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Offline dattaswami

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Tests of God
« on: October 02, 2009, 08:47:45 PM »
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  • Tests of God
    God is truth all the activities of God are based on truth only

    If you are able to sacrifice anything and anybody for the sake of God, you need not fear for test. If you studied every chapter in text book, you need not fear for the examination because you can answer any question from any chapter. If you are fearing for test, it means that you are weak in a particular chapter. God is omniscient and knows your weakness. Hence, God gives only the question from that chapter in which you are weak. In worldly studies, the examiner is not omniscient and therefore by chance the examiner may not touch the chapter in which you are weak. But, the case of God is quite different since He is omniscient. He cannot declare you that you are the master of all the text book, unless you are thorough in every chapter. Do not misunderstand God as a cruel examiner.
     God is truth and hence all the activities of God are based on truth only. If you are weak in a chapter and if you are declared as the master of the text book, is it a true declaration? Therefore, God will not test you unless you are able to sacrifice everything and everybody for His sake. But, meanwhile you think that you can prove your highest devotion even though you have not reached that stage. Hence, to make you realize the truth of your false assumption, God conducts the test and proves your failure. In such test, He will not publicize because His aim is not to insult you in the public. His aim is only to make you realize your incompleteness in your achievement, so that you will try to reach the perfection after knowing the truth. If you are not tested, you will continue in your false impression and sit quite without any further effort.

    If you have reached the perfection in sacrifice, God will conduct the test and publicize the result so that the other devotees will take your success as an example. If the successful case is not publicized, then also there is a danger because the devotees may sit quite thinking that such practical achievement is impossible for anybody. As long as you are trying for perfection, God will not touch you with the test. Once you stop in your effort, God will test you and test may be either for your sake or for the sake of public.

    You may say that God already knows whether you are a successful case or a case of failure in the test and hence there is no need of test from God. The test is not required for God. The test is required for the souls. If you are a case of failure, you must know that, so that you will be aware of your actual position in the spiritual journey. You may be thinking high of yourself and the test will reveal the truth so that you will put the effort from the step on which you are actually standing. If you are a case of success, then also the test is to be conducted for the sake of others to see and take you as an example. Therefore, the test is required in both the cases. The case of failure is tested for the sake of the tested soul and such test is not for the public. The case of success is tested for the sake of public. God will not test the case which is not at all involved in the spiritual journey. When you have not joined the institution for study, where is the point of conducting test?

    At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

    Anil Antony
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 06:57:24 AM »
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  • An eye opening article! Very Very True!

    Being Evil or to have a sense of false pride to be divine, Both are dangerous on spiritual journey! God can show at any time, what is our reality or where we stand, He can't be played with any trick. He knows all being omniscient!

    Thanks for sharing!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 08:07:07 PM »
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  • An eye opening article! Very Very True!

    Being Evil or to have a sense of false pride to be divine, Both are dangerous on spiritual journey! God can show at any time, what is our reality or where we stand, He can't be played with any trick. He knows all being omniscient!

    Thanks for sharing!

    om sri sai ram!

    Business Mentality of people to God

    No form is God because God is unimaginable (Aroopa vadevahi... Bramhasutra). Veda also says the same (Aroopamavyayam). Due to this point, people escape the practical service, which is expensive. They are prepared to spend their physical and mental energy in their leisure time when there is no possibility of any earning. Instead of wasting the physical and mental energy in the activities, which do not involve in earning in any way, they like to divert these two forms of energy to God by moving around God (Pradakshinam) and by praying to God through prayers so that God may help their earning. Hence, only the point of earning is again involved here also.

     Thus, the process of earning is continuous without any gap in the case of these people. Their love to God is instrumental only. Even if they spend some money to the works of God, it is done again on the basis of business only. They invest some money for God and aspire for the same money multiplied from God. Thus the practical service is purely business and in this business, it is immaterial whether God is formless or with form. Since practical service is not possible in the case of formless God, these businessmen choose God with form. Again for these people, it is immaterial whether God is in the form of a statue or in human form. Their requirement is that the form must have the potency to return their money multiplied.

    Some people doubt the return of money and hence spend their physical and mental energy only in leisure for God formless or with any form. Some people fix themselves in formless God only so that their mind will never bend to the possibility of practical service since the formless God can never be practically served. Some extreme people of this type feel that they are God so that they serve themselves practically. Such people do not donate food to anybody else and feel that they are feeding God while eating the food. Before eating the food they read the verse of Gita, which says that the food is given to God (Bramhaparnam...).

    Some of these people worship statues because a statue can never accept your practical service. They donate food to the statue and eat it as the leftover remains (Prasadam). Everything is leftover since nothing was eaten by statue and it is a wonder that they call it as remains! All these are various channels of greedy psychologies of human beings, which are projected as sacrifice by their intellectual hypocrisy.

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #3 on: October 24, 2009, 04:33:13 AM »
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  • people escape the practical service, which is expensive. They are prepared to spend their physical and mental energy in their leisure time when there is no possibility of any earning. Instead of wasting the physical and mental energy in the activities, which do not involve in earning in any way, they like to divert these two forms of energy to God by moving around God (Pradakshinam) and by praying to God through prayers so that God may help their earning. Hence, only the point of earning is again involved here also.

