutra and the Nirvana Sutra teach the Enlightenment of the shomon and the engaku. Other sutras teach that shomon and the engaku cannot attain enlightenment The Buddha says in this Chapter, "All living beings are Buddha's children."

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #48 on: June 17, 2007, 07:36:52 AM »
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    A poor little boy ran away from his father when he was very young. He lived in another country for many years. He wandered about in all directions, seeking food and clothing. While wandering here and there, he happened to walk towards his home country.

    At that time his father stayed in a city of the country. He had been vainly looking for his son ever since. He was now very rich. He had innumerable treasures. His storehouses were filled with gold, silver, coral, and crystal. He had many servants, carts, cows, and sheep. He dealt with many merchants and customers.

    The poor son came to the city where his father was living. The father had been thinking of his son ever since he had lost him. He thought, "I am old and decrepit. I have many treasures. But I have no son other than the missing one. When I die, my treasures will be scattered and lost. Therefore, I am always yearning for my son."

    At that time the poor son happened to stand by the gate of the wealthy man's house. Seeing the rich man, the poor son was frightened and thought, "Is he a king or someone like a king? This is not the place where I can get some work to get food and clothing easily. If I stay here any longer, I shall be forced to work." He tried to run away.

    The rich man recognized him at first sight as his son. He was delighted. He immediately dispatched a man standing beside him to quickly bring back the poor son. The messenger ran up to the poor son and caught him. The poor son was frightened and cried, "I have done nothing wrong. Why do you catch me?" The messenger pulled him by force. The poor son thought, "I am caught though I am not guilty. I shall be killed." More and more frightened, the poor son fainted and fell to the ground.

    Seeing all this in the distance, the father said to the messenger, "I do not want him any more. Do not bring him forcibly! Pour cold water on his face to awaken him!" The father said this because he had realized that his son was too base and mean to meet a noble man. He knew that the man was his son, but expediently refrained from telling others that this was his son.

    Waking up, the poor son stood up and went to a village of the poor to get food and clothing. The wealthy man dispatched messengers in secret. He said to two men looking worn-out, powerless and virtueless, "Go and gently tell the poor man that he will be employed here for a double day's pay. If he agrees with you, bring him here and have him work to clear dirt and that you two also will work with him."

    The poor son drew his pay in advance, and cleared dirt. Seeing him, the father had compassion towards him and took off his necklace, his garment and other ornaments. He put on tattered and dirty clothing. He came to the workers and said, "Work hard! Do not be lazy!"

    Seeing this poor man working hard, the father told him, "Do not hesitate to take trays, rice, flour, salt and vinegar, as much as you need! Make yourself comfortable."

    Years later, the rich man gave him a name and called him son. The son was glad to be treated kindly, but still thought that he was an humble employee.

    Still more years passed. After that the father and the son trusted each other. Now the son felt no hesitation in entering the house of his father, but still lodged in his old place.

    Now the rich man became ill. After a while the father noticed that his son had become more at ease and peaceful, that he wanted to improve himself, and that he felt ashamed of the thought that he was base and mean. The moment of death for the father drew near. The father told his son to call in his relatives, the king, ministers, and members of his household. When they were all assembled, he said to them, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is my son, my real son. I am his real father. He ran away from me when I lived in a certain city, and wandered with hardships for more than fifty years. His name is so-and-so. All my treasures are his now."

    At that time the poor son was very glad to hear these words of his father. He had the greatest joy that he had ever had. He thought, "I never dreamed of having this store of treasures myself. It has come to me unexpectedly.

    The wealthy man is the Eternal Buddha while the poor son is ourselves who do not realize that we are Buddha's children. We often ask Buddha, "Give me this! Give me that!" It is still a stage of shomon who is base and mean. Through the advice of the Buddha, if we put forth effort without giving up, we will be given precious treasures of Buddhahood.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #49 on: June 17, 2007, 07:37:29 AM »
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    There are various trees and grasses including herbs growing in the thickets, forests, mountains, ravines and valleys. All these plants are different in size, name and form. They are covered with a dark cloud. Rain starts to fall. The small, middle and large roots, stems, branches and leaves of the trees and grasses are watered. So were tall and short trees, whether they are big, medium, or small. Those plants were given more or less water by the same rain from the same cloud, and grow differently according to their species. They produce different flowers and fruits although they grow on the same ground and receive water from the same rain.


