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Offline mainhoonsaibeti

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« Reply #345 on: March 19, 2007, 11:36:55 PM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram

    Thanks Rameshji
    Peace Be To All

    Sai says:
    Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do.
    Spiritual stories-,1668.0.html

    Offline mainhoonsaibeti

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    « Reply #346 on: March 19, 2007, 11:38:17 PM »
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  • The Dart Board

    A young lady named Sally, relates an experience she had in a seminary class, given by her teacher, whom we'll call Brother Smith. She says Brother Smith was known for his elaborate object lessons. One particular day, Sally walked into seminary and knew they were in for another fun day.

    On the wall was a big target and on a nearby table were many darts. Brother Smith told the students to draw a picture of someone that they disliked or someone who had made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture. Sally's girlfriend (on her right), drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Another friend (on her left), drew a picture of his little brother. Sally drew a picture of Brother Smith, putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on his face. Sally was pleased at the overall effect she had achieved.

    The class lined up and began throwing darts, with much laughter and hilarity. Some of the students threw their darts with such force that their targets were ripping apart. Sally looked forward to her turn, and was filled with disappointment when Brother Smith, because of time limits, asked the students to return to their seats. As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a chance to throw any darts at her target, Brother Smith began removing the target from the wall. Underneath the target was a picture of God...

    A complete hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of the Lord; holes and jagged marks covered His face and His eyes were pierced out. Brother Smith said only these words, "In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." No other words were necessary; the tear-filled eyes of each student focused only on the picture . The students remained in their seats . . . even after the bell rang . . . then slowly left the classroom, tears  streaming down their faces. Enough Said!!! "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'" Matthew 25:40

    Share this story with the people on your list. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John. 13:34-35) May God bless you. Your servant in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Submitted by: Radek Dobias
    Peace Be To All

    Sai says:
    Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do.
    Spiritual stories-,1668.0.html

    Offline Kavitaparna

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    « Reply #347 on: March 20, 2007, 08:03:57 AM »
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  • The Ant & the Contact Lens

    Brenda was a young woman who was invited to go rock climbing. Although she was scared to death, she went with her group to a tremendous granite cliff. In spite of her fear, she put on the gear, took hold on the rope and started up the face of that rock. Well, she got to a ledge where she could take a breather. As she was hanging on there, the safety rope snapped against Brenda's eye and knocked out her contact lens.

    Well, here she is on a rock ledge, with hundreds of feet Below her and hundreds of feet above her. Of course, she looked and looked and looked, hoping it had landed on the ledge, but it just wasn't there. Here she was, far from home, her sight now blurry. She was desperate and began to get upset, so she prayed to the Lord to help her to find it.

    When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye and her clothing for the lens, but there was no contact lens to be found. She sat down, despondent, with the rest of the party, waiting for the rest of them to make it up the face of the cliff.

    She looked out across range after range of mountains, thinking of that Bible verse that says, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." She thought, "Lord, You can see all these mountains. You know every  stone and leaf, and You know exactly where my contact lens is. Please help me."

    Finally, they walked down the trail to the bottom. At the bottom there was a new party of climbers just starting up the face of the cliff. One of them shouted out, "Hey, you guys! Anybody lose a contact lens?" Well, that would be startling enough, but you know why the climber saw it?  An ant was moving slowly across the face of the rock, carrying it.

    Brenda told me that her father is a cartoonist. When she told him the  incredible story of the ant, the prayer, and the contact lens, he drew a picture of an ant lugging that contact lens with the words, "Lord, I don't know why You want me to carry this thing. I can't eat it, and it's awfully heavy. But if this is what You want me do, I'll carry it for You."

    I think it would probably do some of us good to occasionally say, "God, I don't know why you want me to carry this load. I can see no good in it and it's awfully heavy. But, if you want Me to carry it, I will." God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.


    Maihoonsaibeti ji, Sai Ram!

    Thanks for this  excellent story.

    Like the ant carrying the load without knowing the purpose but certainly feeling the load too much for her, we all do feel - the struggles - that are beyond our capacities to undergo ..many a time...there is definitely a purpose..which we are not aware ...infact need not be aware of....