    Yes, Under the effect of delusion, We waste energy, Buddha says to preserve energy for higher goals of life even it is through eyes or listening or even thinking, But We love to enjoy worldly beauty whether it is a structure of five main elements base human body, or human created objects. Love to involve in worthless gossips, Love to hear bad about others, to complain about others, to prove all are wrong.

    Their love to God is instrumental only

    Yes, We love God for our means only with very few exceptions. In all businesses of life, whether it is monetary or otherwise. We love God until our wish is granted, after that lost in blessed Gift and start ignoring Giver. That’s Why Kunti asked Krishna to bless her with sorrows during whole life So that She could never forget Lord!

    Some of these people worship statues because a statue can never accept your practical service. They donate food to the statue and eat it as the leftover remains (Prasadam). Everything is leftover since nothing was eaten by statue and it is a wonder that they call it as remains! All these are various channels of greedy psychologies of human beings, which are projected as sacrifice by their intellectual hypocrisy.

    Yes, Statue don’t eat any thing But if Devotion is true, God in the form of statue accept Prasad. If devotee is just as pure and firm as Dhanna Jatt.

    May Sai bless all to be on right path and live in the heart of all beloved devotees forever!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #4 on: October 24, 2009, 08:30:01 AM »
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  • people escape the practical service, which is expensive. They are prepared to spend their physical and mental energy in their leisure time when there is no possibility of any earning. Instead of wasting the physical and mental energy in the activities, which do not involve in earning in any way, they like to divert these two forms of energy to God by moving around God (Pradakshinam) and by praying to God through prayers so that God may help their earning. Hence, only the point of earning is again involved here also.

    Yes, Under the effect of delusion, We waste energy, Buddha says to preserve energy for higher goals of life even it is through eyes or listening or even thinking, But We love to enjoy worldly beauty whether it is a structure of five main elements base human body, or human created objects. Love to involve in worthless gossips, Love to hear bad about others, to complain about others, to prove all are wrong.

    Their love to God is instrumental only

    Yes, We love God for our means only with very few exceptions. In all businesses of life, whether it is monetary or otherwise. We love God until our wish is granted, after that lost in blessed Gift and start ignoring Giver. That’s Why Kunti asked Krishna to bless her with sorrows during whole life So that She could never forget Lord!

    Some of these people worship statues because a statue can never accept your practical service. They donate food to the statue and eat it as the leftover remains (Prasadam). Everything is leftover since nothing was eaten by statue and it is a wonder that they call it as remains! All these are various channels of greedy psychologies of human beings, which are projected as sacrifice by their intellectual hypocrisy.

    Yes, Statue don’t eat any thing But if Devotion is true, God in the form of statue accept Prasad. If devotee is just as pure and firm as Dhanna Jatt.

    May Sai bless all to be on right path and live in the heart of all beloved devotees forever!

    om sri sai ram!

    Controlling thoughts to divert the mind to the right path is Pratyahara.

    The person becomes fully healthy and attains mental peace by the control of thoughts (chittavrutti Nirodhah….Yoga Sutra).  The thought is controlled so that it is diverted from the world to use it in the direction of devotion (Vyavasayatmika…Gita).  A horse is controlled by the owner so that it will not have freedom to go as it likes in the wrong directions.  Therefore, controlling thoughts to divert the mind to the right path is Pratyahara. It is withdrawal of mind (Kurmonganiva….Gita) but not destruction of mind (Manolaya Yoga). The preachers are talking about the dissolution of thoughts which is equal to killing the horse.  By doing so the horse cannot be used in any direction.  The purpose is lost.

     One medicine to cure the tooth pain was advertised like this: by using this medicine you will never get pain for any tooth because this medicine will remove all the teeth from your mouth! Similarly, if you kill the mind, the problems and all worries have ended once for all.  By killing the horse, the problem in controlling it is solved forever!  Such a state in which the thoughts are dissolved and the mind is destroyed results in the state of a stone in human form.  You will become the statue of the human being carved in a stone! 

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #5 on: October 24, 2009, 09:07:14 AM »
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  • Pratyahara, Moving from Body to Mind. Controlling Senses, biggest obstacle in path of spiritual journey, Advance stage of Yoga in the journey of Soul! Control of thoughts, Thoughts being form of energy depend on state of mind and power of spirit. No matter how best Mobile Set is, If battery is not charged it won’t give best/desired results, similarly in absence of awaken spirit mind won’t be able to control thoughts and thoughts will keep on wondering in all directions. Spirit awaken only connecting with divine and holy name of lord or by grace of lord only just like to charge mobile set with supply of power. As per Zen when knowledge origins, thoughts starts weakens to arise and one begin towards attaining state of no thought. Thoughts fed by Pride/Ego, No “I” or complete surrender in lotus feet of sadguru takes life to higher path!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #6 on: October 24, 2009, 09:10:33 PM »
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  • Pratyahara, Moving from Body to Mind. Controlling Senses, biggest obstacle in path of spiritual journey, Advance stage of Yoga in the journey of Soul! Control of thoughts, Thoughts being form of energy depend on state of mind and power of spirit. No matter how best Mobile Set is, If battery is not charged it won’t give best/desired results, similarly in absence of awaken spirit mind won’t be able to control thoughts and thoughts will keep on wondering in all directions. Spirit awaken only connecting with divine and holy name of lord or by grace of lord only just like to charge mobile set with supply of power. As per Zen when knowledge origins, thoughts starts weakens to arise and one begin towards attaining state of no thought. Thoughts fed by Pride/Ego, No “I” or complete surrender in lotus feet of sadguru takes life to higher path!

    om sri sai ram!

