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Author Topic: Radha had her own life and Krishna had his own life  (Read 36798 times)

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Re: Radha had her own life and Krishna had his own life
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2012, 10:08:36 AM »
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  • After hearing Candranana's words, Sri Radha, the queen of the rasa dance, in order to please Lord Krsna, began to serve Tulasi. Taking Tulasi, beautiful with many green leaves, to the middle of a ketaki forest, and placing her in a Tulasi-temple that was round, tall, a hundred hastas in size, beautiful with walls of gold and rubies, splendid with an outer wall of emeralds, diamonds and pearls, decorated with cintamani gems, arched gateways, gold flags and gold awnings everywhere, and glorious like Indra's palace, at the time of the star Abhijit, saintly Radha served Sri Tulasi. Beginning with the full moon of the month of Asvina (Sept/Oct), and ending with the full moon of Caitra (Mar/Apr), to please Sri Krsna, saintly Radha followed a vow with great devotion. Month after month She sprinkled Tulasi with milk, sugar-cane juice, grape-juice, mango-juice, pancamrta, and many kinds of sweet and cool juices. On the first day of Vaisakha (Apr/May), She ended the vow. King Vrsabhanu's daughter, Radha, then pleased two hundred-thousand brahmanas with a great feast of fifty six courses. Then Radha gave them daksina of a hundred bharas of gold and pearls to each brahmana. The demigods showered flowers on the Tulasi temple.
    Then, seated on a glorious throne on a gold pedestal, Her eyes like lotus petals, and Her gold crown and earrings glittering, beautiful four-armed Tulasi, who is dear to Lord Krsna, appeared. Descending from the sky, Tulasi, beautiful as a flowering vine, with Her four arms embraced and then kissed Radha, who wore a new Vaijayanti garland, and whose snake-like braids were covered with a yellow cloth. Sri Tulasi said, "O daughter of Kalavati, I am pleased with You. I am eternally conquered by Your loving devotion. O beautiful one, as if You were an ordinary human being, You very carefully followed this vow. The desire that fills Your heart, mind, intelligence and senses will be attained. Lord Krsna will be kind to You, You are very fortunate."
    To Tulasi, who spoke these words and who is dear to Lord Krsna, Radha bowed and said, "May I have unalloyed devotion for Lord Krsna's lotus feet." Saying, "So be it, " Krsna's beloved Tulasi disappeared. Then Radha, King Vrsabhanu's daughter, went home happy at heart.
    A devotee who hears this wonderful story of Sri Radha attains first the three goals of material life and then the supreme spiritual goal of life.

    All glories to Srimate Vrinda-devi!!!

    In service to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-acarya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness
     Copyright © 2004 - 2008 ISKCON, BBT,

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
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    Dipika Duggal


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