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Spiritual Skepticisms
« on: June 07, 2007, 12:34:59 AM »
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  • As we traverse this spiritual journey there are several skills that we
    must incorporate into our repatare of spiritual beliefs if we are to
    grow on the spiritual path. I think that the most important is the
    balance we have between the esoteric and the "real" world. This
    balance is often called "Being Grounded." What does that really mean?
    I think it is being involved in the physical world and taking the
    teachings one learns from the esoteric into the physical world and
    manifesting them. How does one do this? I think starting with putting
    spiritual knowledge to work in our families, then our work, physical
    exercise, eating healthy foods, and just plain laughter and fun. If one
    spends time each day in prayer and mediation one will find that
    balance. This balance is really important as other wise we may fall
    under the egos wants, or our wishes and desires, or our fears. Many
    people who first traverse the spiritual path get lost in these things.
    They loss perspective of the reasons they are going each day to the
    spiritual plane is to better live on the physical plane.
    When we are in this balance or being grounded we are less likely to
    fall prey to flights of fantasy.

    When embarking on a spiritual journey people need some just plain good

    old common sense. In exploring the many subjects of the esoteric
    realm one can lose perspective. It is always a good idea to keep a

    skeptical attitude toward some of the things that are presented to us.

    The internet is always presenting a new theology or a new way to

    magically have the life you want.

    So investigate, think on these things, meditate, pray ask the angels
    and your Higher Power what is real, what is for you.
    That brings up a really good point since we are created to be very
    unique spiritual beings our truths are not the same. So no matter what
    is revealed to us or how much we believe that you have found the
    answers keep in perspective they are your answers and not someone
    else. Each of us must come to our answers for ourselves. My beliefs
    tell me that the whole purpose is to live the best we can on this
    physical plane and use our spiritual knowledge in creating a more
    wonderful place. The best way to do this for me is to know myself and
    only try to change me. Think what would happen if each of us sought
    spiritual truth daily and lived it to the best of our ability. Pray
    for one another to find their truth but do not impose your truth on


    Judi Singleton is the publisher of nine lists
    including subjects of business, spiritual journey, angels, art and
    writing,, creating your world, and goddess religion. You can
    join her lists at

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