    If we are aware of one thing that there would be ceratinly some purpose behind whatsoever struggles / problems that we face that is more than enough.

    Jai Sai Ram
    « Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 09:21:36 AM by Kavitaparna »


    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #348 on: March 20, 2007, 08:28:00 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    One small story, It is said that once Darkness went before BABA. Placing her head on HIS feet, she began to cry. BABA asked. "What is the matter, what is bothering you?"

    "I am very unhappy?" she said. "I am terribly scared of your Sun. Every morning, as soon as he gets up, he begins to chase me. By evening when I am completely exhausted, he somehow lets me alone. I hardly manage to rest the night when I find him standing at my door. Then again the chase starts. He has been after my life ever since time began. What have I done that he harasses me so?"

    BABA sent for the Sun and questioned him: "Why you erase Darkness? What has she done?"

    "Darkness?" asked the sun. "Who is Darkness? I have never met her. Where does she live? I have never set eyes on her, so how can I harass her? At least I should be acquainted with my foe! Please call her so that I may beg her forgiveness and clear the misunderstanding."

    BABA could not persuade Darkness to come before the Sun.

    This happened billions of years ago, they say. The problem remains still unsolved, for darkness is not the opposite of light but its absence.

    Understand well the difference between "opposite" and "absence." If darkness is the opposite of light, we could throw a handful on a lamp and the light would go out. We cannot do that for the simple reason that, darkness is the absence, the non-presence, the non-being of light. It has no existence of its own. Light has its own existence. When light is not, what remains is darkness. Darkness cannot he removed. It cannot be dealt with, directly. If you want to bring in darkness, you will have to do something to light.

    OM SAI RAM!!!

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Radha

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    « Reply #349 on: March 20, 2007, 10:51:47 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!!

    A man saw a vision of his whole life traced along a shore. As he looked back in time he saw two sets of footprints in the sand, his own and Baba's. He noticed that at the lowest and saddest times of his life only one set showed. He complained, "Baba, you promised to walk with me through life. Why did you leave me when I needed You most? Baba answeres:" I did not leave you. During difficult times, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I caried you."

    Om Sai Ram!!


    Offline Radha

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    « Reply #350 on: March 20, 2007, 10:56:04 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!!

     Faith and Doubt
    Doubt sees the obstacles,
    Faith sees the way;
    Doubt sees the blackest night,
    Faith sees the day;
    Doubt dreads to take a step,
    Faith soars on high;
    Doubt questions,"Who believes"?
    Faith answers, " I."

    Om Sai Ram!!


    Offline Radha

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    « Reply #351 on: March 20, 2007, 11:16:05 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!!


    Challenges have a charm.
    They keep our hearts ever warm.
    Awaken our hidden gifts,
    Bring out the best in us.

    Like a hidden mighty cell,
    Woking like a magic spell,
    Draws forth daring dreams,
    Seething with growing steam.

    A grain of wheat unchallenged,
    Remains always unchanged,
    Challenged by the daring world ,
    Bears fruit a hundred fold.

    Should we not face boldly,
    Lifes precious challenges?
    Should we not accept galdly
    Life-giving challenges?

    Om Sai Ram!!


    Offline Kavitaparna

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    « Reply #352 on: March 21, 2007, 12:42:09 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!!

     Faith and Doubt
    Doubt sees the obstacles,
    Faith sees the way;
    Doubt sees the blackest night,
    Faith sees the day;
    Doubt dreads to take a step,
    Faith soars on high;
    Doubt questions,"Who believes"?
    Faith answers, " I."

    Om Sai Ram!!


    om sri sai ram

    Sai Ram, Radha ji!

    A very nice poem giving out positive vibrations

    Baba bless us all of us

    jai Sai Ram!


    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #353 on: March 22, 2007, 06:41:54 AM »
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  • Transform Heat To Light With Inner Alchemy

    Do not use heat as heat: use it as light. When you think anger is coming to you, close your eyes and meditate on what anger is. Dig deep inside and find out the source from where it is coming. When we get angry we begin to think about the object of anger, about who has created it, and not of the source of anger, from where it is coming. When you get angry, close your eyes. This is the right moment to meditate. Go deep, and you will come to the source of heat from where the accumulated energy is bursting forth to go out.