    Importance of Jnana Yoga for Attaining Salvation

    Jnana Yoga means recognition of the Lord in human form in your human generation. Such recognition can be misled by several factors of ignorance. The real diamond is mixed with several artificial diamonds. To eliminate the real diamond from all the other artificial diamonds requires knowledge of the real diamond and also the knowledge of artificial diamonds (Jnana Yoga). Thus there are several fraud incarnations in this world and only one real human incarnation exists.

    As the real diamond is recognized by its total multiple internal reflections of light in various angles, similarly the real incarnation is recognized by the various reflections of the internal knowledge in various angles. Such knowledge is called as Prajnanam, which is special to the Lord only and is not possible for others. The other scholars can have only the knowledge learnt from books, which is called as Jnanam. The refractive index of diamond is very high by which the real diamond is recognized. Similarly by the special knowledge (Prajnanam) the real human incarnation is recognized. By such special knowledge you will be liberated from all the worldly bonds and that is the salvation. Coming close to the Lord in human form is called Sayujyam and Kaivalyam. Thus you can attain both the benefits i.e., Moksha (Salvation) and also Sayujyam (Becoming close to the Lord) and Kaivalyam (becoming one with the Lord, which means that whatever you wish the Lord will have the same wish or vice versa).

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 12:23:33 AM »
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  • Jnana Yoga means recognition of the Lord in human form in your human generation. Such recognition can be misled by several factors of ignorance. The real diamond is mixed with several artificial diamonds. To eliminate the real diamond from all the other artificial diamonds requires knowledge of the real diamond and also the knowledge of artificial diamonds (Jnana Yoga). Thus there are several fraud incarnations in this world and only one real human incarnation exists.

    Jnana Yoga, Great, I was expecting Mind to Soul, But now moving one step ahead, coming out of self mind to the mind of universe. Knowledge is endless, But what we adopt, it matters. A river can contain various tastes, what place we stand to drink will effect where we will lead.

    Thus there are several fraud incarnations in this world and only one real human incarnation exists.

    I just love Bruce Lees Theory on Yin and Yang only God and Devil (upto wish of Lord under Delusion) are Pure, other all Divine contains Evil and all Evil contains Divine. Nothing is real, Divine can turn into evil, evil into divine, When it is only matter of time.

    Jnanam is to set the mind for knowledge by studying, Prajnanam to gain for spiritual knowledge i.e. beyond study, But Baba said knowledge is of no use, if can’t be implemented. Divine knowledge is next to these i.e. gained only by blessings of lord only, transformation from lord master to it’s devotee student.

    Bond always exist, If bond with material relations ends, It gets generated with lord himself only with one clause for devotion and complete surrender and then no difference left between bhagwan and bhakat like Shri Ram and Hanuman Ji, Shri Krishna and Meera!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #8 on: October 25, 2009, 06:43:22 AM »
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  • Jnana Yoga means recognition of the Lord in human form in your human generation. Such recognition can be misled by several factors of ignorance. The real diamond is mixed with several artificial diamonds. To eliminate the real diamond from all the other artificial diamonds requires knowledge of the real diamond and also the knowledge of artificial diamonds (Jnana Yoga). Thus there are several fraud incarnations in this world and only one real human incarnation exists.

    Jnana Yoga, Great, I was expecting Mind to Soul, But now moving one step ahead, coming out of self mind to the mind of universe. Knowledge is endless, But what we adopt, it matters. A river can contain various tastes, what place we stand to drink will effect where we will lead.

    Thus there are several fraud incarnations in this world and only one real human incarnation exists.

    I just love Bruce Lees Theory on Yin and Yang only God and Devil (upto wish of Lord under Delusion) are Pure, other all Divine contains Evil and all Evil contains Divine. Nothing is real, Divine can turn into evil, evil into divine, When it is only matter of time.

    Jnanam is to set the mind for knowledge by studying, Prajnanam to gain for spiritual knowledge i.e. beyond study, But Baba said knowledge is of no use, if can’t be implemented. Divine knowledge is next to these i.e. gained only by blessings of lord only, transformation from lord master to it’s devotee student.

    Bond always exist, If bond with material relations ends, It gets generated with lord himself only with one clause for devotion and complete surrender and then no difference left between bhagwan and bhakat like Shri Ram and Hanuman Ji, Shri Krishna and Meera!

    om sri sai ram!