    The Buddha is like the cloud. The Buddha appeared in this world just as the large cloud rose. Although he equally expounded the Dharma to gods, people and all living beings, they understood his teachings differently, but they are still able to vitalize the teachings depending on their abilities, characters and specialties.

    In this world, there are many different races, culture, customs, and education. The Eternal Buddha accepts the differences and applies different teachings to each individual in order to maximize their understanding. It sounds like discrimination, but it is real equality and compassion.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #50 on: June 17, 2007, 07:38:04 AM »
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    Once upon a time there was a dangerous, long and bad road. It was so fearful that only one man lived in the neighborhood. Now many people wished to pass through this road in order to reach a place of treasures. They were led by a man who was clever, wise, and well-informed of the conditions of the dangerous road.

    Halfway through their journey, the people got tired of walking and said to the leader, "We are tired out. We are also afraid of the danger of this road. We cannot go a step father. Our destination is still far off. We wish to go back."

    The leader, who knew many expedients, thought, "What a pity! They wish to go back without getting great treasures," Having thought this, he expediently made a city by magic at a distance. He said to them, "Do not go back! You can stay in that great city, and do anything you like. If you enter that city, you will be peaceful. If you go on afterwards and reach the place of treasures, then you can go home."

    Thereupon the worn-out people had great joy. They said, "We have never had such joy as this before. Now we shall be able to get off this bad road and become peaceful." They entered the magic city and felt peaceful.

    Seeing that they had already had rested and relieved their fatigue, the leader caused the city to disappear, and said to them, "Now the place of treasures is near. I made this city by magic in order to enable you to rest."


    The Buddha is like the leader of the treasure hunt. He knows the bad road which is made of birth and death and illusion. Those who are satisfied with the magic city are the people of the shomon and engaku. Although they may think that they have reached Enlightenment, they have not reached it yet. It is similar to their satisfaction with the magic city. Real Enlightenment is farther away and obtained by practicing the way of Bodhisattva. The parable also teaches that we sometime need expedients. Kito or special blessing or prayers in Nichiren Sect is one expedient. Prayers for material satisfaction is necessary for some people, but the final the goal is to reach the treasure land which is to attain Buddhahood.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #51 on: June 17, 2007, 07:38:42 AM »
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    Suppose a poor man visited his old friend. He was treated well with food and drink, and fell asleep.

    His friend had to go out on official business, so he fastened a priceless gem inside the garment of the poor friend as a gift to him, and went out. The drunken man did not notice what his friend had given him. After a while he got up and went to another country. He had great difficulty in getting food and clothing. He was satisfied as a homeless man.

    Some time later the good friend happened to see him. He said, "Alas, man! Why have you had such difficulty in getting food and clothing? I fastened a priceless gem inside your garment the last time you came to my house. The gem is still there. You did not notice it! What a fool you are! Trade that gem for what you want! You will not be short of anything you want."


    This parable was told by Arahats of Buddha's disciple who had been assured by the Buddha of their Future Buddhahood. Arahats thought that they had attained Nirvana when they attained Arahatship.

    All of us have Buddha nature or Buddha seed, but we do not realize it. After the Buddha has revealed the Lotus Sutra, we must realize everyone's Buddha nature and have self-consciousness as Bodhisattvas. In the Lotus Sutra, we have been granted proof that we can attain Buddhahood through our realization and striving our best in the Odaimoku, the teaching of equality and harmony.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #52 on: June 17, 2007, 07:39:20 AM »
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    Suppose a powerful king demanded surrender of the kings of smaller countries. They did not obey his demand. He led soldiers, and suppressed them. He was very glad to see that their soldiers distinguished themselves in war. According to their merits, the king gave them paddy fields, houses, villages, cities, ornaments, gold, or silver.

    But he did not give a brilliant gem which he was keeping in his top-knot to anyone because the gem on the head of the king was the only one. If he had given it to anyone, the followers of the king would have been much surprised.

    The Buddha is like the king. He attained Enlightenment by his powers of concentration and of wisdom. But the kings of the Maras or demons did not assent to Buddha's demand to surrender to him. Therefore, his army fought with them. He was glad to see that some distinguished themselves in war. In order to cause them to rejoice, he expounded many sutras to them; however, he did not expound to them the Lotus Sutra. When the Buddha saw extraordinary merits in their fight with the Maras and destroyed the nets of the Mara, the Buddha revealed the Lotus Sutra with great joy.