    Observe it; do not indulge in it — because if you indulge in it, it will be thrown out without being transformed. And do not suppress it — because if you suppress it, it will be thrown back to the original source which is overflowing. It cannot absorb it. It will be thrown back again with a more forceful movement. Just be conscious. Move inward to the source. This very movement slows down the process; this very observation transforms the quality of anger, because this calm observation is an antidote.

    Anger and calm observation are different phenomena. When this calm observation enters into anger, it changes the energy, the very chemical composition of it, and heat becomes light. Then the anger is neither thrown back to the original source which cannot contain it because it is overflowing, nor is it thrown to the object in a foolish wastage. Then this energy neither moves out to the object of anger, nor is it suppressed back to the original source. This energy moves to the periphery of your body as light. When diffused, anger becomes ojas, an inner light.

    So do not be disturbed and disappointed if you have much anger. That only shows you have much energy. A person born without anger cannot be transformed. He has no energy. So be happy that you have energy, but do not misuse it. Energy in itself is neutral. This is the secret science of inner alchemy — to change heat into light, to change coal into diamond, to change baser elements into gold.

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline OmSaiRamNowOn

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    « Reply #354 on: March 22, 2007, 01:36:11 PM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram. I have read this story several times in the past and each time I have read with same interest like today and its good to revise the lesson it conveys so I thought to convery to dear bandhus as well.

    Love and Time

    Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

    Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

    When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

    Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,
    "Richness, can you take me with you?"
    Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

    Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"
    "I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

    Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."
    "Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

    Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

    Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,

    Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"
    "It was Time," Knowledge answered.
    "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
    Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
    Om Sai Ram !


    "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #355 on: March 23, 2007, 07:43:41 AM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    आज मैं आप सबको दीप के बारे में बताता हूं। किसी मंगल कार्य को प्रारंभ करने से पूर्व दीप जलाने का विधान है। जैसे-जैसे सभ्यता का विकास हुआ, वैसे-वैसे दीप के रूप बदलते गए। अब ये सोने से लेकर अन्य सभी धातुओं के बनने लगे हैं, हीरे जड़े दीप भी होते हैं, लेकिन पहला दीप जो इस संसार में जला, वह माटी का ही था। माटी के उस दीप ने हम सबको यह संदेश दिया कि मैं माटी का दीप हूँ, प्रकाशित होने जा रहा हूँ और तुम भी माटी के ही दीप हो, इसलिए प्रकाशित होकर धरती पर रहना।

    वह हमें बताता है कि मैं बहुत छोटा हूँ, तुम बहुत बड़े हो। लेकिन मैं केवल इसलिए जल रहा हूँ कि मेरा छोटा-सा प्रकाश, यदि तुम्हें थोड़ी भी प्रेरणा दे पाए, तो मेरा जलना सार्थक हो जाएगा। दीप अपने कर्त्तव्य का पूरी तरह से पालन करता है। वह जलता है, तो बुझता भी है। आप निश्चित मानिए कि किसी दीप को लाख प्रयत्नों से जलाकर रखने का यत्न किया जाए, लेकिन काल संसार में प्रत्येक दीप को बुझाता ही है।

    माटी का दीप थोड़ा-सा स्नेह लेकर, थोड़ा सा तेल लेकर जलता है और मानवता से कहता है कि मैं प्रकाश देने के लिए प्रस्तुत हूं, जाग्रत हूँ, पुरुषार्थ कर रहा हूं, अंधकार से लड़ रहा हूँ, प्रमाद को पराजित कर रहा हूँ। हे मानव! मुझसे एक प्रेरणा लेना, तुम भी जलना अंधेरे के सामने, अन्याय के सामने अपने पुरुषार्थ के दीप को, अपने विवेक को निरंतर प्रकाशित रखने का प्रयत्न करना।