    Spiritual Knowledge Vs Religious Knowlege

    Knowledge is of two types. Simply hearing the greatness and qualities of the Lord belongs to the plane of mind only and this is the religious knowledge. By such knowledge, you will develop devotion to the Lord. Such knowledge is like fertilizer to grow the plant (devotion). But doubts and repulsions caused by jealousy and egoism are like insects, which attack the plant. The fertilizer cannot kill the insects. Therefore, the plant does not grow and does not become strong. When the Lord conduct tests, this plant falls on the earth by the powerful wind. If the insects are killed the plant will become a huge strong tree and will not even shake. Only pesticide can kill the insects. This pesticide is the spiritual knowledge, which alone can kill the insects. Both the fertilizer and the pesticide are chemicals. Thus, both religious and spiritual knowledge belong to Jnana Yoga only. Both should simultaneously exist as said in Gita (Bodhayantah Parasparam, Kathayantascha…).

    Bodha refers to spiritual knowledge and Katha refers to religious knowledge. When the qualities of Krishna were heard by Rukmini from sage Narada, she developed devotion by such religious knowledge. The good qualities and the beauty of the Lord are the religious knowledge, which attracted her. But she also heard that Krishna was a thief of butter and danced with Gopikas in Brundavanam during nights. This is the bacterial insect that attacks the devotion. Sage Narada gave her the spiritual knowledge also, which killed the insect. She came to know that Gopikas were sages, who requested the Lord for liberation from all worldly bonds like money, husband etc. By steeling the butter, their bond with money was cut. By attracting their minds through dance, their bonds with their husbands were cut. Krishna never repeated this anywhere with anybody. Since, their bonds were cut, He never returned back to Brundavanam and never repeated this with Gopikas. The Lord inside the body of Krishna is Infinite Ocean of bliss and does not require any external object for receiving happiness. Thus, the religious knowledge belongs to the external human body only and this spiritual knowledge belongs to the eternal Lord present in the body.

    The external human body perishes like the shirt, but internal Lord is eternal like the person who wears the shirt. Religious knowledge belong to “flesh” or the human body (Manusheem Tanum….) and the spiritual knowledge belongs to the “God” or the Lord who entered the human body (Asritam..). Unless we have the knowledge of both, the external and internal items, your devotion cannot be eternal. God or Lord is the name of the internal item. Jesus, Krishna etc., is the name of the external human body. These, external names are given only when those bodies appeared. But the name of internal item, which is God or Lord, existed even before those bodies appeared. The name, which generated along with the generation of a human body, must end when the body perishes. But the eternal name continuous forever. If this spiritual knowledge is understood, all the quarrels between all the religions will disappear.

    For the generation of the devotion, the external body and its qualities are required like the fertilizer. If you put the pesticide without the fertilizer, the seed is killed without any germination. Similarly, if you develop only the spiritual knowledge without the religious knowledge, there is no devotion in your heart. The unimaginable God can never develop devotion in your mind. You cannot even think about God. You can never serve the God. Therefore, the devotion can never be generated. The seed will never germinate. The Advita scholars have lot of pesticide but not even a trace of fertilizer. The seed of devotion is killed by such pesticide and therefore they can never enjoy the fruit of the tree finally. Gita is a mixture of both fertilizer and pesticide. Upanishads are pesticide (Nirgunam). Ramayanam, Bhagavatam etc., are the fertilizer (Sagunam). Both are equally important. Without religious knowledge the devotion can never be even generated and without the spiritual knowledge the devotion can never grow. Therefore, it is meaningless to think of the importance of devotion without the help of knowledge. Sankara stressed on the knowledge and Ramanuja stressed on devotion. Both are equally important and essential.

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #9 on: October 25, 2009, 09:56:34 AM »
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  • To gain knowledge blessings of lord is must. If not transformed without Grace of lord knowledge is restricted to words, meaning not entered into brain of recipient. As Chinese says, “Master appears only when student is ready”. Sometimes to be ready, It takes several births, Lots of experiences. Master can not be called, can not be approached at wish, unprepared mind can not hold the knowledge. In spiritual journey worldly knowledge is of no use. One has to go beyond, Has to face many obstacles, pass many tests, first to defeat himself, then to understand illusion of world and then play of delusion.

    For the generation of the devotion, the external body and its qualities are required like the fertilizer. If you put the pesticide without the fertilizer, the seed is killed without any germination. Similarly, if you develop only the spiritual knowledge without the religious knowledge, there is no devotion in your heart.   

    If religious knowledge is restricted, than spiritual knowledge alone can take on advance path where there is no difference in spiritual and religious knowledge. Devotion is not linked to knowledge, it is not to do anything with present age, Good deeds of past lives reflects in a devotee at very early age.  Knowledge can not make each one devotee, but devotion certainly brings all knowledge to devotee (Not the one who approaches the lord for worldly blessings like love, job, health, wealth, name, fame…..etc., But one who comes to lord for lord himself, who love only Lord).

    The unimaginable God can never develop devotion in your mind. You cannot even think about God. You can never serve the God. Therefore, the devotion can never be generated.