    The Lotus Sutra is the treasury of the hidden core of all Buddhas. It is superior to all the other sutras. The historical Buddha in India refrained from expounding it for many years. Now it is the time to reveal the real character of the Buddha.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #53 on: June 17, 2007, 07:40:27 AM »
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    There was once an excellent and wise physician. He was good at dispensing medicines and curing diseases. He had many children. One day he went to a remote country on business.

    After he left home, the children accidentally took some poison. The poison passed in to their bodies, and the sons writhed in agony, rolling on the ground. At that time the father returned home. Some of his children had already lost their senses while others still had not. All of them begged him to cure the poison sickness and said, "We were ignorant. We took poison by mistake. Cure us and give us back our lives!"

    Seeing his children suffering so much, he compounded a medicine by pounding and sieving the herbs, and gave it to them, saying, "It has good color, smell and taste. Take it! It will remove the pain at once. You will not suffer any more."

    Those who had not lost their right minds took it at once, and were cured completely. But the rest of them, who had already lost their right minds, did not consent to take the remedy given to them, because they were so perverted that they did not believe that this medicine having a good color and smell had a good taste.

    The father thought, "These children are pitiful. They are so poisoned that they are perverted. Although they rejoice at seeing me and asked me to cure them, they do not consent to take this good medicine. Now I will have them take it with an expedient."

    Then he said the them, "Now I am old and decrepit. I shall die soon. I am leaving this medicine here. Take it. Do not be afraid, you will be cured!" Having advised them, he went to a remote country again. Then he sent home a messenger to tell them, "Your father has just died."

    Having heard that their father had passed away leaving them behind, they felt extremely sorry. They thought, "If our father were alive, he would love and protect us. Now he has deserted us and died in a remote country."

    They felt lonely and helpless because they thought that they were parentless and shelterless. Their constant sadness finally caused them to remember what the father had said in his last words, "Take this remedy!" Then they took it and were completely recovered from the poison.

    On hearing that they had recovered their health, the father returned home, and showed himself to them.

    "What do you think of this? Do you think that anyone can accuse this excellent physician of falsehood?" The answer is "No!"


    The Buddha is like the father. It is many hundreds of thousands of billions of kalpas since he became the Buddha. In order to save the perverted people in the world after the Buddha's death, he says expediently, "I shall pass away."

    Although the Sakyamuni Buddha has been gone for almost 2500 years, his teachings exist even today and will exist forever. Just as the physical body of the doctor could not cure the sickness but rather it was the remedy that cured the poor children, the Buddha's teachings, the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, is continuing to cure the people in the latter age of the degeneration.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #54 on: September 05, 2007, 11:42:07 AM »
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  • Parable Of A Hundred Children

    There lived in a certain town two boy-friends, Rama and Krishna. They both were neighbours. Rama married a nice charming girl when he came of age, but Krishna remained a bachelor for a long time. Both Rama and Krishna inherited a lot of wealth from their parents. Rama multiplied his wealth and became a millionaire. But, Krishna adopted his spiritual friend and guide's son and lived within his own means very happily.

    In spite of his increasing fortune, there was no happiness in Rama's house. Too many children, born to him, were a regular source of constant annoyance to him and his wife. None of them could concentrate their attention on any of the children. The children always grew turbulent and boisterous and soon drained Rama of his wealth. No amount of income could help Rama to make both ends meet.

    One day he approached Krishna and asked him as to the secret behind his happiness and the heavenly nature of his house. And Krishna replied, "I have but one son."

    Rama and Krishna represent the human mind. One mind takes to some fancy, and begets a thousand desires as its offspring. The desires quickly drain the energy that the mind daily conserves through little concentration and meditation. The mind becomes a weakling, because of a number of desires. For the same reason, it cannot concentrate itself on a particular desire and achieve its end.

    Krishna adopting the Guru's son is comparable to a mind imbibing a certain thought from the Guru and concentrating its energy and strength on developing it.

    Where there are a thousand desires, there cannot be peace of mind or concentration of mental energy, or preservation even if it were only a weakling of mental strength. Where there is but a single desire, the mind can concentrate upon it well.

    The greater the number of desires, the lesser is the peace and happiness. The lesser the desires, the greater is the peace of mind.

    Learn to reduce the number of your desires. Keep one and one alone, and let that be divine. Concentrate the mind on it. You will enjoy peace and bliss; you will soon attain your goal.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #55 on: September 05, 2007, 11:51:25 AM »
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  • Parable Of The Grain And The Hay

    An agriculturist's young son accompanied his father to the field to watch the harvest. The father cut the laden corn, gathered it and brought it over to the backyard of the house. There he threshed the corn nicely, till the grains were separated from the stalk. Carefully he collected the grains and took them into the house where he stored them safely.