    यह तो आप सब जानते ही हो कि माटी के दीप की सीमा है। स्नेह उसे मिला, पर कितना मिल पाता है। रात लम्बी होती है। भोर होने तक वह टिमटिमाता रहता है, उसे बड़ी प्रसन्नता है कि मैं अब तक अंधेरे से लड़ता रहा। मैं थक रहा हूं, लेकिन मुस्करा रहा हूँ, क्योंकि इतनी लम्बी लड़ाई लड़ी है। मेरे उस संघर्ष को देखकर ही उषा की अरुणाई ने अपनी लालिमा चारों ओर बिखेरी है। अब यदि बुझ भी जाऊँ तो कोई चिंता नहीं। बाल-रवि की लालिमा आश्वासन दे रही है- कर्तव्य की वेदी पर तुमने अपने प्राण चढ़ा दिए हैं। अब शेष लोग अपने कर्त्तव्य पालन के लिए अपने आप तुमसे प्रेरणा लेंगे।

    देखो, पग-पग पर छल-बल से उस दीप को बुझाने का प्रयत्न संसार में होता है। ऐसा ही हमारे-तुम्हारे साथ भी होता है। यदि मनुष्य उस छलबल से पराजित हो जाए तो वह मानवता की पराजय है। क्योंकि मानव तो परमात्मा का वह विजेता पुत्र है, जो काल से भी लड़कर अपने विवेक को जगाए रखने का प्रयत्न करता है, जो यमराज के द्वार पर नचिकेता बन कर प्रश्न करता है। यदि किसी के विवेक का दीप जलता रहे, तो वह नचिकेता-भाव में जीकर यमराज से भी अपने प्रश्नों का उत्तर प्राप्त कर सकता है।

    आँधी के कारण बहुत साधनापूर्वक सँजोया गया दीप पहले टिमटिमाता है, फिर संघर्ष करता है। तूफान और दीये की लड़ाई प्रसिद्ध है। वह बार-बार प्रज्ज्वलित रहने का प्रयत्न करता है। ऐसी ही आवश्यकता उस समय होती है जब हमारे अंतर का दीप विषय-वासनाओं की बयार चलने से टिमटिमाता है।

    आपने देखा होगा, बड़े-बड़े सम्मेलन और यज्ञों में दीप प्रकट किया जाता है, पुरोहित काँच की चिमनी से उसे ढक देता है कि दीप बुझ न जाए, पर प्रकाश भी बाहर जाता रहे। जब वह ऐसा कर देता है तो बयार बहुत प्रयत्न करती है, लेकिन दीप बुझता नहीं और वह बड़े आनन्द के साथ जलता रहता है और प्रकाश देता है। इसी प्रकार से मेरा और आपका अंतर-दीप जल रहा हो, विषय-बयार चल रही हो, तब बाबा सांई के वचनों और उनके आशीर्वाद के कवच से अपने दीप को बचाने का यदि प्रयत्न कर लिया जाए तो माया रूपी झंझावात से हम अपने को बचा ले जाएंगे।

    मैं इस लेख के माध्यम से सबको  यह कंहूगा कि आज से आप भी अपने घर में बाबा का दीप जलाना शुरु कीजिये फिर देखिये कैसे बाबा आपके घर में सदा के लिये बस जायेगें।

    अपना सांई सबका सांई सबसे प्यारा अपना सांई.....न्यारा सांई।

    ॐ सांई राम।।।

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #356 on: March 24, 2007, 08:00:39 AM »
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  • ॐ सांई राम।।।

    एक दिन एक राजा कहीं जा रहा था। रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिला। उसकी सफेद दाढ़ी काफी चमक रही थी। राजा ने रुककर उसका हालचाल पूछा, फिर बातों ही बातों में सवाल किया, 'महाशय आपकी उम्र क्या होगी?' बूढ़े ने उत्तर दिया, 'श्रीमान केवल चार वर्ष।' यह सुनकर राजा को बड़ा क्रोध आया। उसने कहा, 'आपको शर्म आनी चाहिए। आप इतने बूढ़े होकर भी मजाक करते हैं। आपको पता है मैं कौन हूं।' फिर राजा अपने गुस्से पर काबू करते हुए बोला,' आपको अस्सी से कम कौन कहेगा।' राजा की बात सुनकर बूढ़ा मुस्कराया। उसने नम्रता से उत्तर दिया, 'श्रीमान, आपका अनुमान ठीक है। पर इनमें से छिहत्तर साल मैंने यूं ही बर्बाद किए हैं। केवल अपनी और अपने बच्चों की चिंता की। न तो किसी गरीब की सहायता की और न ही कोई दूसरा नेक काम किया। पिछले चार वर्षों में ही मैंने जीवन का वास्तविक ध्येय समझा है। इसलिए मेरी आयु केवल चार साल है।'