    Very True, Imagination is must, even in the form of light or super energy, one who is not able to get into shape of lord in human form or Just in the divine name of the Lord!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #10 on: October 25, 2009, 10:47:03 AM »
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    SAI  RAM

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #11 on: October 25, 2009, 10:58:39 PM »
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  • To gain knowledge blessings of lord is must. If not transformed without Grace of lord knowledge is restricted to words, meaning not entered into brain of recipient. As Chinese says, “Master appears only when student is ready”. Sometimes to be ready, It takes several births, Lots of experiences. Master can not be called, can not be approached at wish, unprepared mind can not hold the knowledge. In spiritual journey worldly knowledge is of no use. One has to go beyond, Has to face many obstacles, pass many tests, first to defeat himself, then to understand illusion of world and then play of delusion.

    For the generation of the devotion, the external body and its qualities are required like the fertilizer. If you put the pesticide without the fertilizer, the seed is killed without any germination. Similarly, if you develop only the spiritual knowledge without the religious knowledge, there is no devotion in your heart.  

    If religious knowledge is restricted, than spiritual knowledge alone can take on advance path where there is no difference in spiritual and religious knowledge. Devotion is not linked to knowledge, it is not to do anything with present age, Good deeds of past lives reflects in a devotee at very early age.  Knowledge can not make each one devotee, but devotion certainly brings all knowledge to devotee (Not the one who approaches the lord for worldly blessings like love, job, health, wealth, name, fame…..etc., But one who comes to lord for lord himself, who love only Lord).

    The unimaginable God can never develop devotion in your mind. You cannot even think about God. You can never serve the God. Therefore, the devotion can never be generated.

    Very True, Imagination is must, even in the form of light or super energy, one who is not able to get into shape of lord in human form or Just in the divine name of the Lord!

    om sri sai ram!

    The true divine knowledge

    The true knowledge is like fire that removes the mental impurity
    The false knowledge is like water that removes external impurity
    Gita says that the divine knowledge is like fire and burns ignorance
    Which is turned into ash “Jnanaagnih”, when the tree is burnt

    It cannot rise again from the ash, the previous messenger told
    That Jesus will baptize by the fire, which means divine knowledge.
    People pray the Lord and ask Him to grant a particular thing only
    They do not give any freedom to the Lord since they feel themselves
    As scholars and decide their own welfare and do not allow the Lord

    Such people are the lowest category and will dip in the ocean of misery
    The middle class devotees give partial freedom to the Lord by praying
    That the Lord can give anything but that should be good to them
    They gave freedom to the Lord to select any item from the list of
    Good things, but He should not touch the list of the bad items.

    The highest class of devotees pray the Lord that He should grant
    Anything whether good or bad but it should please the Lord.

    Jesus prayed in the last minutes before His arrest by the soldiers
    That the will of the Lord should only happen, which means that
    The will of the Lord always pleases the Lord and hence it should happen
    Even if the will is the crucification, Jesus invited it and felt happy
    Because the happiness of the Lord can alone be his happiness
    Therefore Oh Mother! Pray the Lord to do whatever He pleases
    If He is pleased in returning your son, let Him do so
    If He is pleased in retaining your son, let Him also do the same
    Then you will be considered as the top class devotee and
    You will be granted His permanent place called as Brahmaloka

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #12 on: October 25, 2009, 10:59:35 PM »
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  • Total surrender to God

    The total surrender of your self is possible if you know that you are a tiny part of His movable property.  A goat is a part of the movable property of the butcher.  Every drop of the blood and every bit of the flesh is the property of the butcher only.  The butcher is going to enjoy the entire flesh and blood of the goat and therefore there is no individuality for the goat.  Similarly, every atom of your gross body and every wave of the energy in your gross body belong to the God. All your qualities (subtle body) and your entire pure awareness (soul or causal body) belong to God only.  Hence, total surrender of your self is the complete justice (Tameva Sharanam Gachcha….Gita).  To signify this concept, the Lord is called as Pashupati or the owner of the souls, which are like the animals.

    Offline saib

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #13 on: October 26, 2009, 12:03:46 AM »
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  • Total surrender to God

    The total surrender of your self is possible if you know that you are a tiny part of His movable property.  A goat is a part of the movable property of the butcher.  Every drop of the blood and every bit of the flesh is the property of the butcher only.  The butcher is going to enjoy the entire flesh and blood of the goat and therefore there is no individuality for the goat.  Similarly, every atom of your gross body and every wave of the energy in your gross body belong to the God. All your qualities (subtle body) and your entire pure awareness (soul or causal body) belong to God only.  Hence, total surrender of your self is the complete justice (Tameva Sharanam Gachcha….Gita).  To signify this concept, the Lord is called as Pashupati or the owner of the souls, which are like the animals.

    Total Surrender of God

    It is not always devotee, who surrender to God, But God too surrender to devotee. This is most beautiful relation between devotee and his lord. Whether It is Bhakat Prahlad, Dharuv, Dhanna, Meera, Ravidas, Namdev………………..there is long list. God never let his devotee lose his identity if devotee surrender completely in lotus feet of Lord. But, Merge his identity into identity of his beloved devotee. Sai Baba too says he can even give his head for those who love him more than their lives. Just to maintain Law of Karma, He himself bear the effect of Bad Deeds of his beloved devotee in process of purification of divine soul to merge into his holy feet. Some might call it as Leela of lord. But, This pure and divine relation cannot be understood with worldly wisdom.

