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Shirdi Wale Saibaba-Frequently asked questions.
« on: December 09, 2004, 08:16:20 AM »
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  • When and how can we control "I"?

    One who can take complete control over "I" I.e ego,will not be born again as he would be merged with the Oversoul.By the effort of many births,good deeds and grace of the Sadguru only,one can get control over "I". One must understand this and pray to Guru to release from this. By making the life simple and surrendering to Guru, "I" diminishes slowly but surely.There are many aspects of ego like lust,hunger,anger,body,mind,they get controlled slowly. Baba's message s always tell us that there should be no ego.Ego is a destroyer and kills the spiritual progress of a person. This is fully understandable.But,there are so many instances in day to day working in the commercial life where one has to use his ego to establish his style of working or to create a positive result-oriented fear. Ego can be both be creative and destructive.By ego the biggest things are created on earth and also destroyed.To become egoless is the highest state.Baba has spoken the ultimate word that He Himself is.We ,at a much lower level of evolution can only try by taking His name.While doing a job where ego is necessary one should,still be careful not to have egoand then using it in the positive direction will not make a person slave of his own ego. One thing is certain that truth is only in what Baba says but I am not able to relate this to the above.

    While doing the work of Baba many obstacles come, is this to kill ego and also to instill patience and faith?

    I entirely agree .The more work you do for Baba ,the more work will come to you, both quantitative and qualitative . At times big obstacles present themselves but they do not remain for long.It not only kills ego but builds those qualities that are essentially required to do bigger jobs for Baba.

    om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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