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।।
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #357 on: March 25, 2007, 09:51:04 AM »
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  • "Flight of the alone to the alone".

    THERE WAS ONCE A KING who had three sons. Desiring to determine the fitness of each of them for the prospective job of ruling the kingdom, he hit upon a strange test.

    The king ordered his sons to accompany him, with bows and arrows, on a ride into the country. Pausing at a spot beside the road near an open field, the king pointed out a vulture sitting on a tree limb, within easy bow shot.

    "I wish you to shoot at that vulture," said the king to his eldest son. "But tell me first, what do you see?"
    Wonderingly, the prince replied, "Why, I see grass, the clouds, the sky, the river, a tree, and..."

    "Enough!" said the king, and beckoned the second son to make ready to shoot. The latter was about to do so when his father again said, "Tell me first, what do you see?"

    "Ah, I see the horses, the ground, a field of wheat, and an old dead tree with a vulture on it," answered the youth.

    "Never mind shooting it," the king said, and turning to his youngest son, ordered him to hit the vulture, and again repeated the question, "First, what do you see?"

    The youth replied deliberately, not taking his gaze for an instant from his intended victim as he drew taut the bowstring and aimed the shaft, "I see," he said, "the point where the wings join the body.

    .." and the young man let fly the arrow and the bird tumbled to the ground.

    The third son became the king.

    The kingdom belongs to those who can work in a concentrated way -- and with the kingdom of the within, more so. The way of moving in life with a direction. with a goal, with a clearcut vision, crystallizes your energies. The goal is just an excuse. The direction is just a device.

    Ordinarily you are scattered all over the place, one part going in this direction, another part going in another direction. Ordinarily you are many, a mob, and each fragment of your being is constantly contradicting the other fragment. How can you achieve anything in life? How can you feel fulfilled? If misery becomes your whole story, and if life proves to be nothing but a tragedy, there is no need to wonder. Except you, nobody else is responsible.

    You have an inexhaustible source of energy, but even that can be wasted. If your fragments are in a kind of civil war you will not achieve anything worthwhile -- to say nothing about God, to say nothing about truth. You will not achieve ANYTHING worthwhile, because all realization, either of the without or of the within, needs one thing absolutely: that you be one -- so that your whole energy can pour into your work, so that your whole energy can become a quest.

    Questions you have many; that is not going to help unless all your questions are together and create a quest in you.

    When your life becomes a quest, when it has a direction, it starts moving towards fulfillment. Then it will have crystallization. Crystallization means slowly, slowly you become one piece, slowly, slowly individuation arises in you. And the ultimate realization of truth is nothing but the ultimate realization of unity within your being. That is the meaning of the word 'God'. God is not there somewhere in the heavens, waiting for you. God is waiting within you, but you can find Him only if you are one -- because only the one can find the one. Remember the famous words of the great mystic, Plotinus: "Flight of the alone to the alone".
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #358 on: April 03, 2007, 12:25:44 AM »
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  • Steer Your Mind to Selfless Service