    As Per Shridmad Bhagavatam:

    aham bhakta-paradhino
    hy asvatantra iva dvija sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo
    bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah

    Lord Says, “I am completely under the control of My devotees. Indeed, I am not at all independent. Because My devotees are completely devoid of material desires, I sit only within the cores of their hearts. What to speak of My devotee, even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me.”

    Even Mahavishnu said to Durvaasa when  Durvaasa approached Lord to protect him from Sudarshana Chakra which appeared to protect King (Great Devotee) Ambareesha “this is beyond my power too. I can bear with any wrong done to me. But the wrong done to my devotees is un- pardonable. I am under the control of my devotees. It is my duty to rush to their help when they call me. Now there is nothing that I can do. Listen to me, Durvaasa," He continued, "Strength comes from penance and knowledge.It should be used for doing well to others. If it is misused either for satisfying one's ego or for harming others, the harm will turn back on the user him. Now you go to Ambareesha and seek protection. Only he can save you."

    All is Sai! Sai is All!

    om sri sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline dattaswami

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    Re: Tests of God
    « Reply #14 on: October 26, 2009, 03:44:38 AM »
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  • Total surrender to God

    Total Surrender of God

    It is not always devotee, who surrender to God, But God too surrender to devotee. This is most beautiful relation between devotee and his lord. Whether It is Bhakat Prahlad, Dharuv, Dhanna, Meera, Ravidas, Namdev………………..there is long list. God never let his devotee lose his identity if devotee surrender completely in lotus feet of Lord. But, Merge his identity into identity of his beloved devotee. Sai Baba too says he can even give his head for those who love him more than their lives. Just to maintain Law of Karma, He himself bear the effect of Bad Deeds of his beloved devotee in process of purification of divine soul to merge into his holy feet. Some might call it as Leela of lord. But, This pure and divine relation cannot be understood with worldly wisdom.

    As Per Shridmad Bhagavatam:

    aham bhakta-paradhino
    hy asvatantra iva dvija sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo
    bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah

    Lord Says, “I am completely under the control of My devotees. Indeed, I am not at all independent. Because My devotees are completely devoid of material desires, I sit only within the cores of their hearts. What to speak of My devotee, even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me.”

    Even Mahavishnu said to Durvaasa when  Durvaasa approached Lord to protect him from Sudarshana Chakra which appeared to protect King (Great Devotee) Ambareesha “this is beyond my power too. I can bear with any wrong done to me. But the wrong done to my devotees is un- pardonable. I am under the control of my devotees. It is my duty to rush to their help when they call me. Now there is nothing that I can do. Listen to me, Durvaasa," He continued, "Strength comes from penance and knowledge.It should be used for doing well to others. If it is misused either for satisfying one's ego or for harming others, the harm will turn back on the user him. Now you go to Ambareesha and seek protection. Only he can save you."

    All is Sai! Sai is All!

    om sri sai ram!

    O imaginable (devoted soul)!

    Read this poem assuming Me as the actor in the role of God
    When I am acting in a role, I cannot speak as actor
    In such case, the rules of the stage get violated as you know
    Hence, I am forced to speak the dialogue of the role only
    My weakness is that I identify Myself in the role deeply.
    I do not know whether I am the original God, the actor,
    Acting in the role of the human being as incarnation
    Or whether I am the original human being, the actor,
    Acting in the role of God, take “As you like it”.
    It is up to you to take Me as God in the human role
    Or you may take Me as human being in the role of God
    I am speaking the following six poems as God only
    In first case actor speaks, In second the role speaks.
    “This entire creation has only a single aim, no other aim
    That single aim is to entertain Me for my pleasure always
    You are an iota of this infinite universe, then can there be
    A separate aim for your existence and life? Realize this.
    You have forgotten Me completely and the real aim also
    Some of your brothers say that I do not exist at all!
    Some accept Me but not in this present human form
    They accept Me in energetic body or statue representation.
    You are surrounded by some souls interacting with you
    Such interactions developed bonds with different intensities
    Like family, parents, relatives, caste, religion, Nationality etc.
    But remember that all these are souls only like yourself.
    When you cannot uplift your self, it is proved that
    A soul cannot uplift any other soul from this world
    Then, why this blind love on the souls or other items
    Existing in this creation? The end is endless misery only.

    Of course, I cannot also uplift you in anyway if I am
    A human being only acting in the imposed role of God
    But I can certainly uplift and protect you always
    Here and there if I am God in the role of human being.

    Therefore, you cannot generalize that all the souls
    Are inefficient to protect the soul, there is exception
    God coming in the form of a soul into this world
    Protects all the souls if you surrender with full faith”.

    With these six poems, the divine message of God ends,
    But I want to put before you the mental struggle I have
    It is a constant debate of My thoughts about Myself only
    You are My closest, hence I reveal My heart openly.

    Whenever I speak like God, I fear about the new audience
    They may not digest and may also drag My closest devotees
    Who can digest My statement “I am really the God
    Who came down in this human form, surrender to Me only”.