    "Father, what about the hay that you have left in backyard? You carried it from the field, but not into the house!" asked the boy.

    "Son, the purpose of the hay is over. It had to carry the grain till the grain is separated from the stalk and taken possession of by us. When the grain has been collected, the hay has no more use for us. Then we only keep it to feed out cattle with." The son was well pleased with the lesson.

    Even so, the Sastras yield the knowledge of the Self to the Sadhaka. Once Jnana is attained, the Sastras are of no more use to the Siddha. He carefully stores the Jnana within his heart and utilises his Sastric knowledge for the benefit of others who are yet leading a worldly life.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #56 on: October 10, 2007, 04:38:05 PM »
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  • Parable Of The Manager Who Removed The Hands Of The Clock

    In an office the staff was ever eager to see that it struck 5 p.m. and one more day’s salaryearned without working for it. The manager noticed that every few minutes after 4 the members ofthe staff were again and again looking at the office-clock to see if the clock had struck 5.

    Quietly he went over to the clock and removed the two hands. Afterwards, the members of the staff worked with calm interest and counted, not the hours and minutes, but the work that they were able to turn out.

    In the world, a selfish man is ever eager to see that whether he has rendered any good action or not,he got good reward.If he gives a cupofwater,helooks eagerly forward to reward or atleast an expression of gratitude. 

    Noticing this, the Guru comes into the man’s life and removes the twohands of this clock of selfishness—attachment to action and longing for the fruits of actions.Afterwards the man works for work’s sake, never expecting any reward but ever consciousof his duty.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #57 on: October 10, 2007, 06:54:42 PM »
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  • om sai ram

    Really very good moral it has.

    Thank You for the Post.
    Sarvam Sri Sainatharpanamastu!!!

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #58 on: October 10, 2007, 09:15:44 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    The scientist approached God and said, "Listen, we've decided we no longer need you. Nowadays, we can clone people, tranplant hearts and do all kinds of things that were once considered miraculous."  God patiently heard him out, and then said, "All right. To see whether or not you still need me, why don't we have a man-making contest?"  "Okay, great!" the scientist said.

    "Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam," God said.
    "That's fine," replied the scientist, and bent to scoop up a handful of dirt.  "Whoa!" God said, shaking his head in disapproval. "Not so fast, pal. You go get your own dirt!"

    Can we really call anything of our own here?????

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

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    Re: Parables
    « Reply #59 on: October 28, 2007, 06:42:46 PM »
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  • Parable Of The Blessed Mouse

    Close to mountain-stream there was a dilapidated building full of rat-holes. A great number
    of rats dwelt in those rat-holes. They went out in search of food at night and they got plenty from the
    neighbouring grocer’s shop. They stored the foodstuffs in the holes and dwelt in apparent peace.

    The mountain-stream suddenly swelled one day and the flood-waters washed away all the rats
    dwelling in the holes. They died almost instantaneously and floated along the water. As the water
    dashed once again in huge waves and washed away yet another rat, on the crest of this wave floated
    a huge log of wood. The rat somehow managed to scramble upon it. It was home safely down the
    turbulent stream, because the log was of immense size.

    A mile farther down-stream the log was washed ashore; and the rat also was safely deposited on the sandy bank of the river. While the others perished, this blessed rat alone was saved.

    The mountain-stream is comparable to this terrible Samsara which is nothing more than the
    current of Raga-Dvesha. The dilapidated house is this little mud-hill called the earth with only the
    sky as the roof, broken into several fragments by big oceans, with huge rivers running here and
    there, somewhere high with mountain-ranges, somewhere low with oceans.

     In this dilapidated house there dwell human beings in rat-holes called towns, villages and cities. Unconscious of the terrible stream of Raga-Dvesha flowing by, people go about their business of
    greedily gathering the objects of this world. Being caught in the current, they are washed away
    by this terrible current of Raga-Dvesha. They perish. But, there floats on this very current the log of wood viz., Bhakti. It seems to be part of the stream; though it looks like Raga (a great liking), it is safe because it is an intense liking for God.

    The blessed soul quickly stands upon this log of wood, Bhakti. The current does not swallow him.
    He is not affected by the current of Raga-Dvesha. In course of time, he is taken to the shore of Immortality.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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