    Be engaged always in the service of people. The human body is anyway impermanent, so it is better it wears out in service. Constant effort and hard work are absolutely essential. If ten rupees is earned by hard work, we must return a thousand rupees to society through more hard work.
    Prayer and worship are not enough. There is no difference between the Creator and His creation. Do you need to show a candle to the sun? Similarly, you do not need to worship God. He is within you and in everybody around you. In service to His creation you establish contact with the Creator. Krishna, even though he was complete in himself, still worked relentlessly. Arjuna however wanted to run away from the scene. You cannot run away. You have to do your bit. Not always will the situation be to your liking. You may not be able to change it. You can only change your mind, your attitude. If your neighbour makes too much noise, you can complain to the police. If your street is noisy, you can move elsewhere, but if your mind is creating all the chaos, what do you do? Recognise those circumstances we can change and those we have to accept.
    A king got pricked by a thorn when he was out hunting. He was furious and ordered that his entire kingdom be carpeted. His ministers were in a fix. Wherefrom would they get so many rolls of carpet? A senior minister offered the suggestion that the king wear shoes and thankfully the king appreciated him. Similarly, we too should be able to change our attitude, we cannot expect the world to change.
    How can we change our attitude? For that, mind control is important. Our mind is like an old car that stops only after colliding against some object, for its brakes don’t work well. Modern cars come to a standstill the moment you apply the power brakes. The mind is like a supermarket with many thoughts. In a supermarket we do not buy everything and anything. We take only that which we want. Similarly, we should let only some thoughts develop and let the others disappear. The mind is like an elephant. An elephant, along its path, keeps plucking, tearing at any branch or leaves that come its way. But when the mahout keeps it on track, it is focused and walks a straight path. To still the mind and to have its remote control in our hands, we need meditation.
    However, people meditate, do japa while their mind is travelling elsewhere. To steer the mind you need to be aware, to be mindful. If someone were pointing a gun at you, how conscious you would be of yourself ! It is that kind of alertness or awareness that we should have all the time. If we are close to fire, how careful would we be! That is how careful we should be with every moment of our life. The mind is like water, it is always turning downwards weighed down by our many desires and worldly aspirations. Water always flows downwards. But look at fire, it always leaps upwards. If you put fire under water, it sends water also upwards in the form of steam. We should be like that. Our mind should be able to be light and alert.
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    « Reply #359 on: April 04, 2007, 11:45:20 PM »
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  • जय सांई राम।।।

    दुनिया में रहकर दुनिया का तलबगार नहीं  

    एक हकीम साहब थे। वे ज्ञानी-ध्यानी पुरुष थे। बोलते कम और सुनते ज्यादा थे। उनके हाथ में शफा थी। मरीज से एकाध सवाल करके ही बीमारी की तह तक पहुंच जाते। दूर-दूर से लोग उनके पास इलाज कराने आते थे। हकीम साहब आमतौर पर अपना दवाखाना सुबह और शाम के वक्त खोलते थे, लेकिन कोई रोगी बेवक्त भी आ गया, तो उनके माथे पर शिकन तक नहीं आती थी।

    हकीम साहब मरीजों का इलाज तो करते थे, पर वे इसके बदले किसी से कुछ मांगते नहीं थे। जो जितना दे गया, जो कुछ दे गया, उसे ही खुशी-खुशी कबूल कर लेते। सिर्फ यही नहीं, जिसके पास देने के लिए कुछ नहीं होता था, वह भी उनके यहां से निराश नहीं लौटता था। उनकी एक खूबी और थी। उन्हें चीजों की जितनी जरूरत होती, उतनी वे रख लेते, बाकी को जरूरतमंदों में बांट देते। इस क्रम में उनकी शादी की उम्र निकल गई। शक्ल सूरत से भी वे अधेड़ दिखने लगे। अब इस उम्र और चेहरे-मोहरे को देखते हुए भला कौन औरत उनसे निकाह करती?