    I like to speak that I am God, even though I am sure that
    I am not God and that I am an ordinary human being only.
    I get immense pleasure when some innocents are trapped
    And praise Me “You are God and we  surrender to you”.

    Like this Krishna told Arjuna only and not any one
    I think that Arjuna was trapped terribly by Krishna
    The mind of Arjuna was very weak with extreme sorrow
    You know, a weak mind can be easily and strongly trapped.

    Gopikas were trapped by Krishna in unimaginable manner
    So that they never became normal, always were mad
    Perhaps the miracles shown by Krishna trapped them
    But I wonder how they never tried to exploit super power.

    Whenever miracles are exhibited, they indicate super power
    Krishna is the oil well and super power is the oil
    The scientists are always in search of the power to tap
    The devotes also search for tapping the super power.

    The power is useful in several industrial applications
    The super power is useful in several selfish problems
    Gopikas never tried in this line, does it not mean that
    They never identified Krishna through these miracles?

    Krishna never gave the divine knowledge to them
    Then how they identified Him and became so mad?
    Hanuman also identified Rama in the similar way
    I think Gopikas and Hanuman were liberated souls.

    Therefore, for a liberated soul who accompanied God
    To participate in His divine mission in this world
    There is no need of any proof like knowledge or miracle
    They can never forget God in any atmosphere.

    Jesus told that the devotees who believe Him
    Without any proof are really blessed souls.
    But in that case proof means the miracle only
    Since the doubting Thomas heard His knowledge.

    This means that the liberated souls are also divided
    In to various levels, topers need no proof at all.
    The sages recognized Krishna as the Lord through
    The Gita only, since they also possess super powers.

    Gopikas and Hanuman required neither the knowledge
    Nor miracles as proof for the Lord in human form
    Hanuman has both the knowledge and super powers.
    Gopikas were also having both since they were sages.

    Hence the Lord neither showed miracles nor preached
    Hanuman or Gopikas, they are the real gold medalists!
    Arjuna required both knowledge and miracles to believe
    He heard Gita and also desired for Viswarupa-Vision.

    Udanka was a sage and not convinced with Krishna
    When Krishna explained him, he required the miracle
    To believe Krishna as Lord through the Viswarupa-Vision
    This means that even a top devotee may fall down.

    Sage Vyasa was thinking himself as the incarnation
    In fact, he was Kalavatara having the grace of God
    He has some super powers as any other sage
    He confirmed Krishna as God through the Gita only.

    All these are either liberated souls or devoted souls
    Liberated soul is already blessed with the highest fruit.
    The devoted soul who believed the Lord somehow
    Is also going to be blessed through self less service.

    Draupadi believed the Lord when His super power helped her
    In a serious problem when her sari was dragged out
    She believed only after using super power in problem
    At the end she lost all her children getting useless kingdom.

    Dhrutarashtra believed the Lord through the vision
    But never did practically any thing of His request
    Krishna requested just for five villages from him
    He did not listen due to the blind love on his son.

    Duryodhana received the knowledge and also vision
    But every thing was a waste like the scent poured in ash
    Truth should be revealed in various degrees to people
    Who are in various levels corresponding to the truth.

    I am very sure that you believe Me as God only
    Your belief is that I am the God acting in the human role
    I do not have any doubt about the faith you have in Me
    But I doubt about Myself being really the God.

    Therefore, there is risk in your belief about Me as God
    You might have been mislead in this particular aspect
    You know some times people who are excellent in all
    May be mislead in some negligible and simple aspect.

    Newton was a very great scientist with hectic logic
    He made big hole for big cat and small hole for small cat
    The small cat went through both the holes to drink milk
    See how such a scientist did not have simple common sense!

    People have praised this divine knowledge coming out
    From My mouth and then I started analyzing the truth
    I also felt that this divine knowledge is wonderful
    I started doubting whether God entered My body.

    For a short period of two years, some miracles also
    Came out from Me spontaneously and very frequently
    But I never attached any significance to miracles only
    Since demons also do miracles blessed by God.

    Actually miracles are also the super powers of God only
    But God gives His super powers to devotees also
    Hence we should not depend on miracles only
    To identify God since they are found else where also.

    Miracles are like the jewels of the king which can be
    Donated to anyone he likes, therefore the jewels
    Cannot necessarily indicate the king since they are found
    With other people also who were favored by the king.

    Of course, there is one ornament that lies with king only
    That is the power of creation etc. of this infinite universe.
    Therefore, Arjuna asked for such crown only as the test
    To see and decide whether Krishna is the king or not.

    Krishna expressed the Viswarupam to the divine eyes
    Because the normal eyes cannot tolerate that vision.
    Here also the creation of world cannot be actually done
    In which case all the souls disappear before creation.
    Only the vision is possible for this single miracle
    If the vision is thought as an illusion only
    Every thing has gone, no other way for this miracle
    Since world including you has to disappear
    Before the creation of it, you cannot grasp this.

    Even such cosmic vision came out from Me on one day
    Which happened to be the Guru Purnima, on that day
    I spoke the message and stood suddenly for a few minutes
    The cosmic vision was seen by two devotees simultaneously.

    I do not know whether that was a real vision given by Me
    Or whether it was an illusion of those two devotees
    Anyway even if the vision was true, it must be illusion only
    Since this miracle cannot be performed in true sense.

    But still I wonder how I asked only those two devotees
    To explain the common vision they have received then
    How could I ask only those two in the crowd of devotees?
    Yes, that was really a miracle of God hiding in Me!

    But the divine knowledge could not be ruled out
    Even by Me because I my self read it later on
    Veda says that the special divine knowledge alone
    Can be the real and main sign of human incarnation.

    There is a valid reason for the validity of such sign
    It should be the main sign of God in human form
    The reason is that the main aim of God to come down
    Is only to guide devotees in the correct spiritual path.

    Guidance means only the delivery of true knowledge
    Hence the true knowledge can only be the main sign
    Gita, Bible, Q’ran etc., are the main signs of God
    Who came as Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad etc.

    The quality of this divine knowledge that flows always
    Like the sweet fragrance that comes out from Me some times
    Indicates the existence of God in Me, hence I must be
    The human incarnation, this means God in human body.

    But the Rajas and Tamas come out from Me in climax
    These two bad qualities may be My inherent characteristics
    Therefore, in such case I must be the worst person
    Posing as God, cheating people in fond of praise.
    Again I doubt whether these two are exhibited by Me
    By the will of Lord Datta present in Me to test devotees
    He is the possessor of the three qualities indicating
    The three heads of the three basic divine forms.

    He created the three qualities, Sattvam, standing for Vishnu
    Rajas stands for Brahma and Tamas stands for Shiva
    He plays with the three qualities always in this world
    Rajas and Tamas drive away the undeserving devotees.
    Thus, I am always confused to conclude whether the God
    Hiding in Me exhibits Rajas and Tamas or whether
    Both these are My own inherent qualities which are
    Misinterpreted by Me like this to cover My defects.
    I am telling about My constant inner struggle to you
    So that you will analyze Me impartially without bias
    The only good quality that I possessed is that
    I am homogeneous in My mind, speech and action.
    When some devotees expressed their unimaginable love
    I conducted serious tests with horrible Rajas and Tamas
    Several ran away but a few stood with all firmness
    Their faith in Me is like the mighty Himalayan mountain.
    If all had run away, My problem would have been solved
    There is no need of this confusion since no body remains.
    Now My position is very critical, suppose I am not God
    What shall be the fate of these innocent firm devotees?
    Will Lord Yama punish Me severely charging Me
    That I have cheated the devotees? I shiver always
    Therefore, I am constantly warning these few devotees
    That there is risk in their belief as I may not be God.
    I will plead before Lord Yama like this “My Lord! hear Me
    With all patience since My case is very critical and delicate
    I was confused since the points on both sides are strong
    But still I warned them always about the possibility of risk”.

    I am therefore, informing you both about the entire truth
    I am unable to hide any trace of truth before you both
    I am seeing your most purest love on Me like this
    I am unable to cheat you as I have cheated here.
    I am neither telling “yes”  nor “No” to your firm belief
    Because I have both reasons equally standing strong
    I may be or I may not be, I am like the electron
    With dualistic nature of particle as well as wave.
    I may be God in the human form like that Krishna
    I may be the beloved son of God like that Jesus
    I may be the messenger of God  like that Mohammed
    But this divine knowledge is of God only, I am sure.
    How does it matter whether I am God or His beloved son
    Or His messenger? It is not the point of the hour
    If you propagate this true knowledge, God is pleased
    Therefore, I cannot stand between your self and God.
    But again the main point of this divine knowledge is clear that
    You have to find out the present alive human incarnation
    Once again the confusion is blown up because I may be
    That present alive human incarnation based on Vedic sign.
    The only strong point that is standing against My rejection is
    The best quality of this divine knowledge which is complete
    But some how I am not gaining the confidence to be God
    When I think like that, My body shivers and tongue dries.
    Again I do not know whether I am speaking like this
    To test your faith in Me if I happened to be Datta
    This brings another new confusion in the old confusion
    Please analyze Me, I may be biased to do the analysis.
    Even if no body calls him God, the Advaita Philosopher
    Shouts always claiming that he is God without doubt.
    Even though some people called Me as God, still I fear
    Because I know the value and sanctity of the Lord.

    However, this problem can be solved in one way if you try
    To find out whether any body is giving better knowledge
    In such case, such person will be the present incarnation
    But see that there is no risk in Him as seen in Me.
    I was not blown up when the devotees called Me as Datta
    I know the cycle tube bursts like bomb on more pumping
    I was very careful about the egoism-air pumped into Me
    But My doubt started only when I saw this wonderful knowledge.
    Since I helped you by passing on this divine knowledge
    So that you will be able to travel in the correct path.
    We shall help each other mutually for spiritual welfare
    Therefore, help Me by showing Me the present human God.
    If by your fortune, I happen to be really the absolute God
    Even Adisesha cannot describe your unimaginable fortune
    With thousand tongues, because I love all of you so much
    That I shall create sixteenth world for you above Goloka.
    « Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 03:47:02 AM by dattaswami »


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