    जिंदगी यूं ही चल रही थी, बिना किसी हलचल के। पर तभी एक घटना घटी। उस घटना ने हकीम साहब की जिंदगी बदल कर रख दी। हुआ यह कि बस्ती की एक लड़की गर्भवती हो गई। मां-बाप ने लड़की से इस बारे में पूछा, तो उसने कह दिया कि पेट में पल रहा बच्चा हकीम साहब का है। इस बात पर पहले तो घरवालों को यकीन नहीं हुआ, लेकिन लड़की कसमें खाने लगी। मां-बाप का परेशान होना लाजमी था। भला ऐसी लड़की से अब कौन शादी करता? उन्होंने ठान लिया कि उनकी लड़की की नाजायज औलाद इस घर में नहीं रहेगी।

    ऐसी स्थिति में जो होना था, आखिर वही हुआ। युवती ने एक बच्चे को जन्म दिया। परिवार वाले उस बच्चे को लेकर हकीम साहब के यहां पहुंचे। चीखे-चिल्लाए, उन्हें खरी-खोटी सुनाई और कहा- संभालो अपने बच्चे को। हकीम साहब ने किसी से कुछ नहीं कहा। हाथ बढ़ाकर बच्चा ले लिया और उसे प्यार करने लगे। यह खबर आंधी की तरह फैल गई। जो लोग कल तक हकीम साहब को फकीर, फरिश्ता कहते थे और न जाने कितनी महान शख्सियतों के समकक्ष ठहराते थे, वही लोग अब हकीम साहब के नाम पर थू-थू करने लगे। जितने मुंह, उतनी बातें। कोई कहता कि बड़ा संत बनता था। मालूम नहीं कितने और क्या-क्या गुल खिलाए होंगे, इस हकीम ने। ऐसी हवस थी, तो शादी ही कर लेता। वगैरह-वगैरह।

    दवाखाना अब भी सुबह शाम खुलता था, लेकिन अब वहां भूले से भी कोई नहीं आता। लोगों ने बहू-बेटियों को हिदायत दे दी कि भूलकर भी उस लंपट हकीम के घर के आसपास न जाना। भेड़ की खाल में यह भेड़ियां न जाने कब क्या कर डाले। हकीम साहब अकेले पड़ गए थे। किसी तरह उस बच्चे की परवरिश करने लगे। उधर, बच्चे की मां परेशान रहने लगी। अब उसे रह-रहकर बच्चे की याद आती थी। वह घुलने-घटने लगी। उसकी जिंदगी बोझ बन गई। आखिर एक साल बाद उसने अपने मां-बाप को सच-सच बता दिया कि उसने झूठ बोला था। दरअसल, बच्चे का बाप बस्ती का ही एक नौजवान है। उसे कोई शर्मिंदगी न झेलनी पड़े, इसलिए उसने झूठ बोला था। अब परिवार वालों को अपनी हरकत पर पश्चाताप हुआ। वे हकीम साहब के पास पहुंचे। उनसे माफी मांगी और बच्चा वापस मांगा। हकीम साहब ने कुछ कहे बिना, मुस्कराते हुए बच्चे को लड़की की गोद में डालकर उसके सिर पर हाथ रख दिया।

    इस बोध कथा का नायक योग की शिक्षा नहीं देता, लेकिन कर्म, वचन से एक वह सच्चा योगी साबित होता है। वह दुख में दुखी नहीं होता और सुख में बहुत प्रसन्न भी नहीं होता। वह अपने ज्ञान और विद्वता का ढिंढोरा नहीं पीटता। वह सदा अहंकार से दूर रहता है। चेले-चाटुकारों की फौज के साथ नहीं चलता। सुख-सुविधाओं से संपन्न घर में निवास नहीं करता। बड़ी-बड़ी गाड़ियों में नहीं घूमता। किसी से कुछ मांगता नहीं है। भूख लगे, तो जहां जो रूखा-सूखा मिल जाए, वही खा-पी लेता है।

    साथ ही, कोई उस पर बेजा आरोप लगाए, तो ऐसी स्थिति में भी वह अपना मानसिक संतुलन नहीं खोता। पलट कर इल्जाम नहीं लगाने लगता। करारा जवाब देने की बजाय शांत रहता है। वह किसी व्यक्ति, जाति संप्रदाय, धर्म और देश की आलोचना नहीं करता। दुनियावी बातों से निलिर्प्त रहता है। मिर्जा गालिब के शब्दों में कहें तो दुनिया में रहता है, पर दुनिया का तलबगार नहीं होता है।

    अपना सांई प्यारा सांई सबसे न्यारा अपना सांई

    ॐ सांई राम।।।

    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी


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